Lethal Passion (Jeff The Kill...

Par GuardianDemon

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Everything seemed perfect at first, but what happens when the person you once loved turns into a cold-blooded... Plus

Lethal Passion (Jeff The Killer)
Chapter 1. An Affair
Chapter 2. First Meeting
Chapter 3. New Family
Chapter 4. Fun Time
Chapter 5. The Park
Chapter 6. First Day On School
Chapter 7. New Town
Chapter 8. Crushes?
Chapter 9. Annoying People
Chapter 10. Confessions
Chapter 11. A Fight!
Chapter 12. A School Play
Chapter 13. Rehearsal
Chapter 14. First Kiss
Chapter 15. Goodbye Home
Chapter 16. Car Trips
Chapter 17. Grandeur Neighborhood
Chapter 18. A Weird Feeling
Chapter 19. Meet The Neighbors
Chapter 20. Liu's Departure
Chapter 21. Here Comes Trouble
Chapter 22. In The Hospital
Chapter 23. Sickness
Chapter 24. A Week Away
Chapter 25. Snowy Forest
Chapter 26. Good News
Chapter 27. Blizzard
Chapter 28. Jeff The Killer is Born
Chapter 29. The Unpleasant News
Chapter 30. Foster Care?
Chapter 31. Painful Memories
Chapter 32. Timeskip
Chapter 33. The Man
Chapter 34. All Over Again
Chapter 35. First Encounter
Chapter 36. The Deal
Chapter 37. The New Guy
Chapter 38. Masked Feelings
Chapter 39. T-Thanks
Chapter 40. The Funeral
Chapter 41. Christmas
Chapter 42. Who am I?
Chapter 43. Worried
Chapter 44. Familiar
Chapter 45. Family?
Chapter 46. Photos
Chapter 47. Guilt
Chapter 48. Changing
Chapter 49. The Knife
Chapter 51. Unexpected Visit
Chapter 52. Monster
Chapter 53. I'm Sorry
Chapter 54. I Never Wanted This
Chapter 55. It Ends Tonight
Chapter 56. Complication
Chapter 57. It's Over
Chapter 58. New Lives
【SEQUEL】Chapter 59. Who?
Chapter 60. Surprise, Surprise
Chapter 61. Questions Unanswered
Chapter 62. A Theory
Chapter 63. Discussion
Chapter 64. Knives and Guns
Chapter 65. Insanity
Chapter 66. His Yesterdays
Chapter 67. Attempt
Chapter 68. Madness
Chapter 69. A Lost Cause
Chapter 70. Reclusion
Chapter 71. A Conflict
Chapter 72. The Plan
Chapter 73. Truthful Lies
Chapter 74. Hope
Author's Last Note

Chapter 50. Concern

17.9K 376 511
Par GuardianDemon

〔Cheers to 50th Chapter〕

"Jeff . . ." I muttered as I stared at him with serious eyes, "Are you my brother?"

He stiffened, "What?" He removed his gaze from the knife and looked up at me.

"Answer me." I demanded.

He shook his head, "N-No." Jeff replied with an alarmed look. Figures, he just woke up and I'm already asking a weird question . . . or maybe it's because he's hiding something.

"Are you certain?" I said with doubt and crossed my arms.

Jeff sucked in a breath and his usual calm demeanor replaced his uneasy self, "Why are you asking this?" He monotonously said with a serious gaze that matched mine, "Did you remember something?" His voice showed graveness.

I gave a loud sigh and sat beside him with a huff, "Yeah, I did." I growled, "It was you, saying you're my brother with that knife." I said, pointing at the knife on the floor, I turned to face him with a humorless stare, "Are you hiding something from me?"

Jeff looked surprised and anxious when he heard what I said before he let out an obviously forced laugh, "Don't be ridiculous, why would I hide something from a girl with amnesia?" He gave his usual grin but something seems off.

I averted my gaze and stared at the knife, hoping to gain more information or memory flashes but sadly, nothing showed up. Jeff reluctantly picked the knife up and kept it in his pocket.

"Why do you even have a kitchen knife with you?" I suspected. I would understand if it was a pocket knife but . . . Really? A kitchen knife? Something's wrong.

"For protection . . ." Jeff looked down as he answered.

"Why not bring a small knife instead?" I questioned, "Surely, it's troublesome to bring a big knife, right?"

Jeff was silent for a few seconds, he was thinking hard about something I could never guess. He turned to look at me with a solemn look on his face, "This knife is something special."

"What do you-"

"It was given to me by a friend who died a long time ago, it's a memento. Therefore, I always keep it with me." Jeff assured, his voice and actions becoming steady and sure.

"But I know what I remembered, it was you and you clearly said that you're my bro-"

"Of course, as your roommate, we've had times like that. Times when we were joking around, talking nonsense." Jeff cut me off mid-sentence, again, "Why on earth would I hide being related to you?"


"Even I don't remember myself saying that, we were probably messing around. It's best not to jump into any conclusions." Jeff prevented me from saying anything.

"Huh . . ." I furrowed my brows in confusion, "You said you're my brother with such a serious look."

"Brother?" Jeff chuckled, "We look nothing alike."

"Well, I have black hair, you have black hair." I pointed out, "Besides, you had an accident . . ."

"So what? Are you saying we're related to every other people with black hair?" Jeff rolled his unblinking eyes, "I don't have a family." He blankly said, not a hint of emotion was heard in his voice. He doesn't?

Actually, what he said made a lot of sense, as usual. That memory could've meant something else, maybe a joke or something similar to that, I wouldn't know. But what if he's hiding something from me? I trust him, he just saved my life last night, there's no doubt that he cares. Still, a part of me has suspicions. Even though the way he said everything was filled with certainty and no hesitation, something seems weird. I just can't tell why, it's like I feel it in my guts. What he said could be the truth, or he could be good at making up stories and lying. I wish he's being honest.

I let out a breath, "Okay, I believe you." I mumbled, "Sorry for doubting you."

He shrugged, "Doubting people is normal for someone with amnesia," He looked at me, "But I won't lie to you." He gave me a smile but I don't know if he's being sarcastic or what. I don't want to tell him that I'm being suspicious, that's just rude so I'll just wait until I gather enough 'memories'.

I remembered his wound so I unknowingly grab hold of his hoodie and shirt and pulled it up. Jeff looked surprised and sat still before he realized what I was doing, "I need to change the bandage." I muttered as I saw the blood through the bandage.

"I'm fine." Jeff retorted, "And I'm leaving."

And with that, he stood up and headed for the door. Being the worrywart I am, I strode in front of the door and blocked it, "Not until I say so." I glared up at him. Damn, he's tall.

"I said that I am leaving, and I will." Jeff matched my glare before grabbing the doorknob and giving it a strong pull.

I, of course, pushed it close while he keeps on pulling it, "Damn it, Jeff!" I shouted, "You're not going anywhere today but our house to rest!"

"Move over! I don't see why I should listen to a brat who can't even take care of herself." He growled.

I grit my teeth and grabbed both his hands and removed them from the doorknob, "Just shut up and do as you're told." I said while I pull him towards the bed.

Jeff tried jerking his hand away but my grip on him is firm, even I'm surprised how strong my hold on him is. I'm probably stronger because he still lacks energy from what happened yesterday. Why does he need to be so stubborn!?

I shoved him to the bed with a force. Unexpectedly, Jeff was caught off guard so he impulsively pulled on my arm. I let out a squeak as I lost my balance and fall on top of him with a thump. Our eyes slowly went wide with shock as we gazed at each other and realized what our-Well, my immature actions brought us.

I felt heat rising up to my cheeks, "S-Sorry!" I said as I got off of him. Jeff's surprise turned into one of annoyance as he sat up and muttered something like 'idiot'. I stood awkwardly beside the bed and looked down on my feet, "Um . . ."

"Just get it over with." Jeff glared at me.

"What?" A smile crawled it's way to my face as I heard him, he glared at me harder so I just took the stuff I need. I sat on the bed and asked Jeff to take his hoodie off. Surprisingly, he didn't refuse or argued, he just did what I said. Weird.

I removed the bandage and saw his wound didn't make any progress in healing. I knew it, he's so thin, he's unhealthy. Jeff needs to rest or the wound will open again.

I wrapped a new bandage around, "Let's go back to the house." I mumbled.

Jeff gave me a look, "Excuse me?" He said, "I'm not going with you."

"Do we have to go through this again?" I nonchalantly replied as I stood up and kept the bandage in the bag, "Jeff, you're going home whether you like it or not." I sternly said.

He rolled his eyes and wore his hoodie back on, "Like I will listen to you."

I frowned, "Where are you even going to go?"


"Oh, you don't say?" I sarcastically said, "I mean, why do you have to go, is it so important?" I asked, "You shouldn't push yourself too hard . . ."

"Yes," Jeff turned to me with a serious look on his face, "It is important."

"Okay then, I'm coming with you." I deadpanned and started picking my stuff up.

"No, you're not." Jeff stood up with a scowl.

"You don't wanna go home then I'm going to follow you." I obstinately said.

"Don't test my patience, Marika." He threatened.

"And don't test mine." I replied with a dull look on my face.

"Shut the hell up!" Jeff shouted, "Why are you so stubborn!?"

"I'm worried about you!" I yelled back. There was a long pause between us, we just glared at each other, giving off a deadly aura. Can't he see I just want to help him? "Jeff, your wound didn't even heal by a single bit, you need to rest."

"This always happens to me, so leave it be." He retorted.

"Okay, now choose, Home or an annoying girl following you all day?" I asked.

Jeff walked towards the window and looked out before opening it, a smile formed on his lips as he glanced back at me, "Neither." He replied and jumped out.

I gasped and stared at the window with my mouth agape, "Jeff!" I screamed and ran towards the window. What the hell!?

I looked down and saw him climbing down the staircase beside the building. Dammit, that nearly gave me a heart attack! I thought he fucking jumped to his death! What an asshole!

"You dumbass!" I shouted down at him, Jeff must've heard because he looked back up with a smug look on his face and stuck his tongue out at me.

I slammed the window shut with a scowl. Fine, if he doesn't want my help then he can go die for all I care!

I stormed inside the bathroom and made myself look a little more 'presentable', after washing my face and combing my hair, I picked all my bags up and went out of the room. I angrily stomped all the way to the elevator and got in.

I pressed the button and waited for the elevator door to reach the ground floor and open. I walked over to the desk and paid for my doubled bill. The same guy gave a satisfactory smile as I handed him the money.

I rolled my eyes and headed outside, greedy bastard . . . The weather is warmer than yesterday, which is great but it doesn't help ease my annoyance. God, I hate losing an argument.

I walked away from the front doors and waited for a cab to pass by and it is taking too damn long. I just wanna go home and clear my head . . .

Suddenly, a random car pulled over beside me. The windows rolled down, revealing someone I didn't expect to see.

"Marika, what are you doing out here?" James gave me a quizzical look.

"O-Oh, James. How are you?" I awkwardly replied with a forced smile, "I'm just trying to catch a taxi home." I sighed, not bothering to hide my sour mood.

"Is that so?" James smiled, oblivious to my implacable aura, "Let me give you a ride home." He offered.

My scowl faded away, "You sure?" I hesitated, "Aren't you busy?"

"I was on my way to work but I got time to spare." He assured, "Hop in."

James unlocked the door and reached out to open it, I meekly walked closer, my glower replaced with a sulk. I got inside and put the seatbelt on, "Thanks." I blankly said.

James studied me as he drove, "What's wrong? You look like your old self." He chuckled.

"Old self?"

"You know . . . Serious eyes, a frown, stuff like that." He shrugged.

I sighed, "I'm just really tired." I lied, I really don't wanna talk about Jeff right now. Besides, I don't think Jeff would like it if I talk about him, he seems like an introvert. Wait, why do I care!?

"What'cha been doing?" He asked, "And what's with the shopping bags?"

"I went shopping yesterday." I yawned.

"Yesterday . . ?" He gave me a puzzled look.

"Yeah and it was late so I had to stay at a hotel for the night, there weren't any cabs at all." I lied again.

"You should've called me, I would have picked you up."

"No, I don't wanna bother anyone anymore." I shook my head, "And you probably have a lot of things going on at the moment." I assumed, since Billy passed away, he probably had a lot of stuff to do.

"Yeah, I guess . . ." He replied, "By the way, I wanted to tell you about Billy's funeral." He glanced at me with a forced smile, "It's in a few days, I was wondering if you wanted to come."

I perked up, "Yeah, I wanna come if that's alright."

"Okay then, I'll just give you a call. Do you have my number?" James asked.

"Oh, yeah." I remembered, "I have Billy's phone and I saved your number in my phone, I bought one yesterday." I searched my bag and took Billy's phone out, "I was going to return it to you." I handed it to him.

"Oh," He took it from my hand, "Okay, I'll just . . . Yeah." He mumbled, not knowing what to do to the phone, "Anyway, I'll give you a call and pick you up at your home when the time comes."

"Alright." I simply replied, it's not like I'm busy to make sure what date it is. Heck, I could go there right now.

A while later, we reached my house and stopped. I got out of the car and turned to James, "Thanks a lot." I gave him a smile.

"No problem, see you." He nodded and drove off.

I headed towards the front door and opened it using the keys in my bag. I sluggishly walked inside and dropped to the couch, I feel so tired even though I just woke up an hour ago!

Bored, I turned the TV on and watched the news,

'What a surprise! We experienced the safest, quietest, and homicide-free night yesterday! This is the first night in thirteen years without a single disturbance! Could the killer finally have stopped, or is he just planning the biggest murder of them all? Stay alert because you never know when he might strike'

No murders? This is really great, I hate hearing about deaths in the news. Could the killer really have stopped? I wish he would, this world is already chaotic and certainly doesn't need a psychopath to add up with the madness.

Then again, he might just be taking a break. Ugh, why does he even kill? The weirdest part is why isn't he caught yet? Thirteen years is a very long time to for a murderer to still be out on the loose. That just means he's clever, which means I'm in danger.

I shuddered as I thought of a killer bursting through my house and ending me. I don't wanna die that way . . . I want to live or at least remember myself first before I die.


I ate some toast in the dining room in silence. Hey, at least I didn't destroy the toaster, that's an improvement. It's so boring being alone in here and I'm eating a goddamn toast for dinner. It's getting late, I'm worried about Jeff who hasn't returned yet. What if he's in trouble again?

I'm sick and tired of the stillness surrounding me, the only sound I hear is the TV and I can't even understand a damn thing. I seriously need to do something worth while, all I do is wake up, take a bath, eat anything I could find, watch the TV until it's late, sleep, and repeat. It makes you so depressed and lonely!

My mental raging was distracted when I heard the back door open and slam close. I immediately stood up without a second thought and headed towards the sound and saw a familiar person. It's a human! I'm so happy!

God, I'm going insane.

Oh, wait. It is a human, but I am currently pissed off at him for being a bullheaded jerk. I was about to turn and ignore him but I suddenly grew worried, Jeff was breathing heavily and he's swaying as he made his way through the hall. Then, I noticed his hoodie was splattered with blood again which makes it difficult to know if his wound is in good or bad condition.

I strode towards him and roughly pulled his shirt up. My eyes nearly popped out of my skull when I saw his supposed-to-be small cut. It's bleeding bad and it became bigger than before.

"Jeff, how the hell did a tiny stab wound turn into something like this!?" I scolded, "Are you a fucking idiot!?" I shouted, "I told you not to push yourself too hard!"

He waved a hand at me, "Don't give me the 'I told you so' crap." He said. I balled my hands into fists in anger. He even have the guts to say something like that to me!?

"Come here!" I roughly pulled his sleeve towards the stairs and lead him up. I went to my room and forced him to sit down. Jeff tried to fight back but he's too wasted to even do as much as push me away.

I left him there and stormed to the bathroom and grabbed the medicine kits. I would take him to the hospital but knowing him, he would just argue with me again.

I came back to the room to see Jeff trying to stand up, "Jeff!" I shouted, "Sit the fuck down!" I said through gritted teeth.

I took his hoodie off along with his shirt. I was surprised to see that he has a lot of scars and even fresh, new cuts.

"Jeff, where are you getting these!?" I said in worry and confusion, "Is someone hurting you?"

"No." He avoided the question.

I kept my mouth shut and wiped the blood away with a towel, I didn't want to be nosy, everybody has something to hide but it doesn't help the fact that I'm concerned. Why does he always come back with blood on him? He keeps telling me it's from a fight but what the hell. This is getting serious.

I cleaned his wound and made sure that they were all bandaged properly, I hope his injuries will heal soon. Especially the stab wound, how did it even become so huge? Maybe Jeff was being careless about it, the cut was opened again and stretched. It probably hurts like hell since the cut was too deep . . . Dammit, he should take care of himself more, he's so skinny.

I pushed him down the bed and covered him with a thick blanket, "Get some sleep, I'm going to wash your clothes." I deadpanned.

"Don't you da-"

"Do not go against me tonight. I am pissed." I sternly replied with a scowl, "Get.some.sleep."

I walked out with a frown and headed downstairs to the laundry room. I threw his shirt and hoodie in the machine and waited. Fucking bastard can't even listen to a thing, I'm just doing what's best for him yet he's still being a douche.

I gave an exasperated sigh. I need to calm down . . . I just don't understand why he have to be so stubborn at times like this. Maybe I was a bit too demanding, I don't even know what reason he had. I should be more understanding, I guess . . .

I'm just angry because I care. I don't know him for long but I don't want him to disappear like Billy. I hate the feeling of losing someone, that's for sure, especially losing them because of death. I don't have much to cherish because of my condition, I don't remember the important things in my life. So I want to give importance to the good things right now, that includes Jeff's presence.

I shook my thoughts away and took his now clean clothes from the machine and into the dryer. After a while, I took it out and made sure it was completely dry before making my way upstairs.

I walked into the room and was disappointed when I saw Jeff standing up and studying his cuts and bruises.

"Jeff . . ." I sighed, "Please, just wear this and lay down." I said as I handed his clothes to him, "You need to rest or this will just get worst."

Jeff gave me a weary glare before roughly taking his clothes from me and wore it with a disgusted look on his face, serves him right, "It smells annoying." He stated.

"Great." I smiled contentedly, "Now, lie down and sleep." I ordered.

Jeff surprisingly did as he was told with a scowl, "Annoying . . ." He repeated as he laid down.

I turned and started heading out, "Don't make me tie you to the bed." I warned, he better not get up again.

"Oooh, kinky." Jeff commented.

I gasped and spun around, "You pervert!" I shouted with a blush that I failed to hide.

He just gave me a smirk in response. I gave him a sharp glare before leaving the room and shutting the door close. What the heck, he's in such condition but he even has time for jokes.

I shook my head as I made my way downstairs, not knowing what to do, I decided to look at the room downstairs. I walked through the hall, suddenly feeling like I'm being watched. I ignore it and opened the door. I hesitantly went inside.

Ugh, it's so dusty in here, it's like it hasn't been used in weeks, there's even dust bunnies and such. I'm definitely not sleeping here. I walked out and shut the door, I'll just sleep on the couch then.

I made my way to the living room and made sure that the front door was locked, I left the lights on and laid down on the couch. I shut my eyes closed and tried to sleep.


Minutes turned to hours, I can't sleep at all. I feel so creeped out, my eyes feel heavy and I'm tired but I can't fucking sleep. At first, it was the eerie silence, it was too quiet for me to sleep so I turned the damn TV on but now I feel like I'm being watched and I'm so scared! I'm an adult, I know, but I can't shake this feeling off. I keep looking at the corners of the room, the windows, everything! I'm terrified as hell.

The TV suddenly switched into a really loud static which means the shows were done. The noise was so unexpected that I jumped in surprise and made a run for it. Tch, I'm gonna die of a heart attack!

I unknowingly ran upstairs, ignoring the sudden pain in my injured foot. I went inside my room, panting heavily. My heart was beating erratically and my breathing became labored. Am I hyperventilating?

With a few deep breaths I became my normal self. I glanced at Jeff who's still asleep, he must be really tired or he's just a heavy-sleeper, I'm not sure. But one thing I'm sure of is that I am definitely not going back down there.

I slowly walked over to the other side of the bed, I laid down beside Jeff, being as quiet as possible, it's not like this is the first time we shared a bed so it must be fine, right?

"Is it your hobby to sneak on people when they're asleep?"

Jeff's raspy voice caught me off guard, causing me to fall off the bed since I was on the very edge, I didn't want to be too close to him.

"Ugh, I just want to sleep." I groaned as I rubbed the sore spot on my head, "I am scared." I admitted, "I'm telling you, there's something evil down there!" I pointed at the door.

He chuckled, "Evil? Yeah, right." He let out a breath, "You're still the same as before . . ."

"Huh . . ?" I mumbled, 'still the same as before'? I would ask what I'm like back then but sleeping is my priority right now. I'm too exhausted, "Hey listen, there's this strange and creepy presence and it feels like-" I didn't get to finish because Jeff's groan cut me off. I waited for him to say something else, but he didn't, "Can I sleep here? It's not like it's the first time we slept beside each other." I reasoned.

Jeff removed his arm from his eyes and looked at me, "What are you talking about?"

"You know . . . At the hotel." I mumbled, he just gave me a weird look, "I slept beside you, didn't you know!?"

"No." He deadpanned, "You snuck up on me that time and you're doing it again. I'm not the pervert, you are." He smirked.

"I'm not!" I argued, not bothering to stand up, "Just tonight, please . . ." I begged, I just really, really want to sleep, I'm so tired.

Jeff rolled to his side, his back facing me, "Whatever, this isn't my room anyway."

I sighed in relief and crawled on the bed, "Finally, I'm so worn out."

I slept on my side so both our backs were facing each other. Luckily, this bed is bigger than the one in the hotel so we have a lot of space between us, it's a bit awkward but I couldn't care less. All I know is that it's time for a good night's sleep without being scared of otherworldly presences, I hate being afraid . . . I really owe Jeff for being here.

Okay, a long chapter for you guys :D
It's like 6am here but whatever, I love writing, it's really fun. (⊙∇⊙)

【Thanks for the reads I'm getting and the votes as well! I also appreciate your comments, thanks for that :) and those people who told their friends about my story and for the new followers, it means a lot to me.】

I'm determined to finish this story as soon as possible so I can start my Slenderman Romance Fanfic (⌒▽⌒) Thanks for the support!

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