Request - Happy Birthday

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Note: Happy Birthday ShannonCipher1496! Everyone go wish them a happy birthday, and I hope you enjoy this smutty one-shot!

Pairing: Terrornuckel

When Brock came home, he was not expecting this.

He was used to Brian being in the living room, usually waiting for him and watching TV.

Instead, Brian was tied up and wearing a gag. Brock stared at the sight in front of him. Brian looked up at him, finally noticing his presence. Brian moved a little bit to look at him better. Brock licked his lips as his eyes wandered over Brian's pale body. He started walking closer, removing his clothes as he did. Brian's eyes widened as Brock began to straddle his hips.

"Look at you," Brock purred, "all tied up for me and everything." Brian's face grew to a shade of pink at those words. Brock lifted his chin up before kissing him hungrily. Brian kissed back, his arms going against the restraints a bit. Brock's hands wandered down to Brian's cock. He started to move his hand back and forth.

Muffled noises came from Brian's mouth as he threw his head back. Brock latched onto Brian's neck, sucking and nibbling on it. More muffled noises erupted from the Irish man as he started to move with Brock's hand.

A new muffled noise came from Brian's mouth, and Brock knew that he was close. He slowed his pace, eventually coming to a complete stop. Brian whines were barely audible. Brock kissed him apologetically before removing the gag. He shoved his fingers into Brian's mouth. Brian sucked slowly, releasing his fingers with a pop. Brock put the gag back on before he started working his fingers in Brian. Brian threw his head back, his moans louder than before.

As Brock's fingers brushed against his prostate, Brian's back arched a bit. Brock smirked a bit as he brushed over the spot again. Brian gave the same reaction, his back arching a little bit more.

Brock decided that he was done playing, so he took his fingers out. Brian relaxed, but only for a second as Brock pushed into him. Brian tensed up again, his eyes widening a bit before closing. He opened them again and gave Brock a nod, indicating that he wanted Brock to move.

Brock smiled at him and pulled his hips back before snapping his hips forward. A moan that couldn't be muffled by the gag broke through as Brian's head lolled back. Brock continued thrusting, watching Brian's face.

One almost unruffled noise later, Brian cried out, realising onto both of their stomachs. Brock thrusted a few more times before he came as well. He pulled out, took the gag off and untied Brian before laying next to him. Brian pulled him closer, his head resting on the crook of Brock's neck. Brock kissed Brian on the head before resting his own head on Brian's.


Shannon pulled up to Brock and Brian's house curiously. The others kept telling her to go visit the two, but they never said why. She shrugged it off and walked up to the door. She was about to knock when she noticed that the door was open already.

This alarmed her a bit, so she quietly stepped inside. She looked around a bit, her phone out in case something bad was going off. She looked to the living room and covered her mouth to hide her gasp. She smiled under her hand and pointed her phone at the two who were naked and cuddling in the living room. She took a picture before she quickly left, making sure to leave the door behind her.

Were the others going to get a kick out of this or what?

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