21. Been Away For Ages

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It's a waiting game, that's for sure.

Six days, and still no word from the people who are supposed to give me a new passport. No word whatsoever from another person, too. You can probably guess who I'm talking about. 

I feel bad that I didn't go straight with Harry, but I also feel like that whole situation was dramatized way too much. I was just really confused, and I'm guessing Harry didn't know (and still doesn't know) that Joseph is my second cousin, and not some lover of mine. Not that he would be jealous or anything. Would he? Christ. 

It turned out that all Joseph wanted to say was "hi", and then he was off again. I really don't get him. He's an odd one. Truly.

But here I am, it's a Tuesday morning and despite the off smell of my 'suite' - yes, there is still a smell - I'm being optimistic... or, trying to be. 

I climb out of the crisp white sheets of my bed - in other words, yellow, stained sheets, I'm just trying to pretend everything is A-OK - and grab a mug out of the small cupboard across the room. It has a cockroach nesting in it, and I quickly tip it down the drain - choking down a gag in the process. I have a thing with bugs. Especially when you don't expect to see them. Although, at this point I should be prepared for anything because that isn't the worst that's happened in this hotel room, trust me.

"Everything is fine, everything is fine," I mutter under my breath, blinking away the tears that have arisen from the dry reaching that has previously occurred. Luckily for me, there are still a couple of tea bags that I can use for my daily cuppa', and some milk in the fridge.

Don't worry, I checked the use by date, and to my surprise it was actually still safe. At least there is one thing I can count on here.

Once I start boiling the water, a small ping interrupts my thoughts so I go over to check my phone. 

Louisa to 'HUNNIES': Facetime???????

If you're wondering, 'Hunnies' is the name of the group chat that I share with Louisa (my roommate if you can't remember) and Callum (one of my closer guy friends). And, no, I didn't name the chat. That was all Louisa's doing. If it was me I would have named it something a bit more inappropriate. But that's just me. It has only been a couple of weeks since I last saw both of them, but I miss them, since I don't really have anyone here that I know. 

Miller to 'HUNNIES': Count me in

Cal to 'HUNNIES': Yeaaah girl

So, to sum it up, the three of us catch up. It turned out that Callum and Louisa had barely seen each other at all as well, which kind of makes me feel better... or is that selfish? Whenever those guys hang out without me I always get major FOMO. Can't help it.

So. Louisa apparently has a crush on the barista she gets coffee from every morning, and has now made it her mission to get coffee at the exact same time everyday. Nobody really knows Louisa like I do, but if you did, you would think that this in itself basically sums her up as a person. The determination that woman has...I'll be honest, it scares me quite a bit. She thinks this guy is a good motivator and it actually gets her out of bed in the morning. Good on her, I say. 

Callum, on the other hand, has started 'dating' a guy he met on the train one day. Ironically, he spilled a coffee on him, and they got to talking. Callum told us that they fight like an old married couple, which baffles me since they've only known each other for about a week, but whatever works for Callum, I guess. I still can't believe my sister thought that he was only pretending to be gay and had a crush on me. She has a wild imagination.

I, however, don't mention anything close to half of what has happened to me. Trust me, they do not need to know all this. At least not now.

So eventually we bid each other farewells and I go on with my day.

For Your Eyes Only: HSOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora