I Caught A Thugs Eye

By Queennogoodeed

501K 12.3K 1.3K

(EDITING)Nashaé is 17yr old a senior in high school she has her regular teen problems until she meets a thug... More

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It's All In The Eyes pt2
ButterFly Effect
Butterfly Effect Pt2
The Message
The Message pt2
The Birthday Girl
Trouble In Paradise
What a family.
What Heart?
These Arms OF Mine
Thanks Again.
The Files Part 2
On My Own
{ Them }
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The Winter Stories Part 2
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Smoke and Mirrors part 2
Smoke and Mirrors part 3
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The Girl From His Past
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More Red Than Green This Christmas
Where Are The Better Days
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Get Your Information Part 1
Get Your Information part 2
I had Enough
While You Here
Unplanned Part 2
One those rainy days
Big Moves
New Road
Play For Keeps pt.1
Play For Keeps PT2
Out of my hands
Somebody is making moves...not us

The Games Begin

3K 95 6
By Queennogoodeed

Childs was in the police station with his Chief when they got a anonymous tip that Sasha and Jaceon will be having a new different lawyer than everybody else and they will have the first hearing in three days and Sasha and Jaceon lawyer has something already

Childs:What could he have already?

Chief: You have to get those diaries from Shaé.

Childs:She's not just going to just hand us the diaries.

Chief:No she won't not willingly so do something that'll make her give them to you


Chief walks away and heads to the opening to get the whole stations attention so he whistles before he speaks

Chief:Ok now listen people The Jones case is our drug ring case and The death of Hakeem KJ Jones case are connected but right now the drug case is not our main focus right now it's the death of Hakeem KJ Jones he is finally having a hearing after two years in three days its one of many big cases because they are combined so we have to find something dating back to when you first suspecting something or and someone so if it didn't stick and you let it fall in the dark well pick it back up into the light and find some one here that has something similar concern and I'm not saying drop your other cases or forget about the Jones case but they are connected because of him find something dealing with drugs on both ends we nail them for the drugs case and killing one of their own so now lets nail these son of bitches its game on!

After the Chief was done talking he looked at Childs and went back to his office and got to work,Childs went into his office grabbed his bag and jacket locked his door and walked out the station as he was making a call while Chief was watching him leave then shook his head and went back to working,Childs was in his car he cranked up the car as the phone ringed then it answered

Kami: Yes?

Childs:Its me.

Kami:I know who you are what do you want?

Childs:Listen I'm sorry about earlier tonight I was just trying to help you and Ember deserve the truth and I was trying to get Shaé to see that she just so damn...

Kami:...Stubborn?Yeah we know but she knows what's she's doing

Childs:I wouldn't bet my money on it but listen I'm on the way to your house its not safe there so tell Shaé and Ember to pack y'all will be staying with me

Kami:Why isn't it safe?

Childs:I'll tell you when I get there.

Kami:Yeah sure.

They hang up and Kami starts to pack while Ember pulls out her phone and sends a text to Shaé when Kami yells

Kami:Em!Childs said pack up a few things we can't stay here so tell Shaé-

Ember cut her off

Ember:I told you Shaé left earlier.

Kami:Fuck I forgot let tell Childs.

Ember:No we'll tell him once he gets here I'm about to to pack.


It's two in the morning and Nashaé is just sitting in the dark when She gets a text from Ember

Bestie✊😍:I hope you're Ok but something just came up Childs is coming to get us but we didn't tell him about you left

Shaé was thinking how can she not be they just want to know the truth and she was keeping it from them but the truth is she probably already solve the case and scared of the outcome because this case is like dominoes affect but if this main piece goes down everybody will go down including her parents but she needed help to save them so she had only one option play the field

Shaé:I'm fine but where is Kami?

Bestie✊😍: Kami packin' clothes.

Shaé: Ok listen I got a plan I promise I will fill you in but when y'all get to whereever he takes y'all tell Childs to come get me I'm by the lake

Bestie✊😍:Shaé don't do anything crazy

Shaé: I won't but he's its going to be hard to get him to get me because he's mad what happen earlier about Hakeem's diary so make something up for him to care about coming to get me

Bestie✊😍:Ok fine Shaé

Shaé reads the text,locks up the cabin and runs to her car


Childs pulls up at the house and the girls were coming out with suitcases and duffle bags when he notice Shaé wasn't here

Childs:Where is Shaé?

Ember:She lefted after you did earlier

Childs:Why you didn't say that to me on the phone

Kami:I forgot okay dang.

Childs:Alright my bad get in don't worry about.

Ember:Don't worry about it?

Childs:Yeah as long as she isn't at this house she's safe she knows that.

Ember:No I'm not going anywhere until you get her.

Childs:Its late at night and I don't want to die by this house Ok so please get it

They both stand there not getting in the car then Childs finally gives in he rolls his eyes

Childs:Okay do you know where she is?

Ember:I think she should be by the lake she was crying when she left so she she should be there.

Childs:Why there?

Kami:Because its peaceful.

They get it the car and drive off ,Nashaé is outside Késhaun's door crying she didn't see his cars outside but she still went to his door and knocked not knowing what say if her opens the door it was cold out and she kept knocking but he didn't answer Shaé went to the side of the house on the plant to get the spare key it was still there surprisingly she got it and opened the door it was still cold in here the lights didn't work so it was dark and cold she called out to him but got no answer she closed the door and notice it was nothing there so she ran upstairs and his clothes were gone but it was her clothes that she left on the bed and some shoes a note and a recorder and a picture of Hakeem and him she read the note it said play me so she sat on the bed and played the recorder

Késhaun's Voice On Recorder:
Nashaé I didn't think you'd come and guess I didn't care who came by leaving this recorder behind but somebody needs to come clean so I'm going to start first Shaé I'm sorry that I hurted you but the feelings was real not at first but when you first came over to my place I was suppose to have sex with you but I couldn't I know you wanted to but I couldn't even though I was about put it in when you said you were a virgin I was waiting for you to stop me that's why I was relieved when you spoke up that same night that your daddy was outside I seen him with the bat I just had to hurry up and leave so I wouldn't fuck up the plan my uncle Sly had going but was he pissed about I didn't take your virginty he thought that was the key to your heart so did I until I meet you the real you Sly was wrong the key was fulfilling your emptiness from your brother dying he protecting I know about your other boyfriends before you told me Hakeem was always thinking about Kami and you he said your father couldn't be trusted after he cheated on her a few times and I knew that to because me and him use to fuck girls cross from eachother but your uncle that nigga he fucked Jaceon's momma Sasha then went back to Ember's momma Destiny Shaé he didn't care if they was bestfriends that was the fucked up part but its so much more I want to tell you but the reason you still listening because of Hakeems death so here it is everybody killed him the lies,the secrets,the gang,the money,the drugs,the power,but most importantly family and friends but your family didn't killed him just covered it up because evidence of the drug case would lead back to them I wish I can say more but I can't I'm sorry and the house is empty because I won't be coming back to Georgia ,Shaé I love you even you don't think so see you in the future hopefully

The recording ended she started gathering all the stuff he left her and went downstairs crying she shut the and locked the door and got in the car when Ember texted her

Bestie✊😍:He just left, on the way to the lake

She wiped her tears and started the car ,and sped off to hurry up and beat Childs to the lake she didn't know she was being followed

2 hours Later

Shaé beat Childs to the lake she went to the water five minutes later Childs pulled up he got out and seen Shaé she had her head between her knees he looked at her sighed and got out the car and went over to her

Childs:C'mon let's go.

He said as Shaé jumped then seen who it was

Shaé: Why are you here

Childs:Same reason you are?

Shaé: And what is that?

Childs:Its peaceful.

They look at eachother and then look at the water

Childs:Why were you crying?

Shaé: Huh?

Childs:Your eyes are red and so is your nose and don't say its because its cold.

Shaé: It is cold but I wasn't about to use it as an excuse.They both laugh then Childs got down to business

Childs:How long you and Késhaun was talking for?

Shaé: What?

Childs:Don't lie to me Nashaé.

Shaé: When school started back in Augusta the four week of school on a Tuesday after Ember,me and Kami got into with these girls got sent home later that day Ember called me and was like come to her house so I walked around three blocks got on her street people was still walking ,talking like it was still summer I walked down her street and I'd say about six or seven dudes were sitting on the porch I got really scared walking pass them so I grabbed my phone and pretended to talk til my phone actually ring it was Kami I answered it the guys said something but one guy said aye butterfly I turned I couldn't see who it was I never heared somebody get called butterfly but I couldn't see his face because it was dark then I'd say couple to days later me and Ember was at the store then seen these fine dudes they came in the store Ember literally lost her mind when Jaceon came up to her they both was smiling at eachother but Késhaun he haven't taken his eyes off me but we exchange names we gave them my number so we could go on a date that we went to the movies

Childs:Did you love him?

Shaé looked at Childs and his face expression was confusing she couldn't read it so she just answered him

Shaé:I use to think I did but before I found out that everybody around that said they loved lied to me about almost my whole.

Childs looked at her as she was struggling to get her words out so she turned the tables

Shaé: You grillin' me what's your first name detective?

Childs:Its Andre.

Shaé:I like it.

Both of them grin

Childs:What else you want to know about me?

Shaé: Do you have a wife,girlfriend or hoes or all three?

Childs:NaShaé if that was your way of asking am I a hoe than no I'm not.

Shaé: I'm sorry its just all the men that were and in my life are pieces of shit.

Childs:Lies.Your brother wasn't a pieces shit and you and I know I'm not.

They laugh and Childs wondered why she asked him that

Childs:Why do you go for older guys?

Shaé: Because that's what I prefer some have authority about themselves they want it they take no questions ask
Andre leaned in slowly to kiss Shaé when they heared a tree branch they both pulled out a gun and pointed towards the trees and ran towards the parking lot but the car was driving away Andre looked at the gun Shae had she looked at him and walked to her car Andre was still standing there

Shaé: I'll follow you where you took Em and Mimi
He nodded his head and looked at Shaé as she got in she seen him in her rearview mirror she knew he liked the way they reacted to the noise together he went to his car rubbed his head and started the car and leaded Shaé to the spot.

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