Stage 01 (Engl...

By ShiningHatsya

15.8K 610 182

The drive for competitive gaming is dead for Ren Hernandez, after being cheated in a nationwide gaming tourna... More

Level 01:\Startup -The Unfair Game of Life-
Level 02:\Startup -Severing Lines-
Level 03:\Startup -Disconnection Notice-
Level 04:\Connection -New Connections Detected-
Level 05:\Connection -New World Annunciation-
Level 06:\Connection -Newbie-
Level 07:\Connection -Newbies Part 2-
Level 08:\First Day -First True Monster Kill-
Level 09:\First Day -Gank!-
Level 11:\Sandbox -Alteregos-
Level 12:\Sandbox -Treading the New World-
Level 13:\Versus Player -He Who Thrust Despair Unto Others-
Level 14:\Versus Player -Friendship Worth 20 Million Credits-
Level 15:\World Boss 01 -Awakening of Determination and Desires-
Level 16:\World Boss 01 -Actualization of Distraction and Destruction-
Level 17:\World Boss 01 -Abolishing the Dissonant Divergence-
Level 18:\Contact List -Reaching Out-
Level 19:\Contact List -Mending Lapses-
Level 20:\Heal over Time -Operation Bread Raid-
Level 21:\Heal over Time -The Streamer's Adventure-
Level 22:\Heal Over Time -Let Us Cling Together-
Level 23:\Heal Over Time -Social Link Gambit-
END STAGE Part 01:\Heal Over Time -Unreal Unity-
END STAGE Part 02:\Heal Over Time -Unreal Unity-
END STAGE Part 03:\Heal Over Time -Unreal Unity-
EPILOGUE:\Session Complete
Level 05 EXtra EXperience:\New Party Members!
Bonus 01:\NGS -New Glossary Section-
Bonus 02:\Hatsya Needs Boost!

Level 10:\Sandbox -How to Make a Monster?-

342 18 2
By ShiningHatsya

IN-GAME:\NOAH Online\Radiant Prism Sanctuary>

Stray rainbow screens floated around the room, while a ginormous holographic globe sat in the middle of the room. Around the hologram, eleven angelic avatars typed in commands on their shiny white computer consoles without stopping.

Bellatrix, Hatsya and Hitomi observed Eden at his shining ivory desk. He molded a creature's belly out of flesh-colored clay.

Bellatrix raised her voice, "May we have a minute, Eden?"

The white-haired boy slanted his eyebrows inward, and dropped his craft on the desk, "What is it?"

"About the Mudre-Balmaga mini-boss, you've done one good job on that one!" Hatsya cheered at Eden.

"And speaking of which, where's the battle data?" Bellatrix  asked.

Eden took his clay model and continued molding his creature, "Guys, I have mailed it to our daddy" Eden yawned, "You don't have to remind me everytime, okay?"

"Geez! So much for being a sentient computer, white-haired genius!" Bellatrix faced away from Eden.

"Oh c'mon! I'm doing content too, like you guys!" Eden made a wolf-headed crocodile out of his modeling clay in a snap.

Hatsya and Iris sighed. The twins approached Eden and looked at his creation. Eden, our epic creation, built alongside this online game we're all in, is made from a curious young man's image. If we modeled him from any Gods, he might be able to program a sys--

"Oi! What do you think of my work, sexy nerd?" Eden poked Hatsya's left cheek.

A lazy pile of play-doh prepped up for butchering. Hatsya held his modeled creature, "As much as I'd like to admire this creature of yours, but he seemed to be a lazy combo of Earth's creatures"

Eden raised his eyebrows along with his voice, "Say what?"

"Your design is lazy! How would this guy scare our players?"

"Wanna know?" The ivory bedhead game master winked at Hatsya and they disappeared from the room.

IN-GAME:\NOAH Online\Freedom's Cradle Star System\Briarwelt Moon\Miyamoto Rainforest>

Hatsya found himself in the middle of towering coney spruce trees. Where am I? Is this a bit far away from the Kanpeki Sekai? He saw glowing green and blue mushrooms dotted on the tree trunks. This place looked good for ambushes, Eden. Nice work on this one! 

Eden appeared behind Hatsya, "You will find this creature of mine right here!"

He patted Hatsya's shoulders and sat at one of the tall trees' branches. Hey! You're letting me beta-test this new monster of yours alone? Hatsya drew out his epee from his left hip and heard a long choppy wailing cry from a distance. He stood firm and searched for the noise until he looked back at the mossy river.

A scaly moss green, four-legged creature went ashore from the river. Its luminous ruby eyes gazed at Hatsya's legs as a fresh snack. Eden hovered above his new creation, "I now call that river-dwelling bastard, Crikhei!"

Hatsya stepped back, "Did you just base it from a certain animal documentary host's expression?"

Eden leaned his head sideways, "Yea, so what?" He turned into a cloud of shining blue dusts and disappeared in an instant, "Anyway, the Council's watching our performance as players, developers, and content creators!"

The crocodile-like mutant licked its humpy lips with its forked tongue while its eyes locked on his legs. Are my thighs really that delicious? Hatsya took off his sunshine yellow vest and poised an offensive fencing stance.

Crikhei galloped towards him and sank its canine teeth on his right thigh. Hatsya tried to move his right leg, but unable to shrug the creature off. His right thigh bled more pixellated blood, If this was a virtual reality game, I'll develop alligator phobias at this rate!

IN-GAME:\NOAH Online\Radiant Prism Sanctuary>

Hitomi, Bellatrix and the eleven angels watched Hatsya and the Crikhei monster duke out in the rainforest through a large holographic screen.

"Hatsya! Can you poke its legs?" Hitomi yelled at the holographic screen as if she can be heard by her twin brother in the rainforest.

Eden hovered through the large holographic screen and crossed his arms, "Go, tell 'em!"

Three of the angels pitched energy balls onto Eden's face. "Tch! I thought we all made this game for all audiences?"

Eden collected all of the energy balls and tossed them back to the angered angels. He winked at the three, "Take a chill pill, angels! The Grandmaster and I have longed for this kind of interaction in games"

"NOAH will lose its casual newcomers if you keep this up!" the bulky angel raised his fist.

Eden's words struck his coworkers, "So what? That's their half-assed decision to begin with"

The white-haired in-game god looked away, snapped his fingers loud. Large band-aids taped the three angels' in a snap. "If they don't like how my world's rules, they can always find another online game to spoonfeed the fanbase"

Bellatrix gave Eden a glassy stare, "That's just too harsh, Eden!"

"Shut up about it, look at your twin brother, Hitomi" Eden pointed the holographic screen and they witnessed bloodied Hatsya jabbed the monster's legs and got away from the new creature.

IN-GAME:\NOAH Online\Freedom's Cradle Star System\Briarwelt Moon\Miyamoto Rainforest>

Hatsya popped out a small red vial [Healing Vial Lv1] and bathed his wounded thighs. His wounds, those pulsating blood red hexagonal grids all over his thigh, flushed away by the red curative fluid. He ran away at a wolf's pace, Yeah, you're right Eden. You made him a force to reckon with!

Crikhei lunged forward and gashed Hatsya's nape. Volumes of pixellated blood gushed from his nape cut and stumbled down on the grassy mud. At this rate, Hatsya's good as a hapless food for the crocs and if ever, land-crossing sharks!

"Many of his attacks cause bleeding, Eden!" Hatsya tried to get up until Crikhei feasted on his back.

The wolf-like crocodile tore a lot of reddish blocks out of the helpless fencer. Hatsya's cried in pain as he heard his flesh and bone got torn apart by the wolf. He saw the whole rainforest all in red until it shifted into hazy black patches.

"Friendly advice: there's always next time" Eden laughed as he saw his creation had fun consuming Hatsya apart.

OFFLINE:\Philippines\Quezon City\Kanlaon Mansions>

Henry curled his lip and covered his nose and mouth when Crikhei snapped his avatar's neck. "Hey Eden! Can you tame the violence a bit?"

Eden laughed, "Nope, good thing that the blood effects here are all crystals, glasses-boy!"

It's too unnerving! This supposed to be an anime-ish game, but with all the blood, what the heck!

He scrolled his mouse wheel outward and his screen zoomed towards his dead avatar. His skin tightened at a sight of his pixel blood-bathed avatar. The pain he dealt in my avatar, it's so magnificent! It's cringe-worthy!

"See? If we all made this game for 18 and up, you could have seen your avatar torn apart like in an violent American game!" 

"I don't know what to say but this one's morbidly helpful" Henry pressed a combination of keys and took a snapshot of his dead avatar in different angles.

IN-GAME:\NOAH Online\Freedom's Cradle Star System\Briarwelt Moon\Miyamoto Rainforest>

The Crikhei slept over Hatsya's nigh-lifeless body upon nightfall. This death's insulting! Why would a crocodile wolf sleep on top of my corpse!

At the riverside of the rainforest, Rennin came across a horned spider monkey. Tch! After tentacle-mouthed dogs, now we have devil-like monkeys? He brought out his pair of iron pipes and charged towards the horned spider monkey -- or in NOAH's monster books, Briarwelt Treemp, as in a tree imp! --

The treemp hooked Rennin's left hand with its long tail. It tried to jab his face with its long arms but its first attempt instead hit the air. He ducked from the horned monkey's second jab, and knocked its nape with his other iron pipe.

Upon impact, a purple flash popped over the monster's nape and crowned it with swirling stars. While unconscious, Rennin whacked the downed creature until his weapons get splattered with blood from some alien monkey. He checked the treemp's remains. He found a purple crystalline chip, a jungle bolo covered by electric sparks, three pieces of treemp's fingernails, a banana, a small vial filled with dull grey fluid, and a revolver.

Neat! I might earn some money with these loot! Rennin kept all of the loot into his pocket dimension and traversed through the rainforest further. While he wandered in the riverside, he swapped his pair of iron batons with the electrified jungle bolo. Two dancing treemps blocked his way. What? Another of these monkeys? 

Rennin cut one of the treemp's belly with the electrified bolo while he avoided the other treemp's fist. Just as he thought he out-maneuvered the surviving primate, the long tail lashed his left shin. Rennin fell to the rocky ground but got up in a blitz. He dashed forward and slit the creature's neck at ease. Another easy win for Rennin, another bag of monkey fingernails, three bananas and one sharp-tipped rapier with a handle resembling a rose.

He continued his adventure until he saw Hatsya's remains under the crocodile-wolf abomination, Crikhei. Rennin brought out his standard-issue pistol and shot in the air. Alas, the monster trampled Hatsya and set its sights on Rennin. The Crikhei bared its bloodied fangs and galloped towards Rennin until a solid rifle round pierced through the monster's right hind leg.

Esthrill came out from the large bush with a standard-issue sniper rifle, "Ren!"

The Crikhei's claws reached Rennin's chest and tore his jersey shirt. What was that? A small-sized boss? Rennin peeked at his gashed chest and tried to knock the crocodile-like creature away with groin kicks.

He tripped away from the Crikhei and headed towards Hatsya's lifeless body while Esthrill sniped the nimble creature away. The pink-haired girl struck the monster's head with her rifle's stock and a daring Altynes tackled the creature down.

"Altynes! Do you even know what you're doin'?" Esthrill ran towards Hatsya's body and tried to shoot

"Trust me, scared rabbit!" Altynes punched the Crikhei's nose, "You've teamed up with the best puncher!"

Rennin poured the gray fluid onto Hatsya's back. The goop regenerated his back and gave life back to the downed yellow fencer. "Thanks..." Hatsya smiled at his blue-haired savior and got up for another round.

The Crikhei chomped Altynes' left hand, "Don't mind me, just take out this crappy creature!" She swung her bent right arm upward with sheer force on the monster's throat. Esthrill aimed her gun on the monster's neck, "Aimed Shot!" 

Her rifle emitted a scorching holographic orange laser and unleashed a charged bullet towards Crikhei's neck. The crocodile-like boss freed Altynes' bleeding left arm and got knocked back to the water.

Not content being freed, she did another uppercut on the creature and called the young swordsmen, "Oi! Now's your change!"

Rennin and Hatsya nodded at each other, then sprinted towards the creature's spot. Hatsya came in first, and stabbed the Crikhei with multiple rapid thrusts in mid-air. Rennin jumped high and slashed the creature in half with an electrified jungle bolo.

Hatsya knelt down in relief and Altynes sat beside him. He let out a deep breath and gazed at his torn bike shorts. One thing I've learned here so far, is teamwork. Of course, every mistake will teach us new things in life.

Rennin gave the rose-handled rapier to Hatsya, "I think this weapon works for you best"

"And thanks for the resu" Hatsya donned a wide smile at Rennin and looked at the two girls, "Also, thank you too, Altynes, Esthrill!"

IN-GAME:\NOAH Online\Freedom's Cradle Star System\Briarwelt Moon\Walled Arcology 01 Kanpeki Sekai>

First nightfall in the game world, Saiph came across a small derelict onion-shaped vehicle. It will be trouble if I get seen by casuals over here! He opened his [compu-brace] and pressed a red hexagonal button on his forearm computer. Purple embers enveloped the caped rifleman and vanished into thin air.

He radioed Bellatrix, "Spawning of random instance went fluidly as planned!"

"Thank you, mind if you go inside and check on the players?" said Bellatrix via telepathy.

"Sure thing!" Saiph unstrapped his scoped long-barreled rifle and peeked at the nearby humanoid hostilities.

He headed inside the mossy onion-shaped spacecraft unfelt by the wandering mobs around the crash site.

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