I Caught A Thugs Eye

By Queennogoodeed

501K 12.3K 1.3K

(EDITING)Nashaé is 17yr old a senior in high school she has her regular teen problems until she meets a thug... More

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Not Today Bitch pt2
"Wassup Stranger?"
A night to forget
Tunnel Vision For Her
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What is. What it ain't.
A Friendly Conversation
A Friend Conversation pt2
It's All In The Eyes.
It's All In The Eyes pt2
ButterFly Effect
Butterfly Effect Pt2
The Message
The Message pt2
The Birthday Girl
Trouble In Paradise
What a family.
What Heart?
These Arms OF Mine
Thanks Again.
The Files Part 2
On My Own
{ Them }
The Winter Stories Part 1
The Winter Stories Part 2
Smoke and Mirrors part 1
Smoke and Mirrors part 2
Smoke and Mirrors part 3
Stop At Nothing
The Girl From His Past
Prayer, Patience & Positivity
You Sly Dog
Dismembering Christmas
Dismembering Christmas Part 2
More Red Than Green This Christmas
Where Are The Better Days
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Things coming together
His case....and his friend
Is this about Hakeem or Nashaé
WOW....what a year.
Handle your business
Get Your Information Part 1
Get Your Information part 2
I had Enough
While You Here
Unplanned Part 2
One those rainy days
Big Moves
New Road
Play For Keeps pt.1
Play For Keeps PT2
Out of my hands
Somebody is making moves...not us


4.5K 106 15
By Queennogoodeed


Hakeem: Fuck!

DeMarco: Down the alley

Késhaun: Aye spilt up

Malik:Not yet

Jaceon: Then when?12 go be up our ass any minute now.

Hakeem:No we got enough time just keep runn-

Police cut them off

Hakeem: In Fucking Possible

PoliceOfficer 1:Drop the fucking bags and Slowly get on the floor now!

Malik:Wish the fuck y'all would

Police Officer 2:Shut the fuck and do it

Police Officer1:Get Down Now!

DeMarco: Shaun is your ak at the top of your bag


PoliceOfficer2:Get Down Right Fucking Now

Malik: Well you heard the man get down

Police Officer1:We will shoot!1..tw-

The gang pulls out they're guns and starts shooting at the cops Késhaun took out mostly some of them when they were down Hakeem grabbed him

Hakeem: Come on!

They all took off running they're separate ways still going with the plan

2 hours later at the meet up

Hakeem: Money in this weather got me feeling like Floyd

Jaceon: Sit cho ass down nigga

Everybody busted out laughing then it was a knock at the door everybody grabbed they gun and pointed at the door except for Malik

Malik:Put them away I figured since we was going to have a long night I invited...He opens the door

DeMarco: My nigga.He takes one of the strippers hands and takes her on the balcony as Hakeem looked at him like he done lost his fucking mind as Jaceon came up behind him

Jaceon:Fucked up right?

Hakeem:He always do shit like Fuck it I'm out see ya.

Jaceon: Nah bruh I'm leaving with cause yo momma not finna beat my ass when she find out about this shit.

As they leave Malik sees them leave and picks up his phone and makes a call

Malik:He left come up.

10 minutes later

A knock was at the door nobody couldn't hear it except for Malik because Késhaun and DeMarco was having a orgy with the five strippers up stairs so he hurries to get the door,he opens it

Malik:Damn I guess I did call on an angel

Sasha:Thank yo-

Sasha:Damn who getting they brains fucked out

Sasha:Is that my friends

Malik:Yep ,now fuck them and let's get to us

Sasha:Get to it then

Malik:Ok how you been

Sasha:Mhmm...Let's see the how I been since I fucked you and you through me out like a trash ass hoe and you kissed that bitch Denise in front of me

Malik looked at her blew smoke out and spoke

Malik:Say that again

Malik:Cat got your fucking tongue I said say what you just said

Sasha:I said or the time when you kissed that bit- Malik slapped the taste out her before she finished her sentenced knocking her on her ass she was about to get up and hit him but Malik bend down where she was

Malik:Know role and fucking play it

Sasha:I don't want to keep going through this with you I lov...She stops herself as Malik turned to look at her crying he felt bad but he knew the lines of a sidechick talking about the main was getting crossed so he went over to her tried to pick her up off the floor but she was pushing him but he over powered her lifting her in his arms and carrying her to the bed room he through her on the bed she tried pushing him off but he just kissed her and holding her hands over her head then she began to follow his lead by taking there clothes off he started sucking her boobs and her neck then he started licking his way down to her pussy and from there they had a long night


Hakeem just got home and Kim was sleeping so he didn't want to wake her so he went to his work room,grabbed a piece of tissue out his pocket and unlocked the door and turned on the lights looked around to see has anything been touched and it was clean from his view so he closed the door back and locked himself in and sat at his computer and began to type a letter


Things are half way setup they won't know what's about to hit them I want what's best for my family my family meaning my sisters and my god sister they are innocent in all of this I've been trying to do stuff the right way but loyalty is getting thin I've been here through it all somebody will die from all this and I be damn if its somebody that I love I want my life back after all of this


Hakeem sent this to a unknown e-mail address then starts typing another letter


Dear Shaé,

Life is about to hit you like a train please be strong,don't be weak and let your guard down,you can over power those breakdowns you have I won't always be there to save you and neither will nobody else lookout for yourself Kami and Ember but you are the key don't trust anybody or anything stay loyal and ten toes down from what you know


Hakeem took a deep breathe and he saved it on a flashdrive with Nashaé's name carved in on the back after he saved it he went to his hide spot in the back of the room and opened it up and put the combination 62299 in and this what was in his safe

Then after he checked his safe he put the flashdrive in there and locked it back when he heard the floor creek outside it was Kim

Kim:Baby ma dukes on the phone!She yelled by the door

Hakeem:I'm coming give me a second!He said putting everything like he had it and going to the door opening to see Kim standing yawning he locked the door back and gave Kim a kiss on her forehead and took the phone and walked away while Kim wondered what he was doing with the door lock and didn't let her know he was home so she followed him to the bedroom

Hakeem: No mom after we did the heist and went our separate ways we linked up and they wanted to hang out but I had to come home to my baby.He said looking at Kim as she knew his ass was lying to his momma

Denise:I wish Malik was like you

Hakeem: Denise I didn't we was on three way

Ember and Kami:We not!

Hakeem: Mannn why y'all up bruh?...He said laughing taking off his clothes as Kim was mean mugging him

Kami:Because momma woke us up out the bed

Melody: Stop that lying girl

Nashaé:You're right it was more like Ahhhhhh!Shaé,Mimi have y'all spoke to ya daddy today?.They busted out laughing but Hakeem he was on the other end putting on his night clothes in guilt because he knows that his dad probably did cheat tonight and that's reason he left when the strippers showed up and he didn't want to have this phone call about it and Kim knew he was lying now by the way he sat on the bed in his thoughts she waiting to confront him when he got off the phone

Melody: Well alright Imma let you and Kim get back to y'all night see y'all tomor-

Hakeem: Wait!Put Shaé on the phone.Melody gives the phone to Shaé as Ember,Kami,Melody and Denise leaves the kitchen with food to the living room as Hakeem takes her off speaker

Nashaé:Yessss Keem.

Hakeem: I'm off speaker


Hakeem: Everybody else?

Nashaé: Ghost.

Hakeem: Aight. How you been

Nashaé: Fine why you asked

Hakeem: Because I know the other day you went to Jeremy's grave site

Nashaé:I missed him
Hakeem: I get it but that's not the only reason I wanted to talk to you

Nashaé: OK what is it

Hakeem:I know pops isn't coming home tonight but in the morning when he comes home please pay attention to what he has on,what he says,how he says it and tell me ok

Nashaé: OK

Hakeem: OK thank you sis love you

Nashaé: Love you too,see ya.

Hakeem: See ya.

They both hang up,as Kim just looks at Hakeem through the mirror while he is looking at his phone til he feels Kim looking at him so he looks at her

Kim:Liar.She said mean mugging him as he walks towards the bed

Hakeem: What?He said as he sat his watch on the nightstand

Kim:Why you really came home?She said getting out the bed covers on her knees in the bed in Hakeem face

Hakeem: We just did a job and I didn't want to bring attention to myself tonight.He said thinking Kim has something up under sleeve

Kim: Bullshit!You never come home after a heist you duck off til the morning tell me what changed tonight!She said sitting in the middle of her bed while Hakeem had a confused look on his face on why is she yelling for no reason so began to look around the room for wires and cameras

Hakeem:What's wrong with you why you acting like this aren't you happy I came home safe and sound?He sad standing by the closet

Kim:Fuck That!Are you cheating on me with one of the girls in the gang?She said beginning to have tears fall down her cheeks

Hakeem: I'm not doing this tonight.He said grabbing his pants and phone and walking out the room while Kim ran behind him yeling

Kim:Hakeem Stop!Where are you going answer the fucking question! She said running behind him pushing him in his back while she was walking so she grabbed for his pants when he turned around and tried to grab his pants from by pushing her on the shoulders

Hakeem: Fuck it bruh. He said as he looked at her and then started walking back to the bedroom with Kim trailing him yelling as her said nothing but started to pack clothes when Kim yanked the bag and Hakeem got in her face

Hakeem: What the fuck is wrong with you?

Kim:You.You is what's wrong with me I know you are cheating,you did six big heist this year and you only brought one of the bags home and that was the first and last time I seen anything is that's what's in the room

She said pushing Hakeem for out her face and running towards Hakeems office door but Hakeem managed to grab her hand but Kim slanted around and slapped Hakeem when she ran when she knew she just fucked up but Hakeem grabbed her by the waist and put her on the floor and got on top of her to restrain her but she keep hiting him until he yelled

Hakeem:Calm down and stop fucking hittin' me before I fuck you up girl

Kim:Ouch!Fuck Get off me I'm pregnant!She yelled trying to get out of his hold when Hakeem face frozed

Hakeem: You can't be.How?You're lying prove it!He said stuttering  help Kim up when pushed passed him and went back in the room and went under the bed a threw a pregnancy test at his face he looked at her then bend down the he read it and got on his knees and put his hands over his mouth while getting up

Hakeem: How long have you known!He said pulling her hand

Kim:When we went dancing with my parents I sat down two minutes later I ran to the bathroom

Hakeem: That night was....that would mean you're 2 and half months pregnant... Wha-Why are you just now telling me this

Kim:Don't touch me I'm going to kill it if you speak of it to anybody I want my cut of the money to take care of the baby or I will go to the police.

She grabbed a bag out the closet and was about to leave

Hakeem: Girl or Boy?He said with a sad voice as Kim stops at the doorway with tears in her eyes

Kim:I don't yet I'll know next month.She said with a shaky voice

Hakeem: I want to come please.He said with tears falling down his face when Kim nodded her head yes and walked out and went downstairs and to the door and held the door knob and started crying softly knowing Hakeem won't even make it to next month as she opened the door not seeing that Hakeem was looking at her from the staircase seeing her cry as she left

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