Why? {Third book in the I am...

By neverlandhiraeth

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{3rd book in the I am Who? series.} Orion has gone off to Romania to work with Dragons and Fred was too late... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Fourth book?
Oneshot No.1
Oneshot No.2
Author Tag

Chapter 13

576 23 2
By neverlandhiraeth

Chapter 13>> Talking with Harry.

Song Of The Chapter>> Jar of Hearts by Christina Perri.

P.S.- Happy 28th Birthday Daniel 🎉🎉❤️ 23/07/2017   (Meant to be posted on 23/05 actually posted on 04/08)

Remus quickly ordered Harry to take his cousin out of the room, whilst he, Tonks and Sirius continued to clear it out. He didn't want them both knowing even more, they didn't deserve to know what awful people, Daisy and Rossind were, they already knew enough. he and Sirius had burnt parchment after parchment, getting angrier after each part they read. Their whole world had fallen apart even more, they had lost more friends than before.

Harry and Orion sat down in the living room in silence. Both of them still flabbergasted at what they had found. Just as Harry had thought he had loving blood relatives, loving aunt, uncle and cousins, it was all fake. Every last one of them all fake, except Orion. "I'm sorry." Orion turned to him.

Harry shook his head, "It's not your fault, you were what? Three? Four? When all this all was happening. You couldn't have done anything."

She scoffed, "You managed to defeat the darkest wizard of the time and you were one years old and three months exactly. Don't give me that excuse of 'you were too young', Harry."

"You didn't know though!" He exclaimed, "Even if you did, no offence but if you went to Remus or Sirius, or even my Mum and Dad, who would they believe a toddler of their so called best friends?"

"I guess you're right."

"Anyway, why wallow in the past, we have Padfoot and Moony, along with the Weasley's, Hermione, and Tonks." Harry pulled her into a hug, "Most of all we have each other. And even in the darkest times there is light, we just have to remember to turn on the light."

"Okay you have spent too much time with Dumbledore, but I am not sure that quote is word for word, mate." Ryan snorted, but furrowed her brows when she noticed Harry's face fall. "What's wrong?"

"That's the thing Dumbledore has been avoiding me, yet again. He was avoiding me last year and this year it is even worse."

"Maybe he is just busy, being Headmaster n'all, besides the revelation of Voldywart being back. It's probably taking up a lot of his time."

"I guess, I just really need to talk to him."

"Corner him, threaten to take away his sherbet lemons, cut off his beard. Hold him hostage!""

"Hold who hostage?" Tonks walked in and plonked herself beside Ryan.

Sirius and Remus followed suit, "whose holding who hostage?" Sirius asked.

"Oh I was telling Harry to hold Dumbledore hostage."


"He keeps avoiding Harry, so I suggested ways to get Dumbledore's attention. That reminds me, the twins probably have a product that will intrigue that man, so ask them they could help."

"I am not going to hold the headmaster hostage. But thanks for the ideas."Harry shook his head laughing.

"Fair enough. I tried."

Harry then had what seemed like a light bulb moment, "I actually need to ask you something Ryan."

"Go on then." She nodded.

"Hermione was on her phone whilst we in school the other day and was showing Ginny the app, Instagram, that you also have when we came across your account with a picture you uploaded whilst in Romania. Who's the guy?" He smirked.

Her face fell, "Shit, I didn't delete it."

"Why were you going to delete it? You found a guy? What's his name? Is he cute?" Tonks gushed.

"You better not have found a guy." Remus and Sirius both clenched their jaws.

"No I haven't. Can we please change the subject?"

"No, I want to know who this bloke is!" Sirius cried.

"I'm going to see the twins." Orion stood up.

"Ry-" Remus started.

"If you must know, ask Charlie!" She yelled before disapparating to outside the twins shop.

She gazed up at the brightly coloured shop that stood out in the dark dismal street, not like how Ryan remembered Diagon Alley. She knocked on the door, and waited. There was no answer. "Merlins beard!" She disapparated to the Burrow after waiting ten minutes.

Hearing a crack Ginny gazed out of her bedroom window. " Ryan's here!" She yelled and instantly the sound of apparation occurred, Fred and George to lazy to walk down the stairs.

"What are you doing here?" George asked her.

"I went to the shop, as I haven't actually seen it yet and you two weren't there." She shrugged.

Fred sighed, "Yeah we have shut up for the holidays. I forgot you haven't seen it yet. Do you wanna go now?"

"I don't mind, I just wanted to spend the day with you two."

George nodded and ran off into the kitchen to tell his mother where they were going. He quickly returned and grabbed Orion who grabbed Fred and they apparated to outside the shop. "Why are we outside?" Fred asked.

"So she can have the full experience." George replied in a 'duh' tone.

Fred nodded and unlocked the door, swinging it open and inviting Ryan in. She gazed around the shop in awe. "Okay, when did you two get so mature and actually plan all of this?"

"You helped us plan it all!" The twins exclaimed.

"Yeah! But I didn't think it would all work out this perfectly!"

"Well we are amazing!" Fred winked guiding her and showing her all of the products. When suddenly a familiar voice screeched out, "I WILL HAVE ORDER!"

Orion jumped in shock and fright and clutched onto Freds arm. He wrapped her up in a hug, and whispered. "It's a gag toy, don't worry. "

"You fucking scared me!" She cried playfully hitting his chest. "I thought we had got rid of that toad and her annoying voice!"

"Well that is a popular product, munchkin."

"With who? The inquisitorial squad?"

"Actually many kids love it because she is on a unicycle." George piped up. Placing it back on a shelf. "Now do you want to see our flat?"

"If it is anything like your room at the Burrow, I'd pass." Orion jested.

"You loved our room!" Fred gasped showing her into the living room. "You couldn't keep away from it when we were younger."

"Holy Merlin's balls, it's clean! Okay, who'd you pay?"

"Nobody, there is a room that is a mess, it's our room that we make and experiment in." Fred opened a door that stank of gunpowder and honey. "Here we have separate rooms for once, mine is this one."

"Yup looks practically like your one at the Burrow just with only one bed." She nodded.

"Mine looks exactly like Fred's." George called from the kitchen where he was snacking on an apple.

* * *

After Orion had left, Tonks produced a patronus and summoned Charlie. Of course he came to the house moments after, looking panicked. "What's wrong?"

"We just want a few answers." Tonks shrugged.

"About?" He sat beside Harry.

"Ry, in Romania." Harry added.

"Okay, ask away."

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