For Your Eyes Only: HS

Por Elll1234

42.9K 1.8K 754

Meet Miller. 19 years of age. Born and studying in Australia. Traveling to visit her family in England over... Más

1. Fire for a Heart
2. It's a Beautiful Sound, it's a Beautiful Noise
3. I Hear them Calling for You
4. Baby I'm Perfect for You
5. Dreaming Out Loud
6. Let me Touch you where your Heart is
7. The Shining Distraction
8. And I'm In Riddles
9. Don't Look Back
10. It Goes Something Like This
11. I'm Still Wide Awake
12. Packing Up and Taking Off
13. There Will Always Be The Kind That Criticise
14. I'll Be Here For You
15. Never Knowing Where I Was
16. For One More Day
17. One Step Closer
18. In His Arms I Get Weak
19. Tired of Speaking
20. Everybody Wants You
21. Been Away For Ages
23. Bringing My Demons Out
24. Eyes Keep Saying Things
25. New Tattoos
26. Does It Make You Feel Alive?
27. Starting Up Trouble
28. You Suddenly Want Me
29. All I Ever Wanted Was The Truth
30. Kiss Me Where I Lay Down

22. Impossible To Resist

1.4K 77 42
Por Elll1234

I think my feet have been glued to the ground without my consent. I literally cannot move. Hell, I can't even breathe, for that matter. Surely this has got to be a joke. As if half of One Direction text me within minutes of each other, asking to go out on the same night.

That sort of shit just does not happen.

Though at the same time, I'm not the type of person to rule out the idea of fate. But if this is fate, and not some crazily weird coincidence, then what are the stars trying to tell me? What do they want me to do?

Well I've obviously got to turn one of them down, and it may seem like an easy choice at first glance, but there are definitely some obstacles in my path.

Why should I choose Niall?

I mean, for Christ's sake, he paid for my accommodation in Germany as well as paid for a driver to take me all the way back to France. Plus, he bought me a brand new iPhone and had to put up with my drunken behavior. And yes, that includes the kiss. I still can't believe that happened. I'm still so confused.

All the evidence above supports the fact that I shouldn't turn Niall down. He did so many nice things for me and I haven't seen him since that weird night. And even then I didn't really see him, because I was blind drunk. I just feel like it would be rude to say no to him because he was so generous to me.

In saying all that...

Why should I choose Harry?

It's simple. I really really like him. He's sweet, he's hilarious and I think he may like me too. He even said he was jealous when he left me with my 'boyfriend'. Which brings me to my next point. Joseph obviously isn't my boyfriend, and I need to tell Harry that. I mean I could obviously tell him over text or something, but I feel like it would be more genuine in person. On top of all this, Harry and I have kissed. 

Now, I may have kissed Niall, but first off, I don't remember it and secondly, I don't like him in that way. The fact that I don't makes it even harder to turn Niall down because of what he actually said in the message. He made it very clear that he wants to kiss me again, and yeah, it's very flattering knowing that a world famous man likes you, but... I just don't feel that spark with him when there's Harry. Who knows, maybe if I'd never met Harry then I would feel it with Niall. Though, Harry's actually the reason I met Niall in the first place. Niall is a really kind person and I think he would make a great friend, but that's it for me. If I went out with Niall tomorrow night, I would have to explain that I don't like him in that way, or, knowing me, everything would turn to poo. 





...This is like a bloody fan fiction.

What an exciting love triangle.


As if I'm choosing who to go out with out of two of the most popular band members in the world. This can't be real. And it makes me chuckle to think that this is happening to me out of all people. 

I mean come on. I'm the biggest loser on the planet.


After a few more minutes of debating (some of it in my head and some of it out loud), I've regretfully made my decision. So I firstly decide to apologize to the one I'm turning down. Let's face it, he probably won't even be that bothered anyway. He has millions of people in the world who I'm sure would love to go on a date with him.

God, I cannot believe this. The fact that even one of them wants to go 'out' is just astounding to me. 

To Niall: I'm really sorry Niall, but I actually have plans tomorrow night! With Harry, funnily enough! We should definitely catch up soon though for sure x

I was again debating if I should even mention the fact that I'm going out with Harry, but eventually I decided that I would so that maybe Niall would get the subtle message. It also makes it look more legitimate, so he knows I'm not saying no to him for no reason.  Maybe it isn't so subtle. But I do really think that Niall and I should catch up at some stage. It would honestly be the least I could do. And it's not like he's bad company or anything, in fact, he's quite the opposite. 

Niall's response comes - to my surprise - within seconds. Oh god. I can't bring myself to even look at it.

From Niall: Oh Harry! Haven't caught up with that one properly in a while !

And another one comes straight after.

From Niall: Why don't we all hang out? I mean, unless I'm intruding or anything ... ? It could be a fun one !!

Oh, Christ. How does one say no to that. I literally have no way of denying him this unless I want to be a complete arsehole. This is not how I imagined this 'night with a boy bander' would go. What if Harry gets annoyed once I tell him that Niall is coming, and then he doesn't want to do it anymore? But lets face it; Niall is Harry's bandmate - or former bandmate. Why would he get angry?

Ugh. My head is hurting from all this back and forth going on. I am the most analytical person and I always dwell on things that shouldn't be thought about for too long. But sometimes, when I'm trying to think about things less, I make stupid mistakes and almost always say or do the wrong thing. There is literally no in between for me. 

So here I am, jumping the gun. 

To Niall: That sounds great, I'll let Harry know :)

And-- Jesus this guy is quick.

From Niall: Already done !! I was thinking we would go to this place on Upper street .. how's 8 ?

I swear Niall's brain works at a million miles per minute. I'm so behind, my mind literally cannot catch up with him. For christ's sake, he already told Harry?! This is going to be so weird when I finally text him. I haven't even replied to his original text yet and you'll be surprised to know it's been about an hour and a half since he sent it to me. What can I say, I said it already-- I overthink stuff. Sue me. 

Well, here goes, I guess. What the hell am I even going to write.

To Harry: Hey... Niall said he got in contact with you?

One step at a time. Let's just see what Harry says back, I'm sure it will be fine. At this point, he still thinks that I have a boyfriend. 

I'm not sure if I should mention it now or just wait until tomorrow night. That's if Harry still wants to come...

There's a ping that comes from my phone. Wow. Everyone's on their phones today. Sometimes my friends take days to respond to my messages. I'm not used to these quick replies. I woul've thought celebrities would have other shit to do. Guess not.

From Harry: Yeah. Is that all ok with you? x

Huh. This message is hard to read. And by 'read', I mean scrutinise in great depth. 

To Harry: Sure! By the way, I don't have a boyfriend..? x

Ladies and gentlemen. Right here is a clear example of impulse. In the text above, my brain didn't actually process the words I typed out, my fingers did all the work on their own. You know, I didn't realise that fingers had their own little brains, but I'm telling you now, mine definitely do.

Interestingly, Harry doesn't respond to that part of the message:

From Harry: I'll text you the address xxx :)



I'm sitting on the edge of my probably-bed-bug-filled-bed, feeling slightly glamorous with a glass of cheap red in my hand.

Now, you may be imagining a stylish wine glass that would be holding this liquid, however you will be surprised (or maybe not so surprised) to learn that it's in a plastic cup. That's right, the only time I left the claustrophobia of my suite today was to buy a packet of flimsy plastic cups and a bottle of half price red wine. But I'm not going to lie, I'm not sad about it.

I decided to google the place that Harry, Niall and I are going to tonight so I could get a bit of an idea as to what I should wear. I really don't want to repeat New Years. 

I practically shudder at the thought-- there are goosebumps now left on my arms. 

The place looks pretty fancy but I played it pretty safe when I was getting dressed earlier and chucked on a slip dress with fishnet stockings and some boots. I've got a leather jacket on top. I didn't do anything with my hair because I kind of liked it how it was, and I've got minimal makeup on. Not too dressy, not too casual. I can't go wrong. And I'm feeling pretty fucking cool if I'm honest. 

Harry offered to pick me up-- and so did Niall-- but I declined both of them and decided that I would get an Uber. It's coming in five minutes, so I decide to head down to the front of the building. 

It's cold as all hell, but luckily the Uber is waiting for me already so I hop in the backseat as quickly as possible. 

"Who the fuck are you?" The man from the front seat asks rudely, once I've done my seatbelt up.

Ok. He's not my Uber driver is he. Wow. 

Why am I not surprised in the slightest.

"I'm so sorry, I thought you were my Uber driver..." I yank my seatbelt off, almost choking myself in the process, because, ok. What if this man is a serial killer? He could lock the doors and I'll never be seen again. 

I can already imagine what my dad will be saying after my death: "I told you so," and "I knew we couldn't trust you." 

Well, I hope he wouldn't actually say those things, rather he'd hopefully be mourning my loss, but anyway.

"Fuckin' millenials..." The man mutters, and I practically jump out of the car. 

Straight away I spot another car with its engine on, so I open the back door and say hesitantly, "Uber for Miller?" The man nods, so in I hop.


Within minutes I arrive at the bar/restaurant/whatever you want to call it, and head inside.

If I'm the first there, I'm going to feel awkward, if both Harry and Niall are there I'm going to feel awkward, and if it's just Niall there, I'm going to feel awkward. I'll still feel a bit weird if it's just Harry there now but that is probably the ideal situation. 

The place is moderately full, but it doesn't take a rabbit with extremely good eyesight to spot the two men of my dreams. They're sitting in a booth, laughing their absolute heads off together and all my worries are gone. I forgot how good their chemistry was. 

"Hi," I say shyly as I approach the booth. Harry is sitting on one side and Niall is sitting on the other, and I decide to quickly slip in next to Harry because he's the closest. That's the only reason, I swear. I also didn't really want to deal with the whole 'hugging' thing that people do whenever they see each other. Not that I don't want to be up close and personal with Harry Styles and Niall Horan.


"It's great to see you again, Miller!"

Both of them welcome me at the same time and all I can do is smile like my life depends on it. 

"We were just about to order drinks! What would you like? Maybe... a vodka lime...?" Harry asks me mischievously, smirking a tad.

"How the heck did you remember that?" I ask him, stunned, to say the least. He's obviously remembered from New Years Eve. 

"I think everyone at the New Years party would've remembered that." Niall pipes up, giggling like a school girl. 

"Yeah, you only ordered about 76 of them," Harry laughs.

"So great, is that what tonight's gonna be all about? You guys ganging up on me?" I pretend I'm shocked and hurt, but how can I not let a laugh slip out.

"Don't worry, I'm sure Niall's got some embarrassing stories about me he's very eager to share with you," Harry looks at Niall, shaking his head in embarrassment. 

"And you about me, lad!" Niall laughs again, sliding out of the booth and standing up. "I'll be right back, I'm gonna order te drinks!" Then he scurries off. 

Now that Niall's gone, it's just Harry and me in the booth. Despite the dense population of the bar, it feels immensely like we're the only ones here. And not in a cheesy way. More like a scary way.

Harry turns his body to face me, and I look at him properly for the first time tonight. His lowly buttoned shirt is splashed with colour, as per usual, and has a floral pattern on it. I haven't even looked at his bottom half (now that would be too forward) but I can already tell you he's wearing black skinny jeans and probably his brown boots. Or maybe gold...? We'll never know. 

"So, who was that guy you ditched me for, then?" He's smirking, but I can tell he really wants to know. And he's not beating around the bush, that's for sure. 

"Gee, you get right to it, don't you?" I laugh breathlessly, but his expression hardly changes. "You're going to kick yourself. He's my second cousin, not my star crossed lover!"

"Oh, God." His covers his face with his hands, sort of peeking in between his fingers, and I swear this is the cutest thing I've ever seen. He is the colour of a fire engine and I can't stop laughing. "I'm so sorry for acting like a jealous 14 year old. I really couldn't help it." He finally takes his ring clad fingers away from his face and places one of his hands delicately on my knee. 

"It was quite funny to watch, if I'm honest," I reply.

And this is when Harry's hand moves further up my leg.

It's also when I my heart stops beating.


Hi guys!!! Here's another chapter for y'all, I really hope you enjoyed it because I found it really funny to write, like, imagine picking between NIALL HORAN AND HARRY STYLES. A literal dream come true. 

Please vote and comment!! I'm excited again for the next chapter! Will Niall notice the sexual tension between Miller and Harry...and if so, how will he respond to it???

Love you legendsssss xoxoxoxo

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