YouTube One-Shots (Book 2)

By faythyloo

485K 8.6K 3.5K

Heyo! I didnt realize there was a limit to parts on these books, so I have reached that limit on the first on... More

SyStEm_OvErLoAd (Part 1)
Request - Enemies (Part 3)
Request - I Miss You
Request - Best Friends
Request - Maid Cafè
A/N 2 (Cards Against Humanity)
A/N 3
Request - Insane (Part 1)
A/N 4 (Tags)
Sound of Madness (Part 1)
A/N 6 (Tags)
Parts and Pieces (Part 1)
The Run and Go
A/N 7 (Tags)
Request - Fear (Part 2)
Request - Neko
Request - Allergies
Request - Happy Birthday
Request - Injury
Request - Feathers (Part 4)
Request - Bet
A/N 8
Movie Night
A/N 9
Request - Parts and Pieces (Part 2)
Request - Wolf in Frenzy
Request - Ghosts (Part 3)
A/N 10
A/N 11 (Q/A)
A/N 12 (Tags)
Request - He's Mine
Request - Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Request - Dominance
Request - Fragile (Part 1)
Request - Gangs
Request - Fragile (Part 2)
Request - Can't We All Get Along?
Request - First Meeting (Part 1)
A/N 13
Request - Cheesy (Part 1)
Request - Sound of Madness (Part 2)
Request - Insane (Part 2)
Request - Eggs (Part 1)
Request - Voices
A/N 14
Request - Eggs (Part 2)
Request - Heat
Request - First Meeting (Part 2)
A/N 15
A/N 16
Request - Cheesy (Part 2)
Request - Feathers (Part 5)
Request - SyStEm_OvErLoAd (Part 2)
A/N 17 (Requests)
Request - Fuck Up (Part 1)
Request - Vampire
Request - Fuck, Marry, Kill
Request - Mafia
A/N 18 (Requests)
Request - Pranks
Prop Hunt
A/N 19 (Requests)
A/N 20 (Requests)
Radio Hosts
A/N 21
A/N 22 (Q/A)
One Hell of a Party
A/N 23 (Requests)
Color Blind
High Places
Bat Owl (Part 1)
A/N 24 (Requests)
A/N 25
Request - #AskMini (NOT A FIC WITH HIM IN IT)
A/N 26 (Requests)
A/N 27
A/N 28 (Requests)
A/N 29
Request - iRobot
1p! and 2p! (Part 1)
A/N 30 (Requests)
Request - Wheelchair
Request - Kidnapped
A/N 30 (Requests)
1p! and 2p! (Part 2)
Freak Show (Part 1)
A/N 31 (Requests)
1p! and 2p! (Part 3)
A/N 32
A/N 33
A/N 34 (Requests)
Request - Jack the Ripper
A/N 35
Request - Bad Day
Request - Cast
Request - Cow
Request - Waffles
Drabbles (#2)
A/N 36
1p! and 2p! (Part 5)
Request - Christmas Love
A/N 37 (Please Read)


2.4K 65 16
By faythyloo

Note: Based off of one of Vanoss' videos. Moment starts at 0:33. I hope you enjoy this long one-shot!

Pairing: Sp00noss

Evan listened to the sound of the plane bumping along in the air as he was slightly thrown around in his seat. He fidgeted with his hands, a nervous habit he had picked up from his mother.

"Hey, you okay man?" Evan looked to his right, seeing the man sitting there looking at him with concern. Evan sighed and dropped his hands.

"Yeah. The nervousness always gets me before these," he admitted with a laugh.

"Ah. I get it."

"How many times have you been deployed?" Evan asked. Nick shrugged.

"This is like, my third one." Evan nodded.

"What's your name?" he asked.



"Nice to meet you, Evan." Nick smiled, and Evan returned it. They went quiet again, and Evan started to doze off.

Evan was in dreamland when Nick started to shake him. "Come on Evan, nap time's over. We're gonna land in 20 minutes." Evan's eyes snapped open, but closed again as he yawned.

"Damn. Can't we wait another hour or so?" Nick chuckled and rolled his eyes.

"I wish. Now get up and get your shit together. It's gonna be a long day." Evan did as he was told, grabbing his gear that was shoved underneath the seat and putting it on.

"How long are we gonna be here again?" Evan asked.

"A couple of hours. Probably somewhere around four." Evan wrinkled his nose in disgust.

"Ugh. I wanna go home already."

Nick chuckled, "Don't we all."

A soldier came out from the front, telling everyone that they were landing in a minute or so. Everyone had their gear ready when the plane finally landed.

As soon as the door opened, everyone filed out. Nick stood in front of Evan as they walked out.

They all lined up, standing straight as their Sargent told them what was going to happen. Once the spiel was done, they all ran to the trenches, guns out and ready.

Evan found himself next to Nick, which made him feel a little better.

"Remember to not get to comfortable, Ev. If they catch you relaxing, they'll have your ass."

Evan laughed, "Yeah, I know."

They talk quietly for about an hour or so, stopping every single often when one of the Sargents was near.

"How much more time you think we got?" Evan asked. Nick shrugged.

"Maybe an hour or two, maybe three. Who knows." Evan sighed.

Suddenly shots were heard, making Evan jump.

"Shit, enemy up ahead!"

Evan squinted. He could barely see the enemies at the other side, shooting at them.

"What are you waiting for? Go go go!" Everyone got up and rushed towards the enemy line. Evan followed behind Nick, trying to find cover. Evan tripped over something, falling the the ground.

A bomb near him went off, and Evan covered himself as best as he could. A shrill ringing filled his ears, and he could barely hear anything else. He looked around hastily, his vision blurred. Evan started hearing faint yells and screams, but it didn't get better. He stood up wearily, almost falling again. He looked around for cover, quickly spotting a barrier he could use. He ran towards it, bullets flying past.

Right before he made it behind, he felt a pain in his side, and collapsed to the ground. He had been shot. He groaned in pain, putting a hand on the wound and crawling behind the barrier. He panted as he propped himself up. The sound of the blast still rung in his ears.

He lifted his hand slightly, seeing the blood. He looked around, seeing no one at first. He put more pressure on the wound, wincing at the pain. He stopped when he felt a hand grab his shoulder. He looked up and saw Nick standing there with what looked to be cloth. "C'mon Ev, you can do this," he said as he pulled Evan up slightly. Evan winced again at the pain.

His vision started going dark, fading in and out. "Come on Evan, stay with me," Nick pleaded. Evan opened his mouth to say something, but only let out a cry of pain. His vision was worse now, and he could barely hear Nick.

The last thing he heard before blacking out was "You're gonna be okay, Evan. You're gonna be okay."


When Evan woke up, he was laying in a hospital bed. He opened his eyes slightly, only to close them again from the bright light. He forced them open again, and slowly got used to the light.

Once he did, he blinked and tried to focus on the room. He found that it was difficult to do, as his vision was blurry. He could hear, but whatever he tried to focus on with his eyes just became even more of a blur. He blinked a couple of more times, trying to see. It worked slightly, and now he was able to focus on one thing at a time. He smiled to himself at his progress. Now, he was going to try and sit up.

That also proved to be a difficult task. With every movement, pain struck his body. He winced everytime, and it took forever for him to actually sit up.

Once he was though, he felt proud of himself once more. He carefully craned his neck side to side, taking in the room. No one else was in it. But there was a little table next to him with some flowers and a card. He lifted his arm up and picked up the card. He brought it close so he could read.

Hope you get better, Ev.

Evan smiled slightly and put the card back down. He couldn't see, but he wondered if the flowers were from Nick, too.

As he pondered this, a doctor came into the room. He didn't see Evan at first, as he was looking at his clipboard and humming something. Once he looked up, he stopped humming. He stared at Evan for a couple of seconds before smiling warmly. "You're up! Thank goodness. How are you feeling?"


Evan didn't recognize his own voice; it was scratchy and dry.

The doctor chuckled and wrote something on the clipboard. "I bet. You took a pretty hard hit with that bullet. We got it out, by the way. But you also kind of screwed up your leg in the process. Don't worry, we didn't have to amputate anything. Though you might be in a wheel chair or crutches for a little while." Evan nodded as much as he could. "You're pretty lucky," the doctor admitted, looking at his clipboard again. "If it wasn't for your friend, you would probably have died."

Evan craned his neck to the side slightly, "What?" The doctor glanced up at Evan.

"You don't remember? Well, probably not, you were out the entire time. Your friend brought you here after a surprise attack. Nick, I think his name was?" Evan's eyed widened slightly.

"Nick? Do you know where he is?" The doctor shook his head.

"I can't say that I do. There's a couple of people out in the waiting room though. I'll check there and send him in if he's here." Evan nodded. The doctor nodded back and left the room.

Evan looked back at the flowers that were on the table. There were many different colors. He didn't know the names of them, but they were pretty.

He averted his gaze from the flowers when he heard footsteps running down the hall. Nick stopped abruptly at Evan's door, looking in and smiling with a laugh. Evan smiled instantly. "Evan, holy shit, are you okay?" Nick asked as he walked over to Evan. Evan laughed slightly, but stopped when he started coughing instead. Nick patted his back slightly. "Easy there, tiger. But seriously, you okay?" Evan nodded, the smile on his face growing.

"Yeah. Better that you're here now." Nick's smile grew, and he lightly hugged Evan.

"I'm so glad you're okay," Nick sighed.

"I'm glad I'm okay too. And that you're okay." Nick laughed and pulled back from the hug.

"Well good. That's- that's good." Their laughter died down. Nick ran a hand through his hair and sighed.

"Hey, Nick?"


"Thanks. For you know, saving my life and stuff." They both chuckled a little.

"Hey man, it's no big deal. You just... gotta do what you gotta do, I guess." They both chuckled again.

"Hey, Evan? Would you like it if after you get out of the hospital, you and me go out for drinks? I mean, I think we deserve it, after all." Evan blinked before smiling widely.

"Yeah. I'd like that."


Evan laughed as he and Nick walked out of the hospital. Nick had promised him a drink, and that's exactly where they were going to do.

"So tell me Evan, how does it feel now that you're out of that shithole?" Nick asked.

Evan shrugged, "Better. I just wish I didn't have to have these things," he said, gesturing to his crutches.

"Hey, if anyone asks, you can say that you beat a guy up before he broke your leg. Also, if anyone makes fun of you for it, you can trip them." Evan snorted and rolled his eyes.

When they got to the bar, Nick held the door open for Evan. "Your majesty," he joked, bowing. Evan rolled his eyes and went in.

"Shut up," he laughed. Nick just shrugged with a smile as they walked to the bar.

They ordered drinks, chatting as they waited.

"So how long did the doctor say you had to wear those things?" Nick asked, gesturing to the crutches.

"A month or two, I think. I wasn't really paying attention," Evan admitted with a chuckle. Nick chuckled as well.

The drinks were brought, and both men thanked the bartender before continuing their conversation.

"You gonna make it by yourself?"

Evan shrugged, "I dunno. Hopefully."

Nick frowned, "Well, if you ever need help, don't be afraid to call me, alright?" Evan smiled and chuckled.

"Don't worry. You're always gonna be the first person I call, I promise." Nick took a sip of his drink before thinking of something.

"You know what? I'm just gonna stay with you until you get back on your feet."

"Nick, you don't have to do that-"

"Nah, I'm gonna do it. I don't have anything else to do anyways," he chuckled. Evan stared at him before sighing and taking a drink.

"Alright, if you say so." Nick grinned and patted Evan's back.

"Don't worry, I'm only going to fuck up like, most of your life." Evan rolled his eyes and playfully pushed Nick, telling him to shut up.


Even though Nick joked about how shitty it was going to be living with him, Evan actually liked being with him. Nick was funny, and he was a huge help whenever Evan would need it, and would back off whenever Evan didn't.

Evan was about a month away from getting his cast off, and it was the 4th of July. Him and Nick were staying home and planned to watch from the house.

When it was dark, Evan and Nick opened the widows to watch. They would have gone outside, but the bugs were going to eat them alive, and they didn't have any bug spray.

Nick had gone to the bathroom, so Evan stayed in the loving room as he peeked out from the window.

Evan heard a loud boom, and suddenly he wasn't in his living room.

He was back on the war field again. He could feel everything; the sand, the wind, the sun beating down on his face, the gun in his hands. He could also hear everything; the bullets flying past his head, the yells of his comrades, the booming sounds in the distance. It was all too real.

Evan didn't want to be here. He wanted to be home.

He felt tears run down his face as he saw one of his men go down. Then another. And another. He couldn't move. But he could scream. He screamed his lungs out, begging for it to all be over. His body suddenly collapsed to the ground, and he curled up into a ball. He didn't care if he was going to die. He just wanted it all to end.

Nick rushed into the living room as soon as he heard Evan scream. He found him curled up into a ball on the ground, sobbing loudly. His eyes widened and he cursed before he ran over to Evan. He pulled Evan up to a sitting position and held his face in his hands. Evan's eyes were filled with fear, and they seemed to look right through him. "Evan, Evan look at me. You're gonna be fine Evan. Evan, please, come back to me." Nick felt his voice shake, and almost started crying too. The amount of pain in Evan's eyes was almost too much to handle. He continued to talk to Evan quietly, holding him as close as he could. Eventually, Evan's eyes seemed less distant.

Even in all the chaos, Evan faintly heard Nick's voice. He looked up, and could faintly see Nick in the distance. Or, what looked like him anyways. Evan's sobbing almost stopped, and he heard Nick telling him to calm down and breathe. So that's what he did. And soon, he wasn't in the battle field, but was in his living room, being held by Nick. He blinked away the tears and looked up at Nick with confusion and fear. "... Nick?"

Nick let out a breath of relief as he hugged Evan tightly. Evan hugged back just as tight, glad that the nightmare was over. Nick held him there for a long time, slowly rocking Evan back and forth.

Evan's breathing fully went back to a normal state, and all of the tears had been shed. He pulled back from the hug and looked at Nick. "Thank you," he whispered before pulling Nick back into a hug. Nick smiled and hugged back.

He hesitated before he carefully placed his lips on Evan's head, kissing it before pulling back. Evan seemed to have not felt it, which was a bit of a relief for Nick.

"Come on, let's get you to bed," Nick said as he stood up. He pulled Evan up carefully and they walked to Evan's bedroom. He helped Evan into bed, and turned around to leave when a hand grabbed onto his wrist.

"Stay, please?" Nick looked back at Evan, who still looked terrified. Nick sighed and crawled into bed next to Evan. Evan turned the lamp off and got comfortable before falling asleep.


Evan waited excitedly as he sat on the bed. Nick chuckled and shook his head as he watched Evan swing one leg like a little kid. He was getting his cast off today, so he could finally walk without crutches.

The doctor came in, told Evan what was going to happen, and walked back out to get the tools. Evan smiled even wider.

"You look excited there, Evan." Nick said with a smirk. Evan glanced at Nick and rolled his eyes.

"You try having a cast on your leg for two months."

Nick laughed, and the doctor came back in with the saw. He carefully sawed the cast off and let Evan stand up. Evan wobbled a little, holding his arms out for balance. He smiled and laughed, looking up at Nick. Nick smiled as well and held his arms out. "Walk to me." Evan rolled his eyes,

"I'm not two, you know." Nick shrugged and kept his arms out. Evan sighed and slowly walked towards Nick. He limped as he did.

When he was right in front of Nick, he stumbled over his feet and fell onto Nick. Nick stumbled back a little, but held onto Evan. "Easy there tiger, you got a place to be?" Evan looked up at Nick, smiling and laughing before hugging Nick. Nick hugged back and laughed as well.

The doctor smiled at the two with a knowing look before clearing his throat. "Well I'm glad that you're happy. Have a nice day you two." They both thanked him and left, Nick still helping Evan walk.


Even though Evan was good to go, Nick wanted to stay. Evan wanted him to stay too, so it worked perfectly. Plus Evan still needed help with stuff, like getting things off the top shelf or whatever.

"Hey, Nick?" Evan called.


"I can't reach the basket on top of the fridge, could you help?" Nick came in soon after, reaching up and grabbing it.

"Here you go. What did you need from there anyways?" Evan proceeded to grab a bag of chips, to which Nick rolled his eyes at. "You're gonna get fat from eating those everyday."

"I'll get enough exercise by trying to reach the damn things." Nick laughed and went back into the living room. Evan soon joined him with a bowl full of chips.

They had some random TV show on, both watching and mindlessly grabbing chips from the bowl. Once they were gone, Evan just put it on the table and sat back.

Nick glanced over at Evan and yawned, stretching and he putting his arm around Evan's shoulders. Evan stopped and looked over at Nick with a "really" look. "What?" Nick asked. Evan just rolled his eyes and leaned into Nick, resting his head on Nick's chest. Nick smiled proudly at himself for that and brought his attention back to the TV.


Evan giggled at nothing as Nick opened the door and let them in. He stumbled inside and turned around slightly to face Nick. "Nick," Evan whined, "come here!" Nick rolled his eyes as he walked towards the drunk man.

"Jeez, you're so needy when you're drunk." Evan only giggled and leaned into Nick. Nick sighed and picked Evan up bridal style before walking him to the bedroom. Evan gives the entire way there. Nick placed him on the bed carefully before crawling in bed after him.

"Nick?" Evan asked, hiccuping after.

"Yes, Evan?"

"You're really pretty. Can you be mine?" Nick chuckled and kissed Evan's cheek.

"Evan, we've been dating for three years now. I'm already yours." Evan's face lit up and a clapped his hands.

"Yay! I love you," he giggled, kissing Nick on the lips. Nick rolled his eyes and kissed back.

"I love you too. Now go to bed, you're probably gonna have a hangover in the morning." Evan just giggled and nodded before crawling underneath the sheets. Nick did so as well, and pulled Evan close to him. Evan snuggled up into his chest and sighed before falling asleep. Nick kissed the top of Evan's head before falling asleep himself.


Evan fidgeted with his ring as he waited for Nick to come home. After they had gotten married, his wedding ring had become his new nervous habit. It was yet another 4th of July, and he knew what was to come.

When Nick finally came home, Evan practically threw himself at his husband. Nick chuckled a little, kissing Evan on the lips before setting the groceries down. "Help me with the groceries and them we'll get everything settled, okay?" Evan nodded and started with one bag.

Once all the bags were empty and the food was where it was supposed to be, Nick and Evan went into their bedroom. Nick closed to door and the blinds before setting the TV up. Evan was already wrapped up in a blanket and sitting on the bed. "I'll be right back, I'm getting some food okay?" Evan nodded and pulled the blanket closer to him. Nick quickly went to the kitchen to get some snacks before returning.

The outside was now dark, and the fireworks were about to start. Nick quickly turned on the TV and put up the volume before sitting next to Evan. Evan leaned on his shoulder and yawned. Nick wrapped an arm around Evan's shoulder and smiled, kissing his head.

When Evan was just watching the TV, Nick got up and peeked out the window. He saw a flash of light, and he smiled, glad that the TV had drowned it out well enough. He crawled back next to Evan, who hadn't really paid attention to where Nick had gone until he came back.

"Woah, what the- wait, what?" Nick laughed at Evan's confusion.

"I got up real quick to see if the fireworks were still going on. They are, by the way." Evan nodded and turned his gaze back to the TV.

When it was about midnight, Nick checked through the blinds again. The fireworks had finally stopped. He sighed in relief before turning the TV off. "They're done?" Evan asked. Nick nodded and got back into bed.

They sat in silence for a little while before Evan spoke up. "Hey, Nick?"


"Do you ever miss being out in action?"

Nick paused and looked at Evan. Evan looked up at him curiously with tired eyes. He sighed. "Sometimes. I miss the adrenaline rush it gave you, you know?" Evan became silent and didn't reply. "But I wouldn't trade you to the world just to go back out in action. I love it here, I love you. Don't forget that." Evan sported the biggest smile he had ever given. He brought Nick down for a kiss, which Nick gladly accepted.

"I love you," he murmured. Nick smiled.

"I love you too, Ev. I love you too."

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