Flips and Tricks (Travis Past...

بواسطة MeBeingMe92

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Kelsey McKeen is a pro wakeboarder and competes professionally in motocross, supercross and freestyle motocro... المزيد

Flips and Tricks (Travis Pastrana)
And everything goes bad
I'm back
Fun filled day
Pool party time
Filming day
Body heat
Feeling off
Night Terrors
Costa Rica
Baja 1000
Long Road
Arguing with myself...
Get your head out your ass
The truth
I'm so stupid
You are crazy
He hates me
Here goes nothing
Because it hurts too much
She said yes
Interesting night, even better day
Going Home
Sooner than thought

The attempt

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بواسطة MeBeingMe92

Chapter 11

"Hey Kels do you want to go try out the backflip today?" Travis asked walking out of his bathroom fresh from a shower.

"I thought we leave today?" I asked confused. Travis walked over to his closet and I pulled the covers over my head to not see him getting dressed. Especially since I had another one of those damn dreams of him and me again.

"Our flight only leaves tonight. We still have the whole day." the covers were yanked off of me and I found myself staring into Travis's eyes as he hovered over me with a huge smile. "So what do you say Kelsey?"

I bit my lip and debated whether I wanted to try doing the backflip or not. "Ok" I sighed and pushed Travis away so that I can get up. He chuckled and shook his head as I walked out of his room. I went over to the room that had my bags in them and got out some clean clothes. I will take a shower before we leave later on.

I was about to change into my clothes but there was a knock at the door.

"Yeah?" I asked as the door opened a little. Travis popped his head in and smiled at me.

"Put on your bikini and I'll meet you at the pool" and just like that he was gone again. I stared at the closed door confused with a frown. Why did I have to be in my bikini? I thought we were going to try the backflip into the pit?

I shrugged and rummaged through my bag until I found a bikini. It was my black one. I put it on and tied the strings then pulled on my black denim shorts and my white tank top over it. I grabbed my black flip flops from the bag and slipped them on then walked out of the room.

I went down stairs and walked through the gym and stepping outside. I looked around and saw no one outside. I thought Travis told me to meet him out by the pool? I sighed and walked over to the edge of the pool to feel the water. The next thing I knew I was swallowing the water from surprise.

I gasped for air and held on to the two arms that were wrapped around me from behind. Travis was laughing into my neck as I coughed and wiped the water from my eyes.

"You scared the living hell out of me." I said resting my head back against his shoulder.

"Sorry Kelsey. I just saw you standing there and I just had to dive you into the pool. Water feels pretty good though." he let go of me and swam to the edge "Come on."

"Ok what does swimming have to do with the backflip?" I asked him as I swam over to him. I pulled myself out of the pool and glanced down at my wet clothes. I glared up at Travis and he just smiled. I pulled the wet shirt over my head which wasn't that easy since it was sticking to my body more than necessary.

"Well you have to first be able to do a backflip off the diving plank. It helped with the movement you know?" he asked as he watched me pull the denim down my legs. There was nothing I hated more than wet denims.

"Ok. Sounds easy enough" I shrugged and tossed my clothes to the side.

"Hey guys" Tommy smiled as he came to sit on one of the chairs "What are you guys up to?"

"Backflip training" Travis smiled at Tommy then glanced at me again.

"Can I help?" Jo asked as she let go of Nate's hand as they too walked out to the pool.

"Sure thing Jo. You may be able to help her better than I do" Travis shrugged and walked over to the plank. He walked to the edge and then jumped a little and did a backflip into the water.

"Show off" I chuckled and he just smiled and yup there goes the thumbs up.

"Your turn Kels" he said floating on his back. I nodded and walked to the plank. I did my little jump and did a backflip into the pool. "Who's the show off now?" Travis asked with a smirk.

"Who me? Never." I giggled and swam to the side.

"You're the biggest show off I've ever met in my life Kels" Nate said rolling his eyes.

"Well I'm sorry you suck at everything which makes me look like a show off" I shrugged and Nate scoffed.

"Lets see you on a bmx" he said cocking his head to the side. I pursed my lips and frowned at him "Exactly so how about you shhh?" he asked with a smirk. How I wanted to punch in his face right now.

"So there's a pool party and nobody invites me?" Erik asked with a pout as he dived into the water. Special yelled something incoherent and did a flip from the balcony into the pool. We all laughed as he resurfaced and cheered at himself.

"Ok Kels. Go again but this time tuck in your knees and use your body to guide you." Travis said kind of trying to show me from in the water. I nodded and tried exactly as he said. I tried a few more times until Travis said it was good enough.

"Lets play chicken." Special said out of nowhere with a huge grin.

"Oeh I love chicken" Tommy said with a smile.

"The game chicken Tommy P not actual chicken you eat" Jeremy said rolling his eyes at him as we all laughed.

"Well we're already four in the pool. So how about Kelsey and Travis against Special and myself?" Roner suggested. I looked over to Travis who shrugged with a smile and Erik was already getting on Specials shoulders.

Travis went under the water and I got on his shoulders. He stood up and I grabbed onto his hands he held out for me to regain balance. I hooked my legs around his back and let go of his hands.

"Hey guys scoot closer then look over here." Jolene said so we did what she asked. She held her phone in her hands so Erik and I put our arms around each others shoulders and smiled into the camera. "Thanks guys."

"Ready to lose McKeen?" Erik asked with a smirk and a mocking tone.

"Bring it Roner" I smirked back and made the come here motion with my hand.

"Ok guys. Lets keep this clean. Ready and go!" Tommy yelled from the side of the pool. I reached out the same time as Roner did and grabbed both his hands. We tried to push and pull each other off all the time laughing.

Roner glanced down at my stomach and his eyes widened. I took this to my advantage and gave one last hard shove. He went a little to the right and Special started losing his balance and they both went under the water.

"Whoooo! We did it Trav!" I yelled and held both my fists up over my head in victory. Travis was cheering and laughing and I grabbed one of his hands and held it up. We somehow lost balance and fell over. I laughed as I got back up from under the water as did Travis.

"Holy shit Kels" Roner said with wide eyes.

"What?" I asked him confused.

"Dude? Have you seen her stomach when she laughs? She has like a four pack!" he said looking at Travis but pointing to me.

"Really?" Travis asked with raised eyebrows looking from Erik to me.

"Yeah really. And that was unfair." I shrugged and looked at Roner.

"No it wasn't. A win is a win an now I want to go to the foam pit." I said as I got out of the water. "Thanks Nate" I smiled as my brother handed me a towel. I dried off and stepped into the house. I walked up to 'my room' and got my motocross pants out.

"Ready?" Travis asked as I stepped into the shed with my boots still in my hand.

"I guess" I smiled and sat down to put my boots on. I made sure it was strapped securely then grabbed the helmet Travis was holding out to me. I smiled and slipped it on my head.

"Ok now remember Kels. Don't turn right. Ok?" Travis asked with a pointed stare at me.

"Got it" I smiled and nodded as I kicked on the kick starter to start the bike. The bike roared to life and I smiled a little at that. The sound every time you rev it made my heart speed up a little and this excited feeling in my stomach erupt. I really did love riding.

I drove off up to the where Travis told me to and yes me being me I did wheelie most of the way there. I turned the bike around and faced the ramp. I closed my eyes briefly and then took a deep breath.

The fist time I didn't even flip. I wanted to first figure out the speed I was going to go. Everyone was yelling stuff at me but I just shut them out and focused on the bike. The next time I tried I under rotated it ending up in the bike nearly landing on me.

"You have to pull in faster Kels." Travis said showing me with his hands grabbing an imaginary handle bar. I nodded and then went for it again and again and again. If I wasn't under rotating it I was over rotating it.

We've been at this for almost two hours now but I didn't want to give up just yet. Nate was nervous too and got too worried every time the bike would land on me. It was kind of funny. I eyed the ramp and before I took off I mumbled "You're my bitch now."

I swear those 4 words did the trick as I rotated and watched the pit pass from above me and then land on the bike perfectly as I stopped.

"Finally!" I yelled out in ecstasy as I made it.

"Yeah Kelsey!" They all cheered from where they were standing. Travis and Nate dove into the pit to help me out.

"Ready to do it for real now?" Travis asked excited.

"No I think that's quite enough for today." Nate said shaking his head.

"Come on Nate" I pouted but he shook his head.

"No. I don't want you breaking your neck or something Kelsey. You're not ready for it yet." Nate said with a serious face.

"It will be on a pit bike and she will be fine Nate" Travis said chuckling at me who was now rolling my eyes at my brother with my arms crossed.

"Fine. But if you get hurt don't come crying to me" Nate said pointing his finger at me. I squealed and dived him into the foam pit attacking him with a hug.

"I wont. Thanks Nate!" I smiled and kissed his cheek then made me way out of the foam pit.

"Lord help us" Nate said looking up at the sky. I giggled at that and grabbed Travis's outstretched hand.

"So just do what you did right now and go for it" Travis said standing next to me the walking away to stand by Nate. He didn't look to happy about the situation but he just had to suck it up I guess.

I tried and it felt so weird on the pit bike. I was used to my 125 and now I was on this tiny little thing. I chuckled at how funny it felt but stopped when I landed on my back on the ground and the bike flew forward.

"You got to hold on Kelsey. Don't let go" Travis yelled at me as I got up. I walked over to the bike and got on it again. This time I over rotated it and jumped off the bike rolling a little. This was going to feel so great tomorrow.

I tried again and again and again, just like into the foam pit the only difference was this landing wasn't as soft as the foam pit. Sure I bailed multiple times before in my life but this wasn't something you get used to. Your body could only take so much and mine was starting to get tired.

The last one I tried I nearly landed it but as the back wheel made contact with the ground the bike slipped from under me and I ended up flat on my ass. I huffed and pulled my helmet off tossing it aside and just laid back on my back.

"You almost had it Kels." I opened my eyes to see Travis, Jolene and Erik smiling down at me. was a little out of breath and tired so I just gave them all a tired smile back. I closed my eyes again and just laid there.

"Are you going to just stay there the whole day?" Travis asked chuckling.

"I'm so tired right now you don't understand." I said back chuckling too. I glanced up at him to see him holding a hand out to me.

"Come on. You need to get cleaned up before we go" he smiled and I grabbed his hand. He pulled me up and I dusted myself off.

"Wait hold on" I said and took off my jersey and then the protective gear so that I was just in my bikini. "There that's better. Sheesh its hot" I said wiping the sweat from my forehead.

"Well we leave here in like 30minutes so that should give you enough time to quickly shower." Travis said smiled as he slung a arm over my shoulder.

"Yeah. Thanks for the lesson" I sighed and rested my head against him as we walked up to the house.

"You're welcome. We'll try again You almost landed it though. It was so close." He said almost proud as he gave me a squeeze.

"Almost being the keyword in that sentence." I said a little disappointed.

"Don't beat yourself up about it Kelsey. You did better than some of the other girls I tried to tech, well besides Jo of course" he said leaning his head on mine.

"Thanks Trav" I smiled and turned my head to kiss his cheek. "I'm going to shower real quick" I said and made my way up the stairs with a sigh. I walked into 'my room' and grabbed some black skinny jeans and a white tank top with a black Jack Skellington standing on a hill printed on it.

I checked my phone before I walked into the bathroom and saw I had three tags on Instagram and a mention on twitter. Two tags were from Jolene, one picture of Erik on Specials neck and me on Travis's neck and then the other one was of Travis and myself sharing victory. The other photo however was very recent and from Erik.

It was from Travis and I just now walking up to the house with his arm around my shoulders, my head resting against him with his head resting on mine while I carried my gear in my right hand. The caption was '@travispastrana and @kelseymckeen don't believe me but #Kelvis does excist.'

I rolled my eyes and chuckled at that and then checked what was on twitter. It was a mention from Erik too. 'Admit it @TravisPastrana and @KelseyMcKeen, #Kelvis is real right?'.

'You my dear old friend @Erikroner are delusional. #YouNeedHelp!' I smiled and tweeted that then locked my phone and made a bee line for the shower. I hurried as I knew if I didn't we would be late. I got out and quickly got dressed. I put on socks while sitting on the bed as there was a knock on the door.

"Come in" I said bending down to grab my black DC slip on's. I loved these shoes. It's like they were made for me.

"Hey Kels" Spacial smiled as he stepped into the room "Can I take your bag fr you?" he asked pointing to my zipped up bag.

"Please and thanks Special" I smiled as I bent down and pulled my last shoe on "Just pass me the hoodie on top please?"

"This one?" Special pointed to the red hoodie laying on the top and I nodded with a smile. He tossed it to me then took my bags down to load in the van I guess. I got up and made sure I didn't miss anything.

"So where stopping at a diner for supper first before we leave?" I asked as I made my way down the stairs following Andy and Hubert out to the front.

"Yeah. Everyone is hungry and airplane food well its just that. Airplane food." Andy shrugged and glanced at me over his shoulder.

"Or you're all just full of it" I smiled and ruffled Andy's hair. He was a little older than most of us but he was still so young at heart and a little childish some time's.

"Yeah that they are" Hubert chuckled and walked over to Gregg and Crum talking.

"I love your shirt" Jolene smiled and pointed to my shirt. I smiled down at my shirt and nodded.

"Thanks. Its my boo" I mocked and hugged myself.

"Don't let Travis hear that Kels. It might just break his heart" Erik teased from behind the van. I rolled my eyes and Jolene laughed at that.

"Is he always so delusional?" I asked her with frown and a chuckle pointing to him who was now standing right by us.

"Yes, unfortunately he is." Jolene said with a sad face.

"He is right here and he has a name and he can hear you" Erik said waving his hands in front of us. Jolene and I laughed so hard at that, that I had to hold onto my stomach from all the laughing. Erik watched us with crossed arms and pouted.

"Aww, you're too cute Roner" I smiled and pinched his cheek. He scoffed but then smiled and shook his head. "Selfie time!" I yelled and swung my arm around Erik's neck. I stuck my tongue out while he scrunched up his face with a smile. I posted it on Instagram 'Our little special friend @erikroner'.

"Come on guys! Lets get going!" Travis yelled form the drivers seat of the van. We all piled in and sat a little squashed but we made it work for us. On the way to the diner we sang along to songs and made fun of each others singing. It was a great time but I was glad once we finally got to the diner.

We got in and had to wait a few minutes as they cleared a section for us and made a table big enough to seat us all. Once we were seated the laughter and joking and teasing didn't die down once. We all ordered our food and exchanged stories and jokes. I think the other people in the diner were all too happy when we left. We were quite loud.

"Where are you going Kelsey?" Spacial asked as I got up from the chairs we were sitting in at the airport. Our flight was delayed for another two hours and I was getting bored.

"To get something to drink. Anyone else want anything?" I asked as I glanced at everyone.

"No thanks" Jolene said from where she was laying next to Nate on the floor with their heads resting on a bag. Everyone else shook the heads but Travis. He was concentrating on his laptop in his lap. "Trav?" he looked up at me.

"Yeah?" he asked with a confused tone.

"Want anything to drink or eat?" I asked cocking my head to the side.

"Red Bull please" he smiled then went back to working on his laptop. I turned and followed Special to the little store.

"Oeh! Jelly Babies!" I beamed and grabbed a bag.

"Can't forget the sour worms Kelsey" Special said tossing them to me.

"You like sour worms?" I asked him with a surprised look. He smiled and nodded "Dude me too, oh we need skittles." I said grabbing two of the red packets.

"Do you want a Red Bull too Kels?" Special asked with his head in the fridge.

"Yeah please" I chuckled and walked over to the counter with the basket filled with sweets. The guy behind the counter eyed us as Greg set the four Red Bulls on the counter.

"Will that be all?" he asked with the scanner thingy in his hand.

"Yup" Special smiled at the guy and took out his wallet.

"Oh no. This was my idea, so this one is on me." I smiled as I pushed his hand away and handed the guy the money.

"Are you sure Kels?" Special asked hesitant. I rolled my eyes and nodded. I thanked the cashier and grabbed the bag off the counter. I handed Greg a bag of skittles.

"Can you finish it in one go?" I asked Greg with a smirk and cocked eyebrow.

"Let see" he shrugged and we both emptied the packets into our mouths. I covered my mouth as I giggled and nearly choked. Turns out I couldn't do it. Special did though and I shook my head at that.

He gave Travis and Erik their drinks then coming back to sit with me as we went through the bag of sweets between us. We had so many sweets in here that I swear I was going to need a new set of teeth after this.

We shared a packet of sour worms and jelly babies and then it kicked in. You see I can drink energy drinks and be ok but sweets made me super hyper. I finished my Red Bull and then skipped over to the trash can.

"Lets see who can do the longest handstand" Greg smiled at me. Everyone else were either sleeping, on their phone or laptop or talking to each other. Where as Greg and I had too much energy right now.

"Your on" I smiled and then he counted to three. I dropped forward and onto my hands and started walking all over the airport. Greg ended up falling over and I laughed at him making me fall too. "Ok now watch this!" I yelled at him and this had everyone's attention as all the heads turned to me.

"Kelsey what are you doing?" Nate asked eyeing me as he sat up. I smiled and took in deep breath.

I went forward and launched from my hands to do a front flip then as I landed I did a backflip and ended with a cartwheel.

"Whoah" Special smiled and clapped along with a few others. Nate however was glaring at me.

"How did you do that?" Travis asked walking up to me to throw his empty can away.

"I did gymnastics as a girl and teen but gave it up to go pro" I shrugged. They called out flight and I skipped over to my bag.

"Where did all this energy come from?" Tommy asked laughing at me.

"I don't know. I just feel super energized." I smiled and bounced on the spot.

"Relax Kels" Travis chuckled resting his hands on my shoulders.

"Sorry" I giggled and then we went to check in. I linked arms with Special and we skipped onto the plane with people giving us glares and stares. I stuck my tongue out at a few and Special glared back at them.

"You're grounded from ever eating sweets again" Nate said looking down at me in my seat before he took his in front of mine. I was sitting between Travis and Greg. I huffed and crossed my arms over my chest.

"Stop that Kelsey" Travis chuckled as he put his hand on my leg to stop it from bouncing.

"Sorry" I smiled apologetically up at him. He smiled and took his hand away but it wasn't long until my leg started again. He shook his head amused and rested his hand on my leg again. I smiled up at him and leaned my head against his shoulder as I was slowly coming down from my sugar high as we got higher in the air.

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