Zodiac High: The Fallen Stars

By KaitlinAnnetteDavis

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"24 children - a girl and a boy of each sign - shall be born on Earth with incredible power. I'll need you, M... More

Names + Introduction
Chapter 1: To The Plane
Chapter 2: The Twins
Chapter 3: Teacher's Lounge
Chapter 4: Faker
Chapter 5: Lance
Chapter 6: Arrows & Poison
Chapter 8: Surprise Attacks
Chapter 9: Empty Beds
Chapter 10: Ava
Chapter 11: Weak
Chapter 12: Ruby
Chapter 13: Middlemist Red
Chapter 14: Revenge
Chapter 15: Pep Talk
Bonus Chapter: Sullivan

Chapter 7: Accidental Runaway

555 34 17
By KaitlinAnnetteDavis

[published July 23rd 2017]

I changed male Cancer's name from Cameron to Connor, just so you all know XD

Aaand the picture above is Olivia and Owen, drawn by me :3


"Why are you landing here?" Penny asked confusedly, looking over at Emilia.

"We can't get too close to Zodiac High, Sullivan would notice us," Emilia explained, keeping her eyes locked in front of her as she drove the plane. "We don't want a fight, we just need to sneak in, break Caitlin out and sneak back out without Sullivan even knowing."

Penny nodded in response as Emilia landed the plane, before they unbuckled themselves. Emilia had landed right in front of the forest that lead to Zodiac High.

"How are we even gonna find our way through the forest?" Penny asked.

"I have some skills when it comes to these kind of things," Emilia explained, smiling confidently at the brunette. "I've lived in forests basically all my life, I know how to navigate around."

Penny smiled, nodding in response.

"We've landed?" A cheerful voice asked from behind.

Penny let out a small squeal as she and Emilia jumped, turning around quickly to see the source of the voice.


A boy with slightly messy blonde hair and dark brown eyes was standing in the cockpit, stretching his arms out and yawning.

"What are you doing here?!" Penny asked, standing up from her seat and walking towards the small boy.

"I just wanted to nap," he replied, smiling sheepishly at the brunette in front of him.

"In a plane?!"

Connor shrugged. "It was a good nap."

Penny let out a loud sigh as Emilia facepalmed, before standing up and standing beside Penny.

"Well, you stay here, Emilia and I will be back in a day or two. There's snacks in the--"

"No," Connor interrupted, bawling his fists determinedly as he looked right at Penny. "I wanna help!" His cheeks were puffed out cutely out of stubbornness.

"You don't even know what we're here to do--"

"You're here to save Caitlin," Connor pointed out. "Why else would you be here?" He tilted his head to the side cutely, strands of his blonde hair falling into his eyes as he smiled at Penny.

Emilia grabbed her book bag, throwing it over her shoulder as she opened the door to the plane, walking out.

"Come," Emilia said with her back facing the two Water Signs, causing Connor to jump up excitedly and grin widely as he hurried out of the plane. Penny puffed her cheeks stubbornly before grabbing her book bag and following the two out of the plane.

"Do you have any useful powers?" Emilia asked, looking over at the blonde boy who looked away, tilting his head slightly as he held his chin in thought.

"Well, I can heal a bit, but I'm not as good as Caitlin," he explained, pouting slightly. "I can't conjure water like Penny, but I can manipulate already existing water!"

"That could come in handy," Emilia replied, keeping her eyes on the road in front of her.

"Oh, and, um," Connor started, looking over at Emilia. "Who are you?"

The sound of Penny facepalming could be heard loud and clear.


"Psst! Caitlin!"

Caitlin's eyes slowly opened, finally awakening. She squinted her eyes a bit, adjusting to the bright light. She was going to cover the sun with her hand, but she couldn't move it. She looked down, noticing she was tied to a tree, rope wrapped around her waist and arms.

She looked around, noticing she and Lance was still in the woods. The sun was shining, meaning it was still daytime. Caitlin looked to her side, seeing Lance was tied up to a tree beside her.

Her eyes widened once she noticed his injured leg, seeing the wound was untended to and blood was rolling down his leg. Luckily the cut wasn't too deep, but deep enough to get infected if not treated right.

Caitlin tried to wiggle her way out of the rope, seeing as she couldn't heal Lance unless her hand was above the wound.

"There's no point, Caitlin," Lance explained, causing Caitlin to stop. "I've already tried everything to get out of the rope."

"This is ridiculous," Caitlin spat, wiggling more. "I have magic, rope can't keep me down." She tried to use her water powers on the rope, hoping it would get so wet that it would eventually fall apart, but nothing happened.

"Magic doesn't work on that rope."

Caitlin and Lance averted their gaze to in front of them, where the girl from before was standing. She had peach colored hair put into loose pigtails that rested on her shoulders, along with yellow eyes. She had an expressionless face which kinda reminded her of Sam, just more... soulless.

She wore a small gray-blue dress that reached a bit over her hips, with black tights that reached just past her knees and brown boots that reached a little past halfway from her foot to her knee. She also had brown belts around her thighs and arms, along with brown fingerless gloves, and a black cloak/hood that reached her hips.

(I need fanart of her XD)

Caitlin figured she wasn't from Earth, considering her pink hair and yellow eyes. The mysterious girl was also holding a small handmade knife, and was standing on a thick branch of a tree in front of Caitlin and Lance. She jumped down, landing perfectly on her feet. It was obvious she was trained.

In a blink of an eye the strange girl had crouched down by Lance, holding the knife against his neck.

"Who are you?" She asked, her cold eyes digging into Lance's.

He merely smirked back. "Your worst nightmare~"

The girl pressed down on Lance's wound hard, causing him to yell out in pain.

"Stop!" Caitlin yelled, watching fearfully as the girl kept her hand pressing down on Lance's wound, averting her cold gaze to the blonde haired girl. Before Caitlin knew it, the girl was crouched down in front of her, Lance's blood stained on her palm.

"And who are you?" The girl asked.

Caitlin couldn't help but feel intimidated by the mysterious girl, she had a colder glare than Sam, Vanessa and Sullivan combined; a glare that could freeze hell over a million times. It was a gaze that had met death many times before.

"I-I--" Caitlin couldn't get any words out, this girl was just too scary.

"Well?" The girl asked. She didn't sound angry or anything, she sounded, well, dead. It was like she wasn't capable of feeling anything, it was the most emotionless voice Caitlin had ever heard.

"I-I-I'm C-Caitlin Lake!" Caitlin stuttered, her heart almost beating out of her chest. The pink haired girl seemed to be taken aback a bit.

"The female Cancer?" The strange girl asked, her eyes seemingly searching deep into Caitlin's soul. Caitlin swallowed the lump in her throat, nodding fearfully. The girl furrowed her eyebrows at Caitlin, bringing her knife to Caitlin's neck.

"Faker," she said, her glare turning harsher as tears started welling up in Caitlin's eyes out of fear.

"It's true," Lance jumped in, causing the girl to stare at Caitlin harder, as to figure out if it was true or not.

"Prove it," she demanded coldly, removing the knife from Caitlin's neck and cutting the rope around her, letting Caitlin free.

"H-how?" Caitlin asked, looking up at the mysterious girl as she rubbed her sore wrists.

"If you're one of the Zodiac Signs, you have incredible magical abilities," she explained, placing her knife in the strap around her thigh. She gave Caitlin a look that read "go on", who stood confused for a moment, not knowing what to do.

"W-well I have healing abilities that only work on others--"

Caitlin didn't come any farther as the girl had grabbed her knife, leaving a deep cut across her palm. She was left unfazed, like she didn't even feel the pain. She held out her palm to Caitlin, as the blood ran down her hand and dripped onto the grass.

"Show me."

Caitlin swallowed, anxiety running through her body, knowing the wrong move would probably get her killed. She held her hand over the strange girl's wound, waiting for her healing abilities to kick in.

After five seconds had gone and no light was appearing, Caitlin's heart started beating faster. After ten seconds, Caitlin was panicking.

"What the--"

Caitlin didn't get any farther as she was pushed up against the tree she was previously tied up to, the girl's knife lightly piercing Caitlin's neck, causing a drop of blood to roll down as tears threatened to escape.

"I knew it," the girl said, before leaning closer to Caitlin to whisper, "faker."


I should start having a fun fact about Zodiac High or one of the characters at the end of every chapter XD

Fun fact: Owen's pretty short, around 5'4 or 5'5, so he's as tall as Olivia (he's really insecure about his height)

- Kate ⭐️

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