The Originals: Forgotten

By Lilly-JoElliott

593K 12.9K 3.5K

"I'm Aria Mikaelson, pleasure to meet me I know." She smirked. "Cocky much?" He laughed, eyes shining with am... More

Arrival of the Original
Allies. Enemies. Cheese balls...
The Curse is broken
Dead but by magic she comes back as a unicorn!
What a depressing sacrifice
The be or not to be different I choose...
This sexy Original has Changed
Why must you talk to me?
Torture, how fun.
Bickering about me? You shouldn't have.
Humananity switch, bitch.
Weirdness comes in twos.
Dream schemes
Break out
The Plan
Story telling and Papa Original
The day of tears, memories and taco's.
Betrayal and Homecoming deaths.
Its about time Elena dies, isn't it?
One on one time
Bitches be hatin' cause I am.
I'm skilled in the art of dyeing
An Originals path of death
We're all linked somehow
Whats the best way to serve a slaughter eh?
I must say, heroic actions aren't my forte
Mortality issues, apparently.
I'd rather kill him mate.
Sired Sired you are Sired.
There is no sanity.
Burn. Baby... Burn.
Eenie Meenie Miney Hoe

Coffins above all plus a mother...

14.8K 327 107
By Lilly-JoElliott


Arianna's POV

"So," I started, looking at Nik from across the room, "did you have a heart to heart with Caroline last night?"

He sighed and put down one of his many art books. "Yes, if you must know."

I smiled at him, laying down on the armchair beside me, I knew I was the only one he'd ever actually admit something like that so easily too, "you told her what awaits her out there, beyond the small walls of Mystic Falls, didn't you?"

There was a long pause before he answered me, "I did, she was deciding whether she wanted to die or not, I had to give her a chance, a glimpse of what was out there."

I looked at him, "sweet." I cooed, having enough of teasing him I said with some seriousness, "Nik, you need to get the coffins. Go over to the Salvatore residence and ask what the hell is happening, the Hybrids are gone and Stefan hasn't contacted us. I hate that some stupid little Vampire is holding them. Your the oldest in the room, go over there and do something about it."

I saw him roll his eyes, "alright I'm going."

I just made a face at him. Dam right your going.


Third Person's POV

Klaus relaxed on one of the chairs in the living room of the Boarding house. He sipped his drink as he listened to the loud music. Not a minute later did Stefan Salvatore walk through the door. Klaus smirked as he watched him walk around to the remote, where he turned it down. Stefan sat down opposite Klaus before finally deciding to speak.

"What are you doing here Klaus." He said boredly, "what do you want."

"The question is," Klaus mused, "what do you want? My Hybrids left town as you demanded so please tell me what I need to do to get my family back."

"Well, you see Klaus," Stefan started, spreading his hands, "I'm not negotiating."

"Then you understand holding my family indefinitely is the same as dropping them in the ocean." He answered, putting down the empty glass.

"No, you leave Mystic Falls and give me a call in a few years, then we'll negotiate the terms of getting your family back."

Klaus rubbed his jaw in mock thought, "you know what? I'll give you another chance. Just one more, lets make a reasonable deal." He said. Klaus knew Aria would react badly if he came home to tell her that he failed and they had to move in order to get their family back in a few years. Yeah, that won't happen smoothly.

Stefan leaned closer, "or what? You make one move and I'll-"

He cut him off with a humourless laugh, "yes, right. Crazy Stefan. How's that working out for you, any friends left?" He taunted. That, Klaus noticed, wiped the smirk off his face. "Stop with the stalling, Stefan. You have no remote idea how to deal with Aria, if you don't make the deal with me, then you'll have her to deal with, and trust me, you don't want that if you want to keep your spinal cord in place."


The Original had left soon after their conversation ended, instead of going home, Klaus went to the police station where he compelled the address of the Bennett Witch's mother, with a phone call, he sent Daniel to go to the address and do whatever was necessary to retrieve the place where the coffins were hidden. Because eventually, Bonnie would show up there. Klaus knew this because whilst he was at the police station, he overheard the Sheriff talking to Elena about an Abbie Bennett.

He didn't know why they needed the Bennett Witches mother, but he figured it'd it will be a good way to get the location of his family. So for now, he sat alone at the Grill's bar, sipping his glass of bourbon.

"How's life on the road?" Klaus asked Daniel, after ringing his new favourite Hybrid.

He could hear the car come to a stop through the phone, "Scenic, how's life in Mystic Falls without any Hybrids?"

"For now, boring." He sighed.

"If you want any of us back, all you have to do is say the word."

"There's no need, I've been making friends with the towns civil servants, there's a deputy who's awfully chatty, but useful none the less." He explained, referring to the police officer who told him more about Bonnie's mother, apparently they were 'friendly' back in the day. "Are you clear on what you need to do?"

"I've got it covered." The Hybrid confirmed, before hanging up.

It was close to dark when Klaus got the message of where the coffins were being held. After ringing Aria, the Original set off to the old building where their family layed. He wondered about the house for a minimum of ten minutes before he heard someone downstairs. Guessing that was the place where they were, he started down that way.

Klaus appeared a few metres from Damon. The two stood in what appeared to be an empty room full of lit candles. "What took you so long?" Klaus smirked. "Hiding behind your weak Witchy friends, no doubt."

The candle lights became bigger and Klaus suddenly dropped to the ground, grabbing his head he yelled in pain. Damon realised what happened almost instantly and he smiled, "insulting a bunch of dead Witches?" he mused as Klaus glared up at him, "not smart, I did it the first time I came here."

"You know the funny thing about Witches, is living or dead, they care about their own. A hundred dead Witches would have a thousand living descendents," he yelled in pain again, "and I have no problem in killing every last one of them," he started, slowly standing up, "if I don't get my coffins back."

It wasn't what Klaus said, that made their aneurysm trick stop immediately, it was when Aria had entered the room did all their whispering come to a halt. It was as if they knew exactly how powerful she really was. The only thing that didn't change was the candle lights, burning high and bright.

Klaus glanced at his sister, "took you long enough." Aria simply shrugged. He shook his head and continued to address the spirits, "as we speak, my Hybrids are prepared to end the Bennett line." With that, the Witches definitely backed down as the candle lights flickered and returned to their former fire light.

Aria could see the three coffins. She had seen them as soon as she arrived, their magic was weak compared to hers so their little magic tricks couldn't hide or do anything to her. She knew that her brother and Damon had yet to see them be revealed.

"Now," Klaus said, "show me the coffins. Please." He added. After a moment, three coffins appeared in front of him, he smiled, running his hands over the top of one. Klaus frowned when he realised the fourth hadn't appeared. "Where's the fourth. Show me!" He growled.

Damon walked toward where the fourth used to be, "well... Uh, here's the thing... They can't." He said. "It's not here."

Klaus looked at Aria for confirmation, and she nodded in agreement, "the Witches can't hide anything from me. I don't see the fourth coffin here." Damon frowned at what she said, but he didn't say anything.

"What did you do?" He growled.

"Bonnie gave me the heads up." Damon smirked, "I didn't have enough time to get all four, but I did have enough time to grab one."

Aria's eyes changed gold and suddenly, Damon realised he was in a choke hold, pinned to one of the old walls. "I will tear you, limb from limb and only then, when you are a writhing mass of blood and flesh will I rip your heart from your chest, Damon Salvatore." She hissed, her voice was darker and full of hate.

"The same..Rules apply Aria..." He wheezed, "leverage and all..."

"I have waited long enough for my family to be reunited Damon, no one, not a single person will stand in my way of that. You may of been my friend," she whispered, leaning closer, "but that won't stop your inevitable death if you keep down this path."

She let go of him and stood back as he dropped to the floor, "I know you want your family back... But something," he coughed, "something tells me you want whats in that coffin a lot more..."

Aria growled, "leave Damon or your heart will, separately."

A moment later, the Salvatore disappeared.


"You've got your family back." Daniel noted, wheeling in the final coffin. "Are you going to open them?"

Klaus ran his hands down the freshly cleaned coffins and looked at Daniel, "not quite yet, I still have some unfinished business to take care of." He stated, walking towards the rooms exit.

"What business?" Aria sighed, appearing in front of him, before he could answer her question, she frowned and sniffed the air, "Nik, why is it that I smell El-"

She was cut off by Daniel groaning in pain. The two turned around and watched as Daniel drop dead. In his place stood the not so dead Elijah.

"Elijah," Klaus and Aria said in union.

"What did I miss?" He smirked, dropping Daniels heart.


Arianna's POV

"You look surprised to see me," He stated, wiping his hands on the cloth he pulled from his pocket, "so it was not you who removed the dagger from my chest."

"You look like you could use a drink." Nik commented, looking a little more then pale. "Woul-"

Elijah cut Nik off from what ever he was going to say by running at him at inhuman speed, punching him in the face. I backed up in surprise, the two went at each other again, Nik protecting himself and Elijah attacking. Elijah threw Nik into one of the newer replaced doors and quicker then I anticipated Nik had pinned Elijah to one of the coffins as he held a dagger up, ready to put down Elijah again.

"Don't make me do this to you again Elijah," Nik pleaded.

Elijah stopped struggling, "do it, you'll have Kol to deal with."

I growled and within a moment, I held Nik and Elijah by their throats, both pinned to the coffin holding Finn inside. "What the hell is wrong with the two of you?" I hissed, my eyes glowing gold, "you know how I feel about you two fighting."

Nik pushed against my hold, which I returned twice as hard, "so help me Niklaus I will crush your wind pipe if you don't stop moving." Looking at the both of them, "I want to know why the hell you two are fighting." There wasn't an answer, "answer me." I growled.

"Nothing but a small dispute is all," Elijah sighed, "let us up, sister."

"Fine," I said eventually, pulling them up from their previous positions, I left them some breathing space as I lent against the wall of the other side of the room.

"Why do our family remain in these coffins?" Elijah asked, "Mikael is dead, you two saw to it."

I raised my hands, "I'm not apart of this. I want them undaggered as much as you do."

"Stefan still holds the one thing keeping me from freeing them." Nik explained.

Elijah frowned and looked around the room, "he has the fourth coffin?"

Nik nodded in response. "There are things you don't know about our past Elijah, about our mothers death, things I never wanted you to know but I'm ready to tell you know. I only ask that you remember the oath of loyalty you once swore to me, to this family." I frowned as I watched him dip the dagger into what smelled of ash.

"What are you doing," I said, moving off the wall and coming beside Elijah. We watched as Nik drove the dagger through Kol's heart again. I sighed, disappointed that I wouldn't see Kol today.

"Our family will be whole again, but we need to destroy Stefan Salvatore." Nik muttered.

"Well," I stated, "I'm in. As always, now that I think about it, I'm always in whether I really want to or not. But I cant complain, I want Stefan destroyed."

Elijah glanced at me, "Stefan did dagger me." He reasoned.



"Aria-" Elijah tried to reason but I just cut him down.

"Like cheese balls and pop tarts I'm not." I growled, I looked away from them and ate some more of my chips, I look down at them, "why can't everything be as simple as chips?" I whispered to myself. They tasted so good. Like oh my god.

"Aria, its just one dinner with the Salvatore brothers." Nik sighed, taking his feet of the desk. We were in the study... Actually, I was in the study minding my own business when the two of them barged in, claiming that I was to attend some dinner party.

I groaned and banged my head on the desk, yes there was like, three desks in this massive room. "Fine, fine, fine." I muttered, "I'll attend it. Only because it'll be utterly boring to death if I don't."

"Good," the newly shorter haired version of Elijah said, "be ready. Our guest should be arriving soon."

I rolled my eyes and got up, within moments I was in my room and had already chosen the dress I was going to wear. After a quick shower, I put on my red laced dress, it wasn't tight but it hugged my curves nicely and ended at mid-thigh. I put on black closed in heels with and little black belt around my waist. After a little mascara I looked myself in the mirror. Casual, this was actually pretty casual and I liked it.

"Are you ready love?" Nik asked, opening my door.

I sighed and turned around, "as ready as ever." I muttered.

"Try and play nice sister." He smirked, "you look stunning by the way."

I smiled, "such a sweet big brother aren't you. It's a shame when you kill any person that likes me though."

He shrugged, "I can't help it that you attract so much attention."

I rolled my eyes and walked past him and straight to the dining area, where we would be hosting the small event. The fire was going and several compelled girls in black skirts and gold tops stood around the edge of the room. I made a face at their perfect posture and sat down in my chair. Nik walked in a moment later.

"Niklaus, our guest's have arrived." Elijah said from the entrance. I groaned, great, I thought, it begins.

"Damon, Stefan," Nik smiled as he greeted the two when they came into view, "Elijah tells me you seek an audience. Let's discuss our terms of agreement like civilized Vampires." He said, gesturing to the food on the table and the woman standing around the room.

"It's better to indulge him." Elijah muttered, walking over to us.

"I didn't come here to eat Klaus," Stefan stated, walking further into the room, "in fact, I didn't want to come here at all but I was told I had too. Because you would hear us out." Stefan glanced at Damon as he said this, who had followed him.

"I know the feeling," I muttered, glancing at my brothers briefly.

Nik laughed humorlessly, "well we can sit, and eat." One of the girls walked behind Nik and pulled his chair out for him as he sat down on my left. "Or I can reach down your throats and tear out your insides. The choice is yours really."

Elijah followed suit, sitting by my right. The three of us watch the young Vampires, they were at least wise enough to choose the first option by sitting down at the two remaining seats. Soon enough, the compelled women were pouring all of us wine and we started to eat the food that was in front of us.

It was about two minutes in when Nik spoke again, "you lost your appetite?" He asked Stefan, looking at his plate of uneaten food.

"Eat," Damon muttered, "I thought we agreed to leave grumpy Stefan at home."

"Thats the spirit," Nik said when Stefan started to eat. "Isn't this nice? The five of us dining together, such a treat. Is this what you had in mind when you pulled the dagger out of my brother."

"Well I know how he used to feel about you so..." Damon answered smoothly. "I figured the more, the merrier."

"Hmm," I smiled, "because he'd forget so easily about the fact you were the ones responsible for daggering him the other day." Damon gave me a look.

"My brother and I have had our fare share of quarrels over the centuries but we always make it through," Nik added after me, referring to what Damon had said as well.

"Yeah, like you and Rebekah, right?" Stefan taunted, "where is she, by the way. Last I checked, she was still daggered because you were afraid to face her."

"If your talking about the fact Rebekah know's I killed our mother, I've already come clean to Elijah." Nik said, glancing at Elijah.

I watched in amusement as Damon tried to take control of the situation, "hey Stef, remember when you killed dad, might want to dile down on the judgment until dessert."

"We're here to make a deal, not kiss his ass for seven courses." Stefan answered boredly.

"I certainly hope not," I grinned, "that would not, from my point of view, be a pleasant thing to watch. That'd be just... Ew." Nik smirked at what I said, he's probably imagining it right now. I know I am and I'm having a hard time getting the imagery out.

"I'm just saying Stefan, we have a long night ahead of us," Damon muttered. "Be a little less of an ass."

A little while later, after we finished our meals, the long, ten minute silence was ended when Elijah decided to make conversation. "Stefan, where is the lovely Elena tonight." I swear, I swear, I heard a bit of sarcasm in Elijah's voice when he said this.

"I dont know, ask Damon." Stefan answered. Nik laughed and rubbed his head, poor Elijah, daggered for a day and he is out of the loop forever. "Anymore talk about Elena and this dinner is over." Stefan muttered darkly.

"Touchy," I commented, wiping my lips with the paper towels that were placed under out plates.

"Its just ironic though," Nik laughed, "the allure of the Petrova Doppelganger. Still so strong. What do you say brother, should we tell them about Tatia."

I had rested my hands on the edges of the table out of boredom but when Nik mentioned Tatia, I gripped the table tightly. "Now why should we discuss matters long since resolved." Elijah answered, throwing his paper towel on his plate, Elijah glanced at me and the table briefly.

"Given their fare shared affection of both Elena and Katerina I think our guests might be curious about the originator of the Petrova line." Nik pointed out.

"We're not going anywhere Elijah, please, do tell." Damon said, holding up his drink.

I smiled fakely, "great, my favourite subject."

Elijah glanced at me before addressing the Salvatores again, "when our family first moved here, there was a girl named Tatia. She was an, exquisite beauty. Every boy of age desired to be her suitor, even though she had a child by another man. And none loved her more, then Niklaus."

"Oh, I'd say there was one who loved her at least as much." Nik answered.

"Wait, so you both loved the same girl." Stefan mused, looking between the two of them.

"Our mother was a very powerful Witch. She sought to end our, fude, over Tatia, so she took her. Niklaus and I later learned that it was Tatia's blood that was laced with the wine of which we drank, the night our mother performed the spell that turned us into Vampires."

"Tatia could never make up her mind," I sighed, "because of this, the two of them refused to speak to each other. Heck, it even came to blows. The good thing though, was that they realised that the bond of family was more sacred then enything else."

"Family above all." Elijah muttered, lifting his glass. The three of our glass' touched in agreement.

A moment later, a shock ran through my body, I could hear echoes of a spell being cast. Or broken. My eyes widened in surprise as another wave of energy ran through my body, making me jerk forward and hit the table slightly.

I winced as the voices became louder, "excuse me for a moment." I gasped, getting up from my chair. I sank into one of the armchairs in the next room, grabbing my head. I figured out the words, who ever they were, they were repeating an unbinding blood spell.


Third Person's POV

"Why don't we move this evening along and discuss what the terms of proposal are," Elijah stated.

He had watched Aria's actions as she left the room and he and Niklaus knew that whatever she was seeing, or whatever was happening, Aria needed time to figure it out, so they had to divert the Salvatores attention to them. Klaus motioned for the women to take their plates away.

Damon received a text from Bonnie that they needed more time. So Damon had to stall.

"It's all very simple really, Klaus gets his coffins back, in exchange he and the extended Original family leave Mystic Falls forever. Me, Stefan and Elena live happily ever after." Damon stated. "Easy as pie."

"The deal sounds fare brother," Elijah commented, glancing at him.

Klaus had no idea what Elijah planned on doing tonight.

Klaus shook his head, "I don't think you understand." He sighed, "Elena's Doppelganger blood ensures the continuous survival of my Hybrids to fight those who dare oppose me. I will never leave her behind." He got up. Still holding onto his drink, "say I do leave her here, under your protection. What then? How long before either one of you turn her into a Vampire. Or worse, how long before she dies, caught between your fuding. The worst thing for Elena Gilbert is the two of you."

Damon and Stefan looked more then a little uncomfortable. Damon was the first of the two to brake the silence, " I'll be back in a moment, I'm going to get some air."

"I'll deal with this." Elijah sighed, also standing where he followed after him, only, they weren't going to get some air.

At that moment, Aria reentered. "Something isn't right," she whispered only loud enough for Klaus to hear as she glanced around the room. Klaus frowned but before he could say anything, Damon and Elijah returned.

"What do you say Klaus, time to put something on the table. We made our offer," Damon shrugged coming to a stop beside Stefan.

Elijah stood beside the chair Klaus just sat down in, where he rested one of his hands on the top of it. Elijah had done what he had desired for a long, long time. It was only a matter of time before his completed task walked through those doors.

"I offer Elena's future happiness. You see, what she needs is to be rid of you lot." He said, motioning to the two of them, "and maybe fall in love with a human. Maybe that nice football player, you know, the blonde one?"

"Matt Donovan," Aria frowned, for a moment she forgot about the small chill that ran up her spine, the warning of what was coming towards them.

"Really?" Damon scoffed, "the human?"

Klaus explained further. "Yes, they could get married, have children, live a long and fruitful life, blah, blah, blah."

"And continue the Petrova bloodline." Stefan countered. "Every few hundred years you'll have a Doppelganger to drain and you'll never run out of Hybrids. Right Klaus?"

"Consider it a small return on my investment in her well being. After you hand me back the coffin I'll ensure her safety for the rest of her natural life. You know its whats best for her." Klaus got up from his seat and stood beside Aria, "so, what do you say Stefan. Do we have a deal?"

Stefan walked around the table and came to a stop in front of Klaus. "What are you doing?" Damon frowned. Stefan returned Klaus' handshake and for a moment, everything seemed to be a done deal.

"Sorry Klaus," Stefan smirked, "no deal."

Klaus face turned murderous and he snapped Stefans hand, kicking the back of his knees to maximum breaking point, Klaus pushed Stefans broken hand into the fire. Stefan yelled in pain and struggled to pull it out but he was no match against the thousand year old angry Hybrid. Damon ran at them but Elijah pinned him to the wall opposite them. Aria just stood there, not affected by the scenario in the slightest.

"What are you doing?" Damon hissed struggling against Elijah's hold.

"Bring me my coffin before I burn him alive." Klaus ordered, easily holding the younger Vampire down. "We haven't got all night."

"I'll get it," Damon sighed, glaring at Klaus. He pushed past Elijah.

"Go with him brother, keep him honest." He smiled. "When you return I will make good on my promise, I'll hand them over to you." Elijah nodded and seemingly left along with Damon.


Arianna's POV

"Go ahead, kill me," Stefan groaned, "we both know you'll do it when you get the coffin."

I rolled my eyes, "your nearly as dramatic as I am," I muttered pulling him away from the fire. "You really have given up haven't you Stef. Where's that fight?"

"Where's the Ripper?" Nik taunted from beside me. Damon, Elijah and one of the compelled girls walked back through the doors. "Brother, why haven't you left?"

"Where's your manners brother?" Elijah smiled, "we forgot dessert." With that comment, Elijah pulled away a cloth that was over a tray the girl was carrying to reveal two daggers.

"What have you done?" Nik whispered.

I looked closer. "Hey, you undaggered our family." I grinned, "awesome! Well, not so awesome for you Nik but still."

"We're doing this on my terms now, Niklaus." Elijah stated.

It was really intense and epic when Elijah finished his sentence, because Kol walked out from behind him, still in his clothes from the las time I saw him. Dark grey rolled up dress shirt and a black vest, matching black pants.

"Kol," Nik started, backing up, someone was obviously nervous.

"Long time brother," He smirked. Is it just me, or does my family like calling each other brother and sister a lot? Is it like tenth century slang or something?

Finn grabbed one of the daggers, "Finn don't-" Finn cut him off by shoving the dagger through the palm of Niks hand. I winced and made a face as he groaned in pain.

When Finn pulled it out, Nik appeared at the other exit, only to meet Rebekah, standing there in her red homecoming dress, "Rebekah." He whispered.

She stabbed him in the stomach, "this is for our mother." She smiled, pulling it out again. Nik stumbled backwards where Kol held his arms back as Rebekah walked towards him. The scene was so intense I didn't know what to do. I didn't know whether I should say something, stop the events early or watch as it painfully unfolds. God my family is voilent...

"Your free to go," Elijah added to the Salvatores, "this is, family business."

Kol let go of the hold and looked around the room. "I like what you've done with the room," Rebekah noted, she picked up a glass vase and threw it at the wall, only, I caught it before it smashed.

"Would you mind not destroying the place," I grinned, "I designed this room. I didn't carry any of the furniture personally, but thats beside the point."

"Sister," Rebekah started.

I held up my hand, "hush," I said flatly, "I get your all angry. Really, I'm beyond happy that your all undaggered. I'm so happy in fact, I may even cry. Yeah, unbelievable right?" I smiled, handing Kol and Finn a glass of blood, giving them a hug and a kiss on the cheek as I went. I finally stopped walking around and sat beside Nik, yawning.

"I wanted this to be our home, where we never had to be alone again." Nik told them. I already knew that was why he had built this house.

"We won't," Elijah confirmed.

"Your staying behind." Finn added, walking toward the exit. I frowned and stood up and took a couple of steps toward the four of my siblings standing near the doorway.

"Back up Finn," I said, holding my hand up, "what did you say?"

"We're leaving you Nik, right after I kill that Doppelganger wrench." Rebekah stated, smirking. I made a face at the wall, now everybody's back from the dead, I seem to be ignored. How does that even work? "And you will be alone, always and forever." She finished.

I rose my eyebrows at her statement, "Rebekah," I groaned. Why is everyone hating on Nik. Oh yeah, he liked stabbed them in the heart multiple times over the centuries. Talk about mutiny.

"If you run, I will hunt all of you down." Nik hissed.

"Whow, turn of events." I commented. As I expected, my comment was ignored. Testing this I added, "I bought a Llama and had babies with a Penguin as I threw pineapples at dogs." I paused, seriously? No one even heard it!

"Then you will become everything you hate. Our father." Elijah answered.

"Enough!" I yelled. Finally, I caught the attention of my cranky siblings, "enough. You are all awake, finally. Go," I smiled faintly, "if that is what you want to do, then it is your decision. Go and live your life together."

"Your coming with us," Kol stated, crossing his arms.

I smiled sadly, "no. I'm not." I received confused looks, "the one thing I don't stand for is someone in my family being alone. You know this," I stated, waving my hands around like the crazy person I am, "Niklaus here has done you all wrong, and its sad that he would make the same mistake over and over. But I will stay with him, so you can live your lives and he isn't by himself. The worse thing one can do is go insane alone, with me with him, none of you have to worry about being daggered every second."

"No," Rebekah growled, stomping her heel on the floor, "your coming with us."

"Aria, this is not a negotiation." Elijah sighed, "come here. Now."

I sighed loudly, "and I wondered where my stubbornness came from." I stepped backwards and grabbed onto Niklaus' hand, "he's staying with me, you don't want him around at the present so unless you want him with you. I'm not coming with. Before you make accusations, I am not choosing him over you, but I'm not choosing you over him. Its upsetting that you'd put me in this position in the first place. So would you please just accept it?"

"Aria..." Finn smiled, "we will we you again, littlest sister."

"Of course," I grinned, letting go of Niks' hand, I put my hands on my hips, "like hell is this the last time you see me. When you find out what a phone is Finn, text me. Elijah, you have my number. Now, I'll be right back, Nik apologise to them," I said looking at him, I turned to the others, "don't be complete ass's while I'm gone please? Oh and don't leave yet!" I called back.

I left on purpose, I wanted them to leave on good-ish terms, eventually, I heard Nik speak. "I'm sorry. It was uh, wrong of me to dagger you simply because of my mood and I should of learned my lesson a long time ago, but I have now, I won't.... Follow after you when you leave."

"Well, that was sappy but at least you know your at fault." Rebekah muttered, "I'm still angry at you but at least you've apologised."

I returned a moment later, "beautiful. Now thats done and dusted. Love you all, remember to shower, text me and above all, find out what chips are, because they are amazing." I sighed dreamily.

The four siblings smiled in return and finally turned to leave, only for the door to crash open. The same shiver ran up my spine and I realised that who ever the person was, it was connected to the blood spell. When the person walked into our view everyone's mouths dropped, we were completely shocked at the figure standing there...

"Mother." Rebekah whispered.

Oh my manly god.

I stood stock still as she walked past us, finally stopping in front of Nik, who had tears starting to run down his face. I can't believe she's actually standing in this room right now, all my feelings about not wrecking this room faded and I didn't care if it became ruins, because I will probably be the one ruining it. Go figures...

"Look at me," mother stated, after a moment he locked eyes with her, "do you know why I'm here?" she asked.

"Your here to kill me."

Like hell she is!

"Niklaus you are my son, and I am here, to forgive you." She turned around to face the rest of us, "I want us to be a family again."

My hands clenched and my face changed to murderous, it seemed as though my siblings saw this action, I say this because when I went at mother, Elijah and Kol pulled me back, "let go of me." I growled, hissing at them. I pulled my hands from their grips and instead of hitting my real target, I hit the wall so hard, large cracks spread through it immediately and they reached to all four corners. I held my hands together tightly in agitation, before I turned to leave. I couldn't stand this any longer.

"Arianna." Mother started.

I ignored her, I was nearly out of the room before I spoke, "I take it back." I laughed, all humour gone from my voice, "you's can all be a family, but I'm not being apart of it."

Elijah suddenly appeared in front of me, standing in the doorway. "You aren't going anywhere." He stated simply.

"Like hell I'm not," I growled, by now, my face had stopped being so Vampiric and all that was there was my obvious anger, "get out the way Elijah. I'm leaving."

"Do you dare defy me?" He shot back, a ghost of a smile on his face.

My jaw locked, I knew everyone was watching this unfold, but I ignored them. "You can't pull this card right now, thats just unfair." I groaned.

"I can," he answered smoothly, "and I am. Your not leaving this room until I know you aren't going to leave the house. Mother is back from the dead. Talk to her."

I rubbed my face in annoyance. I knew when he first found out this trick he would use it against me. "Fine," I spat, "fine I won't leave right this second."


"Don't Aria me," I growled at him, "I can't, I can't speak to her," I turned around and put my hand out in gesture to her, "I can't even look at you. No, no, no, no, no, no," I repeated shaking my head. I started pacing side to side, instead of punching the wall again, I bit my enclosed fist, a pained expression on my face, it wasn't because I was biting my fist, it was because she was in the room. "Nope, can't do it. Let me out." I ordered, trying to get past Elijah, only for Kol to appear beside him.

"Give this a chance."

"Oh no," I started, "don't you even dare Kol. Its bad enough I'm still in this room with her."

"Arianna." Mother repeated calmly. "All I want is us to be a family again. Your apart of this family."

I turned and looked at her for the first time, an angry yet pained expression on my face. "No, you don't get to say that." I spat.

"Why can't I say this." She asked, I knew she was being careful of what she was saying.

I walked a little closer toward her, "you turned your back on me," I answered, my voice completely void of any emotion and my face blank, "I was sixteen. I am sixteen." I shook my head and sighed, "at that age, a mother shouldn't even dream of abandoning her children. And yet, you turned your back on me, on Niklaus, for what we were, it wasn't our fault we had the Werewolf gene. That was your scandal. You ruined this family."


I cut her off, "nope, don't even say my name." I growled, "you'd think I'd be broken when you abandoned me, but the truth is, you weren't really connected with me as a mother should be. Maybe it was because of who my dad really was or simply because you never bothered. Rebekah did a better job in one day then you did in sixteen years."

"I don't really-" I cut Rebekah off.

"Yeah you were. I just can't deal with this shit." I sighed, resting my head on one of the walls that wasn't broken, "I mean, that recent Harry Potter movie was enough, oh! Lets just add a resurrected mother to the pile."

"Harry Potter?..." Finn murmured sounding confused.

"Just let her rant it out." Elijah whispered back.

"I cannot change my actions, the best I can do is make it up to you, Arianna. Give this a chance. Not for my sake, for your brothers, your sister." Mother said finally.

I sighed loudly before walking towards the exit. Again Elijah blocked my path, "calm your shit Elijah I'm going to the kitchen." I stated flatly.

"Are you?"

"Yes. I'm giving in." I said angrily, spinning around and looking at the people behind me, "I'll stay. You pulled the stupid family card, now let me eat my chips." He rolled his eyes and stepped out of my way. As I started toward the kitchen I started talking again, "I honestly wouldn't be surprised if Godzilla jumped out from around the corner right now. Anything could happen these days."

"Who is...Godzilla?" I heard Kol ask.

"Don't worry about it." Nik sighed.

I came back and arched towards the flight of stairs, "only I have enough swag to kill Godzilla." I stated, shoving sour cream and chive chips into my mouth, "only this Mikaelson has it," I pointed to myself, "me, myself and I." I called before disappearing into my room.


I decided Elena should probably be my target, instead of my mother. So when she was backing out in her car from the hospital parking lot, I layed down behind her wheel and she hit me, it didn't hurt but it was pretty dramatic when she came out to see what she hit and nothing was there. When she turned around I was standing there. Yes, this was like and hour after everybody came back.

"Drive much?" I scoffed.

"Aria," she gasped. I pinned her against her car.

"Surprised? Not only were you the one that stabbed Rebekah in the back, but you were apart of the reason, mother came back." I went to disgustingly bite her but I was suddenly pinned against the car, surprise, surprise, Elijah stood there. "Elijah." I sighed. God dam it...

"Leave." He ordered, letting go of me. I stood up and glared at him and Elena, "are you challenging me?" He asked after a few seconds.

"Wouldn't dream of it," I answered. I glared daggers at Elena before disappearing from sight.


Soft music was playing in the living room the next morning. Rebekah was sitting down, watching a human paint her nails, whilst Finn was being fitted into a suit. Kol had just had the finishing touches on his. Elijah on the other hand, was the first to get his done, and had already changed out of it and was currently staring at shoes for some odd reason.

Me, I just lent on the wall of the entrance, watching them in amusement.

"Rebekah," Kol started, looking at her in the mirror he stood in front of, "tell me how handsome I am."

"Oh Kol, you know I can't be compelled." She smirked back. I saw Finn try to hide his smile, he had gotten a hair cut, his hair was short now, to be honest it looked like it suited him.

I skipped into the room and kissed Kol on the cheek before plopping down on the couch behind him, "your very handsome Kol." I grinned.

"And this is why your my favourite." Kol smirked, leaning on the back of the couch I was on and staring down at me.

"Come now," I said, "only saying what is the truth can't make me your favourite. Surely." Elijah and Finn looked at each other before looking back at me again, "alright, could you focus your attention on Rebekah now please, I don't like the way your looking at me."

Klaus looked up from his art book, "have you chosen your dress yet love?" he asked me, sounding rather smug.

My grin disappeared and I stood up, "I'm not going." I scoffed.

"Yes you are." Rebekah stated, pulling her hand away from the woman, she stood up as well. "Your going tonight Aria."

I rose my eyebrows, "your going to make me are you?" I laughed, "I said I'd stay for the sake of family, it didn't mean in any way that I would start taking orders from mother. I'm not going to the stupid event. That would mean socialising."

"Yes you are, and thats final."

I turned to look at Elijah, "no its not final. I don't want to go. No one even likes dresses."

"Yes they do." Rebekah shot back.

My eyes narrowed, "why are you all picking on me!" I cried, covering my face.

"Because your the youngest." Nik smirked back, I crossed my arms and muttered an unknown language to all but myself. Nik's phone went off, saying he received a message. After a moment he looked back at me. "Why did you go after Elena."

I was making faces a Kol when he said this, I turned around and rose my eyebrows at him, "relax nacho man, Elijah stopped me. I wasn't going to kill her. I was just... Going to bite her."

"Aria." He said, annoyed. I just rolled my eyes.

"Just leave it Nik." Rebekah sighed, "if she hadn't of done it then I would have, and believe me, I would have ripped the wrench's throat out and ended her pathetic life."

"Do you want another dagger in your heart?" Nik growled.

"Again with the dagger threats Nik," Kol said boredly, "don't you have any other tricks?"

"Oh go back to staring at yourself." He shot back, glancing at him. Oh, things are getting hot in here! Woop! Woop! Ok maybe I should step in soon.

"And who are you? My father?"

"No, Kol. But your in my house."

Kol stood up as Nik walked towards him, "then perhaps we should go outside." He smirked.

"Enough," I stated, putting my hands on both their chests and pushing them away from each other, "could you please lower your manliness for a moment and stop the petty argument." The both of them looked at me, standing between them before they finally, finally, stepped back and relaxed a little. "Good."

"Why are you staring at shoes Elijah," Rebekah asked, stretching her cramped muscles from sitting down so long.

"Its not a question I would prefer to answer Rebekah." He smirked.

I smiled at his answer, I honestly thought he only did that for something to do, considering he is the only one who wears suits everyday. My smile faded though. I frowned as my breathing hitched and my body tensed up, I groaned and put my hand on my chest, I could feel the heat spreading and becoming more intense as it went. Before I knew it I hit the ground and my vision became blurry. I could faintly see outlines of people above me but the feeling of my life source being depleted became to much and I let my last breath escape my lips before complete darkness enveloped me.




Is Aria Mikaelson dead?

:O :O :O :O :O :O



Please comment what you think, your feelings, or your overall questions. Pleaseeeeeee


Has the story finally ended???

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