I Love You Too, Snowflake

By Sum264

80.4K 2K 611

This is a Jackrabbit story. Bunny and Jack have been dating for three months after Jack was cheated on. Jack... More

Jack's secret
Secrets come out
Goodbye Jack
I hate you
This has to work
I love you too, snowflake
I love you too,Snowflake Pt.2
Who is she?
The Summer Galla
What did you do?
I'll start with you
We're coming
This ends now!
Will you marry me?
The big day?
I need you
First Month
Third Month
Fifth month: Part 1
Fifth Month: Part 2
Seventh month
Ninth Month: It's time
Joy: Two months
Joy: Four months
Huh? And Sick!
Happy Birthday Joy!!
My Baby Boy

Is that even possible?

2K 46 16
By Sum264


Bunny is coming back from a egg check for Easter preparations and he walks into his bedroom, finding Jack still sleeping in their bed. He chuckles as he walks toward her side of the bed and lightly kisses her neck, making her moan dreamily before opening her eyes. She smiles, seeing her husband and she wraps arm around his neck as he does the same thing to her waist while they kiss passionately. Jack's stomach churns and she gags as she pulls away, covering her mouth as she runs to the bathroom. Bunny, completely worried for his mate, runs after her.

Jack's POV

I kneel in front of the toilet and I throw up last night's dinner, that's the fifth this week I've been sick. Guardians don't get sick, do they? I feel my hair being pulled back and Bunny rubbing my back.

"That's it, just let it out. I didn't know my kisses were that bad." Bunny say jokingly and I would have laugh if I wasn't throwing up. I lean back up and I rub my stomach as I get a nauseous taste in my mouth. "Feel better?" I nod and I walk to sink to brush my teeth from vomit taste. "You know Jack, this is the fifth time you've been sick in the morning. Maybe you should let North check you over." I mental roll my eyes, I don't need a checkup. I spit out the toothpaste in my mouth as I rinse my toothbrush and put it back.

"Bunny, I'm fine. I don't need a checkup, it's probably just stomach bug I probably picked up from Jamie." I say and Bunny crosses his arms, here we go.

"Jack, that's what you said when the entire thing started five days ago and Guardians don't get stomach bugs or sick period."

"Elliot I know my body, I have stomach bug and I don't need a checkup!"

"Jack Overland Bunnymund, you going to go to that checkup with North even if I have to drag you there myself!"

Bunny's POV

"You can't tell me what do with my body and why do you even care?!" Jack yells and I look at her furious, she did not just ask me that.

"I care because I am your husband and I'm worried for yourself being. Jack, you are sick and you need North to look you over!"

"No I don't!" She growls and we glare at each other.

"Yes, you do. Now stop acting like a child!" She groans in frustration.

"I don't have to take this." She walks pass me and summons her staff from our bedroom as she walks toward the front door.

"And where do you think your going?!" She opens the door and looks back at me angrily.

"OUT!!!" She slams the door close and I groan, ugh why she acting like this?! She been so moody this week. One minute she's calm, next she's angry, then she's crying, then we're back to calm. Wait a minute. Mood swings? And morning sickness? Could she? Is that even possible?

Jack's POV

UGH!!! How dare he call me a child?! I am not a child, I AM A YOUNG WOMAN. I sniff, I think am gonna cry and my head's starting to hurt again. I need to calm down, jeez I've been really emotional and having these headaches since Monday. I wipe my eyes on my sleeve and land on a tree near my old pond, I always come here to feel better. I sigh.

"Jack!" I smile, I know that voice. I look down to see the owner of said voice, Jamie, and his sister Sophie. I fly down and almost topple over as Jamie hugs me. "I've missed you." I giggle and hug him back.

"I've missed you too Jamie, Hi Sophie." I say and she waves.

"Hi Jack, Where's Bunny?" She asks me and I roll my eyes, I still mad at him.

"At the warren." I say harshly.

"What did he do, talk to Doctor Jamie and Sophie." Jamie say and I giggle, he still acts like the same old Jamie even when he's sixteen. I nod and make a little therapist office with two chairs for them to sit in and that chair bed for to lay down. "Ok, talk to me." Sophie hits him and he groans. "Talk to us." I sigh.

"Bunny and I got into fight, because I sick this morning and he wants me to let North check over me. I'm fine though, it's just a stomach bug." I say and they think.

"A stomach bug, I didn't know Guardians can it sick." Sophie says and I shrug.

"Usually they don't, who know said I was a normal guardian?"

"You said that you got sick again, this happened more than once?" I nod.

"Yeah, it been happening all this week. Usually in the morning."

"Anything else?"

"I guess I've been having mood swings from time to time." Jamie and Sophie smirk and I sit up. "What?"

"Sounds like someone is getting a gift made from Mother Nature." I raise my eyebrow.

"And that might be?"

"Jack, you could be pregnant." Sophie says and my eyes widen.

"I'm gonna be a mom? Is that even possible?" Bunny and I talk about possibly having kids, but we taught I might not even get pregnant considering our species being different. What if I am? Something runs pass us and we gasp, what the?

"What was that?" Jamie asks and I shrug as I grab my staff.

"I don't know, but I'm gonna check it out. See you guys later."

"Bye Jack." They says as I fly after whatever that is. " I continue to fly after it's direction.

Narrator's POV

Jack continues to fly after the mysterious creature and tracks them down into an alley way. She puts her staff defensively up as she looks around.

"Allo Mate." It says and Jack quickly turns in the direction of the voice, only to be disappointed and annoyed by her husband Bunny.

Jack groans as Bunny walks into the light and Jack glares.

"Nice to see you too, frostbite. Come on, we gonna be late to see North." Bunny says and Jack rolls her eyes.

"Aster, I already told you I'm fine. It's just a stomach bug." Jack says, but doubting in her mind.

"Sorry sweetheart, but we leave no choice. Fellas." Bunny says examining his boomerangs as Jack is lifted by domes yetis. Jack starts struggling.

"Oh come on, not again." Jack says, thrashing her arms and legs as they tie her in the sack, then open snowglobe portal. They throw her inside and jump in after her as Bunny opens up a tunnel.


Jack is thrashing to get the bag off of her, this one is tighter than last time and Bunny arrives.

"ELLIOT ASTER BUNNYMUND!!!! Get me out of this bag!" Jack screams. Bunny chuckles to himself and takes her out the bag, only to get slapped in the process.

"Ow! What was that for?" Bunny says, rubbing his cheek and Jack crosses her arms.

"I don't know. How about KIDNAPPING ME IN A SACK AGAIN?!" Jack yells in Bunny's ears and he winces at sound. "You're lucky I decided to slap you and not kick in the one place that man does not need to be kicked." North walks in and sees the two guardians.

"Ya! Bunny! Jack! You're here, let us proceed with the examine." North says as Bunny nods and Jack shake her head.

"Oh no! If you think that I'm going let you near my body after worrying me have to death and putting me in a sack, I'd rather suck Pitch's..." Jack says before being interrupted by Bunny's hand on her mouth.

"One: you are not finishing that statement." Bunny starts and grabs Jack by her knees, carrying her bridestyle to the nursery. "And Two: I wouldn't be do this if I didn't care about you so much. Jack, just please let North take a look at you so I can stop worrying." He sets Jack the examination table and she sighs.

"Ok, fine." Jack surrenders and Bunny smiles, giving her kiss on her forehead. North grab his clipboard and a pen.

"Alright Jack, tell me your symptoms." North says and Jack rubs her arms nervously. "It is imperative that you be honest."

"Well for the past week, I've been getting sick in the morning and I'm very nauseous at night. I've been bloated for the past four days and I would get some headaches at night." Jack admits and North writes them down as Bunny eyes widen. He knew about the morning sickness and the nausea, but not about headaches. Bunny wraps his arms around her waist and kisses her cheek as North finishes his notes.

"Ok Jack, I'm going to need a urine and blood samples. Which one would you like to do first?" North asks.

"Urine." Jack answers as she takes a small container from North and goes to the bathroom. Two minutes later, Jack comes back and hands him the sample. North cleans off a little of her arm and takes a little bit of blood out into the syringe.

"As soon as I analyze these samples, I'll come back with the results." North says and walks out of the room.


Jack and Bunny are waiting in complete silence, Jack's sitting on the bed while Bunny paces back and forth.

"How long do you think North will take with getting the results?" Jack asks Bunny, sick of the silence between them and Bunny shrugs.

"Depends on how many different test they run." Bunny answers, Jack nods at response and Bunny takes a deep breath. "Enough stalling Jack, why didn't you tell me?" Jack rubs her arms and sighs.

"I'm sorry, I didn't want you to worry." Bunny sighs and walks over to her, kissing her head before looking her in the eye.

"Jack you need to tell me how you feel, I worry about you because I love you and I want the best for you." Jack tears up and she nods as Bunny gives her a passionate kiss on lips.

"I promise to tell you what's wrong in the future, I love you."

"I love you too." They smile at each other and kiss as North opens the door, getting their attention.

"Jack, lay against the head rest." North says with seriousness in his tone and Jack, hesitantly lays down again the examine table's head rest as North goes toward an ultrasound machine. He pushes the machine toward the other side of Jack's bed and grabs a tube a gel. "Jack, lift up your shirt." Jack raises an eyebrow.

"Ok." Jack says hesitantly as she lifts up her shirt, exposing and North rubs some of the gel on her stomach. Jack jumps at feeling of the gel on her stomach. "Ooh, that's warm." North nods and turns on the machine, he sets the probe before moving it to a precise location.

Then a heartbeat was heard through the machine. Everyone looks towards the screen, Bunny and Jack gasps at black and white image before them.

"Oh my god." Bunny breathes out as Jack is still speechless. "Please tell me I'm not dreaming, North?" North shakes his head with a smile.

"Oh no old friend, it's not a dream. Jack Overland Frost- Bunnymund, you are pregnant. Both of your samples gave a positive result." Jack smiles and tears form in her eyes as North turns off the machine, handing Jack a towel. She wipes off the gel on her stomach and sits up carefully, still feeling the shock then a wave of happiness. She smiles brightly and sniffs as her tears of joy fall. "I'll leave you guys alone for awhile.

"I can't believe this." Jack says as she cries and Bunny hugs her, she hugs back. "I'm pregnant, we're gonna be parents Aster."

"I know. I never thought we would be able to, but here we are." Bunny says and Jack start to hug stomach a little with her hands, Bunny's hands lay on top of her's.

"I can't believe this is even possible." Bunny nods in agreement and kisses her cheek. "I love you so much right now, Aster." Bunny chuckles and kisses her passionately.

"I love you too, snowflake."

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