hate to love you.

By hermosaddlovato

41.2K 1.2K 243

don't you just find it so hard to hate someone that you love? sounds crazy huh? demetria devonne lovato. yes... More

New Story
Mental Health Day :)


356 12 0
By hermosaddlovato

"wake up!" i heard nick say although i felt him shoving me.

"what?" i sat up rubbing my eyes. "how did you get in?" i asked. he doesn't have a key, and demi's not home.

he rolled his eyes, but he laughed.

"about thirty minutes ago, you came downstairs and let me in. you said you were going to get dressed, but you went back to sleep again." he said.

i laughed. sounds like me.

"sorry, here. i'll get dressed." i said. i began to take off my sports bra, but he shrieked which made me tense up.

i let out a sigh. "you act like you haven't seen me naked before." i said rolling my eyes. he smiled a faint smile as his cheeks began to turn red.

he began to look down which made me slightly uncomfortable. i followed his gaze just to realize he was staring at my stomach.

"can i- can i touch it?" he said reaching his hand out. i quickly pulled out a shirt from the drawer beside me and slipped it over my head.

"i-if you touch, i might g-get sick and throw up, so i don't think that's a good idea right now." i said barely making eye contact. he just nodded.

"well, i'll be downstairs. don't take too long." he said. i nodded and shut the door behind him.

this is going to be hard.

after i got ready, i walked downstairs and met nick who was smiling to himself. please don't tell me he's gone crazy too?

"what you smiling about?" i said softly.

"our future. i mean us, and the baby." he said standing up smiling even harder.

i gave him a faint convincing smile.

"anyway- uh, ready to leave?" he asked. i grabbed my coat, smiled, and nodded while locking the door behind me.

as we were driving, the car was filled with nothing but silence, and the smell of nick's cologne.

"hey, so where are we going?" i asked.

"to the airport." he said smirking. my mouth dropped open and i slapped his hand that wasn't on the steering wheel.

"nick! why are we flying?" i said.

"we're only flying to florida, calm down. we'll fly back tonight." he said laughing. i, on the other hand, rolled my eyes.

"well, i better not get home too late, because demetria will freak." i said laughing a bit.

but, then i remembered that selena and her probably are still celebrating and haven't thought of me at least once.

"why disney?" i asked.

he held my hand. "the baby. we're going to take pictures before the baby, and after." he said smiling.

this is going to be way harder than i thought.

"nick, you're really excited for this baby, aren't you?" i said latching onto his arm.

"yes. i think i'd be a great dad." he said.

we arrived at the airport where we left the car behind and checked into our flight.

sitting in the cushion seats in first class, nick turned to me and held my hand as his face lit up.

"what are you thinking for baby names?" he asked. i looked down and shrugged.

"i was thinking nic-" he began, but i shut it out. i don't want to tell him now, because it'll spoil the whole day.

i'll tell him later.

"hey, wake up." he said shaking me.

i rubbed my eyes and woke up. "when did i fall asleep?" i asked. he began to laugh.

"while i was talking!" he said.


"we're here. let's go." he said taking my hand and helping me up.

we stepped off of the plane, and he grabbed my hand as he guided me through the paparazzi. we eventually came across the limo that was waiting for us.

"a drink? my lady?" nick said holding up the sparkling grape juice making me laugh.

i nodded.

"ooh, and some goldfish!" i said while pointing at them in the container.

"you're such a kid." he said playfully rolling his eyes. i gasped.

"hey! it's the snack that smiles back!" i said eating them. "goldfish!" the driver said making us all laugh.

after arriving at disney, we got our hands stamped, and picked up and bought any kind of apparel we could find before taking off into the theme park.

"are you into thrill rides?" he said smirking as we walked near the tower of terror.

i smirked back and ran towards the ride.

we had fast passes, so the rest of the evening went by fast as we were able to skip through the lines.

we decided that we would leave after we grabbed some ice cream. it's around eight.

"two vanillas with rainbow sprinkles, please!" nick asked the young boy. well, not young. he seems to be our age.

after grabbing our ice cream, we sat down near the pond.

"nick?" i asked. he smiled at me.

"can we talk about something? it's been bothering me a lot. i can't get it off of my mind." i confessed.

"yeah, what is it?" he said sitting up a bit.

"it's about the baby." i said starting to tear up.

"w-what happened?" he asked.

"i lost it a while ago." i said.

"what do you mean you lost it a while ago? and you didn't tell me? how'd you lose it? what happened?" he said angrily. i didn't think it'd happen like this.

the truth never hurts.

until you confess that you're the reason your baby died.

"nick, there's more to my self-harming. i've suffered from an eating disorder, and i just wasn't he-" i began, but he pushed my hands down from my face.

"you weren't healthy enough? basically, you're telling me that you were the reason you had a miscarriage." he yelled.

"why are you acting like this?" i said crying, "i didn't mean to!" i defended myself.

"but, you did! i thought you've gotten better. i've told my family about this baby and now i have to tell them you killed it?" nick said frustrated.

"i'm sorry, nick!" i yelled sobbing.

"let's leave." he said grabbing my wrist squeezing it.

"nick that hurts!" i yelled in pain as he threw our ice cream in the trash.

"you know what else hurts?" he said stopping, "the fact that my baby is now dead and it wasn't even born."

you could see the flame in his eyes.

the whole ride to the airport wasn't the best. he ignored me, but whenever i'd talk he'd grab my wrist harder and harder.

so hard, that some of my cuts were forced to reopen.

after the three hour plane ride back to new york, he sat me in a chair at the airport.

"find your own ride home." he said leaving me among the crowds of people walking over and around me.

i reached for my phone out of the backpack i was wearing, and began to call demi.

"demi?" i said as she answered.

"now isn't the time." she said and after that she hang up. i didn't even bother calling selena. i figured that she was with demi.

after sitting there for a while, a mysterious man walked up to with a hood over his head.

"hi, there." he said. his voice was raspy, and you could tell that he was old.

i didn't reply.

"well, since you don't want to reply... you're just going to have to come with me." he said smirked and grabbing me.

"get the fuck off of me." i said trying to escape. all he did was shove his hand over my mouth, and lucky for him, we were by the exit of the airport.

he shoved me into a van, a van that looked familiar.

the van that phil was driving the day that he kidnapped me.

a/n- oh no, not again!

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