Deliberately || Seulmin

By skydeepmoon

127K 5.5K 1K

" Do you know that, promises are made to be broken and secret are meant to be share ? " In which an unknown m... More

park jimin
New story
Its published !!


3.7K 188 64
By skydeepmoon

" Helmoni  !! " Jimin said as he hold my hands running to his grandmother and Sohee of course.

" Oppa you're late .. but its okay i know who's fault it was. " She said as she rolled her eyes, definitely for me i guess.

"Seulgi do you have a good sleep last night ? " Helmoni said  I settled down on the back seat beside her and Sohee. While Jimin he sat next to helmoni's driver.

" Yes. How about you helmoni ? "

" I'm fine as well. " She said and smile guinuinely at me.

" Oppa ya lets go to the old cofee shop that we used to go back then. I missed the old time we spent there with helmoni. " She bragged.

" Same place ahjussi " Jimin said to the driver.

Soon after we all entered the coffee shop that Sohee brag about. Indeed the cofee shop is elegent. Not even near to the usual one i always went.

" Let me get the order. You ladies can go ahead to the vaccant seat. Helmoni what do you want to order ? Your precious handsome grandson's treat today. "  He said with his biggest smile plastered on his handsome face.

" Greentea will do. " His grandmother answered while giving him a playful tapped on his shoulder.

" Oppa i want strawb-- " Sohee didn't even finish her words when Jimin warmly faced me.

" What do you want honey ? "

Honey my ass. I thought.

" Mocha latte. "

" Cakes ? " He asked as his hands travelled to my bangs. Letting my bangs to the side that covered my eyes.

" Blackforest. "

" Alright then. Take helmoni seat there. " Jimin pointed at the table near the window as he peck me on the cheek making me jump in surprise.

" Okay lovebirds. Don't make a scene here. " Helmoni teased as my cheeks hotter as watching Jimin's figure walk to the counter with Sohee trailed behind him.

" The ring fits you so much Seulgi. " Helmoni said after we sat down at the chair.

" Thank you helmoni. I feel bad to have this ring though i'm only his fiance. " I told her truthfully.

Fake fiance. I should adressed myself as that.

" Don't be like that dear. Jimin love you very much. And i know he didn't wrong in choosing you. "

" How can you're very sure that he loves me helmoni ? "

He didn't even like me. Right ?

" Look dear. You can see the way he looks at you is different when he look at Sohee. He looks at Sohee as his younger sister, while you, his eyes sparkling whenever you're aound him. And to tell you the truth, you're the only girl that he, himself introduced infront of me. He never introduce any other girl because he promised me to introduce his girl officially that has my ring. Which the girl is you dear. " She patiently replied as she coughed a little. Grabbing my tissue in my handbag, i hand it to her.

" How about Sohee ? Didn't he introduced Sohee to you helmoni ? " I asked her in curious as i was in confussion for a second.

She chuckled at my question.

" No dear. I met Sohee by coincidence. Sohee introduced herself when she was in Jimin's parents house. "

" Arhhh. " I nodded my head.

" Take care of Jimin alright dear. He maybe stubborn and didn't show his feeling much, but you'll see his true side when he truly trust you.

When he truly trust you ?  What does that supposed to mean.

I was about her furthermore but stop as Jimin already placed the order at the table.

" Did i interupt something ? " Jimin asked as he placed himself beside me and Sohee sat infront us with helmoni beside her.

" Don't worry Jimin. I didn't leak any ugly secret of yours. " Her grandmother said playfully making his grandson whinned like kids.

" Helmoni please tell me one. I wanna know too. " Sohee said as her hands begged like small kids that wants money from their parents.

Well i can't lie that she looks cute and little did i know my lips turned upwards by her act.

Minutes passed and we still at the coffee shop, entertain ourself with stories and lame jokes that able to make helmoni smile. Helmoni seems happy today with me,Jimin and Sohee companion.

I was about to take my blackforest into my mouth when suddenly Sohee accidently spilled her strawbery smoothies on the table. But the smooties way faster than my action as my white pants was covered with pink and red stains because of her carelessness.

" Ommo ommo !! " Sohee said as i get up to clean the dirt with my tisses but i didn't know that it only makes it worst. Jimin also took some tissue to help me but he then stop because he may looks weird if he help to clean it. I mean the stains were on my thight area and so.

" I'm sorry eonnie. I'm very careless " She reasoned.

I was about to say its okay but soon stop as i saw her face smirking not even looks sorry.

" Its okay. I should know things like this happen. " I mumbled the last part.

" What to do now ? We want to go to watch a movie. But i guess you should home instead of going to the cinema like this with us. I'm really sorry eonie " She fakely said to me.

I really held myself to not rolling my eyes at her.

" Its fine. You guys just go without me. I should clean myself at home. " I said as i look at Jimin.

" No dear. You can't go like this. Jimin you take her home. We can go there next time. "

" But helmoni-- " Sohee was cutted by helmoni.

" Sohee don't be like that to Seulgi. You're the one who caused this, you can't just walk away like that. Jimin take Seulgi home now."

" Ne I will. Don't worry. Helmoni you can go ahead. I'll call my secretary to take my car here since i didn't drive today." Jimin said as he started to punch numbers on his handphone.

" Lets go now Sohee. " Helmoni said.

" I'm very sorry helmoni. " I said while continuosly bowing my head to her.

" No dear. Its a good thing to spent times with you today. " She warmly said to me.

She then walk away from the coffee shop with the pouting Sohee behind her.

" Do you want to go to the comfort room first ? We need to wait for my secretary for a few minutes. He's on his way now. " Jimin asked me.

" Its okay. I'll just wait for him. There's nothing i can do even if i clean myself. The stains is no joke. "

" Right. You look like having menstrual stains. " He laughed.

" Yahhh !! Its not the right time for you to laughed. " I scrowled at him as i punch him on his arm.

" Okay okay. Gosh so violent. " He said as he took off his black leather jacket.

" I feel bad for helmoni. You should just go without me. " I sigh.

Yes. I feel bad. They should just go. Helmoni want to spent times with them afterall.

" I thought that i already told you. Didn't i ? "

I look at him bewilderment. Trying to catch what he means by that as his hands busy tying his jacket around my waist to prevent people from seeing the stains that all over my pants.

" I told you that i won't leave you anymore. " With that he held my hands make both of us stand up.

I told you that i won't leave you anymore. Keep ringing in my mind.

" Lets go. My secretary is already here. " He softly said and smile sweetly at me. I held my chest using my free hand. It beat faster like i was in 100m relay.

No. I should not feel this way. I can't feel this way.

Park Jimin what have you done to me ?

Ps // Enjoy. Double update for today. Btw my favourite song (Cheeze-Romance) is also Jungkook favourite. Goshhh !! And please don't forget to Vomment 😂💕

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