Meant to be. Larry Stylinson...

By iheartmyhazza

81K 475 136

Hello loves, my name is Louis Tomlinson and I am 1/5 of One Direction. Can I ask you a quick question? You a... More

Surprise Vacation.
The poke.
One Question.
Couch Snogging.
What are we?
A Larry thing.
Dream House.
Number 1 Directioner.
Youll never know.
Overprotective Mum
Ready .. or not?
White Roses.
It was that good.
Elevator love.
Captain Niall.
i am sooo sorry
GOOD morning
The Perfect Wedding.
Leaving LA.
No Sex.
Missed Flight.
Everything About You
A Place to Call Our Own.
Hiiii loves

Mr and Mr Harry Styles.

3.2K 26 15
By iheartmyhazza

        Thump. Thump. Thump. That's whats going on in my head right now. I groan, and wish i didn't. My mouth is so dry. I need some water immediately. 

     I open my eyes. Whoa. Another wrong move. The room only has a little light, coming in through the windows but that's all it took. I close my eyes quickly. I have the worse headache ever. I feel a movement on my foot. Its like moving in a rhythm. Almost like an object that is maybe, breathing? 

      I lift my head up a millimeter at a time, once im sure that i have gone far enough, i open one eye and see a blonde head of hair sleeping on my foot. Niall? Looking closer, i see that he is wearing a tuxedo. 

     Okay. I just have one question. Why is Niall in my bed, wearing a tux? I groan again, thinking right now, hurts too much. Wait, maybe that was two questions? 

     After today, I am never ever drinking again. 

     No, i really mean it. No more drinking for Louis Tomlinson. 

     How did i end up here anyways? I dont even remember coming back home last night.

     What happened at the casino?

     This isn't my first hangover, so i know that laying in bed all day isn't going to make it go away. I have to get up. I ease out of bed very slowly.

     Once out of bed, I turn around and glance at Niall, who hasn't moved. He is pretty much in the same exact spot, except now, he is not sleeping on my foot. I see a movement out of the corner of my left eye. Looking towards that way, I see something move from under the covers. Soon, a head pops out and the body rolls over. 

     A head full of curls. Harry. So, Niall, Harry, and I slept in the same bed, together. That' 

     Tiptoeing to the bathroom, I look at myself in the mirror. I look terrible! My hair is sticking out in all directions. ha. All Directions. This reminds of that sign that Zayn found that one time. it said the same thing. I definitely need to take a shower and comb through this mess. First, i need to wash my face. I feel so ...dirty.

     I turn on the water, soap up my face. Rinsing off, I run a wet hand through my hair. 

     Eyes open, i catch a glimpse of something gold. 

     On my finger. 

     On my left hand.

     That was not there yesterday. I run from the bathroom to the bedroom, which isn't very far considering that they are in the same room. I start screaming like a maniac. Niall jerks up and flips out of bed. Landing on the floor. I feel for him. If his migraine is anything like mine, that had to hurt. 

     Harry peeks at me, through squinting eyes. "Louis? Why are you screaming?" he asks me. 

     I hold up my left hand, pointing to what i believe to be a wedding ring. "This is why i am screaming. What the hell is this Hazza?" I try my best to this calmly, because he did just wake up. Its best not to get on his bad side. 

     His eyes get wide and he sits up in bed. "Is that what i think it is?" I nod my head.

     Niall gets up off the floor and sits on the end of the bed. Hes groaning each step, and here i thought Irish men could hold their liquor. 

     I would laugh, but remembering whats on my finger, i stop myself from doing so. I climb back into bed and sigh.

     "Who do you think is wearing the other ring?" I ask the boys, looking at the door then Harry.

     He shrugs, and runs his hands through his hair, this causes the blanket slide down further and now his entire torso is in sight. 

     I look away immediately, looking at Niall, who is covering his mouth with both hands. He jumps out of bed, eyes wide. "Harry......look at your hand."

     Harry's eyebrows scrunch up but he glances down anyways. My eyes follow his. He also has a gold ring on his left hand, ring finger. 

     "OH MY GOD!" Harry and I scream in unison. Harry follows Niall's suit, and jumps out of bed. He is staring at his hand like its on fire.

     Liam barges into the room, "Whats wrong!?" he looks around frantically. Its nice to know that Liam is always there when you need him. Zayn follows his suit, running into the room. "Vas Happenin? Why is everyone yelling?" 

     Niall is the first to answer. "Well........lads.. We have to reason to believe that our two fellow love birds over here, got married last night."

     Liam looks at us. He is gobsmacked. "Tell me it isn't true....." Harry and I hold up our ring fingers, the Gold rings shining almost as if they are gloating. He walks over. "No...No...No....NO ....NO ...NO." He takes our hands, turning them over. Inspecting the rings i guess. Niall comes over and says "Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, and yes." 

     Liam sits on the bed, "This cant be real right? Its just a prank? You two , being married? I mean married people have a Marriage Certificate right?," He smacks his head and laughs, "And lets not forget you two aren't even dating. You are barely a couple, and to rush into something like this and without your parents?"

     Harry trys to say something, but Liam keeps on going. "Wait, not even that, Why didnt you tell us? Didnt we promise eachother we would attend each others weddings? Marriage is a sacred bond between two people who are very much in love."

     Zayn poked Liam, "Bro, chill. Niall said Reason to Believe, I mean, you would remember getting married, lads... right?" 

     Do i? I try to think about last night but its all a blur. A big empty blur. Well, actually, i remember a cowboy in booty shorts. Surely that is odd. I look at Hazza for support, and see hes shrugging. "I don't remember really anything..." he says. 

     "Look!" Niall says. He has a white gift bag in his hand. He hands it to me. I sit it on the bed and everyone immediately surrounds me. I am so nervous that my hands are shaking. Reaching into the bag, i pull out a white book. Opening it, there is a picture of Harry and I. Smiling like idiots. 

     Niall smiles real big, "Lads! Looks like you got the premium package!" Why is he so happy about all this? I hand the album to Harry, who starts flipping through it. His eyes keep getting wider and wider...

     oh boy. I wonder whats in there. Next is a picture frame. Well, what do you know? Its our marriage license. Framed.

     We are now Harry and Louis Styles. My mum is going to kill me. 

     Forget that. Management is going to kill me. 

     Liam sighs. "i guess its real, so now what?..." 

     It hits me. Like a brick to the stomach. I am married... to Harry. I am Louis Styles now, not Louis Tomlinson. "We could get a quickie divorce and no one would have to know about it, right?" I  say real quick looking up at the boys. 

     Harry is looking at me in disbelief. "You really mean that? Get a quickie divorce? After what you went through when your parents got divorced?!" His voice raises on the last part. I didn't even think about that. 

     It was hard on me, with my parents. Its like one day you're one big happy family. Then all of a sudden, your dad is leaving and your family has been ripped apart. I dont want to put my mother through that all over again. 

     Then again...marriage isn't something to be taken lightly. How would we explain this to our parents? 

     Zayn pokes my shoulder. "You okay Lou?" I sigh and nod my head. 

     I chuckle and say "I'm fine, its just a lot to take in you know?" 

     Niall hugs Harry and says "Congrats!"

     Of course. The little lad is always happy, usually no matter the situation. Zayn and Liam leave ther room.

     " you remember what happened last night?" I sheepishly look at him. He tells me "Of course I do. I have a great memory." 

     "Niall!" I scream. He jumps at his name. "Why didn't you say anything before!?"

     " didnt ask lad." Harry comes over near me. He sits by me on the bed. My husband....i am never going to get used to this.."Well?" Harry asks."Give us a quick replay." 

     "Oh! Um well Harry and I went out for a night on the town, he got on twitter and he saw some people calling you a fag. So he got angry, got drunk...and he kissed a girl and then  you walked in. You saw them kissing, you ran away, you got drunk, Harry followed, you kissed and made up and i suggested that Harry show that he is ready to be committed to you." Niall says all this while smiling the entire time.  "I am pretty sure that after that, we went and got married." 

     Almost like it was a freaking fairy tale. Harry puts his head on my shoulder, "I'm sorry for kissing that girl Boo." I look down at him and smile. " cant do that anymore. You're taken now." 

     Niall looks sheepishly at his feet then back at us, "I'm going to leave you two to it, bye." 

     "I never thought that i would be the type to get married...." Harry says. 

     I look at him, shaking my head. "I know right? I could barely squeeze a relationship out of you, and now a marriage? We jumped that gun." 

     Harry sighs. "i'll say." 

     I feel tears threatening to make their way to the surface. Happy tears of course. At least i think so. I run a finger down his jawline and look into his eyes. "Hazza, I still don't know what this means for us, but I'm glad you aren't freaking out." 

     He smiles, and cups my face with his hands. He kisses me, His tongue exploring my mouth. He stops for a second, to nibble on my lip. I get chills down my spine. He smiles, dimples in full view, "What are husbands for?" he winks at me. 

     I know that he is freaking out on the inside, but knowing that he doesn't want to get a divorce, lets me know that we are definitely past the whole, wondering what we are stage. There is no wondering now. We are a couple.... a married couple. 

     Harry looks at me, "Louis, this is something that we cannot keep on the downlow. I have to tell my mother. She will kill me." 

     " I understand Hazza, but we need to talk to management first." 

     "I was thinking, that first... ill make some breakfast, and then we are going to go through our album together and then we are going to go downstairs and talk to the guy that works the Chapel."

     "Sounds like a plan hubby." I smile.

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