From Soldiers Rifle To Dragon...

By taro619

3.5K 125 48

Our government, our leaders, they tell us what is real, what we should believe in, what we should stand for... More

The Harbor
Battle Scars
Make Bank
Cloudless Sky
Return Of A Hunter
Spa day
Egg Watcher
Hide and Go Seek
Blood Stained Sand
The Hunt
Lone Survivor
The Game Begins
Heavy Hitters
Eternal Bond
Stranger Tides
Rally point
Demon of The North Sea
Lost Words
Lost City
Truth In The Dark
The legend lives on
Prosoner 01
East Against West
Authors Notes

Mountain Ally

143 5 1
By taro619

"I think thats everything." Nina said as she closed the door to our room.

"We got to get the eggs before we leave." I quickly stated with a smile.

"Of course. You think I would forget my children?" Nina huffed furring her brow at me.

"No, I was just saying." I said, quickly correcting myself. I didnt really like making her mad, and i felt that my remark had done just that.

"Oh you big hatchling." she laughed as she licked my snout.

"Lets go." she began walking away from me and down the halls. I was quick to follow her. How was I this lucky? Finding another like her would be near impossible if something happend to her. I dont know what I would do if I lost her.

"What do you think?" she began turning to me with a concerned expression.

"About Ren?"

"I.........I dont know. He shouldnt have been killed that easily. Then there was the fact that he had been taken by suprise. There is no way thats possible, espically for Ren." I replied with a sigh. His mangeled body had been on my mind since we had visited the infirmary. Something wasnt right, but if commands hypothisys about Hunter was right, then why would he do it? Espically to a fellow Talon member.

"Lets drop our stuff at the chopper before we get the eggs. That way we wont have to carry all this crap and our eggs." I said taking the lead as we walked toward the flight deck. The halls of the carrier lead on like a maze. This had taken some time getting used to when we were first based to the Draco, but withen days we coujld navagate the halls blind if needed. There were multiple ways we could go to reach the flight deck, but our favorite was the scafolding that was on the sides of the ship. You could go out when you were bored or had a lot on your mind and just look out over the horizon. The water would wash away all your worries away as it went.

"I love it out here." Nina said as she opened the door that led to the scafolding. The smell of wet sea air filled my nose. The smell of freedom.

"Me too." I replied nuzzling her. She smiled and nuzzled me back.

"Lets just skip walking and fly to the top of the ship." I said leaping over the scafolding and opening my wings, comming to a hover over the scafolding to look at Nina. She rolled her eyes and leapt over. We circuled each other and made our way to the deck. On the deck, there was very little activity. Really all there was on the deck was the V-22 used for our moving to Firebase Charley. There were 10 humans around the vehicle, all working or helping load it. Cloud appeared from the back of the vehicle along with a large green dragon. Mark, the hatchery gaurdian. He stayed in the hatch and locked his gaze with us. Why was he away from the hatchery?

"Shadow, Nina! Get over here!" He called. Cloud glanced toward us and picked up his weapons vest, quickly dissapearing back into the V-22. Nina and I quickly walked to the vehicle. I stepped inside and immediatedly noticed my eggs laying wrapped in a large, soft blanket at the front of the plane. Thats why he was away, to make sure we got our eggs safetly.

"There here and safe." Mark said smiling.

"Thanks a lot Mark. Saves us time." Nina laughed nuzzling him, her was of saying thanks.

"Ive got even better news." He said smiling as he lifted his head away from her. I couldnt help but fear the dragon, but love him like a brother at the same time. He stood taller than me. Maybe 7 foot or more. His muslces were more profound than mine as well. he could rip my head off if he wanted to, or if i ever put my eggs in danger. He was just that type of dragon.

"Yeah?" Cloud asked from the the front of the plane. He was tucking the cover over the eggs to help protect them a lottle more. Mark immediatedly walked toward the eggs. Cloud backed off and sat on his haunches.

"My position of Hatchery gaurdian has been moved. Im going to be the new gaurdian of the hatchery at Firebase Charley with you guys." he stated with a smile.

"What!?" Nina said, her tone was full of excitment. This news also made me feel a little better about Charley.

"Yup!" he said laughing.

"5 Minutes guys!" A human called from the rear hatch. He quickly walked away as the sound of the engines priming sang through the cabin.

"Got everything?" Cloud asked us.

"Of course." I replied as I walked to the eggs. Nina walked past me and lay down with them. Curling around to keep them safe. Mark sat down beside her and the eggs. I lay across from Mark beside Nina, and cloud lay beside me.

"Charley isnt that bad. ive been there before a few times." Cloud said with a yawn. This in turn caused me to yawn.

"Shits contageous." I laughed as the engines began to gain RPM, in preperation for takeoff.

"I know." Mark yawned before laying down. I put my head between my paws and sighed. I just wished Ren was with us as well. The team felt empty without him. One things for sure though, im going to find and kill whoever killed Ren. I yawned as the V-22 beganto lift off the carrier deck. It was a 5-9 hour flight from the Draco to Firebase Charley, and there was nothing to do but rest, and I definantly needed the rest. I glanced at Nina and the eggs one last time. They seemed to be alright and safe. With this in my head, I closed my eyes and slowly began to drift off.

I woke with a jump as the V-22 touched down at the firebase. The others had been roused as well and were looking around with well rested eyes.

"Were here!" the pilot called as the engins wer shut off and everything grew quiet. Seconds later, the hatch opened and cool,dry, night air swarmed the cabin. I stood and stretched as I looked toward Nina. She was yawning and stretching as well. I grabbed one of the eggs and nina grabbed the other.

"Our gear can wait a little bit." I said as i exited the hatch. The sun had just began rising over the horizon. Sand covered as far as the eye could see. How i hated the sand. How it stuck to my paws when i walked. How it seemed to always be hotter than hell during the day, I already missed the Draco, and the ocean.

"Preatty." Nina said motioning toward the rising sun.

"Yup, now lets get the eggs to the hatchery and report to the Commanding Officer of the base." Mark said going to my side.

"That would be me." a males voice said from the backside of the V-22. I turned to see a man in is 50's approaching us. The years had been good to him. There was little to no grey hairs on his head. He had a well trimmed face with no facial hair. He seemed to stand around 5'10, and looked to be a very good and trustworthy leader.

"I am General Jackson. Its good to have you under my deployment." He said smiling as he came to a stop infront of us.

"Nice to mee you sir. Im Shadow. This is Nina, my mate, Cloud, and Mark." I said introducing the others.

"Ahh the new gaurdian. Lets get you all to your rooms, and you to the hatchery." Jackson said as he turned and began walking away from us. We quickly followed.The firebase was quite large for being a temporary post. From the helo pads, i could make out 10 Cannon barrels over the top of the buildings. They seemed to be 105's from the look of em. THere was one hanger with its door open on the right side of the base. I could make out 2 V-22's, 2 Blackhawks, and a Predator drone inside. It seemed to be a nice fit for the 5. the the left i could see the mess hall, an Infirmary, a few barracks, and an armory. There was also a Wash station to the right beside the Hanger, and i thought i could see the Hatchery beside that one. Large fences surronded the base, with one way in and out. There were 6 gaurd towers in all. One at each corner of the base, and one on either side of the entry road. we walked toward the washroom and passed it, instead going to the hatchery beside it.

"Here she is." Jackson said pointing to the building.

"Thanks sir." Mark said as he opened the door and walked in. Nina and i Followed while Cloud stayed outside. He was never one to stay around hatchlings, and eggs for a long perioud. I guess he just really wanted one. Inside there were 5 eggs unhatched, and 3 hatched hatchlings. The hatchlings, whom weree playing with a ball at the time quickly looked to Mark. There eyes were full of curiousity and confusion. Mark immediatedly went to the eggs and inspected them for any cracks or blemishes. Withe seconds, all 3 hatchlings had left the ball and gone to check out this strange new dragon in there hatchery. Mark smiled as they began checking him over. Nina and i took our eggs and placed thim with the other. Mark breathed a soft blue flame over the eggs to warm them.

"Well be back in a little bit." I said motioning to Nina. She and Jackson followed me out and Jackson showed all of us our Barracks. Nina and i got a room to ourselves. Cloud got a room with a nice Female who looked exactly like him. Color, horn placement, everything.Im sure he was happy about it on the inside. After getting our gear, i was called into Jacksons office. My guess was for rules of the base and what not.

"Alright Shadow, leader of Talon. Ive got a task for you." he began walking to the front of his desk and sitting on it,

"What is it?" I asked.

"Well, we brought a couple dragons in from..... well, you just need to know that we brought them in." He began picking up a file and tossing it to me.

"The dragon were worried about is this one." He said motoining to the folder. I moved to the folder, but a paper on his desk caught my eye. On the paper, i could make out what seemed to be a black paw of a dragon. In the middle of the paw i could see a large, red R.

"Whats that?" i asked otioning to the paper. Jackson quickly pulled it behind him so i could not see it.

"Secret information. Now the file." He said quickly. I glanced at the file and opened it.

"Tyro?" I began as i read. From what i could gather, he was a large mountain dragon. Largest i had heard of. He had been a Marine, and terminally injured, so to save his life he went into the Draco Project. A nice move if you ask me. He had been part of Task Force Raven back in the day. A team the enemy told ghost stories about around campfires. They were very effictive at what they did, and very lethal.

"So, what do you need me to do?" I asked tossing the file back at him.

"He, his mate, and his children are currently at the base. They are at the infirmary. He was brought in..... you could say under bad conditions. Im afraid to send people in to talk to him, and so i want you to go in and explain whats happend to him." He said standing.

"Sounds easy enough." I said standing.

"Oh and Shadow?" The general began. I turned to look at him.

"Dont get killed." He said. I smiled and shook my head as i walked to the infirmary. As i entered, i could see 6 men walk into a room. 3 armed, 3 unarmed.

"That must be my room." I said as a loud growl echoed down the hall.

"Let me talk to him" I called as i reached the door.

"Are you sure? Even in the shape he's in, he'll kill you if he so much as gets a whill of reason." One of the unarmed men warned. THat was comforting information.

"I can take care of myself soldier." I said as the men spread apart to allow me to enter. Inside there was a light brown and blue female, and the big brawny brown male. Beside him was 3 little dragonets.Tyro and his mate along with there kids.

"Leave us." I said pointing to the door. The men quickly left without question and shut the door tightly behind them. Almost immediatedly, i was attacked and pinned by the female. I quickly lowered myears as a sign of submission.

"Who are you, and where are we?!?!" She growled at me.

"If youll let me up, i'll explain everything." I calmly replied. Jackson wasnt kidding about these 2. The female slowly let me up. I could tell she didnt trust me.

"Try anything to endnager my cubs, or my mate, nothing will save you from me." She growled. I immediatedly saw my father in here eyes.

"Wow, you remind me of my father." I whisteled.

"Anyway, Im Captain Shadow, leader of dragon squad Talon. Your at Firebase Charlie." I began.

"Why? Why did you bring us here?" Tyro asked. His voice was strong and threatening, even for his condition.

"We brought us here, Captain John, because you told us to do so." I replied remebering the information in his file.

"Whos John?" on of the hatchlings asked, waking from his nap.

"Oh....they didnt? But i was.... Fuck!" i growled. apparently he didnt remeber, or wasnt told anything. My life got a little harder.

"John, little dragon, Is, or was your father." I quickly said tryng to help both him and his father.

"What the hell are you talking about? the name's Tyro, not John. And i dont kknow if youve noticed, but im a dragon like you and ive got 3 cubs with another on the way." Tyro quickly growled.

"Yes, they warned me about this." I replied remebering what Jackson told me.

"Warned you about what?" His mate snarled. My heart began to race.

"Warned me that he didnt know and that i should break it to you in steps." I replied sitting on my haunches. The female sat on her haunches as well and began sizing me up.

'Oh shit.' I thought to myself as i swallowed. They didnt say anything about this shit! I growled to myself.

"Tyro, for almost 30 years you were a human by the name of John Alex Mason. You were the greatist Marine who ever lived. Contries who havewarred with the US have studied you, and trained there troops with programs based off your tactics. You are a legend among thr soldiers in Project Draco. I myself long to become like you. You were the first recruit into the HDR program. At first it seemed it had failed, and you had not hatched as a dragon,but then about a week ago your DNA tracker pinged." I quickly stated. Sweet talking him and adding in the information i had gained from the foldier. I think it worked.He locked his gaze with mine, and i did the same to him. Neither of us blinked for the longest time, then suddenly, he leapt at me. He quickly pinned me against the wall and burried his claws into my shoulder. I yowled in pain and gritted my teeth.

'Dont fight, just try and calm him!' i ordered myself as i growled at him. His eyes locked with mine.

"They say dying people dont lie. Lets see if its the same policy here. If whaqt you just said is true, then look me in the eye and repeat it word for word." He growled. I waisted no time repeating myself word for word. Tyro let go of me and i began whimpering with my shoulder. The wound was deep, but clean. The pain would go away soon. Tyro shook his head and huffed as he lay back down.

"This is not possible. Im a dragon, how could i have been a human?" he asked himself in a whisper.

"Like i said. The HDR program, the doctors there saved you because your friends and brother couldn t stand the though of loseing you." I stated placing a paw over my shoulder.

"I want to meet them. My team." he said looking toward me.

"I thought youd ask that." I said slapping the door with my tail, hoping tholse outside could here what he was requesting. the door opened and 3 men walked in.

"So would you like the ass beating now or would you like it after you get better so it lasts longer?" One of the men asked. Another of the 3 quickly hugged Tyro, tears streaming down his face.

"Ive missed you little brother soo much." He said with a happy tone.The last of the three got a newspaper and threw it at Tyro. Tyro laughed which made me smile. His mate walked over to him and lay by his side. Laying a wing over him before licking him. Tyro licked her back as the men began laughing.

"Ooh, whats going on here?" One of the man said.

"Figure it out." Tyro replied.

"No, are you 2......mates?" Another man said smiling.

"Ding ding ding Youve won a free scholarship to the college of wake up and smell the coffee dumb ass." Another stated laughing.

"Ha-ha." On of the men said sarcastically.

"Come on man. Got something i want you to see." One of the three stated. Tyro started to try and stand. His mate leaned against him to help I walked to his other side to help, and one of the 3 humans that entered joined us to help him. We left the room and walked down the hall to a room with Tyros human namne on it. One of his friends slid the door open and wse we entered. It looked like it hadnt been touched in years. After a minute of looking around i left Tyros side and went to the door where i watched them as they looked over everything. After a minute, of the guys left and Tyro and his mate laid with each other. His mate put her wing around him. They kept talking as i looked around the room. The stuff on the walls, and the bed made for intresting topics of discussion. as i looked around, i heard the words "My love." I smiled

"Thats a word i havent heard in a while." I said picturing my dad and mom as i looked at the pair.

"What do you mean?" Tyro asked.

"Oh its nothing. Its just something i havent heard in a while." I smiled.

"Shadow!" I heard cloud call from the door of the infirmary.

"Im not covering for you if your late for combat practice again." He called. Combat practice was Clouds way of saying Lunch. I dont know why he never just says lunch. Its much faster than saying damn combat practice. I sighed at his ignorance.

"Comming!" I called as i glanced at the pair once more before running to Clouds side.

"You couldnt just say lunch?" I asked with a huff as i reached him.

"Its more fun calling it combat practice. Besides, a good soldier becomes even_"

"Better by the foods he eats. Yeah i know." I interrupted with a laugh.

"I just think its stupid." I said as we left the infirmary.

"Whatever, lets get chow!" Cloud stated as he and i ran to the mess hall.

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