Lethal Passion (Jeff The Kill...

By GuardianDemon

1.3M 32K 29.9K

Everything seemed perfect at first, but what happens when the person you once loved turns into a cold-blooded... More

Lethal Passion (Jeff The Killer)
Chapter 1. An Affair
Chapter 2. First Meeting
Chapter 3. New Family
Chapter 4. Fun Time
Chapter 5. The Park
Chapter 6. First Day On School
Chapter 7. New Town
Chapter 8. Crushes?
Chapter 9. Annoying People
Chapter 10. Confessions
Chapter 11. A Fight!
Chapter 12. A School Play
Chapter 13. Rehearsal
Chapter 14. First Kiss
Chapter 15. Goodbye Home
Chapter 16. Car Trips
Chapter 17. Grandeur Neighborhood
Chapter 18. A Weird Feeling
Chapter 19. Meet The Neighbors
Chapter 20. Liu's Departure
Chapter 21. Here Comes Trouble
Chapter 22. In The Hospital
Chapter 23. Sickness
Chapter 24. A Week Away
Chapter 25. Snowy Forest
Chapter 26. Good News
Chapter 27. Blizzard
Chapter 28. Jeff The Killer is Born
Chapter 29. The Unpleasant News
Chapter 30. Foster Care?
Chapter 31. Painful Memories
Chapter 32. Timeskip
Chapter 33. The Man
Chapter 34. All Over Again
Chapter 35. First Encounter
Chapter 36. The Deal
Chapter 37. The New Guy
Chapter 38. Masked Feelings
Chapter 39. T-Thanks
Chapter 41. Christmas
Chapter 42. Who am I?
Chapter 43. Worried
Chapter 44. Familiar
Chapter 45. Family?
Chapter 46. Photos
Chapter 47. Guilt
Chapter 48. Changing
Chapter 49. The Knife
Chapter 50. Concern
Chapter 51. Unexpected Visit
Chapter 52. Monster
Chapter 53. I'm Sorry
Chapter 54. I Never Wanted This
Chapter 55. It Ends Tonight
Chapter 56. Complication
Chapter 57. It's Over
Chapter 58. New Lives
【SEQUEL】Chapter 59. Who?
Chapter 60. Surprise, Surprise
Chapter 61. Questions Unanswered
Chapter 62. A Theory
Chapter 63. Discussion
Chapter 64. Knives and Guns
Chapter 65. Insanity
Chapter 66. His Yesterdays
Chapter 67. Attempt
Chapter 68. Madness
Chapter 69. A Lost Cause
Chapter 70. Reclusion
Chapter 71. A Conflict
Chapter 72. The Plan
Chapter 73. Truthful Lies
Chapter 74. Hope
Author's Last Note

Chapter 40. The Funeral

17.5K 456 256
By GuardianDemon

『Please read the A/N at the end :D 』

Five Days Later . . .

Here I am, wearing a black, plain, long-sleeved dress that reached my knees. Tears are streaming down my face like a waterfall as I watch a coffin being lowered down a deep black hole.

It's Kevin's funeral, I hear all my distant relatives' mourning as they stare at the coffin. Unsurprisingly, I don't know the half of them, I was never the type to socialize.

The coffin was lowered until I saw nothing but the dark anymore, Kathleen was being held by Wilfred as she cries on his shoulder, the same goes for Karen and Kyle.

It's amazing how many people were here, the weather was freezing yet they came. Kevin's a good guy, you can tell because of all the people that came. Figures, he's very friendly and helpful, I can understand why they like him.

But now, he's gone. It's up to all of us how we can preserve the memories we've made with him. A part of me wants to forget him, like how I did with my family- erasing all the bittersweet memories, But even if I did, I can't.

And I won't.

Kevin was the one who's there for me when I needed someone, he helped me get over my past. He was the reason why I am who I am now, I couldn't have gotten this far without him. Now I'm alone by myself again. This time, it's all up to me.

People started leaving, crying as they did so. Some talked to me with teary eyes, feeling sorry about me. It made me more disappointed and depressed.

"Marika . . ." I heard Kathleen's voice behind me.

I turned around and she gently hugged me, "We're going." She mumbled.

I nodded, "Goodbye, I-I'll stay here for a bit." I said in a quiet tone.

She let go of me and walked back to Wilfred, Karen came and hugged me as well, saying goodbye as she did so.

Today is the day they go back to their homes, maybe try to live normal again. To be honest, I was relieved, not because I didn't wanna be with them but because they'll be away from Jeff. Karen wanted me to come but of course, I rejected her offer. There are a lot of reasons why, mainly because I was a danger to them because of Jeff and because my life is in here, I can't just leave.

I softly waved goodbye to them as they walk to their car, they look so sad . . . I want to come with them but I really shouldn't. I've caused them too much trouble already, I couldn't help but blame myself, I know they'll say it wasn't my fault but they don't know the whole story. If Kevin married a different woman, then maybe he would still be alive.

I sighed as I walked, I sat on a snow-covered bench and thought about a lot of stuff, my mind was running with 'what if's' and sadness. I wish there was a reset button or the existence of time traveling.

Why on earth would things like this happen to me? I'm starting to think that I'm the unluckiest person in the world but maybe I'm not. But still, why me?

I wanted a normal life, I thought I could have that but Jeff completely ruined it. I grew up without parents nor love, I was abused and treated like shit. Kevin changed all of that but again, he was taken from me.

I chuckled, God really despises me. First my family then the only person who understood me. Why?

I sighed and stared at the graying sky, tears continued to roll down my face as I remembered all the times I've spent with Kevin and a few bits and pieces of my childhood with my family.

I barely remember a thing about them, But I remember one thing. Jeff was once normal, I remembered how we used to do all kinds of things together and how I loved it. I don't remember much but . . . I remember the feeling I get when I was with him.

I kinda miss it, how we used to play together and stuff but being like that is impossible now, I fucking hate Jeff, I loathe him. I wish he could just die, he killed our family and now that I've managed to pick up the pieces of my miserable life, he comes back to ruin it again.

Come to think of it, I used to have a crush on him. It was so wrong, we're related but I guess it was just a harmless crush, we were too young and stupid though he's a nice guy before. It's weird, he used to care about me so much. Wait, he still cares about me! Cares about making my life like fucking hell!

What the hell happened to him?

He suddenly snapped- Well, not suddenly, I wouldn't know. I tried my best to remember what happened and my thoughts flew to the time when we were in a new neighborhood, we were attacked by a bunch of punks and Jeff suddenly resorted to violence, which he never did back then.

A lot of things flooded back to my mind as I thought hardly, I was shot, Jeff was beaten up and burned while Liu's in jail. I couldn't explain how I glad I am now that I remember, it's because of that incident. Jeff stayed at the hospital for a long time and I had to stay at the bitch Mrs. Johnson's parents' farm. When I came back . . . That's when my life had completely changed.

I wonder what would happened if Jeff didn't become a killer. It seems really great . . . It's something that I can't have. A normal life, what a joke . . .


I locked the door and collapsed on the couch, I'm so damn tired . . . I stayed out for too long and now I can't feel my legs because of the cold, wearing a dress on winter is a big No.

I sat up and stared at nothing, my thought were all about my life.

I feel numb.

Kevin's really gone now, he's buried under six feet of dirt, it's like everything's over. What scares me is that what if I forget him? He isn't in the morgue anymore, which means there's no reason for me to keep him in my mind.

I heard distant sounds of footsteps gradually becoming louder behind me, "That dress looks good on you."

Oh great, just what I fucking needed.

Jeff sat down on the other end of the couch, I immediately stood up and sat on the lone chair without even bothering to say or look at him.

"So how was the funeral?" He gave me a sick grin.

"Jeff . . ." I mumbled, staring at the floor, "I . . . don't have time for your bullshit . . ."

"Oh, I'm sorry! Do I have to make an appointment?" He sarcastically retorted. I gave him a deadpanned look before sighing.

I stood up and walked pass him, "Leave me alone." I hissed as I made my way up to my room. I changed into my PJ's and laid on the bed, I haven't slept in a bed for a while, it's too big, not to mention the fact that this is where Kevin died because of the man in my freaking living room.

My stomach growled, I'm so hungry . . . I haven't had time to eat this morning since I was helping with the preparations of the funeral.

After tossing and turning around the bed for who knows how long, I decided to get something to eat, I'm not gonna cook. Just gonna get cereal or whatever food there is. I can't sleep like this.

I walked downstairs and flicked the lights open in the kitchen, I checked the cabinets but there's nothing. Luckily, there's bread on the table so I decided to eat it and maybe watch the news as well.

I made my way to the living room but nearly dropped the plate I was holding when I saw Jeff still sitting on the couch, he was holding two knives. He's using the other one- which I own, to sharpen the other one.

"What the hell are you still doing here?" I glared at him.

He looked up, "Sharpening." he mumbled and resumed his work.

"With my kitchen knife?" I cringed in disgust.

"You never cook anyway." He rolled his unblinking eyes.

I groaned and sat on the lone chair, not wanting to be anywhere near him, especially because he's holding that knife, "Why don't you just get a new knife." I muttered and turned the TV on.

He bursted out laughing, "You wouldn't understand. This knife is special!" He showed me the knife, "This knife had kill thousands of people, it's irreplaceable. It's the knife I used when I murdered my first victims- our family." He smiled at me.

I stayed quiet, but inside, my blood is boiling in rage. I want to punch him, I want to kill him! But because of the knives he's holding, it's best to lay low.

"You're despicable." I spat.

"I'm hurt, Marika." He feigned sadness, I just rolled my eyes and listened to the news.

'The infamous killer's victims today are a family of five and a family of three. The Smiths were found dead on their house at-'

The TV flashed photos of the families that died. This is ridiculous, everyone is treating these deaths like it's a normal routine! No one is even surprised anymore!

"How heartless can you be?" I muttered with a glare.

"What?" He smugly looked back at me.

"How can you kill these families! They deserve to live!" I raised my voice.

"I don't know." He mumbled with his attention focused on his damn knife.

"What do you mean you 'don't know'!?" The fact that he doesn't even care pisses me off the most.

"It's fun . . .?" He unsurely replied,

"Fun? FUN!?" I stood up, "You kill all of those people because it's fun!? Why don't you stab yourself and see how fun it is!" I strode towards him and grabbed a fistful of his hoodie in anger, "Why don't you fucking kill yourself so we'll all be happy!?" I shouted.

He looked a bit surprised at my sudden outburst before narrowing his eyes and standing up, Great, now I feel so small, "I don't like your tone, Marika." He glared at me but I only returned it, "You know I could ki-"

"What? Kill me?" I stopped him, "Please, go right ahead." I took his hand that was holding the knife and pointed the tip of the knife on my neck, though I had to stop myself from jolting my hand away at a strange feeling.

There was a long moment of silence as we glare at each other as if testing each other, but soon enough, Jeff lowered his hand that was holding the knife, "You piss me off . . ." He muttered before stepping back.

"Just tell me," I said through gritted teeth, "Why did you kill our family?"

He looked at me for a moment before responding, "It. Was. Fun."

I raised my hand and slapped him, all the feelings I've bottled up was out in one swing. He gave a look of shock as if he couldn't believe what just happened. There was a long pause, tears formed on my eyes because of the hatred I felt, Jeff slowly turned back to me, rage shone from his eyes but it no longer threaten me.

"They loved you! They took care of us, they helped us grew up! Mom, dad, Liu . . . They were always there for you! How can you make fun of their deaths knowing you murdered them!?" I shouted in anger, tears streaming down my face as I did so.

I waited for an answer but it never came, he just stood there, staring at me with an expression I can't understand. Not wanting him to see my weak side, I walked away from him.

"Marika, I-" He grabbed my arm, stopping me.

"Don't touch me!" I yanked my hand away, "You . . . You're a monster." I whispered.

I looked down and shook my head as more tears threatened to fall, I ran upstairs and locked myself in the bedroom. How can he do this to us? What reason did he have? I grew up with him but I didn't turn into a killer or anything as bad as that, so why?

The doll my father gave me caught my eyes, I slowly picked it up and stared at it. It sort of resembles Jeff but it's the only thing I have from them, I wish I could've saved them somehow, I wish they were here right now . . .

Warm tears leaked from my eyes as I hugged the doll but I quickly wiped it away, no more crying, it's not gonna help me . . . I know I shouldn't piss Jeff off because he'll definitely do something awful but . . . I'm just so angry and confused, I need answers from him. Why did he turned into a killer, why he killed our family . . . there are a lot of questions running on my mind, I need to hear his deplorable reasons.


Another update :3 My reads and votes are increasing (^O^)

Unexpected . . . I never thought this story will get this much reads! 


Btw, Some of you might think that the story is getting boring, but I PROMISE it will get better ( ω')

Planning something big here . . .

And also, this story will probably reach 60 chapters, I think. I'm not so sure because I don't wanna rush things and make it cliché so . . . yeah. Sorry if it's too long . . . (•~•)/



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