Request - Eggs (Part 1)

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Note: Requested by @Lythsham. Also based off of one of Nogla's Hide and Seek Easter videos (the moment starts at 3:30). I hope you enjoy this one-shot!

Pairing: DaithideVanoss

Nogla, Ohm, Delirious and Evan were playing Gmod on Easter. It was Hide and Seek, and Evan was the seeker that round. Nogla spawned behind Evan, so he stayed there, wanting to see if Evan would notice.

As soon as the seekers were released, Evan turned around and saw egg Nogla crouching. Nogla started to laugh at Evan's silence. "Nogla," Evan said carefully. Delirious and Ohm giggled as they heard the conversation.

"Hey," Nogla laughed.

"Did you- did you- did you come to fill up my basket?" Evan asked. Nogla felt his face heat up slightly at the comment and laughed awkwardly.

"That sounds wrong, but yes." Delirious and Ohm giggled some more as Evan inched his character closer to Nogla's.

"Okay, alright, just insert your egg into my basket." Nogla felt his face heat up even more at the words, but kept his cool.

"Okay, let me just-" Evan's character inched just enough to where Nogla got tagged. "Oh shit," Nogla giggled. Evan also giggled, turning his character around and moving away.

For the rest of the round, they stayed together, making jokes about the baskets and what they were gonna fill it with. The next round they still stayed together, but both were hiders that time.

After they were done playing, Delirious and Ohm left the call, leaving Nogla and Evan alone. This was a normal habit with them, editing in silence together. Well, kind of.

Evan usually edited while Nogla just sat there, sometimes talking about random stuff, sometimes being quiet as well. This time though, Evan was the one to talk. "Hey Nogla," he said, catching the Irishman's attention.


"You know, you still have to fill my Easter basket," he said, his voice low. Nogla felt his face heat up again, and he started to awkwardly chuckle.

"Haha, no thanks," he said, scratching the back of his neck.

"But Nogla," Evan whined, "someone's gotta fill up my basket!" Nogla's face just kept getting redder and redder everytime Evan spoke. He took a drink of water to try and cool himself down. "I want you to insert your egg in my basket," Evan mumbled.

Nogla choked on his water, not expecting Evan to sound so desperate about it. "Evan!" He exclaimed, coughing right after.

"What?" Evan asked innocently. Nogla stared at the screen, not knowing how to answer. Evan laughed a little at the silence.

"Nogla," he whined again.


"You should come to my house." Nogla froze, his face heating up once again.


"You should come to my house. Please?"

"What for?" Nogla asked, trying to keep his cool about all of this.

"You know why." Nogla started to mentally panic a bit. Was Evan seriously wanting to do this? "Nogla, are you gonna come over or what?" Yes, yes Evan was.

"Uh... Sure?" Nogla cursed himself for saying yes. Why was that his default answer?

"Yes! I'll be waiting," he said before ending the call. Nogla stared at the screen before falling back into his chair.

What had he gotten himself into?

YouTube One-Shots (Book 2)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin