FEAR Life (sporadic updates)

By afallenrose

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My life's not normal and that's how I prefer it. Watching blood squirt out of arteries and seeing organs spil... More

Chapter 1 - Magician
Chapter 2 - New Impressions
Chapter 3 - Prince Charming
Chapter 4 - People change.
Chapter 5 - Fate and other relentless things.
Chapter 6 - This guy needs a reality check.
Chapter 7 - Reverse psychology.
Chapter 8 - One vicious cycle.
Chapter 9 - My short love story.
Chapter 10 - The little girl and the scuff mark.
Chapter 11 - Change is good. Right?
Chapter 12 - Enemies are frenemies.
Chapter 13 - Go along with it.
Chapter 15 - New emotions.
Chapter 16 - New.
Chapter 17 - New way of life.
Chapter 18 - Secret decisions
Chapter 19 - Emptiness
Chapter 20 - Hidden Secrets
Chapter 21 - Lights, Camera, Acting.
Chapter 22 - Fake beginnings
Chapter 23 - Guarding dogs
Chapter 24 - Final mistakes.
Chapter 25 - Another Edward Cullen
Chapter 26 BOOK TWO
Chapter 27 - New thoughts.
Chapter 28 - Training.
Chapter 29 - Noodles hanging out
Chapter 30 -
Chapter 31 - Horn dogs and training.
Chapter 32 -
chapter 33 - A little dried blood
Chapter 34 What is suicide?
Chapter 35 - Swallowed whole with guilt
Chapter 36 - Wrong
Chapter 37 - Let's admit it. Hot sauce is life
Chapter 38 - Once upon a call
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42 - Never Will You Ever
Chapter 43 - Sudden Realization

Chapter 14 - It's just small things.

382 14 4
By afallenrose

 Dedication : EternallyNatali - Thank you so much for all the votes

Chapter 14 – It's just the small things.

             I sit on my bed after a thirty minute shower. The knots in my shoulders and the stress seemed to wash away and I felt at ease. I stare down at my ankle and see no bruise present anymore. The night of Caleb’s death, the area near my ankle began to turn into a gigantic bruise. It was incredibly painful and it was only starting to fade away. I pull up my wet hair into a bun and walk inside my closet, all the way to the back. Feeling the knob and walking inside, makes me feel safe once again. I walk towards a hidden safe under the floorboards and take out one of the syringes. The yellowish tint the liquid had was a sign of how strong it was. I wasn’t killing my wolf, this was. It numbed the wolf side in every single way; there were no more sparks between my mates and it made it impossible to converse with her. I would still be able to shift when I needed to, but our emotional connection would be lost. I slowly inject the needle right at the nook of my neck and grit my teeth at the pain. The liquid goes into my body and forms a burning feeling within my chest, the numbing start to spread and I smile. I needed to repeat this nearly every week to make sure my emotions didn’t get in the way of what I wanted to do. I shove the needle away and start getting ready. I grab my three knives and make my way to the Elite.

            As I walk past the dark alley way I notice a man staring at me every couple of seconds. I realize that he was the stalker that Aiden put on me. I make my way into the alley and hide behind a dumpster. I hear him curse under his breath and run towards my direction. I take out one of the knives and wait until I see his foot and stab it in. He grunts and falls to the floor face first. He opens his mouth getting ready to shout. His yell would attract attention and surely wouldn’t be in my best interest. I rip off a part of my shirt and stuff it into his mouth. I keep a hand right on his mouth making sure he doesn’t spit it out. I straddle him and look straight into his eyes. I reach back and pull out the knife and his screams are immediately muffled.

“You make one move to scream or grab attention and I will kill you in the most torturous way possible.” I press the knife to his throat and he nods in understanding.

“Get up; we are going to go somewhere private to talk.” I help him up and put his arm around me. This position allows me to conceal the knife I kept near his abdomen just in case he got creative with his attempt to escape. I pat him down including his pockets, cameras, phone and other devices. I check a second time around for any weapons that I might have missed. He follows me until we reach Elite grounds and keeps quiet. I walk inside and shove him into a closet and lock the door. I then push a chair against the knob and smirk at my handy work. I walk around the corner and find Immitis talking to the other leaders.

I fall down to one knee to take out one of the knives I safe kept on the waist band of my black jeans. I aim straight for his arm and whip it across the room. I hear the knife silently cut through the air right onto his shoulder. He immediately grunts and glares towards my direction. Before he could say anything I aim the other two at the same place for Abditus and Decorus. I aimed the last two knives slightly away from their current position knowing that seeing Immitus get a small puncture would force them to move away.

“We have a lot to talk about now, don’t we?” I shout across the room as I stand up. They walk towards me while pulling out the knives and throw them onto the floor. Three clanks resonates through the walls and a smirk finds it way onto my face.

“What the hell were you thinking?” Immitis growls as I put my hand in the air, drawing a circle. I point to the closet and whisper, “I got you a present, you guys should go check it out after this meeting.” I give a small wink and make my way towards the office.

I walk inside and remain standing at the very end of the table, my back to the windows.. They follow me inside and sit down waiting for my explanation

 Decorus stares at my stomach and smirks in pleasure. 1/3 of my shirt must still be inside the stalker’s mouth along with handcuffs and the temporary numbing shot I gave him.

“Force your eyes to look somewhere else before they end up in your ass, looking at your intestines.” I threaten. He smirks and winks as I flip him the bird. Abditus and Immitis begin rubbing their closed wounds, grunting at their soreness.

“Don’t even act like it hurts, you guys are probably already healed. You guys lied to my face and I failed to see that. I would’ve shot all of you if –“

“You wouldn’t have been able to. Bullets don’t wound us.” Immitis chuckles as if I was a child didn’t understand the multiplication tables.

“You speak so low of me. We will figure out soon enough who will be able to kill faster.” I reply with a glint in my eye.

Abditus clears his throat. “You must’ve found out.”                        

I roll my eyes. “You were fools to think I would’ve never known.”

“So that’s your take on it then?” Decorus questions my lack of a more violent approach.

“This is my ground I’m standing on right now. The Elite was always mine and you guys kept that from me. When this whole thing blows over and Aiden is done with, I’m coming for you guys next. I have priorities and right now, and no matter how much it hurts any of your egos, none of you are a part of them.”

“You wouldn’t be able to. You think you’re all high and mighty when in fact you’re nothing but a girl still scared of multiple things. I could kill you with a blink of an eye.” Immitis spits out.

I walk over to him and lean down so we were an inch apart from each other. He wasn’t going to back down and I wasn’t going to either.

“If you think for a second that you are ahead of me right now, you’re dead wrong. You might be able to kill me, but I am more than capable of torturing you more than you can possibly imagine. Your worst nightmare would be nothing next to the pain you would endure if I had my ways. You can kill me, but on my last breath I will make sure that I make every single day of your insignificant life a living hell. So go ahead and use every chance to put me six feet under because I know for a fact that my death will be thousands of times easier than yours. And the second you kill me, you’ll figure that out.” I see a twitch in his eyes and he gulps. I chuckle emotionlessly at his immediate fear of my words.

I take a step back and see Abditus and Decorus looking at me in a state of awe. It was fairly rare that Immitis met someone that could intimidate him. I ignore their stares and get back onto the topic.

“Aiden is getting more powerful. He’s getting more and more arrogant and confident in bringing down the Elite. That only says one thing; he finding more support each and every day. He’s finding people that are willing to die knowing that the Strong three will come to an end. And Aiden has a secret that he’s willing to try out and I have no clue to what that is. I think he found a way to use my blood without love.”

Abditus nods and takes a deep breath. “We probably have a larger number of members so we don’t need to worry about that, but you’re probably right. Aiden must’ve figured something out. Let’s just hope you’ll be ready when he comes.”

“You think we’re capable of going through a war. The Elite will collapse whether or not Aiden is here. We can’t fight off the aftermath. Whether they kill me or not the chances of our survival are fifty to fifty.” I point out; his ignorant ways was irking me.

“She’s right about that.” Decorus voices out. I nod my head absentmindedly and take out the things out of my pocket and bra. It was the stalker’s phone, camera, notepad, and earpiece.

“What are you thinking?” Immitis yells staring at the earpiece. “Aiden probably heard everything.”

“Shut up and listen. This is one of the most technologically advanced earpieces out there except there’s one drawback. There are two separate pieces; one for talking and the other for listening. When the guy fell after I stabbed him I heard a loud crack and crunch. That device was most likely on the top of his shirt; the device is highly sensitive since it’s made to hear conversations further away, in other words meaning that even a small fall would destroy it.”

All three of them nod and come to inspect the items. “You have plenty of work in your hands now. Get that stalker out of the closet and kill him if he doesn’t give you information. Find out everything and break into his phone. I’ll be back tomorrow. By the way, he’s numbed and won’t be able to walk or anything until a couple of hours.” And with that I walk away, tired and with a broken armor. 

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