Lethal Passion (Jeff The Kill...

بواسطة GuardianDemon

1.3M 32K 29.9K

Everything seemed perfect at first, but what happens when the person you once loved turns into a cold-blooded... المزيد

Lethal Passion (Jeff The Killer)
Chapter 1. An Affair
Chapter 2. First Meeting
Chapter 3. New Family
Chapter 4. Fun Time
Chapter 5. The Park
Chapter 6. First Day On School
Chapter 7. New Town
Chapter 8. Crushes?
Chapter 9. Annoying People
Chapter 10. Confessions
Chapter 11. A Fight!
Chapter 12. A School Play
Chapter 13. Rehearsal
Chapter 14. First Kiss
Chapter 15. Goodbye Home
Chapter 16. Car Trips
Chapter 17. Grandeur Neighborhood
Chapter 18. A Weird Feeling
Chapter 19. Meet The Neighbors
Chapter 20. Liu's Departure
Chapter 21. Here Comes Trouble
Chapter 22. In The Hospital
Chapter 23. Sickness
Chapter 24. A Week Away
Chapter 25. Snowy Forest
Chapter 26. Good News
Chapter 27. Blizzard
Chapter 28. Jeff The Killer is Born
Chapter 29. The Unpleasant News
Chapter 30. Foster Care?
Chapter 31. Painful Memories
Chapter 32. Timeskip
Chapter 33. The Man
Chapter 34. All Over Again
Chapter 35. First Encounter
Chapter 36. The Deal
Chapter 37. The New Guy
Chapter 38. Masked Feelings
Chapter 39. T-Thanks
Chapter 40. The Funeral
Chapter 41. Christmas
Chapter 43. Worried
Chapter 44. Familiar
Chapter 45. Family?
Chapter 46. Photos
Chapter 47. Guilt
Chapter 48. Changing
Chapter 49. The Knife
Chapter 50. Concern
Chapter 51. Unexpected Visit
Chapter 52. Monster
Chapter 53. I'm Sorry
Chapter 54. I Never Wanted This
Chapter 55. It Ends Tonight
Chapter 56. Complication
Chapter 57. It's Over
Chapter 58. New Lives
【SEQUEL】Chapter 59. Who?
Chapter 60. Surprise, Surprise
Chapter 61. Questions Unanswered
Chapter 62. A Theory
Chapter 63. Discussion
Chapter 64. Knives and Guns
Chapter 65. Insanity
Chapter 66. His Yesterdays
Chapter 67. Attempt
Chapter 68. Madness
Chapter 69. A Lost Cause
Chapter 70. Reclusion
Chapter 71. A Conflict
Chapter 72. The Plan
Chapter 73. Truthful Lies
Chapter 74. Hope
Author's Last Note

Chapter 42. Who am I?

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بواسطة GuardianDemon

Billy's POV

I sat in complete silence in the hospital room. Marika was unconscious on the bed, half her body was wrapped in bandages and the doctor said that her right foot was fractured.

It's been a week since the accident. I heard about it on the news, since Marika is a bit popular in the business world, they immediately knew it was her because of her car and reported it live. I don't know why but I just came rushing to the hospital and I visit her everyday, waiting for her to wake up, I'm really worried, sometimes I can't even sleep for some unknown reason.

The same doctor and nurse came in to do checks on Marika, the blonde nurse gave me a seductive smile and wink which made me shudder. Call me immature, she's pretty and all but girls like her are plain disgusting and easy, I'm not stupid enough to make a move on a *cough* slut *cough*.

I ignored her and stood up, "How is she?" I asked the doctor.

He turned to face me, "She's stable and her injuries are slowly healing but we cannot say for sure when she'll wake up . . ." He gave me an apologetic look.

I sighed and nodded, Marika looks so pale. I wonder if she'll be alright?

The doctor seems to have read my thoughts and said, "Don't worry, she'll be fine." He gave a small smile.

I forced myself to smile back and nodded, he excused himself and left the room with the nurse waving bye at me, Hnng . . .

I sat back on the chair at the corner of the room and sighed. You know how people post videos on the internet? Well I saw a video about her, it completely shows how she got hit by a truck, her car literally went flying. After the accident, her car was barely noticeable, I'm just glad she was found in one piece. The truck driver only suffered a few minor injuries, it's not his fault though. The news said that Marika was driving at a red stoplight, the driver couldn't stop the truck in time because of the slippery snow. What on earth is Marika doing out in this cold weather, not to mention it was Christmas that time.

I was pulled away from my thoughts when I heard shuffling, I looked up and saw Marika moving and opening her eyes.

I didn't know what to do so I ran out and called, "Anyone, please! She woke up!" I was aware that they know who I was talking about. Heck, the news spread like a virus over the internet.

A couple of nurses came in and so did I. They started doing check-ups on her again, asking her how she feels, though she just gave them a frightened and a panicked look. Not a moment later, the same doctor came in and dismissed the nurses. Only three of us was in the room now, Marika stared wide-eyed at the wires and bandages on her, she looks so scared.

"Hello, how are you feeling?" The doctor started.

"W-What?" Marika looked like she was gonna cry, her voice shook as she replied.

"Ah, you were involved in a car accident. You were unconscious for seven days . . ." The doctor informed.

Marika slowly sat up, eyes wide with shock. Her hand shook as she reached to touch the bandage on her head, she looked up at us, tears forming on the corners of her eyes, "W-Who am I?"

My jaw dropped in disbelief, I looked at the doctor who looked surprised for a moment before composing himself again, he looked at me with worry in his eyes, "I was afraid this would happen . . ." The doctor mumbled.

"What are you saying?" I said through clenched teeth.

He ignored my question and turned to Marika, "Ma'am, do you remember who you are or anything at all?" He gently asked, not wanting to scare her even more. Marika started to shake, she slowly shook her head at him. There was a long pause, the doctor seemed genuinely worried before he gave her an reassuring smile and turning back to me.

"I'm afraid she has amnesia." The doctor looked back at a panicked Marika, "Ma'am, your name is Marika Evans, you were involved in a traffic accident last week and you've only woke up today." The doctor waited for her response.

"W-What?" Marika asked, "What are you talking about?" She held her head in both hands, she's so confused . . . I didn't like seeing her that way.

"I thought you said she'll be fine." I muttered, I couldn't hide the glare I was giving him.

"And she is." He sternly replied, "She's lucky to be able to survive that, and she's alive."

I was angry but I decided to hold back since he has a good point. It's already a miracle for her to be alive, "What about her amnesia?" I sighed.

"There's no saying whether it's temporary or permanent . . ." He looked at Marika before looking back at me, "Please excuse me for a moment, I'll be back as soon as possible."

He strode out the room before I could even stop him, Wow, what a great help! Not.

Marika was stared wide-eyed at her wounds. Not knowing what to do, I pulled a chair next to her and sat on it. She gave me a frightened look and scooted away.

"Um . . . Do you remember me?" I asked out of the blue, she vigorously shook her head, tears spilled out of her emerald eyes.

"Do you know who you are . . .?" I asked in a quieter tone and moved my chair a bit far from her bed.

"N-No!" She covered her face and started sobbing loudly. It pained me to see her that way, I unconsciously stood up and pulled her in my arms, she stiffened before slowly pulling away and looking at me in the eye.

"W-Who are you?" She asked with tear-streaked face.

"I'm Billy Johnson, I'm . . . I'm a friend." I unsurely replied.

"Friend?" She mumbled, I let go of her and stood up.

"We, um, work together." I awkwardly said.

"Work?" She asked again, it feels like teaching a kindergarten.

"You're the president of a big company." I then told her about what we do in our jobs and whatnot. I know I shouldn't rush saying these to her but it's better than her being so confused to the point where she's crying, she needs to know.

She slumped back on the bed and stared at the wall in deep though, desperation filled her eyes. I sat back down and looked at her. She's like a different person now, she's not hiding what she feels and she's showing vulnerability.

"Do you remember anything? Anything at all?" I said in a quiet tone. She turned towards me and shook her head.

"What's my n-name again?" She wiped the tears off her face.

"Marika Evans, you were Marika Jones before but you got married." I replied, giving me a strange feeling in my chest.

"I'm married!?" She jolted up, "Ouch!" She yelped in pain as she moved her foot.

"Careful!" I stood up and pushed her back on the bed, "You're not completely healed."

She ignored what I said and fought to sat up, "I'm married?" She repeated.

I nodded and gave up on making her lie down, "You were."

"Were?" She looked at me in confusion.

"About that . . . Uhh . . ." I fumbled with my fingers, do I say it or what?

"What?" She insisted.

"Maybe I shouldn't tell you yet . . ." I averted my gaze.

She grabbed my arm and held onto it tightly, "Please . . . I need to know." She gave me a pitiful look.

"But . . ." I hesitated.

Her helpless eyes immediately warped into a glare and yelled, "Look, I have the right to know!" Her nails dug on my skin, catching me off-guard.

"Hey!" I pulled my arm away, "Geez, you haven't changed at all." Damn, that hurts. I guess she's still the same, which is sort of good.

"Changed?" She asked in the same tone again, "What was I like before?"

"Well . . . I'm not really sure about that." I smiled, "I only see you at work but you're always focused on your job. I guess I could say you're the quiet and serious type." I replied.

"Can you please be more specific?" She frowned.

I sighed and thought for a moment, "I don't really know you much but you're a bit strict, witty and ill-tempered."

"Me?" She looked at me in disbelief, "Am I a bad person?"

"No, that's not what I'm trying to say. But I don't know you much."

"I thought you said you were my 'friend'?" She gave me a look of confusion, "You don't seem to know me very much."

"We work together, I'm your secretary. But I used to know you when we were kids." I muttered.

"This is so confusing . . ." Marika groaned and buried her face in her hands, "One more question, where's my family? You said I'm married, I just really need someone I can trust . . . Please . . ." Her voice shook in desperation.

"You can trust me." I involuntarily said. Wait, what? Well . . . There's no harm in helping her, actually, I want to help her. "I-It's just that . . . It's a very long story, Marika." I shook my head, I can't just tell her that her family died when she was young and her husband just died a month ago, "But you can trust me, and I swear I am willing to tell you everything ONCE we leave the hospital, because you should think of your health for now . . ."

She was about to protest but the doctor came in, thank God. Marika stiffened when she saw the doctor. Figures, it's probably hard to trust anyone in her situation though I'm glad she can talk to me. I just hope she remembers.

"Hello again . . ." The doctor greeted her, "Mrs. Evans, I'm very sorry about your amnesia but there's nothing we can do but wait and hope that you'll get your memories back." He sighed, "The injury on your head is not yet completely healed but it's getting better. But your foot . . ." He look at her bandaged foot, "It needs weeks, maybe even months until you can use it again." He gave an apologetic look.

Marika still looked scared, she stared at her foot before looking up at the two of us. This time, her eyes were cold and serious, almost glaring at us, "Get me out of here." She ordered.

Marika's POV

"Now, now, calm down. You still need to-"

"I don't care!" I stopped him, the guy- Billy, who said he was my 'friend' stood there, gawking at me while the doctor looked troubled, but who cares? "I'm leaving this place." I sternly said.

"You can't. Your foot . . ." The doctor pointed out.

I sighed, "I don't know what happened, where I am or who I am but he promised to help me." I gestured at 'Billy'. I just want to go where 'home' is, he said he'll tell me everything and that's just what I need, "Please just let me leave." I added.

"Even so, you're still injured. It doesn't change anything." The doctor replied, I slumped my shoulders in despair. I don't wanna stay here, this places feels . . . strange and unnerving. I wanna leave.

I looked up at the two of them, "Is there a rule that says I can't leave?" I gave the doctor a cold look.

"Well, no but you-"

"In that case, I'm leaving." I cut him off mid-sentence again.

There was a long pause before the guy named 'Billy' stood next to my bed, "Doc, if it makes you feel any better, I'll escort her home and assist her for the time being." He said.

"What's your relationship with her?" The doctor asked, making me wonder as well, I'm not entirely sure if he's a 'friend' either. Actually, I'm not sure about anything.

"I work for her. Basically, I really have to help her whether she's ill or not." He nonchalantly replied. Ahh, I'm so confused! It's giving me headaches . . .

The doctor looked lost in thought for a moment before saying, "Excuse me for a moment." He then left the two of us in the dreary room.

Silence filled the room, which I'm not very fond of, "So . . ." I started, "You know where I live?" I asked, I have no idea where my house is, I don't even know if I have a house!

"Sort of, I can ask someone from work about your address. They probably know it." He smugly replied.

"Probably? You're not sure?" I mumbled, I'm starting to doubt this guy . . .

"I'm sure they know." He rephrased. Again, there was a long pause before he turned towards me, "Do you trust me?" He suddenly asked.

Do I trust him? Now that he mentioned it, I'm not so sure, "I d-don't know." I replied. For a second, I thought he looked a bit disheartened but maybe it's just my imagination, "I-I don't know who I am, what I do, where I live, I don't know anything. It's like I just woke up from a dreamless sleep and I'm suddenly . . . Well, this." I gestured to myself, "I don't know what's going on and I don't know if I can trust you but . . . I'll try." I averted my gaze.

He gave a small smile, "Thanks, I'll definitely help you remember . . ." He mumbled though it's like he's saying the last part to himself, "How come . . . you don't seem weirded out by this whole mess?" he asked.

"Not weirded out? I find this very weird and confusing but . . . I don't know, I just thought that whining and feeling helpless about it won't help and as strange as it sounds, I feel . . . safe around you." I looked at him, I have no idea who he is but there must be some kind of reason why he's here when I woke up, he was the first person I saw. "Who am I to you? You said you 'work' for me but that doesn't really explain why you're here." I added. Is he like a best friend or my brother or what?

He seemed at lost for words, "W-We can talk about everything when you leave the hospital."

I gave a loud sigh, I'm guessing I'm an impatient type of person. I want to know everything, I need to know.

Who am I?

Do I have a family? He said I'm married, do I have kids? What sort of life do I have? Am I a good or bad person? What am I like?

Endless questions filled my mind, I wanted to cry. But what's crying gonna do? It won't help me remember anything, but still, the confusion is overpowering. How do I get my memories back? I feel . . . empty.

The doctor came back inside, tearing me away from my thoughts, he looked a bit troubled yet glad at the same time, "There's good news," He smiled, "You can leave but you have to stay indoors and rest until you're fully healed, especially your foot." He nodded at me. I know I should be happy but I just felt numb, I'll be going to a place which I'm not familiar with but at least Billy will answer my questions, "Ma'am, before you go, you can talk to Mrs. Clark, she's a psychiatrist." He added.

A psychiatrist? Hell, no, "No thank you, doctor." I hissed, "I don't need it." What's a stranger gonna do? Help me remember my memories even though she doesn't know who I am? Suuuure . . .

The doctor seemed a bit offended at my reply before turning to Billy, "Sir, are you going to be her guardian?" He asked. Billy immediately nodded.

"Yes, I'll be helping her until she gets back on her feet." He glanced at my foot, "Literally." He added, was that supposed to be a joke?

"In that case, will you come outside for a bit, I'll need you to sign a few things."

Billy followed the doctor out and two nurses came in, one blonde and one brunette. The blonde seemed to be giving me a glare every now and then. Do I know her? 'Cuz she looked pissed at me.

They started removing the wires and the strap around my broken foot, the blonde lady started undoing the wire on my arm. I yelped in pain when she roughly pulled it out of my flesh, "Oops, sorry . . ." She said in a sarcastic tone with a roll of her eyes. Blood started flowing out of my my arm where the needle was once in tacked

An image flashed on my mind when I saw the blood. It was subtle and quick, it's was something like a guy, covered in blood. Eww, it looked like his throat was slitted open and his insides where pouring out, like he was stabbed multiple times. Where did that come from?

The brunette nurse scolded the blonde one and started cleaning the blood off of my arm. The blonde stood behind the brunette with her arms crossed

"Bitch . . ." I muttered while glaring at the blonde.

"Uh, excuse me?" She placed a hand on her hip.

"I said 'bitch'." I repeated in a much louder voice. Picking up a fight is not a good thing to do after all that happened with the amnesia and everything but I just got pissed at her actions, I wonder if I'm like this before.

"What did you just call me?" she dared.

"Bitch, noun. Synonyms: whore, slut, ho, blonde nurse who does her job carelessly." I nonchalantly replied. I can tell she wanted to hit me.

The brunette told her to calm down but the blonde just left the room with a huff, "What's her problem?" I muttered.

The pretty brunette looked up, "I think she likes your boyfriend, she's always like that."

"Me? Boyfriend? Who?" I said in confusion.

"The guy that was here . . ." She mumbled and started to prepare a wheelchair.

"No, I don't even remember who he is." I defended.

"Yeah, amnesia sucks." She said with a small smile as she pushed the wheelchair beside the bed, "Don't worry, I've seen a lot of people leave the hospital with amnesia before, and most of them eventually remember the important things in a few months." She smiled.

I smiled back as she helped me sit on the wheelchair, my foot kinda stings. Alright, I'll definitely get my memories back, I have to. I'm not gonna give up.

She pushed the wheelchair out and into the elevator. We went to the ground floor and headed towards the counter, Billy was signing something on the desk with the doctor. Oh wait, bills. There's definitely bills to pay.

"Excuse me," I awkwardly called Billy, "I-I can pay for my own hospital bills, right?"

He glanced at me, "Well, yeah," He replied, "You're rich, after all . . ." He mumbled to himself even though I can hear it perfectly.

"I'm rich?" I gawked at him, "Then, I'll pay my own bills . . ."

He snorted, "You don't have to, I can pay for it." He shook his head with a grin.

"I don't want you to." I pouted, it's more than enough that he offered to help me. I'll just pay him back.

The doctor finished giving him advices about me like not using my broken foot, eating healthy foods, getting plenty of rest, and a bunch of other things. Billy thanked them and took hold of the wheelchair, he took me to the parking lot and stopped beside a car which I'm guessing is his car.

I stood on one leg while he helps me sit down on the front. Ugh, I'm only wearing the hospital dress, I hugged myself, it's freezing!

Billy came in and locked the doors, he noticed that I was cold and removed his jacket, "Here," He said while holding his jacket and handing it to me.

"T-Thanks," I replied and wore it, "Sorry for the trouble but you're the only one I can trust right now."

"It's nothing to worry about, I wanted to help." He replied and drove off.

Maybe I'm stupid for going with him even though I don't know him but he must've been someone I'm a little close with, right? After all, he visited me in the hospital, that's gotta mean something.

Billy picked his phone up and dialed a number, I can hear the ringing of his phone, "Hey, James?" He started.

"What? It's late . . ." The voice on the other end said.

"I need to know Marika's address, could you tell me?"

"Marika? She's awake!?"

"Yeah, I'm taking her home, so hurry and tell me." Billy replied, the voice on the other end started saying something I can't exactly understand, "Got it, thanks." Billy hung up.

He then drove a little faster than before. I wonder what my house looks like.

Half an hour or so later, we reached a quiet part of the city, he parked in front of a huge house and stopped the engine, there's snow all around the place!

"Let's go." Billy said and left the car, he walked to the car door beside me and opened it. I grabbed his hands and hopped out on one leg, which is tiring.

"Is that my house?" I pointed to the small house beside the huge one.

"Uh . . . No." Billy mumbled while handing a pair of crutches to me, did he bought these for me? "That's your house." He pointed at the big- almost mansion-like house in front of us.

"No way!" I gasped, "What's my job again?"

"You're a president, a CEO of a company." He replied and locked his car.

"Wow . . ." I stared awestruck at the house, Who the hell am I?

"Come on, it's cold." Billy shivered and supported me while I figured out how to use the crutches.

"Thanks for these." I mumbled and slowly started to walk with the crutches.

"Yeah, I figured you'll need it to walk around the house since it's huge." He replied with a grin.

I stopped in the cold, "Why are you so nice? Why are you helping me?" I asked.

"What?" He stopped as well, "W-Well, you've been through a lot ever since you were young, I'm worried about you." he averted his gaze and started walking again. I nodded in deep thought, what could possibly happened to me before?

We stepped on the porch and walked towards the front door. Billy gave me an unsure look, "Actually, I don't know if you live with anyone at the moment."

"What? You said I have a husband . . ." I gave him a weird look.

"H-He isn't here." He looked down, "Let's just go inside." He mumbled and tried to open the door but it's locked, "Shit." He cursed and looked at me.

"Don't look at me, I didn't even know I live here." I defended myself.

"Let's try the back door." He muttered, it's really cold, I can see his breath.

I awkwardly followed him around the house, I'm getting used to walking with crutches, good. But I'm very tired, like my arms will give in. I'm so sleepy even though I just woke up after a long, long time of sleep.

Billy and I stood on the porch, he tried to open the door and to our surprise, it was unlocked, "You left it open?" He gave me a look.

"I don't know!" I rolled my eyes. What part of amnesia doesn't he understand?

"Right, right. I forgot." He raised his hands in defeat.

We hurriedly entered and shut the door close, I was amazed at the house, it was simple yet elegant. Do I really own this whole place?

"Hello?" I called, maybe I live with someone.

But there was no response, only silence. Billy walked behind me and looked around, "Cool . . ." He mumbled.

"Haven't you ever been to my house?" I asked.

"Obviously not." He muttered, "So, now what?" He yawned.

"I'm sort of tired . . ." I mumbled.

"Me too . . ." Billy shrugged, "Why don't we talk about things tomorrow morning? Your health is a priority."

I thought for a moment before nodding, I guess it's better because I might not understand things properly if we talk about it in this condition, I need to rest.

"In that case, I'll see you tomorrow." Billy smiled and headed for the door. What!?

"You're leaving!?" I shouted.

"Yeah . . . why?" He gave me a look of confusion.

"You're leaving me alone!?"

He sighed, "Look, we're not really close enough to actually stay under the same roof . . ." He awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck, "And besides . . . I'm a guy."

"What the hell does that have to do with anything?" I frowned at him.

"A guy and a girl staying in the same house at night, anything can happen!" He yelled, a faint blush showed on his cheeks.

"What?" I asked in confusion, I have no idea what he's saying.

"I might lose control when I'm around you . . ." He whispered to himself with his back turned to me.

"Sorry, I . . . I don't get it." I shrugged.

He turned around with a darker shade of red on his cheeks and gave me a weird look, "You are so . . . dense." He sighed, "Anyway, I'm coming back tomorrow. Are you hungry?" He asked.

"No, I don't have the appetite to eat." I mumbled.

"Okay then, take this." He handed me a phone, "That's the phone I use for personal matters. You can message me on my work phone." He taught me how to use it.

"Alright . . ." I sighed, "Do you really have to leave?"

"Yes, I do." He deadpanned, "Get some sleep, okay?"

I nodded as he walked to the door. He was about to go out when I stopped him, "Wait," I stepped closer, "Promise you'll come back tomorrow." I'm so worried, he's like the only person I can rely on right now, at least that's how I feel.

He laughed, "Yeah, I promise. Now get some rest." He patted my head, he waved goodbye and closed the door, leaving me in the house.

Creepy . . . But I own this house, and it's huge. Holy shit. I wonder if there's anything else that can make me surprised. It feels weird, like I'm suddenly born as an adult, I really don't remember a thing . . . I'm really glad someone is helping me.

I decided to check what's upstairs. I carefully took a step on the stairs but nearly fell because of the crutches, it's harder to go up with it!
I stood on one foot and held the pair of crutches and hopped on every step until I finally reached the second floor, Oh thank God! That really drained all the energy I have left!

After a couple of minutes of catching my breath, I stood up and used my crutches again, I looked around the long halls and saw a bedroom with a master bed. This must be my room, right?

I curiously looked through the cabinets and found men's clothing. Right, I have a husband . . .

 . . .Which I don't know!?

I don't remember my own husband! And where the hell is he!? This is so sad, I don't even remember him. I wonder where he is or what he looks like. Damn, It feels like I married a stranger!

I sighed and saw a bunch of clothes that are my size, probably mine. I looked for clothes that are for sleeping and found PJ's, really? Printed pajamas? Is this even mine?

I groaned and sat on the bed, I quickly changed into the pajamas and tried not to move my foot so much, I carefully folded Billy's jacket and set it aside, I wonder what he meant by what he said before he left . . .

I saw a mirror and hopped towards it, come to think of it, I didn't know what I looked like until now. Weird.

My eyes grew wide when I noticed on the mirror was tall man with black hair standing on the doorway with a bloody hoodie on. His face was . . . scary, black rings surrounded his unblinking eyes, his skin as white as paper and his mouth . . . It was slitted into a smile that reached the corners of his face! He was glaring at me, my breath was caught up in my throat because of the fear, I didn't dare to turn around and face him at all.



Wow, this chapter is one of the important ones I've written! 


Yeah, that sucks. She doesn't remember a single thing, not even Jeff.

OKAY SO, I have exams on Tuesday and Wednesday and one last project so I'm gonna be busy ( ^ω^ )

Did you guys know that my reads increased a thousand in one day? WELL ITS ALL THANKS YOU ALL OF YOU.

You have all supported and read my story and I really can't express how grateful I am towards you guys 
-I'm sorry, I'm just so . . . so happy! (lol wtf)

But seriously, I wouldn't have gotten here without you guys :)

【Thanks you for the follows, support, shares, reads, comments, votes, EVERYTHING!】

It made me really happy, I can't show you all how thankful I am <3

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