14. I'll Be Here For You

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I can't stop staring at my phone. It's like my eyes actually cannot look anywhere else. I'm trying to look away, I'm trying to think about something else, but I honestly can't. I barely slept last night. I couldn't stop replaying what those comments said in my head. But aside from that, why hasn't Harry texted me? Surely he's seen the pictures. I mean, they're everywhere. Apparently I'm his new love interest. 

Pfft. Love interest. 

Yeah. Sure.

I think dad and Sally are getting suspicious about my mopey behaviour. This morning, we went to go get breakfast at a cute little cafe - it was actually everything that Paris embodies, by the way, it was so adorably French - and on the way back, we walked past a news agency, where I saw about 27540 different magazine covers, all with Harry and me. You could clearly see it was me, and I did not want to risk dad or Sally seeing them. The whole situation went down something like this:

Sally: Hold on a sec, I'm just going to head in here and see if they have any gum - which I'm sure they do. I need to get the taste of coffee out of my mouth.

Me: (Quickly tugs on her arm as she makes a move for the store) No! I mean, um, I just really want to get back to the hotel. I feel kind of sick.

Sally: That's no good. I promise I'll only be a second, and then we'll be on our way.

Me: (Glares at Cheryl to get her attention) It's ok! I have some gum. There's no point you buying anymore.

Sally: Oh, ok then, I mean I could just buy my own...(she turns towards the store but I grab her again)

Dad: What's wrong with you, Miller? You're acting very strange this morning.

Me: Nothing! I'm fit as a fiddle! Good as gold! Pleased as punch! Right as rain! C'mon, let's go!

Sally: (Whispers to dad) Let's get her to a doctor...

Cheryl: She's fine, here Sally, I've got some gum for you.

Dad: (Looks at me with a genuinely worried expression) ...

So yeah. Yet again, I look like a stupid git. It's becoming an ongoing thing for me, these days. Usually I look stupid more than I look normal. Honestly, I would not have been surprised if dad checked me into a mental facility right there and then. Luckily he didn't. And luckily he didn't see the covers of those magazines. 

Anyway, back to the present moment. I'm currently sitting in our hotel room, waiting for the others to get ready to go shopping. And - you guessed it - my eyes are locked on the phone that is sitting in my lap. Still yet to light up with a notification from Harry. Or from anyone. Ha ha. I'm trying not to appear too desperate - to myself - so I'm not bothering even going on it.

"Cheryl! Hurry up or we'll leave without you!" Sally yells out once she exits her room with dad in tow. 

"I'm here! Don't leave!" Cheryl replies, stumbling over herself as she tries to tug on her right shoe, also leaving her - or rather, our - room. 

I defeatedly tug my phone into the back of my jeans pocket, and off we go.


We ended up spending about 3 hours shopping and browsing the bustling streets of inner city Paris, and all I'll say is I'm head over heels in love. Paris fashion is utterly exquisite, I have learned, especially in the cute little boutiques placed randomly throughout the city. Today has really broadened my palette for fashion and I've picked up so many items so I'm definitely going to struggle packing my suitcase again. Dad and Sally have luckily still not seen Harry and me on the covers of any magazines, so hopefully by tomorrow there is some other popular news that will take me off them.

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