The Lost Dragon | Game of Thr...

By Lauren_Loving

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The name Violet Snow was on the lips of every Northerner, everyone familiar with the young bastard who fought... More

The Lost Dragon. (GOT Fan Fiction)
Chapter One.
Chapter Two.
Chapter Three.
Chapter Four.
Chapter Five.
Chapter Six.
Chapter Seven.
Chapter Eight.
Chapter Nine.
Chapter Ten.
Chapter Eleven.
Chapter Twelve.
Chapter Thirteen.
Chapter Fourteen.
Chapter Fifteen.
Chapter Sixteen.
Chapter Seventeen.
Chapter Eighteen.
Chapter Nineteen.
Chapter Twenty.
Chapter Twenty- One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Seven.
Chapter Twenty-Eight.
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty.
Chapter Thirty-One.
Chapter Thirty-Two.
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Q & A
Q & A (Answers)
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Six
Chapter Fifty-Seven
Chapter Fifty-Eight
Chapter Fifty-Nine

Chapter Twenty-Six

6.8K 267 45
By Lauren_Loving

"Sansa," Violet whispered, walking slowly towards the young girl with hair kissed by fire. Sansa looked terrible, with large red puffy eyes, and obvious tears still rolling down her freckled cheeks. Sansa glanced up at Violet with a furrowed brow, obviously not aware at first glance who was walking towards her. 

"You remember me don't you, Sansa?" Violet whispered quietly, looking around for prying ears. The only person around was Tyrion, but she could see the whore from the Lannister camp, Shae walking up to him. Both were highly aware of her identity. 

"You look familiar." Sansa responded before looking down at the full tray of lemon cakes sitting on the table in front of her. "I'm sorry I don't remember you." 

Violet sighed before sitting down to the seat to Sansa's left. She grabbed the young girls chin gently before tilting it towards her so she had no choice but to look her in the eye. Sansa searched for a form of resemblance in her eyes, before her eyes widened and she through her arms around Violet. Violet's eyes were something that most people could never forget.

"Oh, Violet. It's so horrible here. It's terrible." Sansa cried into Violet's shoulder. Violet wrapped her arms around Sansa, running her fingers through her bright red hair. "They're dead. They're all dead. My parents, my brothers, Lady. Everyone has been taken from me!" Sansa cried out, gripping Violet tightly. 

Violet's eyebrows furrowed at the word "Brothers", she thought Robb was the only one that was taken from them. 

"What happened to Brann and Rickon?" Violet asked quietly, pulling away from Sansa to look her again in the eye. 

"It was Theon." Sansa grumbled with anger. "He seized Winterfell and burned them both alive." 

Violet's body immediately shook in disgust to the Ironborn who was also taken in by the Starks as family. Theon had always been an arrogant, pompous young man. He liked to challenge Violet in the practice yard in Winterfell, and he always lost which prompted him to challenge her more. She knew he was ambitious, but wasn't sure what would engage him  to burn two boys he knew as brothers. 

"That's why I'm here in Kings Landing. I'm taking revenge for everything that's been done to your family. To my family." Violet spoke almost silently, making sure only Sansa could hear what Violet was saying. 

"The Lannisters are more powerful than you can imagine. And Joffrey is the cruelest boy I have ever met. It's dangerous for you to be here. Cersei and Joffrey have been plotting against you and your sister. Tywin has someone feeding him information from across the narrow sea, you need to warn your sister before something happens." Sansa told her. Violet's thoughts immediately went to Jorah. The exiled knight who popped up in Dany's service before Violet had ever even gotten there. 

"I will kill them, I swear to you. But I'm getting you out of Kings Landing before I do. Is there anyone here you can trust? Anyone at all that I could use to my advantage?" Violet asked, looking around to see Tyrion had dragged Shae off through an open door to the castle and Oberyn had more than likely left to find Ellaria. 

"I trust Tyrion, my husband. And my hand maiden Shae." Violet almost chuckled at the thought of Tyrion marrying young Sansa. "But Tyrions family hates him and treats him as terribly as they do me. And Shae wouldn't be much help."

"I've met Shae. She knows I'll kill her if she tells anyone who I truly am. Around other people my name is Rhaena Sand. The Lannisters know my real name, we couldn't risk it." Violet explained, still keeping eyes and ears peeled for eavesdroppers. 

"Lady Olenna Tyrell is smart. Her granddaughter Margaery will be marrying Joffrey and I expect she's less than thrilled at the idea. The Lannisters owe the Tyrells mounds of gold and crops from the battle of blackwater bay, so they don't have to stay loyal to them. And I know lady Olenna hates Cersei with a passion, so that's something. The Tyrells have been nothing but kind to me since their arrival." Sansa told her, her eyes seemed to show more life behind them since Violet had appeared. The first friendly face since she left Winterfell all those years ago. And it was very apparent that Sansa was smarter than people gave her credit for. 

"Well then, I think it's time to introduce myself to Lady Olenna." 


It didnt take long for Sansa and Violet to find Lady Olenna and her gaggle of Tyrell handmaidens.  Margaery Tyrell was of course at her side, and two young boys adorned with the Highgarden rose sigil adorning their linens carried trays of cheese and various fruits. Lady Olenna had clearly made herself at home in the red keep.

With the appearance of the young Stark girl and the young Targaryen, their conversations seemed to grind to a halt. "My apologies my Lady. I wanted to introduce to you Rhaena Sand, she's accompanying prince Oberyn for the royal wedding." Sansa said meekly, avoiding eye contact as her eyes were still bright and puffy. 

"How kind of a noble Lady to introduce a Dornish bastard to me." Lady Olenna said, a tiny smirk on her face. Violet's eyebrows rose quickly, her own smirk crossing her lips. She looked around from the shy look on the future queens face, to the handmaidens who were trying to busy themselves with whatever tasks they could find on the large terrace. But it was clear they all wanted to hear what the queen of thorns was going to say.

"I have known Rhaena for many years my Lady, I thought I would introduce you as she doesn't know many people in the capital," Sansa mumbled, trying hard not to stumble over her words. Violet could sense Lady Olenna had that affect on people. 

"Really? And how did a Dornish bastard find their way all the way into Winterfell?" Olenna asked, eyes never leaving Violet even though she was speaking to Sansa. 

Sansa looked to Violet for help, she was trying hard to explain the presence of Violet without giving away her true identity. But her mental state wasn't currently at its best, and she placed a hand to her forehead. 

"Leave us," Lady Olenna commanded of the people around her. They all bowed quickly before finding their way back into the castle. "You too, Margaery. Why don't you show Sansa your dress for tomorrow." Lady Olenna and Violet never seemed to break eye contact. 

"Come along, Sansa." Margaery said sweetly, before sliding her arm through Sansa's and pulling her begrudgingly  away from her friend. Violet whipped around and followed Sansa with her eyes until she was out of reach.

"Take a seat Rhaena." Olenna said, speaking her name as if she knew it not to be true. 

Violet slowly took the seat in the intricate chair across from Lady Olenna, whom was now eying the swords that rested on either side of Violet's hips.  With raised eyebrows Olenna scooted forward in her chair to get a closer look.

"I know exactly who you are child. In a den of lions, it's quite dangerous for a dragon on their own." She whispered. Violet smiled and fiddled with her Valyrian sword.

"But I'm not alone, am I?" She asked. "I know you don't want Margaery to marry that beast do you? "

"I'm listening." Lady Olenna whispered. 

"If you know who I am, then you know Robb Stark was like a brother to me. Ned Stark protected my secret until he died. And the Lannisters took them away from me. I may have my sister now, but I wouldn't be who I am without the Starks. So you know I need to keep Sansa safe."

"We all want young Sansa safe, my dear. That girl has been through unimaginable things by that vile King of ours." Responded Lady Olenna. "But what do you suppose we do then? I've heard of the damage you can do on the people who cross you. I also know your sister wouldn't want you dying for some repugnant young boy like Joffrey." 

"I want them to get a taste of their own medicine. After all, what kind of person would kill a man at his own wedding?" Violet asked. It was only a second later where the two women's eyes met, and they both knew they were exactly on the same page. 

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