By insanely_nerd

15.5K 478 69

AN ALTERNATE UNIVERSE STORY ◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆ "I Abraxas Malfoy vow to Fleamont Potter that my youngest grandchild... More

-Chapter Four-
Chapter eleven
chapter thirteen
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
-chapter fourteen-
.twenty one.
.twenty two.
.twenty three.
.twenty four.
.twenty five.
.twenty six.
.twenty seven.
.twenty eight.
.twenty nine.


818 22 5
By insanely_nerd

DATED: 29th August 1999, Sunday



I looked at the reflection in mirror and saw a fine elegant woman looking back, who was wearing a red floor length dress with off shoulder sleeves and a diamond necklace with diamond round and big ear rings, her hair was up in an elegant bun and she wore the red heels which increased her height by 4 inches.

"You look beautiful Mione" Ginny said as she entered my room in her floor length midnight blue sweetheart strapless neck line dress, her hair was up in an elegant bun and few strands were loose. She was also wearing dark blue heels. Following her entered Pansy wearing a baby pink knee length dress and strapped heels of white color with Astoria who was wearing a purple knee length dress with purple 6 inch heels.

"You guys look beautiful too" I said and they gave me a hug. "Don't worry Mione we know Draco, he is a good guy" Pansy said. "Yes Mione and we are all going to be there for you" Tori said and hugged me. "Thank you guys" I said and hugged them back.

"You ready Mione?" Allison asked as she entered wearing her dark green floor length v neck half sleeved dress. Her red hair was down and curled; She was wearing her black heels and looked beautiful.
"Yes" I said and she stood beside me.
"Ginny you got the ring?" Astoria asked and Ginny quickly picked the heart shaped pillow on which ring was kept.

We walked down the staircase and entered the ball room where the ceremony was going to take place. As soon we entered all the chatters died down
"She looks beautiful" "They are doing it traditional way" "It was a vow" and I heard several other murmurs.

We made our way through the crowd and reached the stage were Draco stood in his black suit and beside him stood his sister Hayliegh in her white floor length v neck dress and her husband George Weasley. Ginny, Tori and Pansy stood right in front of stage as me and Allison walked up followed by Fred and Harry.

Our parents then came up the stage and my father started speaking. "Ladies and Gentlemen today we are here to mark the engagement of Draco Lucius Malfoy son of Lucius Malfoy and Narcissa Malfoy to my youngest daughter Hermione Potter" and there was a round of applause.

"Now we shall start the engagement ceremony" he said and turned to face me.

I stood in center of the stage with Draco in front of me, my mother and father stood behind me with Harry and Fred as Allison stood beside me with the ring, same way Lucius and Narcissa stood behind Draco with George and Hayliegh stood beside him with a ring which she gave to Draco. He took my left hand and put the ring in my ring finger.

"Every female adds something to the family Hermione, Our ancestors have added, love, purity, strength, jealousy, connection, will power and trust now it is your turn, what will you both add?" Hayliegh asked me "Forgiveness" I said after a little thinking. Hayliegh smiled and stepped back.

Now Narcissa and Lucius came and stood beside him pointing there wands at my ring and chanted something and suddenly the ring changed. A snake and a Lion formed holding an emerald and Ruby stone together and the word 'FORGIVENESS' was written in the inner side band of the ring.
Once again everyone started clapping.
Then Ally came to me and gave me the ring, it had a broad and thick platinum band with a circular diamond fitted inside it. I put the ring in Draco's ring finger and the diamond started shining. After few minutes the shining stopped and everyone clapped hand.

"Now I would like all the elders and married pairs to come and give them blessings" my father said.
Me and Draco walked down the stage and stood in middle as all the elderly and married couple surrounded us. They took out their wands as Draco held both of my hands.
"To the bond which may give them Love and Prosperity and a Happy Future together" and several silver and golden mist came and surrounded us.
"I James Potter now announce my daughter engaged and to be married to Draco Lucius Malfoy" my father spoke and the golden silver mist vanished, as people started clapping and shouting congratulations.     


Hii Lovelies!! Here is another chapter!!


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