From Soldiers Rifle To Dragon...

By taro619

3.5K 125 48

Our government, our leaders, they tell us what is real, what we should believe in, what we should stand for... More

The Harbor
Battle Scars
Mountain Ally
Make Bank
Return Of A Hunter
Spa day
Egg Watcher
Hide and Go Seek
Blood Stained Sand
The Hunt
Lone Survivor
The Game Begins
Heavy Hitters
Eternal Bond
Stranger Tides
Rally point
Demon of The North Sea
Lost Words
Lost City
Truth In The Dark
The legend lives on
Prosoner 01
East Against West
Authors Notes

Cloudless Sky

92 3 1
By taro619

"What the hell is he doing here? Generals of his rank aren't allowed to enter the battlefield." I stated as the group of men disappeared off camera.

"Either way, lets get what we can and get to him. He's probably going to want to see this stuff." Cloud replied before opening the vault door all the way. He left the vault with Nina and I following behind him. As we walked down the hall, we could here the clank clack of footsteps coming down the stairs. They were moving quickly.

"Somethings not right." Nina whispered to me as we walked. Within seconds, Jackson and his men appeared out of the stairwell and began walking toward us.

"General Jackson. Our coms are down, but we found a large cache of intel and a pair of Nuclear warheads." Cloud stated as we approached on another.

"I know." He replied. He then made a snapping motion with one of his hands. As he finished, three of the men with him lifted there weapons. Everything went into a slow motion state. My mind was taking in things before my eyes could see them. I threw myself into Nina and into the wall we went. Shots began to fill the air and i closed my eyes, throwing my wings over Nina in an attempt to protect her. Everything got quiet, and i began to check myself over mentally. Waiting for the pain to begin, but it never came.

"CLOUD!!!" I heard Nina call from under me. My eyes shot open and i spun around to see Cloud laying on his side. At least 20 rounds had torn through his chest and neck. He lay on the ground coughing and spitting up blood. His eyes wide with fear, his body going into shock.

"No!!!!" I roared quickly going to his side and placing my paws over the holes in holes in his neck. It was no use. He was bleeding to heavily.

"Why?" I asked looking toward Jackson.

"You weren't supposed to make it here. You weren't supposed to enter the vault. Your only alive due to a faulty tripwire." He said comming to a stop about 10 yards from us. The words rang out in my head. Nina's crying beside me was loud in the air. Cloud continued bleeding. What was i supposed to do? I was clueless.

"The nukes in the vault were set to go off when you entered. Seems the team i sent here earlier cant do there job for shit." He said with a smile. I grabbed Clouds paw. He squeezed it tightly. Shaking heavily as he held my paw.

"But why? Why are you trying to kill us!!" I growled.

"You know too much for your worth, so your of no worth to me. As we speak, Raven is getting ripped to shreds." He replied. I growled again and began tracing my mind. I didn't know anything about what he was talking about. Why was he trying to kill us.

"What about our eggs. What are you going to do with them?" Nina whimpered.

"They'll be put into the project of course." He replied with a smile.

"Now if were done here, i got a few ends i need to clean up." He said motioning to his group. I looked at Nina, then at Cloud. His grip had since loosened and he had passed. I closed my eyes as the weapons clanked there chambers closed. Nina wrapped her tail with mine, her shaking body had long since stopped shaking. It was just us now. And we weren't getting out. Suddenly there was a loud clack. The soldiers began speaking then gunfire broke out. I flinched and squeezed Nina's paw as hard as i could. Preparing for the pain, but none came. The gunfire quickly died down and everything became quiet.

I slowly opened my eyes, only to see darkness. The lights were all shut off and we were surrounded by darkness. It crept over my scales like a blanket of fear.

"Hello?" I asked after a moment. Suddenly a low crack rang out and a green light quickly grew bright in the hall. A glow-stick. In the light i could see 2 dragons. A Feral, and an anthro. Both were covered with black clothing. Like a body suit of a sort. Only there eyes could be clearly seen. On there shoulders, was the picture i had seen in the vault as well as on Jacksons desk. The anthro tossed the glow-stick behind him and into a pile of 11 bodies. All of the men. And General Jackson.

"Please, don't hurt us." Nina whimpered as the feral approached us. He then placed a paw on cloud and shook his head.

"He's gone." He called to the anthro.

"Damn. Don't worry, were not here to hurt you. Were here to set you free." The anthro said as he too approached us. Nina and i stood. I felt a little relieved, but still nervous about them.

"We are members of a group called the resistance. Were tired of being used and disposed of like old trash." The anthro stated pulling a piece of paper put of a pouch on his black vest. He handed it to me and crossed his arms. The feral pulled Clouds lifeless body onto his back and nodded to the anthro.

"There going to try it again. Get everything you own and meet us here if you want to live free." The anthro stated as the glow-stick went out.

"Wait!!" I shouted as i popped one of my glow-sticks and tossed it down the hall. Both the dragons had disappeared. I looked at the paper they gave me and then to Nina.

"Lets just go home Shadow....i.....i just want this day to end." Nina said nuzzling my shoulder as she began crying. I put a wing over here and we left the bank. The piece of paper they gave me in my front vest pouch. We quickly made our way to our awaiting EVACA bird. My senses were high as we began our journey back to the base. I didn't know who i could trust anymore, but the pilots seemed to know anything about what went on. This made me feel relieved. I couldn't help but shed tears on the trip home. My best friend was gone. And we didn't even get to tell him goodbye. I growled to myself.

"Nina." I began looking at her. She looked at me. Her eyes were full of fear.

"We get our eggs, and we go. Tonight." I said putting a paw over the pouch that held the paper.

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