Fall For Your Type: Book 2 |...

By KingMotha

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This is a sequel to Fall For Your Type: Senior Year Maeko returns as well as many of the other characters as... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9 * Zanae's Chapter*
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20 *Lyric's Chapter*
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 18

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By KingMotha

     As I step off of the long bus ride I arrive at my destination. I pull out my phone, and I had no calls or texts, so that means I wasn't missed. I placed my phone back into my pocket, and began walking. I looked around and smiled at the happy couples passing me by. It took me a minute, but here I was standing right in front of Lakeshore Park. Dino used to come here to think when we were little, so I knew he'd be here..

     I start to remember our first time here as a couple after one of our many arguments last year before he got shot. As I walk through the park I couldn't help but reminisce.

"Ko you're pissing me off." Dino says pushing me away from him.

     "How? You the one that was talking to other dudes." I spat

"About what to do for your birthday." He says matter-of-factly

     "That's not what it looked like..." I mumble to myself.

"Alright believe what you want then." He says storming out of my house, and getting into his mom's car to go wherever he came from.

     I sit down on my sofa, and sigh heavily. Maybe I was wrong. I'll let him cool off though. Four hours went by and he still hasn't text me back or responded to my calls. So, I called his mom to see if he was home. The phone rung 2 times before she picked up. "Hello..."

     "Hey Mama it's Maeko. Is Dino there?" I ask

"No. I thought he was with you." She responds.

     "Oh yeah..." I stumble. "He was but he got mad and left."

"Yeah that sounds like Aldino..." She mumbles.

     "Do you know where he may be?" I ask hoping she knew.

"Usually when I piss him off he goes over your house, and if you're not home he may be at that park he always runs to. I forget the name."

     "Lakeshore?" I ask.

"Yeah that's the one. He always goes there when he has something heavy on his mind. If he should pull up; I'll text you." She says

     "Thank you. Talk to you later."

"You're welcome hun." She says and hangs up.

     I quickly get up, and slide on my jogging pants, and slides to go to the park. The park was a farther distance from me being that it was in the heart of the city. I decided I would get in my car to see what's the ruckus.

     The drive was quiet for me. I was only left to recollect my thoughts. Maybe I was over thinking his actions. I know he wouldn't purposely hurt me. As I near closer to the park I start sweating bullets. It's been months since we been together, and he still makes me nervous. I pull up to the park, and slouch back in my seat. I check my phone once more seeing no messages, and I take the keys out exiting the car.

     I lock my doors, and slide both of my hands in my pockets. I start to walk down the walkway where people are jogging or just lazing around on the bench. I go directly to the basketball court to see if he would be playing, which he wasn't, so I walked towards the lake.

     Going towards the lake was super quiet because people only came over here at night when they were trying to fuck, but surprisingly no one was over here. As I got closer to the lake I saw someone sitting on the bench with their head down. I squinted my eyes, and noticed that temp fade instantly knowing it was Dino. I crept up over there behind him, looking over his shoulder. I didn't notice he had his headphones in and he was singing.

     I knew he liked to sing in his past time. Ain't nothing like a man that can serenade you when times get touch. I get hot thinking about it all over. I waited until he was done singing then I placed my hand on his shoulder causing him to jump up.

     I placed my hands up in surrender while he held his chest. "Don't be popping up on me like that." He says lowly trying to catch his breath.

     "I'm sorry. That song was beautiful Dino." I admit honestly.

"Oh. You heard that huh?" He say looking down.

     "You know I enjoy when you sing." I chuckle.

"I'm not that good." He shrugs.

     "You really are. Look, I just want to apologize for overreacting. I should trust you because without trust we have nothing. You haven't given me any reason to doubt you, so far so I should start now." I say looking him in the eyes.

"Come here." He says holding his hand out.

    I walk around the bench, and he sits down pulling me on his lap. He cups my chin and turns my face to him. "I would never Maeko. Thugs have hearts too. I want you only. Shit, I don't stress over that Brenden dude hanging with you knowing his motives. Instead of trying to confront me, talk to me baby. You know I'll listen. I may be a asshole to other people feelings, but you know I'm extra nice to you. I got you as long as you got me. Okay?" He finishes and a tear falls.

     "I understand Dino. I'm sorry." I say once again.

"Don't be sorry man we haman. We all have faults, but as long as me and you fix them together we good."

     I don't say anything but just nod in understanding.

"Now gimme them lips." He says kissing me soon after. I laugh as we start making out. "You wanna fuck right here?" He asks looking up at me.

     I look over his shoulder back through the dark woods then I turn around to look at the quiet lake. "Let's do it." I say as I straddle him.


     Here I am back at the same place we were last year. I shake my head at my memory, and I walk over to the same place I found Dino last year. Low and behold there he was slouched forward, thinking, contemplating on something. I started walking over there, and he spoke up before I even got close.

"You shouldn't have came here Maeko." He said lowly.

     "Aldino Perkins why would I ever let you get away from me.?" I ask as I ease towards the bench.

"Because you should." He says and I stop dead in my tracks.

     "Why would you say that?" I ask as I sit a little distance from him on the bench.

"Because..." He says playing with his finger tips. "I've gotten soft. I can't believe I let a nigga shoot me, and I didn't get revenge." He shrugs.

     "It wasn't worth it. You would be in jail over that. I need you out here with your head on straight." I say as I cross my arms and lean back.

"You know I start meeting with the lawyer next Thursday. I've gotten soft I don't even know If I can face him." Aldino says shocking me once more.

     "You are still the same masculine man you once were. You just didn't have to get out here and join a gang, fight, rob, or sell drugs to do it." I say looking at him briefly.

He lifts his head up, and stares out at the lake. "But you know I did do some of that stuff before though."

     "So! you grew up Dino. Last year was a transition for us all. First of all, where is all this coming feom.?" I ask now clearly getting agitated.

"I don't want you to be mad at me for what I'm about to say." He says sitting up, and turning towards me.

     "What? Dino. Just say it." I respond.

"One, I got a call from Derrick. How he got my number I don't know. He went on to explain how he felt about everything, you, Za'nae, our shattered friendship a long time ago, and just what happened in general. I didn't give a fuck about what he had to say, but my curiosity got the best of me. I listened to him, and I will say I developed a respect for the nigga."

     I cut him off. "Are you trying to tell me you got feelings for him?" I say angrily.

"What? NO. shut the fuck up and listen. Anyways as I was saying, I listened to his side of things, and it doesn't justify what he did. This is where you may get pissed off." He says standing up, and moving behind the bench. "I feel like I shouldn't testify against him."

     Once he said this now I see why he moved. "ARE YOU FUCKING CRAZY?" I shout.

"And I feel like we should go back to being cool. I mean, just for now. I need time to find myself, and get back to old Dino, thug Dino. The one who didn't give a fuck, smoked weed with my other boys, and just enjoyed shit for what it was." He says and I am flabbergasted.

     That shit is not cute, but I didn't want to argue. I didn't want to fight because honestly I was feeling the same way he was. Minus the breaking up part. Derrick really had gotten to me too, but I thought it was just me. I know he has probably gotten to Za'nae. It's all really fucked up.

     "I'm gonna go. I'm tired, I'm annoyed, and right now me and you shouldn't be in the same area. We can finish talking about this tomorrow. Does that sound fair?" I ask him.

"Yeah it's cool" He says. I stand up to leave, and he grabs my wrist gently. "I love you..."

"Mhm" I say as I pull my hand away. He would try to pull that Love card. Love left a long time ago. I got some major shit to think about tonight.

Last week Dino said that he wanted to break up. I was sad at first, and I still am but if that is what he wants then so be it. He tried to speak to me in school, and I casually pretend he isn't there. I had a long talk with Za'nae on Monday which was yesterday, and I basically told her what was going on, and how he felt. She admitted to me that she felt the same way. I can't say that I was shocked.

Waking up this morning I just really didn't want to be bothered. I sit up in my bed, and slide on my house shoes. The last day of school is Friday, and we are officially out for Thanksgiving break. I open up my closet, and grab my dark blue american eagle slim fit jeans, a red and white baseball shirt, and my red chucks. I throw all the things on the bed, and head to the bathroom. I cut the shower on, and let the water get nice, and warm as I take off my clothes and step in.

I moan at the hard pitter patter of hot water beating on my skin. I turn around letting the water drain over my face, as I grab the soap to wash up. I reach out of the shower to grab my toothbrush and put a little toothpaste on it. I wet up the tooth brush with the shower water, and start to brush my teeth. God I hate school.

*Tommy P.O.V*

"Is Ko up for school?" Mom asks.

     "I don't know his light on though." I shrug as I look in the mirror brushing my waves.

"It wouldn't hurt to be a little more sensitive to your brother, and his feelings." She crosses her arms and leans in the doorway.

I look at her in the mirror. "What you mean? I am always sensitive to his feelings." I argue.

"You are always pointing out his flaws. Your brother is a outspoken and strong minded person you don't have to be so non supportive." She says.

I grab my toothbrush and put toothpaste on it. "I really don't know what you're talking about ma" I say as I start scrubbing my teeth.

"Okay. You look handsome." She says smiling.

     "I always look handsome." I say pointing out the obvious.

"Light skins are winning again." Lando says from behind her.

"Boy sit down." Kalij says walking past the bathroom down the hallway.

"Come downstairs I want to talk to both of you." Ma says turning towards the stairs.

"What is it about?" Lando whispers to me.

"I don't know." I shrug as I turn off the water, and place my tooth brush back. I exit the bathroom, and turn the light off.

Once we reach downstairs mom is sitting on the sofa. I take a seat across from her in the love chair, and Lando sits on the couch arm.

"Okay. Thanksgiving is coming up and I know how much Ko hates having all the family over but it's been a while since we've seen everyone. I want to invite his friends over, but I want to know is it a good idea?" She asks us.

     "I don't think so." I say quickly.

Lando looks at me.

"Him and Dino broke up, and he's been moping about that. He don't talk to Brenden or Lonnie no more. I'm not sure of the status with the others and---"

"I think it's a great idea. Just don't invite Dino, Brenden, or Lonnie." Lando interjects.

"I can't just not invite Dino." Moms says. "He's like another son to me."

     "I don't know then." I say honestly.

"I'll figure it out y'all get on to school." She says as we stand up to get our things.

"I'm out y'all." Maeko says as he goes down the stairs.

     "That boy happy since he got his car back." I say and he flips me a bird.

"Shut the hell up. Bye ma." He kisses her cheek and leaves.

     "Time for us to get going too big bro." I say to Lando as I wave bye to my mom and exit the house. I hope she knows what she is doing.

*Dino P.O.V*

It's been Three days since Maeko and I broke up. I decided to skip school today, and hang with my cousin Kano. I need some time to reconnect with my boys, and get back to being About That Life. Call me crazy but it's something I need to do for me. I look out the blinds as my mom pulls out the driveway for work. I look until she pulls off, and I call Kano to pull up.

He pulls up in front of my house after 20 minutes, and he gets out the car to ring the doorbell. Once he reaches the door I swing it open shocking him. "KANO MY NIGGA!" I yell loudly happy to see him.

"Just scare me would you." He says holding his chest.

     "Shut up and get in here boy." I direct him and laughs and walks in my house.

"It's good to finally see you back in action D." He says dapping me up.

     "It's good to be back man." I sigh as we sit on the sofa.

"How is life?" He asks as he leans back.

     "It's good man. I'm single, alive, and enjoying shit I guess." I explain.

"Single? Not you..." Kano says surprised.

     "I don't know if you know this but I was talking to Maeko. We broke up now though." I explain looking around.

"Yeah I knew..." He says looking down. He leans forward and starts to fiddle with his fingers. "It's something I need to tell you D." he looks at me and scratches his hair nervously.

     "I already know you and Maeko fucked. No lie I'm not happy about it but if you was a random nigga I would've probably killed you." I chuckle. I shake my head at my craziness. "But you my blood so it's all love for you." I say patting his back.

He looks at me and smiles. "You right..." He huffs "So now that y'all broke up what you gonna do if he get with somebody else.?" He asks.

     I look at him with a raised eyebrow. "I don't care if we are together or not. He still my baby. If he get with somebody else he just better prepare for that nigga to get hurt." I say becoming slightly jealous at the thought.

Kano nods. "I understand that but who you gonna talk to?" He asks.

     I shrug. "I don't want to do that double standard shit. If Maeko can't talk to anybody else, I can't either."

"Have y'all been talking?" He asks.

     "Man, I know I hurt shawty bad by breaking up with him, but it's just to get my life back on track. He been avoiding me each chance he get. I want to give him space, but not too much to completely leave a nigga in the dust." I say being honest.

"I feel ya." Kano mumbles and leans back on the sofa.

     I cough and clear my throat. "Enough of this sap shit." I stand up to stretch. "Let's go play Madden." I turn to him and pull him up.

"I'm about to smoke yo ass!" He yells as he gets up to walk up the stairs with me.

*Derrick P.O.V*

"JUVENILES WAKE UP!" the officers yell and clank their sticks on the bars.

     "Shit..." I mumble as I toss on the hard ass bunk.

"Still ain't got used to it huh?" My bunk mate Varnell asks me as he sits up.

     "I don't think I will bruh. Shit is a hellhole." I say as I get up to take a piss in the toilet inside the cell.

Being in here 21 hours of the day, and the other 3 are spent on the field, in the common area, you can stay in the cell, or sit in the eating area. Of course there are other things you can do like jerk off all day, or think about life. Yeah, believe it because that is what most of these people do. We are all teenagers in here searching for an answer to our problems that we couldn't answer when we were committing the crimes.

     It was my own Bigotry that led me to my position. Satan slithered upon me, and forced me to eat the forbidden fruit. I should've thought smart. My eyes are now opened to my fool ass decisions.

"Time for breakfast maggots." Sergeant Hanes also known as Uncle Pete to me.

"Miles stay back for a minute." He says to me as my bunkmate leaves for breakfast.

     "Yes sir Mr.Hanes?" I ask as I sit down on the bunk.

"You know your court date is slowly approaching son." He says to me and I sigh.

     "Yeah I know." I respond.

"I hate for you to be in here. Your brother and your parents would be so disappointed in you." He says.

     "You're telling me something I already know dawg." I say getting slightly heated at him talking about my family.

"I'm not trying to upset you Derrick. I just want your best interest." He explains.

     "Is that all?" I ask clearly over the conversation.

"For now I guess." He says and I stand up to go to lunch brushing past him slightly.

     I walk in the cafeteria and I bump into Rico.

"Watch where you going nigga!" Rico shouts to me with his little crew behind him.

     "You clearly saw me coming." I stand up to brush myself off.

"Watch your back pussy." He bumps me and walks out of the cafeteria.

     I walk over to the line and stand with Varnell.

"You okay?" He asks me as I look around the cafeteria.

     "I'm good." I say plainly.

     Rico and I were tight coming into here together. About the third week in here he started changing. We spoke less, Hellos turned into mugs, and I just overall lost a friend. I guess in his mind it was because of me why he was in here. I couldn't say I don't blame him, but I didn't place a gun to his head and tell him to shoot with me. I wonder what he meant by watch my back? Ah, I really don't care.

*Maeko P.O.V*

     This teacher in my second period talks entirely too much. I don't care for anything she has to say honestly. She hands us our assignments, and I place my headphones in my ears to begin working on it. I'm working on my work when Bj comes over and sits with me. I look over at him and he signals for me to take my headphones out.

     "What?" I ask looking back down at my work.

"Okay we seriously got to have a talk about you getting this attitude with me all the time." He says.

     I shake my head. "I apologize."

"That's better." He smiles. "Now, you mind helping me with these problem. I know you love Math and Economics so I figured why not?" He laughs.

     I roll my eyes and laugh. "Just copy my paper."

"No. Walk me through it. If I stay copying your paper I will fail. I'm passing Econ only because of you." He pleads.

     "Alright man." I give in and help him with his work. We turn our papers in and the bell rings for next period. BJ and I gather our things and we walk out of the classroom. He comes with me to my locker, and begins talking.

"Have you seen Dino?" He asks me.

     "Nope, and I don't plan on it."

"Come on y'all better than this." He says trying to play peacemaker.

     "Bj just---"

"Maeko Johnson, Za'nae Yusef, Japree and Milo Wilkins, Aldino Perkins, and Bernard Davis. Please report to the front office immediately." The lady says over the intercom.

     "What we do now?" I ask him.

He shrugs and shakes his head. "I know I haven't did nothing."

      We start heading to the front office and everyone else is already in there except Dino. BJ and I walk inside the office, and there is the principle and a random man standing in there.

"You all this detective would like to have a word with you." The principle explains.

     I facepalm myself. "Damn, it's starting." I say aloud as we all are motioned to have a seat.

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