hate to love you.

By hermosaddlovato

41.2K 1.2K 243

don't you just find it so hard to hate someone that you love? sounds crazy huh? demetria devonne lovato. yes... More

New Story
Mental Health Day :)


440 15 4
By hermosaddlovato

today is the day, that i turn sixteen. well, i've been sixteen for a while now. it's around five in the afternoon, and i just stepped out of the shower.

my day has been pretty boring so far, but it's my fault, because i said i didn't want anything, and i don't.

"gabi, honey." mom said knocking on my door. i wrapped my towel around my body, and told her to come in.

she looked fancy. "i'm going to head out, and demi is going to take you to go get your make up done and nails in about thirty minutes." she said closing the door.

who said i wanted my make up done? and why is this all so fancy? i'm starting to get a bit suspicious.

"ready to go?" demi came in my room. i hurried to get dressed and met her downstairs.

the dinner reservation isn't until seven so, i don't have to get dressed at the moment.

i walked downstairs and went into the car. "ready?" demi asked and i nodded as we took off.

i couldn't decide what nails i wanted, so i decided to wait until i got there. lucky for me, there were a lot of choices to choose from, but i kept it safe and chose black.

"such colorful nails." demi laughed.

"they represent my soul." i said glaring at them and smirking walking away. demi sighed.

after that, we went to the shop where my dress and make up would be put on.

"kim!" demi yelled.

she came out with a huge smile on her face, and a box in her hand. i smiled and took the box.

i was about to open it until demi snatched it from me and waved her finger in my face making me groan.

"how would you like your makeup done?" she asked. i shrugged and let her do her thing.

i have to say, my make up came out great.

"do you like it?" demi said.

i smiled and nodded. we went to the next room to put one dress. making sure not to mess up my make up, we slipped on the dress and began our search for shoes.

"demi, don't you think this is all a bit too much for just a dinner? if there's something that you're not telling me, please tell me." i said sighing.

"okay, there's going to be a special guest at dinner, so we all are dressing up like this." she said.

demi wasn't ready yet, but she's about to leave and go get dressed. she said she'd be back in around thirty minutes.

her make up and nails were already done, so it should be easy for her.

i decided on these shoes. i had about ten minutes to practice before demi came back to pick me up.

"ready to go out? because i'm ready." demi said laughing. i nodded an followed her out.

i was shocked at what i saw outside.

there was a red carpet with roses on it, leading all of the way to a limo with everyone in it.

maddie, eddie, bella, dad, mom, and even alyssa. they were all dressed wonderful.

as i got into the limo they were commenting on how beautiful i was and the only thing i noticed is the gifts in all of their hands.

"so, what restaurant are we going to?" i asked. they all looked at each other, but didn't answer me.

after about thirty minutes of driving, we arrived to a big building with a lot of cars parked in the parking lot.

"this isn't a restaurant." i said annoyed.

"put this around your eyes." mom said handing me a black bandana.

"i think not!" i said pointing at my make up making everyone laugh. "okay then stay here, diva." she said laughing.

everyone got out of the car and mom came back for me in five minutes. "let's go." she said grabbing my hand and taking me into the building.

walking into the building, it was freezing, but it was the good kind of freezing. the refreshing freezing, if that's even a thing.

before i knew it, the lights came on and everyone jumped out saying, "surprise!". it made me laugh, but i said i didn't want anything.

"that's so sweet of you all, thank you!" i said laughing. it was kind of okay.

they guided me over to a chair facing everyone with my name on it. "to start of the party, we're going to have demi and maddie come up for a song." the m.c. said.

demi giggled and maddie followed her up. "gabriela, you're so beautiful. i love you, and well, happy birthday." she said smiling. "same, bitch." maddie said causing everyone to laugh.

"language!" mom said smiling and holding up her hand, which made me laugh of course.

the music began to play, and they faced the audience and me at the same time.

my love's like a star, yeah
you can't always see me
but you know that i'm always there
when you see one shining
take it as mine
and remember i'm always near
if you see a comet
baby i'm on it
making my way back home
just follow the glow, yeah
it won't be long
just know that you're not alone

after the song was over, i was practically in tears. they came over and gave me a hug, which meant a lot considering that they just sang my favorite song.

"anybody want to say any words?" the dude asked. mom put down her drink and came up to the front,  grabbing the mic.

"baby, i am so proud of you, and i love you so much. i can't believe that you're sixteen already. you're becoming a beautiful woman. yeah, i know i said this last year at your quince, but it doesn't hurt to say it again." mom said laughing and left.

"now, for the father daughter dance." they said. i laughed and stood up smiling.

dad came over and grabbed my hand. we began to slow dance to a hispanic song of course.

"hermosa?" he whispered.

"yes?" i said.

"i'm so proud of you. you're so beautiful, and i and hope to see you way more than i do now. you're the most important thing that's come into my life. don't tell bella. i love you baby." he said kissing my forehead.

after that, we ate, danced and opened up the floor some more. it's been a while since the dance and we were getting ready to open gifts, so everyone's eyes were on me.

"presents time!" he said.

demi came up to me and gave me a small box. i smiled and so did she.

"from all of us." she said.

i opened the box and there sat keys to a ferrari. i practically screamed.

we ran outside with everyone following me and i tried to find the car, that is until i saw the last person i would've thought to seen.

"dallas?" i yelled out with tears coming in my eyes.

"i'm not dallas." she said.

"you look just like her." i said.

"i know. i'm dallas' twin." she said.

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