Rose Evans

By _likemysoul

69.2K 2.6K 988

Sequel to Sirina Rose Potter After an entire year of hiding her true identity, will Sirina, Harry, and their... More

Little Abouts
Pop One
Pop Three
Pop Four
Pop Five
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Six and a half
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter: Up to you!
Up to You: Sirina x Fred
Up to You: Amortentia
Up to You: Reader
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Christmas Special

Pop Two

2.6K 100 8
By _likemysoul


Charlie Weasley. My Charles. We haven't spoken in ages, maybe we did but I just don't remember since my accident. I dunno. Aunt Petunia left shortly after our conversation, first insisting on a private conversation with Molly.

Ginny leans over my shoulder as I hold my unopened letter in my hands. I can't open it in front of her... I have no idea what it could say about our relationship.

"Ginny, please..." I sigh, glancing back at her.

She throws her hands up in defense, "fine, fine... not like my brother ever writes to me..."

I roll my eyes, unfolding my crisped letter.

Dearest Sirina,
I heard you're awake, how are you feeling? I'm sure they've erased your memory of everything, which is probably for the best... I visited once, it was strange.

I miss you. Come up to Romania soon? Daisy misses you as well.

All of my love,

I smile, folding the letter again. After taking a breath to compose myself, I turn to Ginny with a straight face, "he wanted to check in since I haven't seen him since the accident... and my dragon misses me, so I should travel to Romania soon."

"Do you think mum would let me come?" She swings her legs off the side of her bed to face me. "I mean, if you're there too... maybe she'd be more... willing."

Biting down on my lower lip for a moment, I shrug, "I dunno G... it's really dangerous being over there. Summer is a busy time for Charlie, so he won't have a lot of time to show you around, and the rules. I think for now it's best if you don't stay there for very long..." I smile a little, "maybe for a day or night, just to visit... on a weekend or something."

"I guess..." she sighs, "start small, right?"

"Right." I nod. "Show your mum you can last a weekend before trying to get her to let you go for a block of time."

"When are you going to go?"

"Soon." I answer, smiling to myself. "I should write him back..."

"Tell him I'm hurt that he couldn't bother to write his only sister."

"Of course." I shake my head, laughing.

I miss you so much... I feel like I just always miss you, though. I'd like to come down to Romania SOON. Ginny would like to visit too, also, she's quite hurt that you wrote to me and not her. Maybe you should check in with your siblings, they miss you as well... with things getting a little rough, we all need as much love as we can get.

My memories were erased, yes. I have no idea what happened between hitting my head, and waking up on leaving day. I've been... okay. I feel pretty good, then I remember that I can't write to Sirius telling him about my day..

Why was it strange to visit? I wish I could remember. You can tell me all about it!


I fold it up, Emi's wings ruffle. "Not tonight, pretty bird... rest. It can wait until morning." She settles back in, at first cautiously closing her eyes for a few seconds at a time, then allowing herself to sleep fully. I toss the letter onto the table beside my bed, then flick off my light. "Goodnight, Ginny."

"'Night, Posie!" She flicks off her lamp, and we both quickly fall to sleep.


The room is filled with light when I finally wake up, Ginny is gone from her bed- which isn't abnormal. . . she almost always wakes up before me. Since the incident I've felt sleepier so much often. Hermione constantly warns me to watch out for other illnesses, mental illnesses. But I'm pretty sure it's just recovering from a traumatic injury.

I quickly dress and head out into the house. It's loud and everything is in full Weasley swing. I must have been the last person to wake up. . .

"'Ello, Rina!" two arms scoop me up. "George's already gone, I waited for you. . . ready for your first day at work?"

"Ready as I'll ever be. . ." I chuckle nervously. I've learned by now not to fight it when either Fred or George scoop me into their arms, it's just something they tend to do to me.

"Okay, we're apparating, ready?" he raises his eyebrows.

"Err, right now?"

"Yep, okay. . . brace yourself!"

Within seconds I feel as though I'm sucked through some kind of syringe. We land in the middle of Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes right beside George. Fred places me on my feet, "Ta da!" he presents his arms, "what do ya think?"

"It's amazing, guys!" I glance between Fred and George, "honest!" Walking slowly, I take a lap around just taking in everything. I come back to where the boys are waiting for me, "what do I do?"

"You put on this," George hands me a uniform of sorts, "and just walk around and make sure everything is orderly and everyone is happy!"

"-and if we need you to do anything else specific, we'll let you know!" Fred messes up my hair, then walks away to talk to a girl looking at small vials of potions.

George leads me away, "so basically use your crazy organisation skills to make sure this place looks good. . . if you think a display would look better elsewhere- go for it. The design is all up to you now." He gives me a quick hug, then walks away to a group of kids.

I put on the name tag they've provided me, reading "Rose" in what I can only describe as chicken scratch. Then a small bracelet with about a thousand keys on it, all unlabeled and seemingly identical. Knowing the twins, only about two of the keys actually open anything.

I pull my hair back into a pony tail with a ribbon, then fix my bangs over my forehead before heading back into the main part of the store.

I waste some time just wandering around, the store was brighter than anywhere I've ever been. Not bright as in lots of light, just. . . the energy was bright. It's hard to feel anything other than happiness inside.

"Excuse me, do you work here?" I turn to face a woman with a son, both looking quite lost.

"I do, is there something I can help you with?" I smile brightly, first at the woman then the boy.

"Y-yes, please." The woman nods, then rummages around her purse. "This whole street is just so. . . sad. I was hoping to find some nice help in here, maybe."

"Well, I'd be happy to help with anything you need!"

"Oh, dear... I can't seem to..." the woman carries off, still going through her bag.

"Do you go to Hogwarts?" the little boy just about bursts, looking up at me.

"Mhm," I nod, "are you starting this year?"

He nods excitedly, "I just got the letter a couple days ago. . . on my birthday! At first I thought it was a joke. . . but. . ."

"Nope, no jokes here. . . well, I mean, this IS a joke shop, but you know what I mean." I laugh, "you didn't know about magic before, did you?" I took the hunch from the woman's frantic searching, and the boys clear amazement. He shakes his head. "Well, I know you'll love Hogwarts. I'll be there too."

"Ah! Here it is, where can I get these things?" the woman cautiously turns the first years supply list toward me. I skim through it, trying to find the best way to relay the information she needs. I glance down at the boy.

"Why don't you go look around the store, hm? While I talk to your--"

"Aunt." The woman cuts in, "Go ahead, Will." The little boy rushes off and the woman turns to me, "his Mum was a witch, from the United States. . . she passed away when he was a baby, some kind of freak incident. I've raised him since. I'm lost, really."

"Oh it's not a problem, my- er- friend, was raised by his Aunt as well. She's a muggle too, I'm sure it must be hard." I smile warmly, then take the list. "How about I just write down the names of the shops for everything? They're all right here on Diagon Alley."

"That would be amazing, thank you so much. . . Rose."

I smile and continue to jot down the shop titles. "Just be sure to stay on Diagon Alley, don't venture off too far... I've heard there are some sketchy parts around here."

"Right, thank you!"

I hand the list back just as the boy runs up holding a single piece of candy, just a simple tongue dye one. The woman is cautious to buy it, but I reassure her and sell the candy.

They leave and I begin to sort and organize the shelves of potions, alphabetically or by color? Alphabetically would be easier for the customer, but color would be more aesthetically appealing.

"Oi! Georgie!" I wave and he glances toward me, "alphabetical or color?"


I nod and begin rearranging all of the bottles and tubes.

Red... no, white first. Then... hm, yellow? Or pink? Pink.

White, pink, red... yellow, yes yellow. Orange, wait. No.

White, yellow, orange, red, pink... but now...

"It's not a science experiment." I glance back to see Fred watching me with amusement.

"Science! Yes!" I squeak, almost dropping the bottles. "The order of the rainbow."

White first, still. Red, pink. Orange, yellow. Green... light first, then darker. Blue, light to dark. Then the greys and black.

"Brilliant." Fred chuckles and walks away to speak with a customer.

I spend the rest of the day color coordinating things, then reorganizing as customers mess them up.


And again...

And again.

George locked up the shop while Fred and I tidied up. Dinner was already ready and everyone was seated by the time we got back to the burrow. Everyone.

Molly, Arthur, Bill, Charlie, Ron, Ginny...


Okay, hi guys. I hate this chapter. You're allowed to as well.
Pls message me and stuff, I like friends. AKA GIVE ME IDEAS YOUD LIKE TO SEE HAPPEN XOXOXO

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