Flips and Tricks (Travis Past...

Par MeBeingMe92

31.6K 220 76

Kelsey McKeen is a pro wakeboarder and competes professionally in motocross, supercross and freestyle motocro... Plus

And everything goes bad
I'm back
Fun filled day
Pool party time
Filming day
Body heat
Feeling off
Night Terrors
The attempt
Costa Rica
Baja 1000
Long Road
Arguing with myself...
Get your head out your ass
The truth
I'm so stupid
You are crazy
He hates me
Here goes nothing
Because it hurts too much
She said yes
Interesting night, even better day
Going Home
Sooner than thought

Flips and Tricks (Travis Pastrana)

2.8K 25 7
Par MeBeingMe92

Chapter 1

"Come on Kels! It will be fun!" my brother Nate begged me with those pleading green eyes of his. I sighed and looked over to Parks who had the same puppy dog face.

"We can't just invite ourselves Nathan! We haven't even met the guy before. it will be rude to just show up to his lake house for an entire weekend." I sighed and rubbed my temples while scowling at my brother and his best friend.

"Come on man! Bonifay said he didn't mind and told him he can bring guests." Nate said throwing his arm around Parks's shoulders.

"When will you ever get this opportunity again Kels?" Parks asked with a hopeful smile. "Besides, I thought he was like you role model or something."

"He is, but I just feel odd doing this ok?" I said shrugging my shoulders.

"Just go already Kelsey." my dad said stepping into the kitchen with us. I looked at him with a frown and he shook his head "You could use the break. You've had a rough season and this will only do you and Nate good."

"You see. Even dad thinks we should go." Nate said but I ignored him.

"But then you're going to be alone Dad?" I said a little worried. I hated my dad being alone.

"I'll be ok kiddo. Go, its just two nights." my dad said kissing my head. I sighed and smiled up at me dad.

"Fine" I groaned "I'll go."

"Whooo! Yeah!" Nate and Parks yelled and they did a little chest bump. I rolled my eyes and turned around to head up the stairs and to my room to go pack for the weekend.

So that's how I found myself in this sticky mess. My name was Kelsey McKeen I was the younger sister to Nathan McKeen and daughter of the legendary motorsports competitor Kenneth McKeen. It was because of him that I got into motocross in the first place. He was my mentor and my teacher and made me what I was today.

I competed in motocross, supercross and freestyle motocross along with wakeboarding competitions, but the wakeboarding kind of came from my mom. I never knew her since she passed away giving birth to me. My mom was Lacy Williams McKeen, pro skier. I admired her so much even though I never got the chance to meet her. I loved watching old video's of her skiing.

I always felt sorry for Nate. I felt like I took her away from him. He doesn't remember her since he was barely two when she passed away. People often think we're twins since we looked a like. Both had the same shade of green eyes and straight dark brown hair. Our facial features were similar but his was more masculine since he was a guy after all.

"Are you ready to go Kels?" Parks asked from my doorway.

"Uh yeah I think so" I said double checking if I had everything I needed.

"Don't forget you board. I know how much you hate using a board you don't know." he said with a chuckle.

"Oh shit yeah thanks Parks" I smiled and walked over to my closet to grab my hyper lite board. I had it custom made with all my favorite colours which were pink, purple and black. The board itself was black with weird pink and purple shapes on it. It suited me.

"Now come on. We're going to be late for the flight if we don't leave now." Parks said grabbing my bag from me and headed down stairs.

"i still can't believe you guys booked the flight without me even agreeing." I said following Parks down the stairs. Him and Nate have been best friends since I can remember. Parks was the main reason Nate and I both became pro's in wakeboarding. At first it was just a hobby for us until Parks encouraged us to compete. Nate was pretty sick at it where I was just above average. My true love was motocross.

"About damn time you came down. Jeez the flight leaves in like 30minutes." Nate said annoyed as he grabbed the car keys.

"Well its not my fault you booked a flight before asking me if I wanted to go." I said shoving him.

"Come on you two. Don't start" mt dad said with a scowl as he walked out of the house. I looked at Nate and stuck my tongue out at him. I loved my brother to bits but boy could we fight. And it was usually about the most stupid things like whether bmx or motocross was better. He did bmxing so he would choose that of course.

"You're such a little brat" Nate said rolling his eyes as he loaded our things into the trunk.

"Well you're an ass" I said crossing my arms.

"Bitch" he said narrowing his eyes at me.

"Dickhead" I snapped back he opened his mouth to say something back but was cut off.

"Seriously guys?! Come on we need to get going!" Parks said shoving us towards the car "Hey Mr M? Can you drive us please?"

"Sure" my dad smiled and got in the drivers side. Parks sat in the passenger seat and Nate and I sat in the back. "Oh did I tell you that DC shoes and Red Bull wants to see both of you soon? They want to check up on the sponsorship's."

"Uh yeah you mentioned it earlier" Nate said glancing at me. We had a few sponsors and DC shoes and Red Bull were two of them. I was also sponsored by Fox racing form my motocross and we were sponsored by Rockstar energy and mastercraft recently for wakeboarding.

"Thanks for driving us Mr M" Parks said shaking my dads hand.

"Yeah thanks Dad, see you" Nate said giving my dad a quick hug.

"Please phone me if you need anything and stay safe. Make sure everything is locked at night and don't stay up to late and eat junk food all the time." I rambled on making my dad laugh.

"Who's the parent her?" he asked and I chuckled  "Now go and enjoy yourself." he said kissing my head.

"Thank you Daddy. I love you" I said hugging my dad.

"Hurry the fuck up already Kelsey!" I heard my brother yell.

"I'm coming, I'm coming! Jeez grandma keep your freaking panties on!" I said rolling my eyes. My dad laughed and waved us off as he walked back to the car.We checked in in a nick of time and found our seats. I was placed next to a stranger since Parks and Nate were sitting next to each other.

"Ok so how do we exactly get there?" I asked Parks as we stepped out of the airport in San Antonio.

"Uh look out for a black ford truck." he said glancing around.

"Hey Bonifay!" I turned my head to see who called Parks. He looked too and that's when I saw him. I had to take a deep breath to just calm down. Not only was this man a role model to me but I had a slight crush on him. But come on he was gorgeous and he knew how to handle a bike.

He was wearing a red DC shirt with some white, blue and read checkered swimming shorts that stopped by the knee with black flip flops and of course a black red bull cap. His hair was sticking out slightly on the sides of the caps and he was wearing his gorgeous smile. His brown eyes were the most beautiful color I have ever seen.

"Hey TP, what's happening man" Parks said giving him a hug.

"Not much man. I'm glad you made it" he said with that smile still present.

"S this is Nathan and Kelsey McKeen." Parks said gesturing to us.

"Hi nice to meet you. I'm Travis Pastrana" he said holding his hand out to us. Nate grabbed his hand first and shook it.

"Nice to meet you Travis, I'm Nathan but you can call me Nate and this is my baby sis Kelsey." I glared at Nate and slapped him upside the head.

"I'm your younger sister, not baby sister. You're only two years older than me." he rolled his eyes at me and turned his attention back to Travis.

"You must excuse my sister. She's loony" Nate said scrunching up his face and tapping his head to indicate that I'm nuts.

"Hey Kelsey the crazy" Travis chuckled and extended his hand out to me. I blushed and smiled shyly at him and placed my hand in his. His hand was surprisingly warm and soft and made mine feel all tingly. I glanced down at our hands in shock and looked back up into his eyes. He smiled "It's nice to meet you. By the way I'm a huge fan of yours."

"What? Really?" I asked with wide eyes. He smiled and nodded "Wow, thanks. I'm a huge fan of your too."

"Uh are we going or staying or what?" Parks asked kind of awkward. We both looked at him and he glanced down at our hands still in each others. Travis and I looked at each other then he cleared his throat and let go of my hand.

"Oh yeah right, the truck is this way." he said with a smile and took my bag from me.

"Oh you really don't have to" I said trying to take my bag back.

"Please let me" he said smiling and showing us to his truck. He put all our bags on the back with our boards and we got in the truck. Nate being a complete jerk made me sit up front. He was the only one that knew about my crush on Travis. He made fun of me for it but he never told anyone about it.

"Damn it's so hot here" I said enjoying the cool air coming from the aircon. "Hey Nate, can you please pass me a hair tie from the backpack? It should be in the front somewhere." I asked while tuning in my seat to see him.

"Oki dokes" he smiled and put his hand in the front feeling around "All I feel is tampons. pads, your dildo oh and here it is. There you go." he said handing me my hair tie. Now Travis was trying hard not to laugh and Parks was laughing his ass off.

"Dick" I said while leaning over the seat to punch him. He punched back and soon we had a mini war going on.

"Ok, ok, I call quits!" Nate yelled holding his hands up. I smiled bitterly at him and punched him once in the zipper. He cupped himself and groaned.

"Are they always like this?" Travis asked while glancing at Parks in the rear view mirror.

"Pretty much" Parks said with a shrug and a chuckle. I tied my hair, that stopped just past my shoulders, in a pony and fixed my bangs while glancing in the visor mirror. We were stopped at a red light and I saw Travis smiling at me.

"Sorry" I said with a sheepish smile.

"Don't be. I thought it was cute" he said then driving off again. Smiled and blushed looking out of the window. I caught sight of Nate in the side mirror and he winked at me. I rolled my eyes but couldn't stop smiling.

"Well thi is it. Welcome to the lake house" Travis said as he killed the engine to the truck. We got out and I looked at the double story house in front of us. It wasn't something fancy but it sure was awesome.

"Pretty sick place you got here Travis" Nate said slapping him on the back.

"Thanks. I hope you don't mind sharing a room with your brother." Travis asked while grabbing my bag of the back.

"No its cool" I said smiling and following him into the house. Travis showed us to the room we were staying in and then we headed to the kitchen to grab something to drink. I had a Red Bull and then went with Travis to meet the rest.

"Hey guys! Come meet Nate and Kelsey!" Travis yelled from the patio cupping his hands around his face.

"Hey I'm Tommy" Tommy said stepping out of the house with a sandwich.

"Hey Tommy, I'm Kelsey, nice to meet you and this is my brother Nate" I shook his hand and then Nate  did too.

"So this is Jolene, Andy, Erik, Greg, Special Greg, Jim, Jeremy and you've already met Tommy." Travis said pointing out who is who. "And guys this is Kelsey and Nate."

"Hey guys. Nice meet you" I said with a small wave "Nice to see you again Jolene" I smiled and hugged her.

"Yeah its been a while" she smiled and hugged me back.

"Wait you know each other?" Travis asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah we are both female and compete in the same sport" Jolene said smiling.

"Oh yeah right." Travis said face palming himself. Nate greeted everyone and I saw him and Jolene share a glance and smile. I knew that smile of my brothers. He had the hots for her. I smirked at him and he just smiled at me knowing that I knew. He shrugged and followed the guys to the boats.

I walked into the house and to the room we will be staying in and got changed into my white bikini. I put on my pink swimming shorts that stopped mid thigh and grabbed mine and Nate's towels.

"Hey Kels I got your board on the boat already" Parks smiled at me as I stepped onto the patio.

"Thank's Bonifay" I smiled at him and he then left.

"Are you coming Kelsey?" Travis asked with a smile as he held out his hand. I smiled and nodded taking his hand as he let go once I was in front of him.

"So what are we doing first?" Erik asked Travis. He smile and then backed away to return with a huge tube.

"This is the flying tube" he said and then they hooked it up to the boat.

"Oh boy" Jim said shaking his head.

"What?" I asked concerned.

"Last year we had one and had a few injuries and concussions" Jim said crossing his arms.

"Wow ok that's not good" I said looking at Travis that was now shirtless and putting on a life jacket.

"Come on Kelsey" he smiled and nodded his head for me to go over to him "Do it with me."

"Sure" I smiled and walked over to him. I pulled of my black DC tank top and tossed it to the side. I swore I saw Travis checking me out but shrugged it off. I took the life jacket from him and put it on. He handed me a helmet and helped me strap it on.

"In case of concussion" he smiled and helped me on the tube. I was sitting in front of him and he got on behind me. I held on and leaned a bit forward. His handles where he had to hold onto was just a little below mine so he was kind of leaning on me with me between his legs and his thighs pressed against mine. I may have been enjoying this a bit more than I should have.

"Ready?" Parks asked from behind the steering wheel of the boat. Travis nodded his head and held up his thumb then held the tube again. The boat took off and the tube started moving. Once the boat picked up enough speed the tube started lifting into the air. I couldn't help but giggle.

"This is amazing!" I yelled over the wind.

"yeah the falling is the bad part" Travis yelled back. He spoke to soon because next thing I heard him say was "Oh shit!" and then we both went flying to the left. We hit the water with such force. It hurt so bad but was so much fun. We resurfaced and Parks was already coming to us with the boat. Travis groaned and made funny noises. He obviously hit the water harder than me.

"Hey Trav are you ok?" Jolene asked him with her camera in her hands. He didn't answer he just groaned.

"Don't worry, he's fine. I've heard him make those noised before." Erik said laughing/ I giggled and Jolene joined in. Travis got on the boat and was about to help me in when my wakeboard hit the water out of the boat.

"Your turn to eat shit Kels" Nate said while pulling in the tube and swapping the ropes. I sighed and sat on the boat then slipped my feet into my boots. I got back in the water but first took off my helmet and put it back in the boat.

"Are you sure you don't want to keep it on?" Travis asked concerned as he took the helmet from me.

"yeah I'm sure. I only wear then because you have to when you compete and I'm not doing ramps so" I said with reassuring smile. Travis nodded his head then Nate started the boat.

"Ready Kels?" Nate asked. I nodded and he pulled away. I waited until the boat pulled my up and then stood completely and turned my board. I held on to the ski handle with one hand as I pulled the legs of my shorts down since they kind of pull up in the water.

Nate sped up and stopped once he reached the perfect speed. I leaned to the right and went out of the wake and then went back in and did a simple 360. I loved doing this so much and the thrill you get from landing a trick was amazing. I did a few turns and grabs but felt like I needed to go bigger.

I went out of the wake to the right this time and then went back in, hitting the wake and doing a tantrum and sticking the landing. I smiled to myself and flipped myself so I was facing the other way again. Everyone on the boat cheered and hooted. I smiled ant thought I would try a 1080. I didn't quite stick the landing and my body went flying into the water.

"Holy shit that was so gnarly!" Jolene smiled and grabbed me board.

"Nice try Kels" Parks smirked at me.

"Yeah, yeah!" I said rolling my eyes as he helped me on the boat. You see as far as I know Parks and Mark Kenney were the only ones to stick a 1080 so far. I was determined to be the next one.

"Damn that was amazing" Travis said handing me a towel to dry off a bit.

"thanks" I said smiling and taking the towel from him. I took of the life jacket and quickly dried myself off. I sighed when I realized my shirt was on the shore.

"Good job Kels. That was so close!" Nate said hugging me.

"I know right? I think we should work on it when we get back I mean I felt so close and I think I know what I did wrong." I said smiling at my brother. He looked so proud of me.

"I know what you did wrong too" Parks said from the water. He was going to give it a go next "You fell."

"Whatever Parks" I said rolling my eyes while everyone laughed at me.

"So I hear you do base jumping too?" Erik asked me as we were all sitting around the table on the patio eating hot dogs.

"yeah, but we do it for fun. It was the one thing that Nate, my dad and myself enjoyed doing since Nate isn't a big fan of motorbikes and all." I said sipping on my water.

"You should come out and jump with us some time. It will be fun." Erik said with a smile.

"I would like that" I smiled back.

"I think we should all head out to the black pearl and go for a cruise" Travis said walking out of the house with a cooler in his arms. Jeremy followed him with a cooler of his own in his arms. Everyone agreed and made their way to the boat.

"Are you coming Kelsey?" Andy asked as I stepped into the house.

"Yeah I just want to grab a jacket." I said with a smile then went to grab my grey DC slip on hoodie. I pulled it over my head and walked out to the boat where everyone was waiting for me to join.

I got on and walked to the upper deck and sat with my feet dangling off the edge.

"It beautiful isn't it?" I turned my head to see Travis sitting down next to me and staring out at the sun that was setting too.

"Yeah it is" I smiled and glanced back at him. "Thanks for letting us come"

"It my pleasure" he said smiling at me. "Want something to drink?" he asked and I nodded my head.

"Please" I watched as he got up to only lay down on his stomach and looked under the deck where the rest were.

"He Special! Bring me two Red Bulls please!" he yelled at his cousin making me laugh. I got up and sat down again. This time he sat a bit closer than before.

"Here you go Trav, Kelsey" Greg said handing us each a Red Bull.

"Thanks Special" I said while smiling at him as he left to go back to the other guys. I frowned but turned my attention back to the sunset. I opened my red bull and took a sip from it.

"Its so nice up here" I said staring out over the water as the first few stars started appearing in the twilight.

"Yeah it is. I love coming up here to just watch the stars." Travis said laying back with his hands behind his head. I looked over my shoulder at him and smiled. He nodded his head to the side as if to tell me to join him so I did.

We ended up staying up there the whole time just talking at getting to know each other. We laughed and exchanged jokes and childhood stories while the others were heard laughing and joking too. It was already dark out but I didn't want this night to end. I hoped that the rest of the weekend will  be this good too


AN: So there's the first chapter. Hope its not too bad! Please comment on what you thought! Much Love JL:)

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