fanboy |

By musicbeatloves

545K 31.2K 7.5K

Arthit would never admit in public that he's a fanboy for the model turned actor, Kongpob. He did not expe... More

01 celebrity.
02 connect.
03 chance.
04 thanks.
05.1 image.
05.2 plunge.
06 fansite
07 line.
let's talk.
08 hit & miss.
09 friends & site
10 fan
11 dodged
13 out to play.
14 domestic
15.1 attack
15.2 Patch up
16 friendship rules and kisses
17 boy
18 late night visitor
19 charm
let's talk
20 little demon
21 pinkmilk
22 sleepless
23 epiphany
words from the author
24 Hunting
25.1 good night kiss
25.2 model it.
25.3 snapshot
26.1 Hot Mess
26.2 Baby Don't Stop
26.3 After the Heat
27.1 Shennanigans
27.2 Missing You
28.1.1 The List
28.1.2 Sensation
28.2 Fanboy
Fanmeet content suggestions
29.1 Fanmeet
29.2 Fanmeet
29.3 Fanmeet
SP - Hormones (teaser)
SP - Hormones
29.4 Fanmeet
30 Date Night
30.5 Arcade
31 Beach
32 Together.
33 Explosion
34.1 Radio
34.2 Shame
35 disappointment.
36 - The Choice.
38 year 1.
39 year 2
39 my warmth

12 questioning.

10.6K 635 368
By musicbeatloves

No violent reactions please. 😘
The only thing he could say when he saw the photos of him being carried by Kongpob and he carrying the actor was GAH!!!!!!!!

He literally rolled on his bed over and over during the first 10 times he stared at that photo. Arthit still cannot believe that it happened. He looked so calm in the photos but there was so much he was feeling inside that he thought he was going to explode. It was a good thing that he got into the game in the last round or else he might have cracked.

Arthit didn't want to post the photos of him with the actor but it might looked suspicious. It was one of the highlights of the fanmeet so he knew that every fansite would have posted a picture or two. He had no choice but at least put two.

After posting the photos that Monday night, he checked the forums he usually frequented.

There was a lot or ruckus in the forums.

A certain fan posted 2 pictures side by side. The one the left was Arthit on stage being carried by Kongpob while the one on the right was where Arthit covered the actor's mouth with his hand.

9:11 Who is he?

9:16 Isn't he the fan who got paired with Kongpob?

9:52 OMG His hand! I want to be that hand.

10:13 Is there any more clearer shots than this? I can't see his face with that hoodie of his.

Arthit was not surprised that it was about who was the hoodie guy with Kongpob. It was really a good thing that he wore a hoodie and a mask on stage to keep his identity hidden.

It was a big thing for fans to see their idol so close with a non-celebrity. They had never seen Kongpob close with anyone outside the entertainment and modelling circle with the exception of his family members.

It was no leap for fans to think that the actor and the guy in the black hoodie were friends judging from how comfortable the hoodie guy was with skinship with Kong and how the actor was at ease talking to him.

Arthit didn't know what to do with the fans curiosity of his identity. He merely shrugged and looked away from the comments and hope that it will blow over soon.

Arthit then checked instagram amd liked a couple of photos. Bright for a change was at home playing video games. Knot took a photo of himself flexing those muscles in front of a mirror. Arthit kind of wondered when will his friend stopped working out or take at least take it easy. It felt like one of these days, Knot could injure them just with a flick of a finger with those muscles.

Toota on the other hand took a photo of a shadow. It was obvious that it wasn't his friends. The lighting was on a differemt angle to be his. Does this mean that Toota finally has someone serious in his life? If he has, that would be good. His friend deserved a nice person to be with.

As someone who loves photography, it surprised Arthit that the only photo Prem posted was of a banana. A single plain banana. There was nothing artsy about how he photographed the fruit. But the caption was a bit unusual for him. Never looked the same again. Arthit raised his brow but liked it nonetheless.

He also liked a photo of Kongpob with the cast that was posted on the actor's personal IG account before heading to bed.


The following day Arthit and his friends sat on their usual spot by the canteen. Knot was sitting in between Toota and Bright while Prem sat beside Arthit. Prem was wincing as he sat.

"Ai' Prem are you alright? " Knot asked, noticing the pain he was in.

Prem waved his hand, looking like his usual self. "It's nothing. I slipped in my bathroom earlier. I think I pulled a muscle."

Toota snorted which earned him confused looks. Prem glared at him but didn't say anything. 

Lunch was awfully quiet after that. Toota wasn't his nornal chatty self and Bright was asleep this tme not because of staying late for a party but with his newly bought game.

It ws only Knot and Arthit who spoke and it was about the research they have been assigned to.

Their class has been cancelled and they used their free time to head to the library and reserve a study room for their group. It was their luck that there was one room left. 

Prem was still walking stiffly so they had him remain seated while Knot and Arthit forced Bright to help him get books. Toota had brought his laptop and volunteered to search the net for any related case studies for their research. For some reason Prem didn't look happy to be left alone with Toota. Arthit didn't think too deeply about it and searched for books they could use.

Their research was going smoothly that they have managed to finish a decent amount until Toota spoke out of the blur while his eyes were locked on Prem.

"If you're not gonna say it, I will."

Prem looked like he was going to pass out while shaking head pleading for Toota not to make a scene. It was a very un-Prem-like to act this way.

Arthit like the rest of his friends looked lost.

"I am dating Prem." Toota anounced in all seriousness.

(I almost wrote, 'I took Prem's virginity' lol. Can't imagine a bottom Prem but he is for this fic. 🙇)

Arthit's mouth was gaping like a fish and dropped his pen.

Knot choked on air, wide-eyed at the sudden anouncement. "Really?!"

Bright, who was half asleep woke up like he had been drinking a shot of espresso. "Say what?"

Prem looked like he wanted to be swallowed by the earth from all the stares he was getting from his friend. He covered his face with hands and groaned in embarrassment. "It just happened. Okay?"

It was too out of this world that the three really thought that it was some prank but the way Prem was and the seriousness on Toota's expression told them that it was for real.

Who would have thought that these two who would always argue end up together.

WOW. Just WOW.

"I don't want to sound rude but who bottoms?" Bright asked curiously.

A loud smack from Prem reverberated across the study room. He was blushing madly like a man possessed. It was a fortunate thing that the noise they were creating couldn't be heard outside.

Something clicked in Arthit's mind and bit his lips when he figured out the answer to Bright's question. He looked at Toota with a newfound respect. He never knew his friend had it in him. Toota was usually the type who wanted to be dominated not the other way around.

Arthit merely patted Prem's shoulder in understanding and kept his mouth shut, respecting the new couple's privacy. Prem could see that Arthit knew the truth, causing an intense blush to decorate his face.

"Wait. Wasn't Prem walking a bit weird earlier?" For someone who lacks the usual intelligence when it comes to their lessons, Bright has always been sharp with these kind of things.

"Bright, you moron!" Knot closed his eyes in embarrassment for his no-filter friend.

"Just die Bright." Prem covered his face while Toota flaunted his newly taken status.


That night, Arthit couldn't sleep. His mind was bothered by the conversation he had with Maprang the day before and the new couple in their group.

Am I gay?

Or rather....

Am I attracted to guys in a sense I would like a relationship with one?

If he was being honest, Arthit had never asked himself if he was gay or not. He did not think that his admiration for the male celebrity was anything unusual in a sense that would question his sexuality.

But when Maprang asked that question, he wondered.

He didn't think it was possible though. But then Prem and Toota was inpossible too but they happened.

It was one in the morning and yet he was still wide awake, unable to sleep because of these thoughts. Wanting to do something about it, he got up and put on some pants. He got his keys and headed out to talk to the only person who could clear things up for an inexperienced guy like him.

Toota was half asleep when he opened the door for Arthit. He didn't seem to mind the disturbance and let his friend inside.

Arthit sat on Toota's bed while Toota sat on a stool so he wouldn't fall asleep.

"What's the matter?" Toota yawned, rubbing his eyes to wake himself.

Arthit knew it was the wrong time to ask as it was so late but he really needed to know.

"Toota, how did you know that you're attracted to guys?"

"Why do you ask that?"

"Just wondering." He answered vaguely.

Toota didn't prod deeper, understanding Arthit's personality. He thought carefully on what to say knowing that there was an important reason why his friend out of nowhere would visit him in the middle of the night.

"I guess it's like how you look at one person and say I like that kind of personn but then unlike most guys thinking like that to a girl, I thought like that with guys."

Arthit snorted, leaning back to lie on Toota's comfortable bed. "Like that is applicable to me. I don't find anyone like that."

Maybe that guy but he was still not gay, Arthit thought.

"You're probably the type to only develop feelings for someone you're close to."

Arthit didn't seem convinced but Toota can't do anything about that.

"No pressure. Love will come your way like it did with mine" Toota comforted the confused male. There wasn't much he could do for Arthit except to help him make sense of things he had a bit of experience with.

It was quiet for a long time before Arthit spoke. "Congrats with Prem. I knew you had a thing for him." Arthit remembered catching Toota stealing looks at Prem during their sophomore year. It was only a crush so he didn't mind it.

"Oh shush. Thank you Arthit for accepting us."

"Love is love. You're not hurting anybody."

"I just hope my dad thinks the same." Toota smiled sadly. Arthit and the rest of the group knew that Toota haven't told his dad about his sexuality. Being an only son, his dad wanted him to have a family to carry on the family name.

Because this is my story and I want a bit of change, this was the result.
Plus there was a comment joking about a Prem-Toota ship so here it is 😂.


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