No Matter What // Harry Style...

بواسطة blahblahriot

233K 9K 4.1K

"In love we find out who we want to be; in war we find out who we are." - Kristin Hannah October of 1938, Eng... المزيد

An Introduction
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter 13
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter 16
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Six
Chapter Fifty-Seven
Chapter Fifty-Eight
Chapter Fifty-Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty-One
Chapter Sixty-Two
Chapter Sixty-Three
Chapter Sixty-Four
Chapter Sixty-Five
Chapter Sixty-Six
Chapter Sixty-Seven
Chapter Sixty Eight
Chapter Sixty-Nine
Chapter Seventy

Chapter Forty-Seven

4K 191 83
بواسطة blahblahriot

Harry's P.O.V

Turning back towards the life of the fair, I tuck away my smile. I'm well aware I'm on thin ice. I mean, hell, Hazel's scowl from when I walked up with Kitty just about put me in my grave. And even now, after explaining how this is truthfully all one big mistake, I know that she could only fancy me a proper nitwit at best.

But I'll be damned, even with her mad as hell with me, I'm about as giddy as a kid on Christmas. See, Hazel's a pretty easygoing gal all in all, and I love that about her, but every now and then she get's all fired up. It's like she's Joe Louis or somethin', ready to swing at whatever is in her way. Half the time it's just plain funny to watch her get in a tizzy. I mean, I could barely keep from laughing as I watched her face react to her Grandmother's rude friend at the party last week. I thought she might actually throw a soup spoon at the nasty old woman for pete's sake. Now, that would have really would have done me in. Her frustration is hilarious to me and I can't help that she's just too damn cute.

The other half of the time, though, is different. It's not just funny- it's wildly interesting and exciting. When she gets all riled up, it's because it's over something she really cares about and every time I learn something new about her, it sends a rush through my body like you wouldn't believe. I constantly crave knowing more about her. What makes her tick? What does she love? What does she hate?

What does she think about me?


I glance down to find Hazel's golden eyes studying me carefully. It makes me nervous and excited all at once. I clear my throat to avoid the squeaky voice that threatens to come out. "Mm hm?"

"What are you thinking about, darling?" she asks, her warm voice thawing the cold air of the tiny alley way.

"Nothin' really," I say.

Hazel bats away my lie with her lashes as her eyes flicker forward in disbelief. I chuckle a little and without thinking, take ahold of her hand. Hazel's gaze stays locked ahead, but her mouth twists into the most delightful smile making it impossible for me to hide my own.

So, we walk quietly, hand in hand, with two goofy grins on our faces for the remainder of the little path. Between the pounding of my heart and the way the two buildings around us dampen the sound of the fair, the charming laughter of the crowd sounds as if it could be a million miles away. 

I become so focused on the splendid way that Hazel's fingers fit in between mine, that it comes as a small shock when Hazel stops in her tracks. I look up to see a forlorn Hazel staring out at the crowd from the edge of the alley way. As my gaze travels down to our intertwined hands, I understand why.

I let out a heavy sigh as my other hand flies up to my temple. I know I've gone and made a really mess of tonight, but I just don't want to muck up with my chance with this gal. I mean, Mr. Williams is a respectable man and all, but he'd for sure be done with me if he knew I was running around with his granddaughter without his permission. Although... the lads already know and would the girls really care?

I wince instantly knowing the answer. Kitty and the girls are just about the most fickle things on the planet, and if it served them, you betcha they'd be gossiping to anyone, anywhere about it.

"Are we friends?"

"What?" I ask, confused not only by my interrupted train of thought, but the choice of Hazel's words.

"I mean," she says hesitantly, "Is it okay that we're friends, tonight? I know we shouldn't be...  familiar with each other," she says carefully, looking down at her feet bashfully, "but is it alright if I'm still your friend when we're around your friends?"

Hazel looks back up at me with eyes as wide and sweet as a puppy. It damn near cracks my heart in two. "Of course!" I burst. "I never mean to make you feel like you were anything less, I swear."

Hazel smiles half-heartedly before her gaze falls to the floor. Why is it that the more I try to do this perfectly, the more I end up hurting the girl I'm doing this all for.

"Hazel," I say softly as I cup her face in my cold hands. "I promise, Hazel. I'm only trying to do this right."

Her eyes search mine for a moment before she lets out a sigh. "I know you are, I know. And honest, I don't mean to constantly gripe. I just don't want to make your life harder."

"You could never," I tell her.

"You say that now," she says with a self-deprecating laugh. Hazel wraps her arms around herself as she pulls away from my touch. I miss her instantly. "Friends?" she asks, her friendly smile returned.

It's strange, but the word tugs at something inside of me. I know that I love her, but I think part of the reason why I care so much for Hazel is that she feels like my best friend. I've never been able to talk so freely with someone like I have over these past few weeks. This week, especially. Laying beside her, telling her everything about my day, she made every stupid thought in my head seem interesting and important somehow. I think talking with her just might be one of my favorite things to do with her.

Oi, if Lou could hear me now, I cringe. He's a good mate, and so are the other lads, but I can't be my sappy self around them like I can with Hazel. 'Course, I wouldn't necessarily want to be, I mean what am I gonna do, talk to them about how everything looks prettier when I think of her?

I scoff loudly much to Hazel's surprise. I'd nearly forgotten her question.

"Sorry what?"

She stares curiously at me with the corners of her mouth pulled into a small smile. "Friends?"

"Of course," I say smiling back. "Friends."

With that, Hazel let's out a sigh of relief. She tucks her hands into her pockets and heads out into the crowd, turning ever so slightly to call back. "Come on, legs! Bet I can beat you at the ring toss!"

I stand there for a second mesmerized by her delicious smirk before I remember to move my feet. "That's a bold statement, Ms. Chapman," I say as her eyes twinkle with mischief. It takes everything in me not to kiss her wildly.

"I'm just saying," she taunts as she saunters backwards, "if you're nice, maybe I'll even win ya something." Hazel's mouth puckers to the side as she playfully bites her lower lip. My whole body becomes an anxious wreck with desire.

"You're a plucky little thing, aren't you?" 

Hazel's eyes fix forward, but with a little smirk she replies, "I wouldn't know a thing about it."

Hazel and I make our way through the crowds, laughing and simply enjoying each other's company. Even though I keep my hands tucked away in my coat and Hazel makes sure to keep a couple of feet between us, I feel as if I'm glued to her. It's just the two of us swimming in an ocean of unimportant faces and whirling lights. That is, of course, until an obnoxious uproar of hoots and hollers calls out to us.

"Oi, oi, oi!" Louis calls using his hands to make his calls even louder and more embarrassing.

"Harry!" a buzzed Liam calls. "You dirty scoundrel, you!" 

Niall and Louis both throw their heads back in laughter while Kitty and girls trail after them, each with a nasty pout on their faces.

Quickly swiveling to face Hazel, I rush, "I am so sorry." The lads aren't big drinkers, but heaven help me, if they start getting rowdy. I don't want Hazel thinking we're lowlifes.

Hazel smiles with a little giggle. "It's alright," she whispers up to me. "Friends?"

Her grin immediately settles me. "Friends," I tell her.

"What in the devil are you two fine folks up to tonight?" Liam asks, wrapping his arms around both Hazel and I. 

"Nothin'," I laugh squirming out from under his arm. I can't help but notice the way Kitty huffs and crosses her arms. Kitty's always in some kind of mood, but she seems particularly sour all of a sudden.

"What happened to you two?" the redhead on Niall's arm asks.

"We just got turned around, Luce," Hazel replies to her friend while I try to make a mental note of her name. As nervous as I am for Hazel to spend time with my friends, I'm even more nervous for her friend Lucy to like me. This relationship is hard enough to get off the ground as it is.

I open my mouth to say hello, but freeze when I'm met with an intense stare as she makes her way from Niall over to Hazel. 

"You sure?" she asks Hazel.

She hates me.

"Absolutely. I accidentally took a wrong turn on my way to see the games," Hazel offers up. She seems to be her usual friendly self, but the two of them have that funny look in their eyes. It reminds me of Gem's face whenever she would try to tell her friend some secret about a boy and they don't want me to know about it.

Lucy takes in Hazel's response with a slow nod, but turns to face me as she replies, "I didn't realize people would be playing games here."

Yep, she definitely hates me.

"I didn't either," Kitty adds, folding her arms. My guilt quickly turns into annoyance.

"I didn't think we were going to spend the night blabbering on," Louis says to Kitty, "but then again, you're always full of surprises aren't you, doll." She promptly shoots his smirk with a glare as Liam and Niall cackle at Kitty's ruffled feathers.

"Why don't we all just quit the yammering and go," I say somewhat in a huff.

"Yes, exactly," Kitty exhales as if I was defending her or something. I glance back at Hazel who stares at Kitty with such contempt it's hard not to laugh again. She reminds me of a little kettle, poised and elegant, that is until something's got her fired up. I rub my jaw to try and wipe the growing smile on my face- I don't need to give Hazel any more reason to be annoyed with me.

Clapping her hands together, Hazel asks Lucy with a tight breath, "Carousel, then?"

"Yes, let's," Lucy replies with an eye roll. The two girls take hold of each other by the arm and head towards the rides. The rest of the group follows with the girls linking arms and gossiping to one another while the guys hang back and push and shove each other. The only exception is Kitty who I can't help but feel like is lingering behind the other girls to be near me.

"So many people here tonight, aren't there?" Kitty says.

"Suppose there is," I reply, keeping my eyes focused on Lucy and Hazel. The two seem to be caught up in a deep conversation and from the way Lucy keeps glancing back, I'm pretty sure it's about me.

"I mean, all sorts of people," Kitty continues, "which is very interesting seeing as I'm sure some people had to come a long ways. And really there isn't anything too special so it makes you wonder why they even came over in the first place, doesn't it?"

"Kitty, what are you on about?" Louis whines, mirroring my own confusion.

"I'm just wondering," she protests with a slow and snooty bat of her eyelashes. K

itty keeps yammering on while Louis teases her, but I don't really pay attention. I'm too focused on the way Hazel tilts her head back when she laughs at something Lucy's said and the way she holds her hands out apologetically to a lamp post that she nearly walked into. What a funny little creature she is.

A hard slap on my back jolts me from my daydreaming. "You want to explain to me what you're playing at here?" Louis asks.

"Yeah, aren't you two going steady?" Liam adds.

"Bloody hell, would you shut your trap!" I snap under my breath as I watch Kitty make her way up to the other gals.

Liam throws his hands up in confusion. "Did I miss something? 'Cause last time I saw you, you were going on and on about getting her movie seats."

"Oo nice, did he get you the balcony?" Louis taunts with dancing eyebrows. "Did ya get a good look at the sights?"

"Ah, leave it be," I laugh, shoving him to the side. Louis trips slightly in his laughter nearly taking out some massive lad as he walks past. Louis scampers ahead to avoid being decked, sending Niall, Liam, and I into a fit of laughter.

"I'm not sayin' I'm some Casanova, but aren't you supposed to be, you know, with the gal you're going steady with?" Liam asks as we collect ourselves.

"Look, we're a thing, alright. I just haven't gotten around to talking to Mr. Williams and I don't need Ms. Blabbermouth making that any worse for me," I reply quietly, nodding my head over at Kitty. The boys seems to ponder this for a moment, but I get the sense it's just to calculate their next taunt. "And besides, it's not like Niall's walking with his bird so just lay off would you?"

"Hey, you leave me out of this," Niall scoffs.

"Yeah well from the looks she's giving him, Niall doesn't need to walk with her," Louis says with a smirk. "He's already got to be thinkin' if the baby's name is gonna be Niall Jr. or not."

"Ah, phooey!" Niall yelps, pulling his cap down tighter on his head as the three of us burst out into laughter. "Don't be talkin' like that. You'll jinx my luck!"

"Trust me, you don't want that much luck," Liam chides.

"You're all just jealous," Niall complains. "And don't be talking about her like that. It's not like that."

"Well, at least you have a 'that'," Louis laughs, draping his arm over an annoyed Niall. "But you, lad?" he says to me, "What on earth do you have going on?"

"I have people nagging me is what I have," I say.

"No," Liam replies with a chuckle, "what you've got is competition."

I scrunch my eyebrows, confused by his meaning, when I follow his pointed finger to see a group of men all standing about the girls, one of which who is entirely too close to Hazel for my taste.

"Bloody hell," I whisper under my breath as I stop walking.

"May want to reevaluate your big plan, eh?" Louis chuckles

"Harry, come over here!" Kitty calls with an obnoxiously enthusiastic smile. Oh, so now, she's all fine and dandy?

I cringe as Louis and the lads all burst out laughing at me. 

"Don't worry, Harry. We've got you covered!" Niall calls back as the boys all laugh and catch up with the girls in line. Heaven help me, I think this night's gonna kill me.

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