Broken and Fixed

By bittersweetmoments

1.8K 59 51

One Direction, the biggest boyband on the planet, has been tricked into breaking up, much to the disappointme... More

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48 1 2
By bittersweetmoments


"That was awesome!" Niall declared, grinning like a mad man. "I had forgotten how great it was to perform with other people."

"Did you get lonely, being a solo artist?" Celeste questioned. I finally remembered her name.

"Yes, all the time," Niall answered.

Which is exactly why I quit, I thought to myself. It'd be too lonely.

"Well, you guys are going to get back together, so it won't be lonely anymore," April reasoned, smiling.

Niall, Liam, Zayn, Louis, and I all exchanged glanced, causing April's smile to fall off.

"What? Why are you looking at each other like that?" she demanded, glancing at Celeste. Celeste was frowning.

"We might not get back together," Zayn said tentatively.

April shot up, standing in front of me instead of sitting beside me.

"Are you joking?" she said. "Of course you're getting back together! Why wouldn't you?"

"We've been away from each other for so long, it's just not the same," Louis explained. "Also, Zayn and I have wives. Are we just supposed to leave them while we get back together?"

"I know you two have wives," April said hotly. "You don't have to leave them. They can come while you get back together."

Zayn shook his head. "I don't know, April. We'll have to discuss it. Just the five of us."

April nodded, taking a breath. "Alright, then. We'll go." She and Celeste moved towards the door. April looked back at me before she left; I waved, she smiled slightly, and then she closed to door behind her.

"What do we think of getting back together?" Liam asked.

"I'm all for it," I answered immediately.

"Because your girlfriend wants us to?" Louis said, rolling his eyes.

"No." I shook my head. "Because it's weird not seeing you guys every day. It's weird not getting to do what I love, with the people I love. It's weird hearing our old songs on the radio, knowing we won't sing that again together. It got really lonely when we weren't together, you guys know that. I think it would be better if we got back together. Even though it would most definitely be stressful, at least we'd share the stress with each other instead of having the stress all on one person, which is not fun at all."

"I agree with him," Niall said. "You guys don't know what it's like, touring the world by yourself when you used to have your four best mates by your side. You don't know what it's like going on stage all by yourself when you used to have other people with you. It gets lonely. Interviews aren't as fun, the nights on the tour bus are boring. It would definitely be better for us, and for the fans, if we got back together."

Louis bit his lip. "Yeah, you're right," he said slowly. "But what about Perrie and Eleanor? They'll get way more hate than they used to get."

"You never know," I said softly. "The fans might be so grateful that we're back together, that they might not hate."

"True, but that's a tiny possibility," Louis replied.

"Yes, it is," I agreed, "but doesn't it get lonely?"

"I've got Eleanor," he said, but he didn't sound sure of himself.

"Please, Lou?" I begged. "Please?"

Louis smiled. "Alright, I'll give it at try."

Niall said "Yesss!" while I smiled and turned to Liam and Zayn.

"Well?" I asked. "What's your decision?"

"I'm in," Liam said. "I know I didn't perform very often by myself, but it was very lonely, like Niall said."

"Yeah, I'm in," Zayn said.

Niall jumped around in excitement. "I'm not gonna be alone! I'm not gonna be alone!"

Liam pulled out his phone, dialed a number, and then put it up to his ear. I wasn't sure what he was doing, until he said, "Hello, Simon? We'd like a record deal."


Sooooo yeah I'm sick and since I'm home alone (my parents are working, my siblings are at school) I decided to update. I'll also try and update Dear Diary and Famous, but this was first on my list. :) Thanks for reading!


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