By LS_Stories

67K 2.7K 1.5K

(Larry) (Completed) (Undergoing Editing) Third book of the M.P.D series (Can't read this without reading the... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 10

2.5K 96 58
By LS_Stories


"I can not believe this is happening." Liam spoke from the backseat of my car with his boyfriend Zayn as I drove to the hospital.

"Me either." I said as I turned onto another street. "Niall? My stupid little Niall is going to be a father."

"I couldn't believe when you became a father." Zayn chuckled.

"Oh, shut up Zayn. Don't push your luck. We still got some talking to do."

Zayn smiled and shook his head.

Liam then kissed his cheek and cuddled into his side.

Not that long afterwords, we arrived at the hospital. So I parked and we all walked up together to Lottie's room but got put into a waiting room.

"Where's Louis?" Zayn asked. "Shouldn't he be here for his sister?"

"He texted me and said he's on his way. He had to pick up Jay." Liam spoke up.

"Louis texted you?" I asked hurt.

"Yeah." Liam nodded. "I thought he told you?"

"No." I sighed. "Louis doesn't talk to me unless it's something about Claire-Elizabeth."

"But I thought you were going to try and get back together with him?"

"Well, he's too concentrated on Danny right now. You know... she's pregnant with his other kid and he's trying to help her out. I don't want to step in the way and hurt her the way I hurt Louis. Even if she is a total bitch."

Zayn held in a laugh and Liam frowned at me.

"Well, I'm sorry Edward. I'm sure Louis still has some feelings for you. He always went on and on about you after you left. He really cared and I'm sure he still does."

I only nodded.

Just then, I heard Louis' voice.

"Hey everyone!" He said happily as he pushed our daughter in a baby stroller.

"Hi Louis!" Liam smiled. "And hi Claire-Elizabeth."

"Hi uncle Liam." Louis said in a baby voice.

"How sweet." Liam laughed.

"Hey guys." Jay spoke as she helped Danny walk into the room and sit down.

"Hey Jay." I smiled.

I then walked over to my daughter.

"Can I hold her?" I asked Louis.

"She's yours Edward. You don't need to ask." Louis said lowly.

I nodded and then got Claire-Elizabeth out of her stroller.

"Hi daisy." I smiled at her. "How's my little girl?" I then leaned down and kissed all over her fat little face.

"I've never seen Edward so-" Zayn started.

"-Soft." Liam chuckled.

Zayn nodded.

"Oh, shut up you two. She's my daughter. Plus she's a month old tomorrow. I need to be soft on her... until she's a teenager."

"I can't wait to see you with her boyfriends." Zayn spoke.

"Don't push me. She's not dating until she's thirty."

"Sweetie." Jay laughed. "We all say that. But we all know it's not true. She'll be getting kisses in the locker room by middle school."

"Mom!" Louis said shocked.

"Yeah, no thanks." I said making a disgusted face. "I never want to hear of my daughter doing that."

"Why?" Zayn laughed. "You were a real slut."

"Zayn." Louis warned. "Baby." He said pointing to Claire-Elizabeth.

"Sorry." Zayn shrugged.

Just then, Niall walked out into the waiting room.

"So?" Louis asked to him.

"She's healthy." Niall smiled and then burst into tears.

"Awe, Niall." Liam laughed.

Jay then walked up to him and gave him the biggest hug.

"Well, let's go guys. Time to see my niece." Louis smiled and started walking to Lottie's room.

We all then walked to Lottie's room and when we did, we saw her and her new daughter together.

"I'm gonna die." Louis cooed and rushed over to his sister.

"Everyone." Lottie smiled. "Meet Crystal Lynn Horan."

"She's so adorable." Jay smiled.

"Look Claire-Elizabeth." I spoke showing her the baby. "Meet your new cousin Crystal."

Claire-Elizabeth made a small noise and everyone melted.

"We need to set up a play date." Louis said as he stroked Crystal's head.

"For sure." Lottie nodded and then she leaned down and kissed Crystal's head.

"I want to get a picture with Crystal." Niall then spoke.

"Here." Lottie said while passing her over to Niall.

Niall then sat down in a chair and I passed Claire-Elizabeth off to Louis since I brought my Polaroid.

After Niall got comfortable, I snapped the picture. I then sat the camera and picture down to dry.

"All this excitement-" Niall then spoke as he walked over to give his new born daughter back to Lottie. "-has really got me thinking... well I've been thinking... for a while now about something."

"What?" Lottie asked as she got Crystal comfortable.

"Well, I know we haven't been together for too long, but I love you Lottie. You brought me my daughter and you bring me so much joy. Joy that I never want to live without."

"What are you saying?" she asked.

"Oh my god." I heard Liam whisper.

"Charlotte Tomlinson... will you do me the honor of making me the happiest man alive?" Niall asked kneeling down on one knee and pulling out a ring. "Will you marry me?"

"Yes!" Lottie squealed with happiness.

Everyone clapped and cheered.

I then gave the picture I took earlier to him after all the excitement... and man... Niall... he's growing up so fast.


Please vote and comment! Thanks loves and see you next time! 😊

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