hate to love you.

By hermosaddlovato

41.2K 1.2K 243

don't you just find it so hard to hate someone that you love? sounds crazy huh? demetria devonne lovato. yes... More

New Story
Mental Health Day :)


876 24 0
By hermosaddlovato

i woke up to rocks being thrown at my window.

what the hell.

i started to get up when my mom eventually came into my room.

"who the hell is throwing things at your window?"

i shrugged and walked to the window realizing that it was george. i lifted the window and he sighed in relief, "finally," he said. i laughed.

"let's go on an adventure." he said.

i laughed again, but looked back at my mom for approval. she nodded and i started to get ready. i closed the window of course.

i dressed in black leggings, a white t-shirt, and some black and white jordans. i took my purse and got out fifty dollars before returning it.

i started to go down the stairs to walk out and mom stopped me. "yes?" i said.

"have fun." she smiled and kissed my forehead. we said i love you, because you never know what's going to happen, and with that... i left.

"hey, butt face." i said making george gasp.

"well, hi. who pissed in your cereal?" he laughed and i playfully punched him in his arm.

"so, where are we going?" i asked.

"it's a surprise, but first we need to get some breakfast. i haven't eaten and neither have you, so let's eat." he said.

a smile crept on my face, "i know a place..." i said before grabbing his hand forcing him to run with me.

after five minutes of running, we eventually made it to the diner.

"what's this place?" he asked.

"a diner... where you eat food." i said. we both laughed a bit.

"you know what i mean." he said rolling his eyes.

"this is the place where my sister, demi, used to take me every saturday when we were close."

"oh. and what do you mean by when you were close?" he asked making me get a bit sadder.


"babygirl, i'm taking you here because i love this place and i also love you oh so very much." demi said to a 6 year old me.

"i love you too, dems." i said.

we sat down as paula took our order.

well mine.

demi ordered me a number 10.

"and for you demi?" paula said.

"nothing, but water." she said with a small smile.

paula nodded and then left.

"demi, why didn't you get any food?" i asked.

"honey, because girls like me don't deserve it."

end of flashback.

"uhh," he began to speak. "nevermind."

just then the waitress came over. she was pretty old, but i remember her.

"hey, paula!" she used to serve us all the time. she loves me and demi.

"hi, baby! i haven't seen you in forever! where's your sister?" she asked.

"she's not here with me today, but here is george, my friend." i said and she raised an eyebrow.

"hey, george. i have to go make a phone call, i'll be right back." i said as i left to go to the bathroom.

i took out my phone and scrolled through my contacts to find Demi's. i just have to tell her i'm here, plus im hoping that she actually cares.

demi: hello?

me: hey, demi?

demi: listen gabriella, i don't have time to deal wit-

me: no, no. i just called to tell you i"'m at our diner. i don't want to argue.

demi: i'm busy right now, but I will call you later. order a number 10.

and then she hang up.

why does my sister have to be famous.

i walked back out to george who was sitting there on his phone.

"hey, sorry about that." i said.

"no problem, is everything alright?" i smiled and nodded.

"i ordered for you." he said as my smile dropped.

"a number ten... i don't know if you will lik-" he began.

"yes. yes. yes. i love it, thank you so much." i smiled again.

paula came over with our meals and we began to eat.

we soon finished and we left a tip before walking out.

"so, what's your family like?" i asked. he tensed up.

"well, i pretty much told you everything, but i realize i don't talk about my mom as often." he said. "maybe i will one day, but just not right now, okay?" he said. and i nodded.

"shoot!" he said. i looked at him.

"i forgot something at home, we need to go back to my house really quick." he said.

i nodded. we walked for about five minutes, but we had music playing so, we didn't really talk.

we reached his house.

"stay outside." he said making sure i heard him clearly. i nodded.

after waiting for a while, i heard screaming.

it was somebody yelling.

i got worried so, i began to walk up to the door and i opened it.

there was his mom, with a bottle in her hand yelling at him. he had a tear coming from his eyes.

the house looked better on the outside then on the inside. there were bottles everywhere it was a bit dirty.

"i thought i told you to wait outside." he said firmly. i shrugged.

his mom began to walk over me before tossing the empty bottle of vodka on the couch.

"who's this piece of shit you brought in here." she said.

i stayed quiet.

"you know, you're almost as ugly as the last girl that he brought into my house. you look like shit." she said to me.

okay, that hurt.

"mom, that's enough," george began.

"enough," his mom spat at him and began to to turn back around to me.

"i want your ugly, worthless, fat ass out of my house, right now." she spat to me.

that was when a tear came out of my eye.

i turned around and went towards the door.

"gabriela! no. wait!" he began to run after me.

in the window i could see his reflection, and his mom held his arm saying, "let her go, she isn't worth anything." she said. they began to fight over the topic.

i left, slamming the door.

i literally ran home, making sure to wipe my tears away before going into the house.

"hey, honey how was it?" my mom said as she was sitting with dallas.

"it was great." i said making my way to my bedroom.

i eventually made my way to the bathroom making sure not to slam the door too loud, but locking it.

i reached for the shiny piece of metal underneath my bathroom sink, making sure that i wouldn't "cut myself" in the process.

i sat in the bathtub as the warm water began to run.

as the water ran up to my neck, i pulled out my wrist from beneath the water.

this picture that i drew was amazing.

well, here's a little secret that i wouldn't have expected anyone to find out.

one more line for george.

one more line for demi.

and one more line for myself, for being so stupid, ugly, and worthless.

i laid down under the water, and seconds later i heard a knock at the bathroom door, startling me.

"hey, it's dallas. can i come in?" she said trying to move the door knob, but realizing it was locked.

"why is it locked?" she said.

she continued to knock, and i knew if i didn't answer, she'd be suspicious.

"uhh, no. not right now, i'm taking a bath. see you when i get out." i said.

she sighed and walked about.

about ten minutes later, i decided to drain the water, get out and change into clothes.

i got into bed.

just then i received a message from george.

george: hey, i am really sorry about my mother. i wasn't expecting that to happen at all.

i read it, and ignored it.

i turned off the lights, even though it's still day out, and swaddled myself in covers. and began crying.

guess it's time for a nap...

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