
By veronicasoli

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Taylor's father disappears one day and she takes it upon herself to find him and in the process, she loses al... More

I: the reputation that I preserve
II: without my wealth
III: my last shred of pride
IV: you said times change
V: popularity comes at a cost
VI: under the scrunity
VII: never be the same
VIII: in the storm
IX: to love who you don't see
X: my perceived reputation
XI: david's curiosity
XII: the devil of your dreams
XII: how not to be numb
XIV: shocked at your ignorance
XV: all the lies
XVI: trust is never enough
XVII: the meathead seeks meat
XIX: the lover of dreams
XX: one second is all it takes
XXI: to be lost is to be found
XXII: he bulldozed my life
XXIII: my deepest desire
End [Part 1]
XXV: beg for mercy

XVIII: my hidden shame

97 12 0
By veronicasoli

Me 5:30 a.m.
If Scott is around, pretend you don't know me. Please.

David 5:31 a.m.

Me 5:33 a.m.
Just do it okay??

David 5:39 a.m.
Fine. See you at school.

I sighed. Life has gotten so dull and insignificant lately.

I stared at my phone screen for a long time before quickly putting on some sweats and heading outside to go to school. This would probably make Scott really mad; the way I was dressed that is.

Upon arrival, alone and without Matt, I headed straight to the cafeteria. My hair was a mess and I was wearing sweats and sneakers, looking as pathetic as a shadow of my former self. As soon as I stepped into the crowded cafeteria alone, it went oddly silent before whispers and questioning gazes began to arise.

What happened to Taylor Blakely. Why is she dressed so different from how she used to. Why isn't her makeup on, or her clothes more fancy. When did she stop hanging out with all her friends?

And when Scott approached me, more questions were asked. I felt miserable as he dragged me to a secluded table and sat beside me. He then pulled out a packet of papers.

"Well, we have to do something about your appearance these next two months." He said. I glanced at him sideways before scanning the cafeteria for anyone I might want to talk to. And in this case, there was only one person I especially wanted to see.

"Scott, you left your bagel and cheese on the table unattended so I will be eating it. Hey Taylor." Some random guy from the football team said and walked away.

"Sign here." Scott said. I looked at the new contract, this one was only ten pages and the font was actually legible.

"Taylor must dress nicely anywhere with Scott?" I raised an eyebrow. What kind of lawyer was willing to create a contract like this. My answer came quickly- an extremely well paid lawyer.

"You understand why that one was put there, correct?"

"I don't know if you noticed Scott, but I really don't have money to go waste on new clothes."

"Right." He smirked, "well with what you have, don't look like this."

"Taylor must comply with outside activities such as hiking, bowling, swimming, biking, that Scott wishes to do."

"Here, you know what, Take your time reading that. I'll see you at lunch."  Jerk.

I really wanted to ask him what would happen if I violated any piece of the contract. And another part of me wondered what would happen if I choked him with it.

I quickly pulled a pen from my backpack. Scott must not visit Taylor in her place of residence and must contact her one day prior doing so.

"Hey." David sat across from me after Scott left. I didn't make eye contact with him although my heart was racing like crazy. He set his zip-lock bag of grapes down at my deserted table."Taylor. Look," he said, coaxing me to look at his goofy grape-filled nose.

"Those are going to get stuck in there." I laughed, my body so very happy that he was here.

"So what's going on."

I looked down at the contract, Taylor may not make mention to anyone of this arrangement.

Of course he would include that. He had thought of everything and every possible scenario in this now- fifteen page document.

So I couldn't tell David, good to know. He would probably start a fight about it anyway. It would've gone something like this:

"What? Why would you agree to something like that?"

"I need to find out where my dad is and Scott is protecting him. I have no other choice!"

"That's bull!" He would say angrily and I would shake my head.

"David I really like you, but it says..."

"Taylor, I love you."

The fantasy made me smile a little, it made absolutely no sense but I wished that I could tell him. It made me giddy to even consider the possibility of him loving me. I didn't realize that I had zoned out until a grape hit me square in the nose.

"Earth to Taylor." His hazel-brown eyes were looking intensely at me as I felt like I could explode from how much I wanted to kiss him. Woah, I had never realized that my crush on David Branson could become this big.

"Nothing, how about you?"

"Not much, just wondering why the girl that's got me head over heels is dating an asshole. And why she told me not to talk to her around said asshole." He muttered as I blushed.

I smiled only having heard the bits and pieces of his murmurs, wanting so badly to reach across the table and hold his hand. I could feel eyes staring, multiple eyes focused on us. Everyone was probably wondering why we weren't fighting per usual. I shook my head, unable to speak to him, not with so many eyes looking our way.

"Alright then," He stood up and wiped his hands on his jeans. "I will see you tonight." He'd has said that yesterday and I still wasn't sure what he meant.

Before I could ask him what he meant or where he would even see me, he had left and the menacing stare of Scott Davis took over.

"You talked to him." He said. Part five of your contract says you aren't allowed to talk to him.

"No. He talked to me, I was being polite and responding." I said, he really can't be mad over this.

"Don't respond next time." He growled just as the first bell rang. I began heading to my first class. Well, until Matt stopped me in the hallway.

"Taylor. Stop, we need to talk!" He rushed toward me, dropping his backpack, which he had left open, and tripping over the fallen contents. I stifled a laugh as I walked over to help him. Andrew Donovan was his real name, I just keep asking myself at what point will he tell me the truth. For a second, I was about to get angry and inform him that we had already talked, but I decided against it.

"You're such a klutz Matt," I said, picking up his last notebook and handing it to him.

"I just wanted you to know, I asked Vanessa out. I have a date with her tonight and I really could use some help getting ready." I squealed loudly as he announced the great news, unable to keep my poker face.

"Definitely oh my gosh!! I am so happy for you Andrew!" I said, the name slipped. The name slipped and I ruined our friendship. The name slipped and revealed the fact that I knew the truth. The name spilled out of my mouth as accidentally as Matt had tripped. He glanced up at me immediately, his facade quickly disappearing and his face stiffened. He zipped his bag and stood up, grabbing me harshly by my arm.

I felt helpless as I was dragged by my arm, unable to speak. My wordless heart pumped blood too quickly. He dragged us into the boys bathroom and placed his backpack in front of the door.

"Matt? What's going on?" I feigned.

"Give it up Taylor, I should've known you'd have it figured out by now- you're a smart girl." He had me pinned to the wall, both arms at my sides. I could easily knee him in the groin and run out, but being as dumb as I am, I wanted to know what he was going to say. I could spit in his face and run out.

"Matt?" I asked again.

"Andrew, actually. So I assume you know?" He took a step back. I didn't necessarily know anything. "How did you find out?" He furrowed his brows and nervously ran his hands through his hair repeatedly.

"I. . . searched you up, couldn't find anything except someone named Andrew Donovan who looked exactly like you." I hoped my lie would suffice. Lying cane easily to me now, especially when a lie would keep me under the radar.

"So you know what I'm here for right?" I nodded, hoping he would tell me so I wouldn't have to search more. All I knew from Tank was that Matt, or Andrew, was hired by my father to make sure I was safe. Couldn't hurt to have a body guard.

"Then you know why I need to be with you at all times?" He asked. I nodded once again.

"Taylor you're in danger." His voice was music to my ears. Of course I would be. Dad had probably screwed up in hiding us from the enemy. What if Tank was the enemy? What if my dad is the enemy?

I sighed. "Can I trust you?" I asked, honestly awaiting an answer.

"Yeah of course Taylor!" I thought about it for a minute. Matt, or Andrew, can help me. It would be tough to get used to the name adjustment. At this point, I had to choose a side. I needed to trust someone. And I choose my father whether or not that be the right choice, I just hope I don't end up dead.

"Uh. . . I met with Tank." His eyes enlarged, he seemed completely and utterly shocked.

"That's how they knew you existed. . ." he muttered, fear striking his features. "Listen Taylor. We need to hide you. Is there anything else I need to know?"

"My dad is being protected by Scott's family. Scott is asking me to sign an agreement saying that I will date him for two months so they can keep my dad hidden. It's really stupid and it doesn't make sense but I don't know what else to do. I'm so confused as to what's going on and. . . " I said as I slid down and sat on the dirty floor of the boys' bathroom without a care in the world.

"Interesting." He muttered, sitting beside me now.

"Taylor, I'm sorry I lied about who I really am." He suddenly said, placing an arm over my shoulder.

"It's okay Andrew. . ." I began.

"Just keep calling me Matt, honestly I've been thinking of changing my official name anyway." He chuckled. "I should probably tell you that I work with the CIA then," He pulled out his badge and ID.

"I believe you. So is there some espionage going on? Because Tank is FBI and that's internal security and you are international security. Can you just please explain what's happening and why my dad is caught in the middle of all this?"

"First I need you to keep working for us undercover. I can even get my boss to pay you. We need to protect you, witness protection won't hold up because you don't know what was going on and let's keep it that way." He contemplated for a moment just as my phone buzzed.

Meet us at the tree tonight 10 p.m. We have new revelations for you.

I showed the screen to Matt. My heart racing. I had so much going on tonight. Whatever David had told me, a date with the disgusting Scott, and now a meeting with Tamani. My life is a whole hell of a lot complicated.

"If you don't go they'll grow suspicious. But I'll go with you and hide. My job is to keep you safe Ms. Taylor Lance Blakely." He smiled.

"I'm going to tell him I have a date tonight."

"With Scott?" Matt asked, disgust written all over his face, "That sick man can't force you into a relationship. It's actually illegal- if I speak to his lawyer or inform my supervisor, he could get fired."

"But he will no longer protect my dad. . ."

Matt began to laugh. "Silly Taylor. I protect your dad. The CIA base in Witchitaw caught sight of him and are keeping him in a secure location. Scott can't do anything, he is just using you."

"My dad said I could trust him."

"Then your dad and Scott may have had ulterior motives because as long as I live and breath, so does your father. He may have shared his knowledge with the Davis household. According to government records, Adam Davis and your father were dorm mates for 4 years in college meaning they must have been friends. Adam Davis may have blackmailed him. But this is all speculation. I can't prove anything besides the fact that they were dormmates." I wanted to hug Matt, so I did.

"What did my dad do?" I asked again.

"I'm not at liberty to say. I apologize Taylor. It's in my contract and I could get fired for revealing this knowledge. I wasn't even allowed to tell you who I am and what I'm doing." He said, an embarrassed look on his face. So when Scott threatened the death of my father earlier, it was all false.

Taylor to Tank
I can't tonight. I have a date. Another day?

I let out the breath I had been holding and sent the message.

"We should get to class." I couldn't think of anything less significant at this moment than school. I glanced at Matt as he stood up and dusted his pants.

"Let's go."

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