I Need You

By OlpheliaLouise

5K 134 18

Beth and Daryl are reunited after she escapes from Grady with Noah. Now that they are back together with the... More



197 6 4
By OlpheliaLouise

Author's Note: Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I have had a lot of life things happen recently. In the same month, my dog of 13 years passed away and I found out I was pregnant with my first child. Needless to say, I have been a little distracted. Also, I was unsure of where I wanted to take this chapter. Bringing Maggie back at this point seemed natural but it has thrown a wrench in the story and how I want to portray her and Beth's relationship. I know I want Maggie to be slightly annoying and overprotective. My goal is to make this story feel as natural as possible. I don't want any moments with any of the characters to feel forced. Hopefully, I have figured that out now.

In an instant, Maggie crashed into me, crying hysterically, and hugging me so tightly I could barely breathe. But I didn't care. My whole family was together again. I was so overwhelmed with joy and relief that I began to cry too. How long had it been since I last saw Maggie? Maybe almost two months? That couldn't be right. It felt like a lot longer than that. But who knows? Time is hard to keep track of nowadays and it is not like it really matters anyways. She's here. Glenn's here. I'm here. My family is back together.

In between Maggie's cries I could hear her trying to say something. Although I could never make it out. Finally, when she calmed down, her voice became clearer. "I'm so sorry." She kept whispering that to me over and over. Almost like a plea, begging for forgiveness. What is she sorry for? For leaving me? For giving up on me? For thinking I was dead? That hurt that I felt when I found out she and Glenn left with Abraham began to creep back in to the front of my mind. I immediately ignored it. It's not important. We are all together and hurt feelings aren't going to do anyone any good. That is why I finally whispered back, "It's okay, Mags."

Her grip on me tightened at my words which I didn't even think was possible. She was like a boa constrictor wrapping up its prey and squeezing the life out of it slowly. Suddenly, I was very aware of how I really couldn't breathe now. Somehow, I managed to choke out, "Maggie..."

"Yeah?" She asked still maintaining her strong hold on me.

"I can't breathe."

Instantly she let me go and wiped her tears from her face. Then she looked at me with such concern. There was the big sister I remembered. "I'm sorry..."

"Yeah Maggie. And besides it's my turn." Glenn says from behind her as he comes and scoops me up into a big hug. I missed Glenn. He is always so fun, light hearted, but wise at the same time. He was a great mixture of Daddy and our brother, Shawn. I think that is why Maggie was drawn to him to begin with. He lifted my feet off the ground and shook me a little. I couldn't help but giggle at him. He put my feet back on the floor and let go.

I took a step back and looked from him to Maggie. "I missed you guys."

"We missed you too." Maggie said giving me another quick hug.

I could feel everyone watching us especially Abraham, Eugene and the two ladies behind them. "Aren't you going to introduce us?" I say gesturing in Abraham's direction. Glenn wasted no time in confirming the big army man was indeed Abraham and mullet man was Eugene. Pigtails' name was Rosita and the other woman was Tara. She looked familiar but I didn't know where I had seen her before. I smiled at each of them. Tara and Eugene smiled back while Abraham and Rosita just nodded at me.

I turned to look at Noah again realizing he still didn't know who Maggie and Glenn were yet. "Noah, this is my sister. Maggie. And my brother-in-law, Glenn."

"Nice to meet you." He replied shaking their hands.

"So, you two came back with Daryl and Carol?" Glenn asked me and Noah.

"Yes. Noah and I escaped Grady together. We found Daryl and Carol shortly after." I answered.

"Grady?" Maggie inquired looking a little confused.

"Grady Memorial. It's a hospital in Atlanta. It's run by some officers... they weren't good people." Noah chimed in.

Glenn looked at Daryl and Carol, "Atlanta? Is that where you guys took off to?"

Daryl only nodded but Carol spoke up making her way towards us. "Yeah, we were out by the road when we saw a car with a white cross in the back windshield, like the one that took Beth. We hopped in the car we found and followed it into Atlanta."

Maggie put her hand on my good shoulder. "Thank you for finding her."

Daryl shook his head and got a bad look on his face at that comment. Daryl hadn't told me in many words but I knew he was upset with Maggie and Glenn for leaving. Anytime their names were brought up, his jaw would clench and he would ball up his fists. "Nah, she...they found us. Like she said they escaped and found us. Saved our asses actually." I could tell he was correcting her. He wanted her to know I was strong and made it out without their help. I loved him for that.

"They saved you?" Maggie questioned in disbelief. Flashes of anger went across Daryl's face. I was upset she didn't believe it but I understood why she didn't. Last time she saw me I was sweet, innocent Beth. Beth who had zero survival skills and babysat Judith almost 24/7. On my own, I was another dead girl. That's sadly how she and everyone else saw me. But I had changed and she quickly learned that whenever Carol and Noah went into the story of our escape and how we came to find them. Even though Rick and the others had heard this, they all sat down while Maggie, Glenn and Abraham's group sat around Carol and Noah listening intensely.

Eventually the conversation drifted to other things like the watch rotation. Abraham's group was exhausted from the day and they decided that we would keep the same watch schedule Rick had planned for the night. I was thankful that meant Daryl and I were on watch. Rick and I discussed earlier that I should be in the watch rotation and Daryl would show me the ropes tonight. I was really looking forward to it. It is rare that Daryl and I are alone anymore. This would give us some time together just the two of us. I missed that.

Not after long, everyone decided to call it a night and get some sleep. Maggie practically drug me to where she and Glenn were going to sleep and insisted I sleep with them. I wasn't happy with that arrangement but I knew I would be up in a few hours to take watch with Daryl. Also, I knew it was because she missed me and wanted me close. I would give her that... tonight. As I laid on my side, my eyes found Daryl's from across the room, silently begging him not to sleep too far from me. Ever since the other night with my bad dream, it was an unspoken understanding between Daryl and I that we were going to be sleeping together. Well next to each other. I slept better with him near and I had a feeling it was the same for him too. I smiled as he nodded at me and came to sleep near me, Maggie and Glenn. He was several feet away from the group like always, but positioned right in my line of vision. I watched him as he got himself comfortable on the floor. He laid on his side and faced me. We just stared at each other for a minute. There was a question in his eyes "Is this okay, am I close enough?" I gave him a small smile to assure him that it was, but my eyes were trying to tell him, "I wish you were closer." Finally, he shut his eyes and I did too. Might as well get some sleep while I can.

A few hours later...

Daryl and I were on watch seated on the floor using the desk as a back rest while we watched out the front windows for any sign of movement. There wasn't much to learn. Daryl explained watch was no different than hunting, only you were stationary. While on watch, your job is to listen and observe your surroundings; anything out of the ordinary, you tracked down... just like hunting. The main requirement was that you stayed on high alert and occasionally do perimeter checks. Since the library was a store front and only had one entrance accessible, that was unnecessary.

After that quick explanation, we stayed silent for a long time, but I didn't mind. With anyone else, the silence would be uncomfortable, but with him, it's peaceful. I can just be with Daryl. We don't need to fill the space between us with words to enjoy each other's company. In fact, some of my favorite memories with Daryl were in quiet times like these. Like the time we watched the moonshiner's shack burn, or the time we were in the cemetery and he put wildflowers on the headstone that reminded me of Daddy, then held my hand until I was ready to move, or my favorite: the silence when I asked him what changed his mind. I will never forget the look in his eyes that night. It was like they were saying everything he couldn't. Yeah, quiet times with Daryl are always the best.

One thought kept plaguing me, so I finally broke the sweet silence. "Hey Daryl..." I say still staring out the windows.

"Yeah?" I can see in my peripherals that he turned his head in my direction.

"Do you ever wish we could go back?"

I met his gaze and could see he didn't understand my question by his furrowed brows. "Back to what?"

"Back to when it was just me and you... on the road, together. Back to the funeral home. Do you ever wish we could have stayed there?"

After a few brief seconds, he finally responds, "Yeah. Yeah I do."

Knowing that was all I would get out of him, I accept that answer. "I do too... probably more than I should." I advert my eyes from him down to my legs. He stays quiet so I continue, "Don't get me wrong I love that we are back with our family, but sometimes it can be overwhelming. You know?"

"I get that. It is the same for me too. Why do ya think I go off by myself at least once a day? Sometimes ya just need to get away from e'eryone and e'erything."

I look back at him with a small smile then it fades. "Well not everyone gets that luxury. Even if I did it wouldn't make a difference. Sometimes being alone can be just as overwhelming as being around everyone. In either situation, I am uncomfortable. The only time I truly feel at ease is in moments like this... when I am with alone... with you." My confession makes me blush a little but I pray he doesn't notice.

I am afraid of his reaction, but his face remains unchanged. His expression is soft as he studies me and thinks about he wants to say next. "Maybe we can have more moments like this."

"What do you mean?" It is my turn to be confused.

"I mean once a day, hows about we go in the woods, just you and me. We can track, hunt, I can teach ya how to shoot that recurve bow, or we could do none of those things. We can just go out there and be together."

"I'd like that." Then, insecurity takes over. "But are you sure? I'd hate to tag along when you are trying to get away from everyone and have a minute to yourself. It kinda defeats the purpose."

"Ya ain't e'eryone, Greene." His voice is gruff and barely above a whisper. "It's the same for me too, y'know?"

There is that look again. Don't... y'know. What changed your mind? Suddenly, I do know like I did before. The only time he is at ease is in moments like this... when he is alone... with me. All I can do is respond with my famous one-liner, "Oh."

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