Once Upon A Surf

By mahomie_naomi

209K 5.3K 340

***COMPLETE*** Meet Lindsey Fisher. She's your normal surfing addict, who adores being out on the waves and c... More

Once Upon A Surf
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine

Chapter Six

8.5K 232 13
By mahomie_naomi

"That history test was brutal," I groaned, sitting down.  I felt everyone's eyes on me and glanced up.  Jenna's mouth was open in shock, Jake's eyes wide, and Luke blinked.

"Lindsey, what happened?" Jenna gasped.  My eyes flickered over to Abbi, who seemed to be concentrating on her lunch.  Yet I could see the way her jaw tightened a little bit, the flash in her eyes.

"Nothing.  I was, ah, cleaning and hit my face on the counter," I mumbled, having found sudden interest in my pizza, though I wasn't really hungry.

"Great cover," Abbi muttered, and I glared at her.  Jenna's eyes shot from me to her, questioning.  But neither of us said another word, Abbi shoving a piece of broccoli in her mouth and pretending not to see my face.

"O-okay," Jenna sensed something was up and kept eating her macaroni.  "We can play this game."

"Lindsey," Jake said, and I glanced over at him.

"What?" I snapped, already feeling like I knew what he'd ask.

Jake flushed.  "I, uh, wanted to know what was on the test."

"Oh," Instant relief flooded through me.  Jake always knew how to change the subject.  I explained briefly about what was on the test, when Jenna piped up.

"Linds, I've still got your junk board, if you want it—"  My heart caught in my throat and I looked down, then stood too quickly.

"I've got to go, guys," I shook my head.  "I—I have to get some notes from Ms. Jackson."  With that, I dumped my trash in the garbage and walked briskly out of the room, into the dimly lit hallway.

"Lindsey," I heard Abbi and tensed.  Not now, I silently thought.  We had our heartfelt moment this morning, Abbi.  No more.

"Lindsey, wait," Abbi caught my arm and I turned to face her.

"What?" I asked, annoyed.

"Don't do this to them," Abbi pleaded.  "They deserve to know what's going on."

"No, they don't," I said.  "deserve to know what's going on, and that's it."

"You told me," Abbi cocked her head, searching my eyes.

"You caught me before school."


"Do I have to have a reason to tell you?" I snapped.  "Do you wish I hadn't?"

"You know that's not what I'm saying," her voice was firm.

"Abbi," I clenched my jaw, looking away.  "I—you're the only one, of all of them, who would understand."  Abbi remained silent and I looked up, meeting her eyes evenly.

"When my dad died, you didn't tell me how sorry you felt for me.  Or how terrible it must feel."  I took a deep breath.  "And then, when all I wanted was someone to sit there and take it with me, you did.  We didn't talk much, but you stayed with me, for hours and hours," My breath caught in my throat, as I remembered how everything had happened.  "For an entire evening, we just sat and felt bad about ourselves, and missed my dad.  And that was exactly what I needed."

And then Abbi pulled me into a hug, holding me tight.  I took a deep breath, closing my eyes, so thankful for my friend.

 "So," Abbi's mouth turned up in a sort of smile.  "I was thinking, maybe, since you'd decided to tell your step mom—maybe if I were there, it would help?"

I blinked.  Abbi...there...meeting Donna. "Um..."

"What?" Abbi frowned.

"I just...don't know...if that's—" I sucked in a sharp breath.  "Yeah.  Yeah, you could come."

"Good," Abbi grinned.  "There's no way she can say no if I'm there.  I mean, look at me."

"You look like a self-centered dork to me," I laughed, shoving her shoulder.  She shrugged.

"Shut up."

"We should probable get to class," I heard the bell ring.  Abbi nodded.

"Don't you dare leave without me after school," she pointed at me as she walked away.  "Or I will stalk you, Lindsey Fisher."

"That's comforting." With a small wave, I turned and headed towards chemistry class.  I had taken a step when someone smashed into me.  I jerked back in surprise, the kid's stuff falling all over the floor.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so—Drew?" I frowned, falling to pick the stuff up.  He ran a hand through his hair, tossing me a flawless grin.

"Hey, Lindsey," he said.  "We just keep running into each other, huh?  Literally."

"Yeah," I said with a smile.  Wow.  I was getting pretty good at talking to him without feeling like I was going to vomit.  "Sorry."

"No problem," Drew straightened and held out his hand to help me up.  "I guess it's my turn to help you up this time.  Again."

"Funny," I caught his hand and hefted myself to my feet.  "Thanks."

"It's cool.  Next time watch where you're going," he said with a wink.  I rolled my eyes.

"Will do.  Now look.  You got me late to class," I cocked my head as the bell rang.

"Where you going to?" Drew asked.

"Chemistry," I said with a sigh.

"Ooh," Drew smirked.  "That's all the way on the other side of school."

"And you're going..."

"Study hall," Drew shrugged.  "Hate it, but gotta go.  So I guess I'll see you in gym?"

"Yeah," I smiled softly.  "I guess."

"Alright then," he waved.  "See ya, Fish."

Where had he heard that?

"Drew," I called down the hallway.  He turned.

"Yeah?" He asked.

"Uh...Fish?" I felt my face go warm.

"I heard it from some girl...I think her name was Abbi," Drew shrugged.  "I think it's cute."  With one last grin, he was gone.

He thought Fish was cute?

Oh.  My.  God.

"I'm going to kill Abbi," I muttered to myself, turning and walking briskly to chemistry.


"You told him my nickname was Fish?" I glared at Abbi as I pulled out of her driveway.  She laughed.

"Did he call you that?  Oh my God, so worth it," She snickered.

"Shut up!" I put my sunglasses on and got on the main road.  "He called me Fish...and he said..."

"He said what?" Abbi grinned.  "'Lindsey, you are so amazing.  Kiss me!'"

"I said shut up!" I laughed.  "He said he thought it was cute."

"He did not!" Abbi cackled maniacally.  "This is why he is perfect."

"Whatever," I rolled my eyes, letting out a deep breath as I pulled into my driveway.  Abbi fell silent for a moment.

"We're here," she said.


"Wow," Abbi opened her door.  "This is quite dramatic."

"Yeah," I slid out of the car and grabbed my bag.

"Betcha it won't be that bad," Abbi smiled, trying to get me to loosen up.  Which kind of worked.

"Let's go," I stepped towards the house, my heart pounding painfully in my chest.  It can't be that bad, I told myself.  Not with Abbi here.

"I'm home," I called out as I opened the door.  I heard the padding of feet and Donna walked in.

"Oh, Lindsey, I need you to—oh," she saw Abbi and her eyes widened.  "Uh, who's your friend?"

"You know Abbi," I said.  "She—we have a project—" Abbi elbowed me in the side, glaring at me.  "I mean, I have something...something to ask you."

Donna's eyebrows rose.  "Something to ask me?"

"Yeah," I took a deep breath.  "I—I need to surf, Donna."  Donna's eyes narrowed and she looked from me to Abbi, obviously aware of what was going on.  Abbi cleared her throat.

"Um, Ms. Fisher—"

"Ms. Pizzari," Donna said.  "I don't like to use my husband's name."

"Ms. Pizzari," Abbi corrected herself, tense at my side.  "I just thought I'd mention...have you ever seen Lindsey surf?"

"Well no," Donna snorted.  "Like I have time for that."

"You don't seem to be busy right now," Abbi pointed out.  I flinched at her harsh tone, praying Donna wouldn't kill me.

"What a bold statement from a child," Donna's eyes flashed dangerously and I swallowed hard.

"Lindsey is a phenomenal surfer.  And there are so many opportunities that would be wasted if you stop her from surfing."

I opened my mouth to speak but Donna glared at me.

"Alright, Lindsey," she said icily.  "I guess I could see what makes you so special."

"I—" My breath caught in my throat.  "Okay."

"Go get dressed," Donna commanded, and with one more flip of her hair exited the room.  I took a deep breath, running a hand through my hair as I walked briskly towards my room.  Abbi followed close behind me, a triumphant grin on her face.

"Oh my gosh, how was that?" Abbi pumped her fist in the air excitedly once we were in my room.  "I totally owned."

"Right," I muttered.  "More like you probably got me killed."

"Shut up, Lindsey," Abbi sat on my bed.  "You don't know my master plan."

"Well, why don't you explain it to me?" I walked into the bathroom and shut the door.

"You see, I figured while you surfed, I could mention how—I guess how much money you're worth.  Do you know how much a surfing competition can get you?  Not to mention if you're sponsored by someone?"

"Of course," I pulled my hair into a pony tail on my head.  "And why would Donna be...oh.  Money."

          "Exactly.  See, she's not going to give a crap about how good you are unless there's some kind of prize.  Which, of course, there is.  And we both know you'll get it," Abbi smiled as I came out of the bathroom, pulling on an Under Armour t-shirt.

          "Alright," I sighed.  "We can try."

          "Great!" Abbi pulled me into a hug.  "Just—just surf like you always do, Fish, and you'll be great."

          "And you'll take care of the talking?" I glanced at her warily.

          "When do I not talk?" Abbi shot me a lopsided grin.

          "Okay," I nodded.  "Let's go."


          "Can't you see, Ms. Pizzari?" I heard Abbi as I jogged up the beach, wringing out my sopping wet hair.  "She's amazing.  There's a reason we all call her 'Fish'."

          "I—" Donna bit her lip.  "How much did you say she could win?"

          "Well, if she's sponsored, that alone would get you all her surfing equipment, therefore costing you nothing to get her into competition.  And then if—when—she wins, she'd win a prize of ten thousand dollars," Abbi explained.

          "Ten thousand dollars," Donna pondered this for a moment as I stopped next to Abbi, breathing heavily.  "What do you think, Lindsey?  No more sneaking out?"

          "No," I shook my head.  "No more.  We could, I don't know, work out a schedule or something..."

          "A schedule," Donna nodded.  "That might just work."

          "So—so she's back in?" Abbi asked.  Donna cocked her head at me.

          "For now," she said.

          I couldn't help the smile that came to my face. "Thank you so much, Donna.  I won't let you down."

            "Of course not," Donna said.  "Now I'm afraid we'll have to head back.  You have a shift tonight at the shack."

            I nodded as Donna walked away, back towards the car.  I turned to face Abbi, a smile lighting up my face.  She grinned, her eyes lit with excitement.

            "How was that, Fish?"

            I pulled her into a hug.  "I love you so much."

            "And you owe me big time," Abbi laughed.  "Listen, you'd better head back.  I'll see you tomorrow, okay?"

            "Yeah," I said.  "Thanks, Ab."

            "Anything for you," Abbi grinned and jogged up the beach, towards her car.  I trudged up towards my own car, where Donna was already sitting in the passenger's seat on her phone.  I threw the surfboard in the back and jumped in the front seat, sticking my keys in the ignition.

            I had just begun to turn them when Donna grabbed my wrist, forcing me to stop.  I glanced over at her, my eyes wide, and instantly my heart sank.  Donna's eyes were like ice, her jaw clenched.

            "If you ever try and pull something like that again, I will not hesitate to end your surfing career," she snarled.  "You will pick up extra hours at the shack for that stunt, and you will only be allowed to consider surfing if you continue winning competitions.  Am I clear?"

            I nodded tersely.  "Crystal."

            She released my wrist, sitting back in her seat with a huff.  "Good.  Now take me home."

            I took a deep breath, starting the car and driving towards home.

            Sure, Donna was still Donna.  Yes, I'd still have to deal with her endless requests, now even more excessive.  But I was back in the water.  And there would be nothing that would force me to stop surfing again.

            I was going to win the competition.

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