Request - Injury

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Note: Requested by SeptiplierTrashX3. I hope you enjoy this one-shot!

Pairing: Terrornuckel

Brock sighed as he watched everyone pass by, just going on with their lives like normal people. He wish he could be like them, but he couldn't. Not with his broken leg. He had gotten into a bad car accident, which caused the broken leg. It was difficult to do things now, and he had tried to get someone to help. But no one wanted to help him. He gave up after a while, and was now struggling to practically do anything.

He grabbed his crutches and put money on the table before getting up to leave. No one bothered to open the door for him. He let out an agitated sigh as he pushed the door open slowly. He finally made it out, but his crutches caught on something, causing him to start to fall.

Before he actually fell, he felt someone grab him and pull him back up. Brock gasped and held onto whoever had grabbed him. His crutches fell to the ground as he looked up at whoever had caught him. A man looked over Brock before speaking. "Are you okay?" He asked. Brock noted his Irish accent before replying, a bit shocked that someone had actually helped him.

"I uh- yeah, yeah, I'm- I'm fine," Brock sputtered out. The man finally let go of him and picked up Brock's crutches before handing them to him. "Uh, thank you..." Brock trailed off, taking the crutches.


"Thank you, Brian. Uh, my name's Brock, by the way." Brian chuckled a bit and looked around.

"Do you not have anyone to help you?" He asked, looking back to Brock. Brock shook his head.

"Nope. No one wanted to help me. So I'm stuck trying to fend for myself," he sighed. Brian frowned at that.

"Seriously? That's messed up. Hey, since you're alone, do you want to come to my place? I mean, I don't want to sound creepy or anything, but I just want to help. I think it might be better if you have someone with you. Of course, we can go back to your place if you want, but I at least want to make sure you're okay." Brock stared at Brian, completely stunned. He almost wanted to cry from happiness. But he didn't, and instead chose to smile at him.

"Uh, I don't really care. Either place is fine." Brian smiled back and started walking, but he walked slow so Brock could keep up with him.

"So uh, what happened? I don't mean to pry, but I'm just curious. If you don't want to tell me, that's fine, I understand," Brian asked as they walked to to his house. He helped the door open so Brock could get in without a hassle.

"Oh, no, it's fine. I just got into a bad car accident, that's all. No one died, so that was good. But I got the worst of it, as you can see," he chuckled a little, trying to make the situation more light.

"How did it happen? Like, was it a drunk driver, or...?"

"The other person ran through a red-light." Brian nodded and decided to close the subject. Brock looked around Brian's house. It was a really nice place. Brian led them into the living room.

"Do you want to sit down? I can get a pillow to prop up your foot if you want," Brian offered.

"That would be nice, thank you." Brian left to go get the pillow as Brock settled himself down. When Brian came back with the pillow, Brock had already turned the TV on and was watching something.

"I see you've made yourself comfortable already," Brian chuckled as he positioned the pillow under Brock's foot. Brock chuckled a little too before focusing back on the television. They watched the show together for a while before Brock broke the silence.

"Why'd you help me?" He asked, looking over at Brian. Brian looked at him and shrugged.

"I dunno, I thought it was the right thing to do. I thought it was common sense as well, but apparently that's not the case. I still can't believe nobody helped you." Brock shrugged, looking back at the television.

"You get used to it."

That sentence alone broke Brian's heart. He decided right then and there that he was going to change that. "Well, since you're here, do you wanna stay the night? I mean, it's probably a long walk back to your place, and I don't have a car. Plus, I could help you and everything." Brock looked back at Brian, again shocked by his words.

"No, you don't have to do that-"

"But I want to. No one should have to deal with this alone."

"It's only a broken leg."

"I don't care if it's a broken leg or a headache. Someone should help you either way."

Brock flushed slightly at the words. "Okay, okay, you win. I'll stay here." Brian smiled widely at that.

"Great. I'll go set up the guest bedroom for you then."

"I can sleep out here-"

"Not happening!"

Before Brock could say another word, Brian had already left the room. Brock sighed and turned back to the TV, a small smile growing in his face.

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