1 Girl, 5 Boys, and A Day Tha...

By imjustmexox

11.9K 183 73

Elizabeth~ A 15 yr old, sweet girl with a past, broken dreams, but the 5 best friends/ brothers a girl could... More

Chapter 1~ Mornings and swimming
Chapter 2~ It was only just a dream...
Chapter 3~ Tired of the nightmares...
Chapter 4~ Don't make me go back, please...
Chapter 5~ Paparazzi Sucks!
Ch. 6~ Fan problems...
Ch. 7~ My tummy hurts
Ch.8~ I don't wanna catch the love bug...
Ch.9~ Austin Carter Mahone
Ch. 10~ Am I ready for that to happen...
Ch.11~ "Mood swings"
Ch. 12~ What are you doing?!
Ch. 13~ Marriage?
Ch. 14~ Believe it or not...
ch.15~ Eat A Lot. Sleep A Lot.
ch.17~ Please, not tonight
ch.18~ Big crowds and clastrophobia
Ch.19~ Shadow
Ch. 20~ Round one of two
Ch. 21~ I can't do that
Ch. 22~ Meeting the mom
Ch. 23~ We do?
Ch. 24~ My fault
Ch.25~ He loves me
Ch.26~ Desperate Housewives
Epilogue- 3 years later

ch.16~ "One hint?"

237 8 2
By imjustmexox

Heyyoo. So i hope you guys enjoy this! This chapter is dedicated to: Daniellewitt, because I loved her comment. I love all of y'alls comments though, but I want to thank her for her comment :) there is no song for this chapter but I hope you enjoy it!!!


Louis' P.O.V.

"I've made my decision with the help of the boys," I said, standing in front of Austin.

"Yes, sir," Austin nodded.

"You have my permission to ask Liz out, but I have some rules," I said.

"I understand," he said, adding a nod as if to say continue.

"I would like to know where you're going, and would like her home by eleven o' clock," I explained.

"Understood. Anything else?" he asked, looking at all of us.

"Yea," Niall spoke up after a few moments of silence.

"Keep her safe. By that I mean no injuries, and now that you know she's claustraphobic please try to keep her, and you, from getting swarmed by fans and/or paps," Niall requested, the other four of us nodding.

"I would never, in any way, let Liz get hurt on purpose," Austin promised.

"I'm confident in that, don't let us down," Li smiled.

"Thank you, guys," Austin smiled.

"You're welcome," the boys and I Iaughed.

We headed back to the girls, and layed back down.

"Soo, what was so important you couldn't ask the boys in front of us, Austin?" El laughed.

"Um, well I asked for permission to ask Liz out," Austin smiled.

"Aww," Dani smiled.

"That is so cute," El cooed.

"Thanks," I smiled.

"How are you gonna ask her out?" they asked, sitting up straighter.


Austin's P.O.V.

I hadn't really thought of that, I was just too busy trying to get the confedence to ask for permission.

"Um, I don't know, maybe on the trampoline but I'm not totally sure yet," I smiled.

They nodded, before laying back down with the guys. I smiled as I looked down at Liz, who was snuggled into the blankets and looked incredibly cute and small in the hoodie that was too big for her.

"Goodnight guys," I said, before lying down next to Liz and fell asleep.


Elizabeth's P.O.V.

As I woke up the next day, I smiled looking around at everyone and realized I was the only one awake. My smile grew wider as I looked down and remembered I was in Austin's hoodie and could still smell his cologne.

"Smell good?" I heard a chuckle come from behind, making me jump.

"Zayn," I said, trying to calm my heartbeat and hide a blush. "You scared me."

"Sorry, Liz, I couldn't pass it up," he chuckled.

"Please don't tell Austin," I said.

"I promise I won't," he smiled.

"Thanks," I crawled over to him, avoiding the others and gave him a hug.

"No problem, Shortstack," he smiled, hugging me back.

"Good morning," Ni said behind us.

"Good morning Ni," we smiled.

"When did you move over there?" he asked, looking at me strangely.

"Just now," I smiled.

"I want a hug though," he whined, opening his arms.

I smiled and crawled into his arms, giving him a big bear hug.

"Better?" I giggled.

"Much," he sighed, content.

I crawled back to the spot I fell asleep in and began thinking.

"What are you thinking about?" a voice startled me from my trance.

"N-nothing," I stammered, looking over at Austin.

"You just seemed in deep thought," he said, answering my unasked question.

"I don't know then really," I tried my best to laugh it off.

"We'll I'm here if you want to talk and clear your mind," he smiled, sitting up.

"I'll keep that in mind, thanks," I smiled.

"Anytime," he nodded back, before getting into a conversation with the two boys that were already up.

The truth was that my my mind was on how I wished I could stay in the hoodie, the scent was so comforting and that right now my past may haunt me but I'm not gonna let that ruin my life now.

"Hi, Liz!" Lou screamed into my ear.

"Dad," I yelled, jumping.

"Yes, Liz," he smiled.

"Why are you screaming into my ear?" I asked, trying to get my ears to stop ringing.

"It seemed like a good idea," he chuckled, hugging me. "Good morning."

"Good morning, Dad," I said, hugging him back.

"Who's ready for breakfast?" Dani asked.

"Me," Austin sang, getting up.

"Me too. Can you help me up?" I asked, holding up my hands.

"Come on," he chuckled, pulling me up.

We walked into the kitchen, and I began pouring myself a bowl of cereal.

"Why are you getting cereal?" Harry laughed.

"Because I'm hungry and don't want to wait for someone to make breakfast," I explained, taking a big bite of food.

"What a cute face," Liam teased as I shoved some more into my mouth.

"Thank you," I said, sarcastically after swallowing.

Soon everyone was eating breakfast, mostly having cereal.

"So, what's the plan for today?" El asked.

"We should go to a park," Austin suggested.

"That sounds fun, but isn't that a little too public?" I asked, looking at the guys.

"Maybe, but we can't stay coped up in here forever, Liz," Zayn said.

"Good point," I smiled.

"Well, let's go," Niall said, walking toward the door.

"Wait, let me change," I said, running up the stairs.

After changing into some blue jean shorts, a pink tank with 'I'm not crazy, just ask my unicorn' written on it, and letting my hair run down freely, I headed back downstairs.

"Ready?" Harry asked, looking over at the steps.

"Yup," I smiled, throwing on my converse.

"Nice shirt," Louis laughed.

"Why thank you," I smiled, working out with everyone.

"It suits you," Austin said, smiling.

"Thanks. Wait, is that a compliment or...?" I asked, faking offense.

"Total compliment," he laughed.

"Then thank you," I smiled, skipping a little to keep up with the others.

"No problem," he said.


Austin's P.O.V.

As we got closer to the park, I noticed a pond a few feet away from the playground and smiled.

"Ohh, swings!" The girls yelled, before running off.

"Don't hurt yourselves," Liam laughed.

"We won't," they promised, beginning to pump their legs to make themselves go higher.

"Better take the chance now," Zayn whispered into my ear.

I took a deep breath and nodded, before walking over to the swing set.

"Hey Liz, can I talk to you?" I asked.

"Sure," she smiled, hopping off the swing set.

As her feet landed she began stumbling a little and used my shoulders to balance. After she got settled, I led her towards the pond and sat on the ground, throwing some rocks into the pond.

"What's up, Austin?" She asked, skipping some rocks aswell.

"W-would you want to maybe go out on a date... with me?" I asked, mentally slapping myself for stuttering.

"Um, wow," was all she said, before looking around.

"Is that good or bad?" I asked, my stomach knotting up.

"It's just surprising. I mean I would say yes, but then you'd have to go through my dad and brothers," she began, but I accidentally cut her off with a laugh. "What?"

"Nothing, it's just it's cute that you thought about that, and I already talked to them," I smiled.

"Did you just call me cute?" She asked, turning a light pink.

"Maybe, I don't know," I said, looking down.

"I would love to go on a date with you," she smiled.


Eleanor's P.O.V.

"They are so cute," I gushed, looking at Liz and Austin talking and skipping rocks by the pond.

"I know, gosh, I hope she says yes," Dani said, snapping a photo.

"Why wouldn't she? She totally likes him," Louis said, looking at us confused.

"Yea and she's been hurt, guys," we explained, trying not to bring it up too much.

"Ohh," the boys nodded sadly.

"Oh, sh, here they come," I said.

"Hey guys," Liz smiled.

"Hey babygirl," Niall smiled.

"So, what's up?" Harry asked.

"Um, Austin asked me onto a date," she smiled, kind of nervous.

"And," Dani pushed.

"I said yes!" She smiled wider.

"Yay!" Dani and I squealed.


Liz's P.O.V.

I laughed at the girls' responses and hugged Louis.

"Thank you for putting the rules like that," I whispered.

"You're welcome. Let me know if he breaks any of then," he warned.

"Yes sir, and thanks guys," I quickly gave all the other guys hugs as well.

"So what are you guys going to do?" El asked, smiling.

"Um, that's a good question. Where are we going?" I asked, looking at Austin.

"All you need to know is to wear something nice," Austin smiled.

"That's all I get, one hint?" I pouted.

"That's all you get," he assured.

"When?" I asked, just now realizing I had no idea when this would all take place.

"How about tomorrow night?" he said.

"Are you asking or are you saying?" I laughed.

"Hm, saying," he smiled.

"Well then its a date tomorrow," I smiled.

"At four," he added.

"Tomorrow at four," I smiled.

I couldn't help as I smiled, thinking about the fact that I had a date. And then it hit me: I had a date with Austin, and I didn't feel a twinge of nervousness. Then I saw Austin whisper something into Louis's ear and became suspicious.

"What did you tell him?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"One of the rules was that I had to tell him where I would take you," he smiled cheekly.

"Oh that's so coming out of you later, dad," I smiled.

"My lips are sealed," he said, zipping his lips and throwing away the keys.

It was gonna be hard but I knew I would get it out of him.


Hey guys hope you enjoyed this! Two updates in two days, impressive, I think lol. Any who hope you enjoy it. Please comment and vote :) I promise I'm trying to do better on updates, I really am!


1) Where do you think Austin's taking Liz?

2) Do you think Liz will be able to get the secret of the date out of the boys?

3) how do you think the date will go?

4) How do you think the boys are as brothers?

5) Bonus: If you have a song for one of the couples, or a single character on how they feel, feel free to comment, and maybe I'll use it in the next, or upcoming, chapters :P Maybe you'll get a dedication:)

Comment below your answers! Thanks, bye!

~Elise xx

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