Wolf Tech 6: The Pups

By Wolphin5

99.5K 5.7K 3.5K

The academy has been at the pack for almost their term of three decades. Tala, Adam and Brook's daughter, ha... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2 - Tommy's Friend
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 - Tom's Consequences
Chapter 13 - James vs Tom: Fight!
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18 - Full Moon
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27 - The Challenge
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 16 - Punishment Starts

3.1K 184 76
By Wolphin5

Smiles was glowering at her VR monitor. There wasn't anything wrong, she was just tired of, what did the humans call it? Oh, right, SSDD: same shit different day. She needed a break and that was it. She finally stood and walked into Kevin's office and plopped down in his lap, "You are going to take me on a vacation or else. I need a break or I will start eating the contracts."

When she stalked into his office and settled in his lap he could feel her discontent. After listening to her he gave her a light peck, "Fine, shall we see if Adam is up to having a few Folician's? A break sounds good and there isn't anything major on the calendar for the near future."

"Good or else. I want out of this place. Don't feel like going to New York for some meal. I want to get out in nature, relax, and maybe seduce a few wolves." By now the wolves had come to understand parts of the Folician culture. They still had some problems with the 'mated playing the field' but enough had accepted it so she could play and so could he if he wanted.

He started laughing, "I see how it is, need some new experiences? Tired of all the males around here? I'll call Adam or Zane shortly. Now go, avoid eating any contracts, and I'll let you know what is going to happen." When he nibbled on her neck she growled even as she started to melt into his arms, "I see how it is, time for a break I think." *Gloria, Smiles and I am busy. Give us a half hour and take care of the business.* He picked her up before carrying her around his desk and settling her down on the carpet, "This is what you get for issuing ultimatums to me." He drew her into a good kiss as he was working her robe open and let his fingers start exploring.


It was a week later when they appeared in Adam's office, "Thanks for letting us come up for a week. Smiles was needing a break and to be honest I did to. Work has been busy and our pups seem to have been going nuts. We dumped them on Gloria and Storm so we can relax and have fun." They settled down on a couch when Adam waved them towards it. Both had made sure to contact him via the communicator before they had transported over. Even after all these years, just appearing in his office was considered a bad idea.

Adam laughed, "I do keep the open-door for all the Folicans on the planet. I remember needing vacations from Tala, when she was young. Luckily, there were doting grandparents we could give them to. Your usual guest room is ready for you to enjoy our rustic accommodations." Several of the Folicans had commented on it, since they didn't have nanites running around doing all the tasks, and most of the controls were still push buttons on a touch screen.

"Right now, Tala and her team are visiting the other packs we have the closes ties to, so they can introduce the three new mates to them. The newest two are under-age, so it shows them that being part of the team is going to just be plain hard work, and to show them some different weres."

Kevin grinned, "I fully plan on enjoying it. Now that the four of you are comfortable with the communicators and they've shown not to cause problems they are considering expanding them some. Not the full package such as we have but access to the internet, making cell calls, basic controls for the rooms. You don't really need the nanite package flowing through your blood such as we have."

Smiles growled at him, "Talk business later. I'm going to go and soak my tail in some hot water." She knew their bags would be delivered to their room by the transporter. Her shield was already down and she paused outside and enjoyed the feel of the sun on her face and the clean breeze ruffling her hair. A slow smile crossed her face as she was starting to really relax.

Kevin watched her leave the office, "She needs a few minutes to relax. Work has been hectic and even Liraque need the occasional time alone. I might just go for a long walk and relax myself." He gave Adam and Brook a good hug before heading out of the office and the building. By the time he made it outside Smiles was gone though he could tell she was in the hot spring. After stretching and enjoying the sun and breeze much as she had, he started just wandering. He had been around much of the property but today he went in a direction he hadn't been before.

As he was walking around he came across a clearing and he had to pause. In the clearing was a number of dogs playing. He could immediately tell they weren't Were's. They just didn't have the feel of a Were. Kevin had heard of these dogs and seen Charlie when he was here but he was always shocked at the size of the animals. They were massive and from what he had seen damn intelligent. The dogs from Ray's family had passed a while back and he actually missed having them around. He had been thinking about getting a couple of rescue dogs and maybe a cat or two as well. He had grown up with pets and wanted some more.

"They're nice, aren't they?" Toby replied, walking up to Kevin, "I always love to come play with them when I have a minute, but if you start giving them attention, they might start come looking for it.

Several had come up to sniff at them, "As long as we stay out here, it is unlikely they will want to bond with you, although there are always the ones that have a mind of their own and will go how they want."

Kevin smiled at Toby, "Other than Charlie, Shelly, or Wolf, I haven't really seen much of them. We had a couple of dogs at the Enclave from Ray's family and a friend of his. They have since passed on. I was just thinking it might be time to see about getting a few rescue dogs and or cats. I miss them and so do the pups. The adult Folicians weren't sure about them, since they don't really have pets as we know them. Not saying these are pets but they are reminding me about the dogs." He almost wished he had one of these dogs since they were so smart and wonderful. He could imagine the little pups loving having one to play with.

Toby grinned, "That is kind of you to give the rescues a home. I can't understand people that don't enjoy pets. I love these guys, and the few times I have played with our cousin wolves—what you would call a 'real' wolf—as well." He could see a wistful look as he looked at their dogs, "If you would like to ask about one of these, you would have to ask the Alphas, as generally we don't sell these; they are donated or matched with someone."

"I know, I've talked to Adam before about them and understand. Either they adopt you or one is provided via the service animal charity you work with. Don't need one since I don't need protection, none of the Folicians do. All of us have the shipboard bracelets which give us an armour few if any of your weapons could penetrate." He shrugged as he was looking out over the field. As he was looking one dog came over and gave Toby a head butt before doing the same for Kevin before flopping down. He was panting and was obviously taking a break, "When I get some rescue dogs I might talk to Adam about sending them up here to be trained. That isn't a skill I have."

Toby bent to pet him a bit, "To them, a headbutt is equivalent to a hug, as they lack arms.Orwe could arrange a wolf to come down and train them, and you. Half the training is for the owners. Even with these guys."


Smiles walked into the green house and started to relax even more. This reminded her of the hot springs at the enclave and back at the temple she came from. What helped was she could actually see out the large windows. Since it was nice out, many of the windows were open, so she could smell the fresh air, too. Back at the Enclave it was all holograms. She loved those springs but even as complete as the holograms were, she knew they weren't real. Here she was in real nature. As she was removing her robes and underwear, several people called out greetings which she returned. After sliding into the water, she leaned back and sighed in contentment.

Beth walked in right after she did and smiled at Smiles as she started to relax, "Morning Smiles, decided it was time to take another vacation? Know the feeling. I'm thinking about going to the reservation for a week or two myself." She settled down next to Smiles and sighed in contentment. Now that she was older, and the wolves were out, everyone knew, and they had treated her with more reverence than the elders, till she put her foot down, and asked to be treated how they treated her before she was turned.

Smiles had seen Beth a number of times but hadn't been this close to her. Now that she was next to her she had to frown, "Beth, I don't know how much you have studied the Folician culture but you feel almost like a Liraque to me. What do you actually do for the wolves?"

Beth had paid a great deal of attention when the Folicians originally came out several years ago. When the information on the thumbdrive was spread out she had downloaded it and studied it. She had watched the fun at the U.N. as well, "I've studied the data you've provided Adam and on the thumb drive. What a Liraque is, is still somewhat vague other than they have some sort of empathy and work for your Goddess, or one of them. I'm what the wolves call a mind healer. I've been trained in medical and as a councillor but my primary job is to help those who have emotional and mental problems instead of the physical ones. Beyond that I can't say much since it would breach the privacy of my patients. Why do you ask?" She had been doing this job for years and wasn't sure why Smiles was asking; it was more of who she was than anything.

"I understand that since I have much the same restrictions. If I need to talk about my clients I can only do it with the senior Liraque for my temple or the Temple Mother. I'm asking since you are the first one we've come across who is similar to what we are. I should say amongst Weres. We have had a number of human's who have come up with the purple bracelets. We can talk more later. Frankly right now I just want to soak and let my tail get limp with relaxation."

"Interesting, I know of at least three other mind healers. We are very rare so I can understand why you haven't seen others. When I say three, I'm talking Western Canada. That is four, including me, out of several thousand Were's. Can't give you an exact number of Weres; you'd need to talk to Adam and Brook."

Beth smiled, "So have any plans for being up here? Other than soaking in the nice pools you can actually see nature from?"

Smiles laughed at Beth's teasing, "Get away from everything. I was getting ready to eat some contracts out of annoyance. If we were still here, I'd pull the 'alien ate the contracts' but that would be wrong. It's been a year and it was time to take a week off."

"Yah, I can see that not going over well. We had one kid try the 'wolf ate my homework' a couple of years ago. The elder who runs the schooling wasn't amused. What was so funny was the wolf had actually eaten the report." She had to laugh since she knew the boy. He was a good kid but wasn't good with book learning and hated school. He had put some peanut butter on a corner of it, then had gone to near where he knew the cousin-wolves were, and rested with the paper sitting out.

Smiles turned and stared at her before she started laughing. It was so wrong to hear that, "Oh man, that is so wrong yet so funny. Makes me think of when one wolf brought me a bunny as an invite to spend time with her. I wasn't amused having a dead rabbit dropped in my lap. I told her it would need to be skinned, gutted, and cooked before anything was considered." By now the single wolves understood the open relationships Folician's had. It had taken some time before they were really comfortable with it but by now they mostly understood. "The funny part is she picked it back up and an hour later was back with grilled rabbit!"

Beth gave her a side long look, "So I just need to cook a bunny for you? I'll keep that in mind." She still didn't have a mate and didn't expect to until she was well over a century old. Based on some reading she had done mind healers rarely found their mate until they were a century and a half old or even two centuries. It was due to the strain of the job and the need for privacy. It didn't bother her since she had several people she enjoyed spending time with. Rico was one since he didn't have a mate yet. Much like her, he wasn't worried about it. It would happen when it happened.

Smiles returned the look and grinned, "It would be a start as a bribe to spend time with me. If you want Kevin to join us it might need to be a bunny and a steak. Oh, and a double chocolate fudge cake." She didn't have a huge sweet tooth but chocolate was definitely something she would go for. Even with all the jokes about females and chocolate she didn't care, it rocked and that cake was the best.

When Smiles replied Beth started laughing, "I'll see about arranging it." She slipped down a bit further in the water as they kept talking. "Or maybe I'll arrange some elk..."


James spent the rest of the day thinking on the punishment. He had sent a wolf to pick up several of the red collars from the local pet supply store. The wolf had given him a weird look when he asked him to get ones that would fit him, but was reassured they weren't for him.

Adam had been helpful to figure out the punishments that Tom was going to have to do. It would either bring him back to be challenged again, or would make him change his ways, and be a respectful elder.

This was his third time to go see Tom in his cell. The last two times, he had yelled and snarled, so much that he couldn't discuss with him what was happening.

This time, when the heavy door was opened, just leaving a barred light door keeping Tom in the cell, he just glared; he was too tired to yell. "You lost the challenge, but out of respect, I didn't kill you." James stated calmly. "You will be spending your time in your suite for the next month. I have provided material on how when Alphas that have stepped down but tried to maintain their control have affected the pack. You will review them. You will be expected to show up for meals." Showing the collar in his hand he continued. "You will wear this anytime you are outside of your suite, to show the pack you are on punishment detail."

Tom growled tiredly. He was sick of being in this cage, and his wolf was nattering at him about giving up the power. "Fine." He said shortly, standing up slowly. "I will obey, Alpha." He had not been provided his clothes, not even some shorts, so he was still in his Were form.

James unlocked the door, and stepped in, clipping the collar around his neck. It stood out brightly against his black and dark grey fur. Tom slowly walked out of the cell, as two enforcers followed him and James, as they walked to his rooms. Tom kept his head high, ignoring the itch of the collar on his neck. He could take it off when he was in his room.

Reaching his room in the Elder wing, James opened the door for him, and Tom stepped inside.

As soon as the door clicked shut, Tom shifted to human and removed the collar with a snarl. Before he could tear it to bits, his wolf warned him, **If you do, it shows you won't respect the terms of being out of the cell. It is likely we will be put back, or worse...**

Hanging it from the inside of the handle, he stalked over to his shower, wanting to get clean, now that his wounds had time to heal. He refused to use the shower in the cell, as there was no privacy.


Later, there was a knock on the door. "Yes." Tom answered sullenly.

"Lunch is being served." The Enforcer answered plainly. He had never liked Tom; he always gave him jobs that he despised. Often it was to intimidate the lower ranks, to keep them 'in line' as Tom described it. He would rather have cuddled and comforted and protected them from harm. The low ranked had learned that, and had helped him by acting scared when he was around. He was glad it was no longer the case.

"Fine. Bring it to me here." Tom replied, and tried to close the door.

The enforcer stopped the door, "Alpha James' orders are for you to come join the pack for meals." He told the former-alpha. He really wanted to growl at him.

"And if don't feel like it?" Tom inquired. He really hated having to eat with the pack.

The enforcer shrugged, "Then you don't get any food."

"Fine!" Tom growled, "I'm not hungry anyways." He told the beta, slamming the door in his face.

He had little energy, so some more sleep would be good. He had found that his computer no longer had any games on it, not even the built-in ones could he access, nor did he have internet access. His phone only went to the Alpha's receptionist, so he couldn't even call out! His balcony's door had been screwed shut, and there was an alarm on it that on the outside, so he couldn't disarm it without tripping it.

He flopped on his bed, ignoring the papers and information for now. He could do it when he was rested.


When supper came around and the knock came, he was in wolf form. Wolf-Tom had pushed his human to sleep deeply. He was hungry. Wearing a red collar and eating with the pack was fine for him.

He barked, for them to open the door.

The Enforcer nodded and smiled, he could see the wolf in charge in his eyes. Tom's wolf was always reliable for help. "Need me to put the collar on?" he asked.

The wolf nodded.

The enforcer pulled the collar off the door handle and clipped it around the wolf's neck, who then padded out the door. Wolf-Tom knew why they were being punished, but right now, he wanted food.

The enforcer gave the wolf a large bowl that was heaped with meat. He got a gentle headbutt in thanks before he nearly inhaled it. The enforcer smiled, and refilled it with some more, after putting a bowl of water beside it.

A few wolves commented on it, and the enforcer shrugged. It was a few days from the full moon, and Alpha James was planning on letting Tom join in, if he was willing to take the place he was entitled to: the most junior Elder.


The next morning the ranch hands headed to the house for breakfast. When they walked in everyone was startled to find nothing had been started, no food was on the table, and no sign of their boss. The senior hand told them to remain in the dining area. He headed upstairs and tapped on her bedroom door. He didn't remember the last time she had over slept but once in a rare blue moon she had been sick. If she was sick they could take care of food and the chores.

When she didn't respond he knocked harder and listened to see if there was any sort of movement or sounds. From her room, there wasn't any sort of sound. As he was trying to decide what to do one of the other hands almost ran up the stairs and was looking pale and worried, "Ah told you to stay downstairs. What's tha rush?"

The hand held the note he'd found out, "She's been taken according to this note. I've called the police because of the note." When the other took the note, he waited for him to read it. The message had terrified him.

Zane isn't coming out to play so I'm upping the stakes. I've got the owner of this spread. If he doesn't post a message that he's a shithead and an overbearing ass with power issues, I'll keep her until she's pregnant. It'll be his fault if I have to rape her to ensure she will have a wolf pup. Call the cops and report this. Notes have been mailed to the paper where he is and to him. Might want to go and check on the girl. She's tied up in her room. Contrary to what Zane's opinion of me is I'd never have hurt a pup or anyone else. He caused this and he's going to pay.

They looked at each other and the senior hand opened the door to her room and the bed was a mess. The covers were mostly off the bed and some of her drawers were open and things missing, or so they assumed. It looked like mostly clothing but they didn't go to the second floor ever so they didn't know. With a second look, they ran down to the girl's room and jerked the door open. As the message had said the girl was tied up on her bed and had a gag in her mouth.

The young man hurried over and carefully removed the gag and ropes, "We's here for you sweetie. Police been called." She lunged at him and wrapped her arms around his neck as she started crying even more. She was crying hard enough she couldn't speak.

It took a bit of time before the highway patrol arrived due to the distance from the nearest station. With the officer was an ambulance in case it was needed. While he started talking to the men the Paramedics were checking the little girl out. She had messed her PJ's so one asked someone to get her some clean things. Once they were sure she wasn't injured and was only scared one Paramedic helped clean her up and change. The old clothing was bagged up for the police.

The drive to the nearest hospital took time but since she wasn't hurt they didn't call for an air-evac. The officer remained behind and started taking notes. While he was there several more patrol cars pulled up including a tracking dog. They spent most of the day there as they collected evidence and did their best to track the woman and who had taken her. They had seen the bulletins so they had loaded silver bullets. They didn't kill weres unless you hit them in a critical spot. They did slow down healing a great deal. If shot bad enough the rogue might bleed out before he healed enough.


Back at the pack house Zane had gone back to bed after talking to Liza. Once he woke he checked his e-mail to ensure Adam knew he was going to be delayed. At breakfast Leon and David noticed Zane and Kat were looking rather irritated, "Everything okay, Zane?" Leon asked. David was still having issues with Zane even with what Olivia and others had said. He was trying to work on it but it was going to be a long time to resolve it. Beth had introduced them to a mind healer from the states who was going to keep working with them. She had to head back with Zane and the others when they left.

Before he replied Zane ripped a chunk of barely browned meat off a leg bone and chomped it down, "The other turn victim woke early this morning. It looks like we're going to be here for a few more days. I want that bastard dead. Packed in dry ice, and delivered to the cave we have for rogues." He ripped another piece of meat off and started eating it.

Alonya moved behind Zane and wrapped her arms around his chest and leaned against his back while he was eating. She knew it would help him to relax to an extent, "He will be caught Zane and dealt with. Right now, focus on helping David and his friends and Liza. You are good at helping rogue turned wolves. Let the others find the rogue and deal with him." She rubbed her cheek against his hair and simply held him while he kept eating.

David watched Alonya comfort Zane and had to wonder what it was like to have such unconditional love. He knew Leon loved him and their roommates cared for him but he'd watched Olivia, Tessa, and now Alonya around Zane. There was something there which he just couldn't define about why they treated him the way they did. They respected him and it was obvious they did what he ordered but it wasn't mindless. He'd seen Olivia thump him, Tessa yell at him, and Alonya growl. It just didn't make sense to him. He wanted to ask but also didn't want to be yelled at or growled at.


At the gate to the property, the Police Chief's car pulled up, "I need to speak to the Alpha and Second Zane. There has been another incident I need to talk to him about." It was only a few moments later before the gate was opened. He was informed someone would be at the main door to escort him to the Alpha's office.

Kadrian was contacted by the guard and he could feel his eyes changing, *Mike, bring Zane to my office. It looks like there was another incident.* He knew Kat would come with him which wasn't a problem. Ester walked in moments later and settled down next to him at the conference table.

It only took a few moments before everyone walked into the room. When Kadrian waved them to the table they sat. Zane noticed the officer there and before he could control it he was starting to growl in anger, "What fucking happened now? Kat might just get the honour of dealing with him." His eyes showed he was on the edge of changing.

Kat's eyes flashed over to her wolf's as well and she was starting to growl. Kadrian returned the growl, "I'm not your Alpha now but I was, Zane. Control your wolf or I'll call Adam and have him deal with you. I know you're angry but in this state of mind you won't be able to do deal with the issue. This is what he wants, Zane. He wants you to become an unthinking monster." He used the term monster deliberately to try and snap him out of his anger.

Zane snarled again before forcing his wolf back. Before he managed to control his wolf he could feel the fur and claws growing and receding along his hands and arms. He didn't like the way Kadrian put it but it had done what he wanted. It forced Zane to back off from the edge of his fury, "Fine, what fucking happened?" He'd been swearing more than he ever had but he couldn't control it right now.

The sheriff pulled out a scanned copy of the note, "I'm sorry Second but this was left for you. The rogue kidnapped a woman and bound her child so she couldn't get help." He handed the letter over, "It happened about eighty miles from here."

Zane carefully took the paper and read through it. With very careful movements he handed it to his uncle to read. He had to close his eyes and take slow deep breaths. He might need to do as Adam suggested and go for a good hunt for a large animal. He needed to know what to do and how to handle this. It was a personal attack which was something he hadn't really had to deal with. David and Leon had been kids as he had been. This was an adult issue and he was starting to feel lost which didn't help his anger.

When the Chief looked at Zane to ask him something Mike touched his shoulder and shook his head. Zane needed to try and calm down so he could think. "Thank you for the information and we will consider the best way to deal with this. If you will excuse us I'd appreciate it. My son Damien will be in contact with you as often as needed."

Mike glanced at Esther as she moved over to Zane and wrapped her arms around him and held onto him. She had been his Luna and she had helped him with his problems due to the way he had been turned. He would respond to her due to that. He might talk to Kad and Esther to bring Zane and Kat to their bed and comfort them. It would help them a great deal, *Back in a few. I need to make a call.* Mike left the office and went to hers.

He quickly placed a call to Josh. It was quickly answered by Beta Adam, "Adam, we need Molly down here, please. We had another attack. I think she will be able to help us narrow down where the rogue might be. He took a human female and has threatened to rape her until she is pregnant." The chances were horribly slender but it was something Zane would be very sensitive to, "He had the wolf kicked out of the Academy due to the wolf in question pressuring a she-wolf for sex. It was borderline against the rules so the best he could do was kick him out."

Beta Adam held a hand up as he was contacting Molly. She and Josh had finally mated and they had a pup. He was several years old so that wasn't a problem, *Josh, Molly, Mike is requesting for Molly to come down and help find the rogue. There has been another attack with a threat of rape and trying to make a woman pregnant with a pup.* It was more common than years ago but still incredibly rare. Chances were, it wouldn't work but it would still be traumatic for the woman and Zane, "I contacted Josh and Molly. Give me a moment Mike."

It didn't take much longer before Adam turned back to the video call, "Molly will be down there as soon as possible. Do you know where the attack was? Depending we can send some enforcers to help locate the rogue." He had been watching the news and this was being reported on nationwide as well as Canada and some of the other nations. It wasn't good for the Were and supernatural communities. This individual was making all of them look bad and as if they were monsters.


Tala smiled as they pulled up to the Silver Peak's gate. She had taken over driving for the arrival at the pride, "Next Alpha team from Wild Valley." She advised the guard, holding up her ID. "Both vehicles."

"Yes, Ma'am! You are expected!" the guard replied, opening the gate for them. They headed up the steep road, having to kick in the 4-wheel drive to climb up the trail.

Arriving at the door, they were met by the small Team from their pack who mostly stayed up here to be the representatives for their interests. It had worked out well, since one of the members was Shawn, the son of Mark, the Pride Lord. It let Shawn stay with his team, and still get to stay with the cats and his parents.

"Hi Tala!" Shawn replied giving her a big hug. He smiled and gave each of the others a good hug as well. They knew the larger team. The two introduced their mates, since they hadn't met.

Paul, the leader of the team grinned when the greetings were done, "Michael wants to see you all before you head off to lunch." He advised.

Tala nodded, and Riley groaned, and handed Tommy a Twenty. They had disagreed on if they would do lunch first.

Logan and Rachel watched the money change hands and rolled their eyes. She was still learning the jokes behind the money swapping while Logan knew his sister would be grumping about the loss of the bet. It wasn't the money but that Tommy had won. He didn't understand his sister's urge to try and get one over on Tommy.

Shawn laughed. "Come I'll take you to his office." He told them, and headed off. The rest of them took their bags as it would be a few days here to do a full audit, as they didn't have the background details.

In the office, instead of their parents, were four younger cats, all under half a century of age, who were working their best to try and keep things running smoothly. The cat behind Mark's desk looked up from what he was doing and smiled before standing, "I'm sorry but the Pride Lord and the Matriarch are currently unavailable for the moment, as they are doing a personal perimeter inspection. I am Michael McEwan." The male was young—very young by some measures—but he did seem to be comfortable and relaxed in his father's chair.

Tala nodded, "It's understandable. I'm Tala, and this my mate Tommy, and these are..." she went on to introduce the rest of her team to those that were managing the Pride. Once greetings were over, she grinned at the other youngsters, "It seems that both your pride and our pack are giving more responsibility younger."

Riley gave Michael a proper smile, "This is Jake. He's my mate and we found each other not to long ago. He is still seventeen so we have to wait. His sister Rachel is Logan's mate. As you can scent both are humans. Please ensure the Pride knows this. I know our scents are mingled but I want to ensure it's understood."

Logan gave Rachel a kiss, "Yup, helped her family a while back and found she was my mate. Bit on the startled side, since I was expecting to be waiting another twenty years but won't complain too much. The complaint is on having to wait to give her a mating bite."

Rachel had to blush when he kissed her. It was something she was still getting used to. There had been one or two boys she had seen but compared to Logan they didn't even register on the sexy and hot scale, "Pleased to meet you. Love Logan but wish he didn't have to work quite as much."

Michael nodded and then indicated the cat in his mom's chair, "That's my twin sister Margret, though we do have Gramps to call on if we really get out of our depth. Him and Grans are the Pride's Assistant Matriarch and Guardian." He smiled slightly. "Now, what can we do for you? I know dad has stated that your folks are friends of the Pride, I still need to ask."

Tala nodded, "Partly this visit is to introduce the newest two in our team, but we have also been asked by your Pride Lord to do an external audit on your network, to confirm your own internal audits."

"Yea, testing all the sub-packs, too." Finlay commented with a smile, "I think they felt we were getting bored."

Michael nodded, "I can guide you down to the network centre, unless you want some lunch first." He chuckled guessing the response. "I always work better on a full stomach than I do an empty one, if I don't eat my cat can get a bit... grouchy."

Tala nodded, "Definitely lunch first. We have been driving all morning, so sitting somewhere not moving would be nice."

Finlay shrugged, "We're going to start with a wifi scan, so someone to show us around the place would be better for the afternoon. It's likely to take all afternoon to do that."

"Come off it Mike, you know that they're hungry." Margret growled softly at her brother looking at Tala and Tommy, "I'll show you the way while my brother waffles about not doing much of anything." She winked at Mike in good nature before leading the way towards the dining hall.

The wolves happily followed Margret off to the dining hall, but they could have followed their noses to the food. Tala almost was drooling over the food and the thought they had several days before they were expected at Ice Lake Pack for the Full Moon. After that, they were scheduled for visits to Blackwater and Midnight Forest Packs. Then it was a long drive with a couple of overnights before their official visit at Sentinel Star.

Rachel and Jake were sticking close to the wolves, feeling a bit intimidated by the size of the place, and all the large people. Many were smiling, or greeting several of their team, so they weren't scared. Getting their food, they could tell it was slightly different, and used different spices, but it still looked good.

As they were walking around, Riley and Logan were making sure to introduce Rachel and Jake as their mates. Even having asked Michael to ensure everyone knew, their wolves needed to make the point. Since they couldn't trade bites for over two years they were feeling tense being around other Were's. They knew better but it was simply how their wolves were reacting. They knew the pride since they'd been there several times with their parents and trusted them. They simply couldn't keep their wolves from being overly protective.

Margret smiled at Riley and Logan. "None of us will do anything to endanger your mates. Trust me if they did they'd have mom and dad to deal with... and those two can be scary."

Rachel leaned against Logan, "He told me we'd be safe but I can feel his wolf almost hovering. It makes me feel so protected." She gave the woman a happy smile.

Before they got far a young boy, who was followed by his mother came bouncing up. "Hihi... woofs! Like mommy!"

To tease the boy, he mock growled at him, "That's Wolves, not woofs. Might have to bark at you and chase the pup around." When Riley thumped him, Logan started laughing.

Tala caught the boy, "Yup, like your mommy!" She smiled at Jasmine, "I take it this is Anton?" She had been last up with her parents five years before. Anton and his sister had still been in Jasmine's belly.

Jasmine nodded. "Yes, Sergi and I never thought that we'd ever have a child but, you remember how I was like when I was pregnant with Anton and Lynda." She smiles at her children as the two of them danced around, though it looked like Lynda was much more nervous than her brother. "She isn't really used to having many wolves around, other than Kat and myself."

Tommy crouched down, "Hi Lynda," he said softly. "When we were last here, you were in your mommy's belly." Back then, he hadn't known why he had been given the same training and responsibilities as Tala, but now he was grateful that they had said it, as both were equals, instead of him being behind and having to work at it. "Ready for lunch?"

The cub looked at Tommy shyly. "Uh huh, You're like mommy aren' you?" She asked quietly while retreating towards her mother and brother.

"Yes, my mate and I are Next-Alphas. Our pack is friends with your pride. Want to join us to eat lunch?" Tommy replied. He loved playing with pups, and the lack of their own pups wasn't for a lack of trying. He didn't mind, as it just meant more time with his mate for himself.

Margret smiled softly as Jasmine stood up and looked to Tala, "I've not been able to spend much time around my Alphas in more than a year... I mean I love it here but sometimes." She stepped forwards slight with a hand outstretched.

Tala nodded, pulling her close, "We understand. You are welcome to join us. We are taking a few days here."

"Thank you," Jasmine breathed while hugging Tala tightly and breathing in her scent.

Margret smiled at that. "It is good to see, sometimes she's a stubborn wolf and doesn't come to mom or dad nearly as often as she should. We all love her but, sometimes she isn't easy to understand."

*I think we need to have someone come through once a year, rather than only every five.* Tommy thought to his mate, with the idea being the 'someone' should be either them, the Alphas, or the Seconds.

Tala thought her agreement back, letting Jasmine cling to her as much as she wanted. One of the classes had a discussion on something like this, and they were told, "Never, ever push the member away. The fact they were staying at another pack or pride means that their pack bonds are fragile. You as a senior member are a touchstone, and will help rejuvenate their bonds."

Michael nodded with a smile and then handed Tala a plate with some food on it. "Tala you may be busy for this afternoon... unlike my sister Kat, who doesn't have any bonds other than to the Pride, I think Jasmine needs this."

Tala nodded over Jasmine's shoulder, "Please clear her schedule. I think she needs to stay with us the time we are here." She looked for the two young ones. Tommy had been able to coax Lynda out, and was now cuddling her, feeding her some things from his plate. Logan and Rachel had Anton and were doing the same.

Michael nodded, "I'll have it done right after lunch." He promised.

Seeing Sergi come towards them, Tala smiled, "She'd just needing some Pack-comfort. You'd be welcome to join us too."

Sergi nodded. "I've felt the strain she's been under and I've been trying to get us out to Wild Valley, but she has told me that we need to stay here, the cubs need stability at their age but I feel that's hogwash."

Tala gave Sergi and the twins a steady look, "Next time, send a message. If she can't come to the pack, the pack will come here. We're going to be here a few days."

Both Margret and her brother nodded before applying themselves to their meal while talking with those of their guests who aren't occupied with helping Sergi, Jasmine, and their cubs.

*We can talk to Dad and maybe the Folician's can bring them down for a weekend every couple of months also. Their pups need to know the pack as well.* Logan sent to Tala and Tommy.

Tala sent a mental nod. They would add that to their report to their parents. One job as Next Alpha was to keep tabs on those that the Alpha don't see. That was a big part of this trip.

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