The Pack Slut

By BornBroken423

16.4K 767 79

In every story there's always the typical slut, the one that everyone despises and wishes that he or she woul... More

Chapter 1: Older Men
Chapter 3: My Chance
Chapter 4: Running
Chapter 5: Mate
Chapter 6: Toxic
Chapter 7: Miss Sunshine
Chapter 8: Frozen
Chapter 9: His Return
Chapter 10: Wolfie
Chapter 11: Nap Time
Chapter 12: Almost Escape
Chapter 13: Secrets
Chapter 14: More Questions
Chapter 15: Good People
Chapter 16: Stolen Hearts
Chapter 17: Seduction Game
Chapter 18: Permission Slip

Chapter 2: Protection

1.7K 64 1
By BornBroken423

I wake up to my alarm buzzing and I groan annoyed by the sun shining through the curtain in my bedroom. I hate mornings so much, but I have to get up every morning to attend to my chores. No one but me has to tend to the pack house so you can imagine how messy it gets with only one person cleaning it.

The reason I'm the only one to clean it is because since the Alpha found me when I was a baby and took me under his wing he says its the least I can do but he hasn't been much of a father at all. Everyone in this pack knows that but they also don't give a shit.

I throw on a pair of shorts and a tank top and throw my hair into a messy bun then I hear downstairs to start off in the Alpha's office as I always do. I knock on the door and when I hear a ' come in ' I walk in and start dusting without saying a word. To say I hate the Alpha would be a understatement.

" Good morning darling, sleep well? I heard you went to that frat party last night, you must be exhausted. "

The Alpha says at his desk.

" I'm not. "

I reply monotone as I continue dusting.

" Well I have some news. "

" Yes Alpha? "

I say without turning around.

" You will be attending school with my son and some of his friends. We are on high alert since the rouge group attacked a pack only a hour away from here. You need to help guard them. "

" With all due respect sir, your son has the blood of an Alpha. Shouldn't he be able to protect himself? "

" Well a distraction would help him kill the rouges, that's your main purpose. "

Great so I'm the fucking bait.

" Oh alright, when am I starting? "

" Right now, the boys are in the truck. "

" Ok well I need to change so I don't break dress code can you tell them to wait? "

I ask.

" No, if the principle ask tell him to call me. Their already late we don't need you holding them up any longer but don't forget to do your chores when you get home. "

Pffftt " home ".

" Yes sir. "

I walk outside and quickly jump into the truck as the guys don't bother to acknowledge me. I look and see West Philp is back, I clench my jaw. I haven't seen him in years yet he looks the same.

" Hey scar, you sure have changed a lot. "

He says with his dashing smile.

" But I'm still hotter than you. "

I reply in a bitter tone as all the guys laugh.

We pull up to the school and I'm forced to travel in their pack to make sure Prince Charming gets to class safely.

Fucking rich noob.

My wolf says scoffing and I agree.

I see Jackson and he smiles at me, waving. I motion for him to come over here.

" I didn't know you were allowed to go to school? "

He ask walking up.

" Well Prince Charming over here is a pussy so I have to protect him. "

I say annoyed.

" What the hell did you just call me? "

He ask turning around.

" All I'm saying is, if you were an animal you would be a cat. "

I say shrugging.

" Learn your place whore. "

He snaps and I roll my eyes.

" You're just mad because you're sexually frustrated due to waiting for your mate to come around. "

" At least I don't spread my legs for the whole pack! "

" At least I'm not a spoiled little boy who needs to be protected! "

He throws his fist in the air, hitting me clean in the jaw. It almost knocks me to the ground but I steady myself and then I pounce on top of him, hitting him furiously until I'm pulled off by Jackson.

" Keep that bitch of yours under control! "

He says as blood rolls down his face.

" Come back over here you pussy! I will mess your face up even more than it was! "

I yell as he walks away, probably to wash the blood off. Well the Alpha won't be happy but I'm pretty damn proud of my work.

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