Little Red & The Wolf (Mafia...

By TiffanyCaitlin

491K 14.3K 1.9K

When scarlet sees something she wasn't supposed to what will happen to her life as she knows it? Scarlet doe... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

Chapter 1

39.6K 724 173
By TiffanyCaitlin

Sitting on the couch watching reruns of SOA was going to be my evening, I had my pizza, my beer, my show and of course Gator curled up on the couch next to me. Gator is my pit bull weighing in at a good 120lbs and taking up most of the couch. Just when I had gotten myself comfortable I heard Evie calling my name.

"Scar, stop what you're doing and get ready we're going out tonight." Evie had on a short army green dress that went great with her mocha skin tone and black combat heels that helped her short stature.

"Cmon Evie, Gator and I just got comfortable." I reached over petting gators head as he nuzzled further into my side.

"Okay this is sad, it's Friday night and your cuddled up on the couch with your dog....besides I've got passes to that new casino that opened downtown so get up"

Ugh I hate it when she's right. I turned to look at gator who was sleeping peacefully. "Alright fine but how did you get passes it's suppose to be invite only tonight for the grand opening right?" She gave me a devious smile and simply stated "Ehh I lifted them off some hot shots who came into the bar earlier they didn't tip so now they don't get to play" I burst out laughing I don't know why I would expect anything less from her.

Getting up from my spot on the couch gator gave me a little grunt. "I'm sorry buddy I'll cuddle with you tomorrow." I pat him on the head and ran into my room to get ready.

After a nice hot shower and blow drying my hair I curled it the best I could with how long it was and began getting dressed. I decided on a red crop with my black leather jacket with a pair of black ripped jeans and my black thigh high boots. Some studded jewelry and the make up to match with a smokey eye and a dark red lip. I was definitely feeling myself tonight.

"Daayyyyuuum girl you look hot, what's it the crazy kids say these days? On fleek?" I couldn't help but laugh we were in our mid 20's but still didn't use ridiculous words like Fleek.

"Okay if you say that again I'm really not going". We both laughed and headed out the door toward the Casino.

"So what's this place called anyway?" She shrugged at me. And I looked at her with confusion.

"It was some really long name on the invite but I'm pretty sure the buzz around town said it's called the Grand Jewel Casino and Hotel."

Well that sure sounds fancy. Pulling up to the casino I realized I sure was right. It was huge with lights and fancy cars everywhere. Men and women dressed in suits and cocktail dresses walking inside.

"Uh Evie I think we're really underdressed." She looked around at what I was seeing and just shrugged her shoulders. "Oh well we're here now let's work what we got."

Here I am at this fancy Casino dressed like a biker bitch and Evie looking like a slutty army brat and we're suppose to blend in? Fuck it let's go. We parked my truck toward the front for safety reason and proceeded to the long line of people waiting to get in.

"Evie we've been waiting for what feels like an hour let's just go down to the Red Dog and get a beer." I was getting frustrated standing in line surrounded by all of these people and not moving. Just when we were about to give up a very large man came out from inside and yelled to the crowd. "Everyone with a Gold pass please move to the front of the line to be let inside." Evie immediately pulled out our passes to check.

"Oh my god cmon Scar they're gold let's go." Rushing up to the front we handed the very large man our passes and got checked by security. "You ladies have fun VIP is straight up those stairs" we nodded our heads and walked in.

I turned my head to look at Evie once we were in the lobby. "Did you know that these were VIP passes?" She looked shocked.

"Nope but we do now, let's head up stairs" I mean what was I suppose to say no? The stairs were next to a huge waterfall right in the middle of the casino. I've never seen something so beautiful in my life. The stairs were gold with crystal lights in them making it feel like a Hollywood red carpet.

Once we reached the top of the stairs I wasn't surprised to see that it was even more elaborate than down stairs. black and purple all over. We were immediately greeted with a glass of champagne as the waiter bowed his head and continued his rounds.

"Something seems off Evie I feel like we're not suppose to be here." Evie looked at me and nodded her head she seemed to agree with me but were we already in too deep?

"I agree but nothing we can do now, just try and blend in and we should be fine." I gave her a nod and we worked our way though the crowed toward the bar. I continued to look around trying to be aware of my surroundings for some reason I felt I couldn't relax here.

"Scar relax everything will be okay." She turned to the bartender "hey man! Let me get two shots of whiskey." The man slid us two shots which we downed in a matter of seconds.

We had been here about two hours now drinking and playing slots I was finally starting to feel more comfortable. Evie was across the room flirting with a very gorgeous man. Just when I thought tonight would be uneventful a bell rang out through the VIP area and everyone went silent as a man walked up onto the stage at the front of the room.

"Welcome everyone! Thank you for coming to the opening of The Grand Jewel. Mr Volkov is happy to have you all here. As you can see he is not out here but he is around so please enjoy your time here and remember
My vsegda nablyudayem." And with that he left the stage and everyone resumed what they were doing.

I made my way through the crowed toward the back to try and find a restroom, all of the signs were in what looked like Russian which made it hard to read. As I stumbled my way toward what I thought was the restroom I heard loud grunts coming from behind the door. I froze immediately the door was cracked open slightly, I couldn't help but to peak inside.

"You sure have some nerve showing up here Roberto, you've got balls I'll give you that, but not for long." The man moved to the side to reveal a man tied to a chair. He looked like he had been beaten badly blood was coming from his nose and mouth. He smiled at the man I could only see his back. He was facing the man and began to walk towards him hitting him in the groin causing the man to double over in pain he looked up at him and smiled.

"You think you can win Vitaly but you can't, Giovanni will have this place burnt to the ground." And with that the man who I assume is Roberto burst out laughing. Why was this man laughing in a situation like this?

" Oh Roberto, he won't know since you won't show up to tell him."


One shot clean to the forehead. The sound made me jump and I bumped the door. All heads in the room whipped around toward the door. I wasted no time running down the hall in my boots and into the crowd of people before they saw me. Two minutes later I looked over to see 3 men come out from where I had just come from.

They were all gorgeous but one stood out he was a good 6'3 shoulder length blonde hair and icy blue eyes, dressed to the nines in a expensive suit he was truly a sight to see. The other man next to him seemed about the same height maybe an inch shorter with shaved blonde hair and grey eyes they seemed similar. The third man was not lacking in the looks department either. He had light brown hair with green eyes standing at least 6'2.

You may be thinking Scar why aren't you running? Well I wanted to know what they looked like just in case. The men started to fan out into the crowd searching for the person who was at the door. Did they see me?

I looked around the room and found Evie in the corner of the room with a different man then before so I rushed over to her careful not to look to suspicious.

"Scar hey this is Peta we were jus..." I cut her off there was no time for talking.

"Let's go Evie there is an emergency and we need to leave like yesterday. " I yanked her arm away from the man and we rushed down the stairs. She didn't dare question me being the good friend she is and followed me all the way out of the casino and to my truck.

"Okay are you going to tell me now what the hell that was all about?" She turned in her seat to look at me but I didn't answer until we were safely out of the parking lot and on our way home.

Did I really want to tell her what I saw? If this were to somehow come back on me I don't want her involved. So I lied....this was my best friend I've never kept anything from her and it hurt but I just couldn't do that to her.

"Just this guy got a little handsy and you know me I punched him security was chasing me so we had to get out of there" she smiled and began laughing this was definitely something I would do so she believed me.

"Of course you did I'm not surprised. Too bad though that Peta was hot stuff." I looked her way and cracked a smile she always knew how to make me laugh in bad times.

About 35 minutes later we were finally home. We walked in the door to be greeted by gator who already knew it was us. I told Evie good night and took gator up to my room for bed. After a quick shower and wiping off all of my makeup I slipped on a tank top and some shorts and climbed into bed with gator beside me. I didn't want to think about what happened tonight but if I knew what was good for me I would keep it to myself and that is exactly what I planned on doing.

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