Levi X Jealous Reader: When J...

By CutieStar36

15.6K 550 438

A new arrival... is she all what she seems? More

Levi X Jealous Reader: Overview~
[1] : Confusion and a Surprise
[2] : Blushing and Introducing
[3] : Chatting and Whatsapp
[4] : Art and craft
[5] : Shopping and friends
[6] : Cooking and chatting
[7] : Date and truths [1]
[7] : Date and truths [2]
[8]: Late night and Messaging
[9] : History class
[10] : Tennis Class
[11] : Thinking and Hiding
[12]: Classroom Discussions
[13]: The Ashwood Manor
[14]: Touring Ashwood Manor
[15]: Crush?
[16]: Over the top
[17]: Internal conflict
[18]: Resolved?
[19]: Deep down
[20]: Another perspective
[21]: Split in two
[22]: Confronting the issue
[23]: Taking its toll
[24]: Holding back
[25]: Under the Layers
[25]: Opportunity
[27]: Danger Zone
[29]: Only time will tell...
โ˜†Final Authors noteโ˜†

[28]: The deep end

391 15 19
By CutieStar36

Commentator voice: Welcome back, we have a crazy love-obsessed stalker on the loose! Find out how Levi and ___ handle it! Be warned, you're up for a very long chapter ahead of you!


"For You Levi... for us!" She screamed before running towards us, the sharp knife pointed out towards us.

"Run." Levi said. "RUN!!" He shouted. My eyes widened, why Levi... but nevertheless, I ran.

I knew he was going to handle this, but I wanted to help. I ran down corridors, and they were all dark. There must've been a power cut.

I saw someone coming out of one of the rooms. Eren! My face lit up immediately. "Eren! Eren!" He looked up at me, and smiled, "Hi, ___" He said. But he frowned when he saw my worried face. "What's the matter?" He asked.

I took a few seconds to catch my breath. "Eren... help... me... help me!" I cried looking him dead in the eye. He placed his hands on my shoulders, while saying, "What do you need help with?"

"Its... Natsumi... she has a knife... and she's threatening to kill us!!" I cried, desperately. "Oh my..." he gasped. 'I knew there was something strange about her after all...' he thought.

"Come on ___, let's get some help!" Eren instructed. ___ nodded her head.

Back to Levi handling Natsumi...
Levi's pov:

I told ___ to go on ahead of us. I mean, I don't want her to get hurt. I love her, it'd pain me to see her get hurt, because of me. Why... my suspicions were correct, Natsumi had feelings for me after all. She's insane!! She wants to kill us over her love for me..?!

I'd managed to block the attack from Natsumi. Seriously, if I hadn't made it in time, I would've been stabbed...

"Why Levi, why do you have to be with her, when you have me, me, me!" She screamed while trying to stab me.

"It's because I love her. I'm in love with ___ ___!" I shouted at back. I don't care if anyone had heard or not, because it's true, and I don't want anyone to think that I crush on anyone else.

"What?! How could you say that! You're heartless! I love you and only you!! You should do the same back to me!!!" She screamed.

This time, the knife scraped my hand. "Argh..." I grunted. Blood started to seep out of my hand. I wanted to treat it quick, because it will get infected. But infant now; its life against death.

"Tch" I nurtured. "Heh heh~ seems like you've learnt your lesson dear~" she chucked darkly. I snapped. I'm not going to let anyone push me around like that.

I've never done this before but... I punched Natsumi in the face.

This caused her to go flying. I stared at her almost in shock. Did I knock her out?

She suddenly sat up and rubbed her face, in confusion. There was a bruise on her forehead. "Levi, Levi, Levi. Why did you ruin my face?! I styled my face up all morning for you, and this is what I get?!" She yelled while standing up, and brushing off her clothes.

Then unexpected happened next. Her eyes went black, and then they turned Red. Like fiery red. What the-

"Seems like you haven't learnt your lesson? Prepare to be mine!!" She screamed, her voice all sadistic.

This time, Natsumi held the knife firmly by her side.

She moved her shoulders around in a circular motion, and slowly looked up at me. I've never seen her like this before. She must have been severely tormented by something before.

I stood my ground, and decided to play along with her act. I stared at her intently, ready to see her next move. Out of the blue, she ran up and hugged me. I stiffened up, and used all my courage to not push her off. After all, this is is a battle between life and death, she has a knife.

She wrapped her hand around me, and I frowned even further. This filthy price of...!! Hugging me!!

She nuzzled her face into my neck. I was getting more angrier by the minute. "See Levi... you can't resist my charms!" She smiled into my neck.

My hands were dangling hopelessly by my side. Then suddenly, I felt pain through my back.

"This is so you don't escape." She chucked. "What- what have you done?" I asked, trying to ignore the burning sensation in my back. "I've injected you with anaesthetic, so your limbs will go limp, and eventually you'll fall asleep. It's perfect, because when you wake up, you'll be in my house. All to myself" she explained.

I slowly started to feel my left arm go limp, from my hands, slowly up and till my shoulders. No... I can't let her go on like this!

I used my remaining hand to push her off me. "Aww, you feeling bad?" Natsumi teased with a sympathetic yet crazy smirk, "This is for the sake of us y'know...!"

"You won't be saved just to let you know" Natsumi remarked.

I saw her lift up the knife a little, and touch it from the tip to the end, with her fingers. "We won't be needing this anymore" She giggled.

"STOP RIGHT THERE!" A voice yelled from behind. I turned around and saw Mr Smith, with Miss Zoë, and Eren. Finally, some help...

"Put your weapon down." Mr Smith instructed calmly. Natsumi tried to play innocent, "Oh hello~" She smiled. By now, the knife had been hidden in the back pocket of her skirt.

Mr Smith looked slightly shaken, and Miss Zoë had an unreadable expression on her face. "What weapon?" Natsumi asked.

"She's lying!" Eren shouted. I saw Natsumi's eye twitch for a second.

If she was going to play games, well I'm going to prove her wrong.

I lifted up my hand, so the teachers and Eren could see. My hand was still bleeding I heard Eren gasp. "Levi..." he gasped.

I took this as my opportunity and walked back till I was beside the teachers.

"Run, Levi, we'll handle this" Hanji whispered in my ear. I looked at me, and she was smiling, giving me a knowing smirk. I nodded my head and ran off.

But someway down the corner, I heard a scream, a scream of pain.

Back to ___.

___'s pov:

They must be reached Natsumi by now. I hope everything is alright now...

I looked up as I heard approaching footsteps. My heart rate quickened. I looked up, and saw it was Levi. "Levi!" I shouted "Are you okay?!" I looked at his hand. It was bleeding. I immediately ran up to him, and hugged him.

"Levi... what happened" I felt him lean against me, he must be tired. Levi looked somewhat shocked, but worried, yet somewhat relieved that he'd seen me.

"Natsumi had forced me into a hug, and she took that opportunity to inject me with anaesthetic. My body is going limp ever so slowly and I will pass out when the injection is completed its task." I gasped, "My left arm has already gone limp. Same side as the fashion my hand, so I can't really feel anything."

I started tearing up, this is all my fault... Levi has gotten himself hurt, all because of the safety of me... I should've listen to that note but no... I didn't...

"Don't feel regrets, ___, I did this, for you, for your safety, because I care about you, and because... I..." Levi paused. My eyes widened in anticipation. Levi's eyes widened slightly, and I saw sweat roll down the side of his head.

"Levi...?" He still looked shocked, but this time, his cheeks went kind of red. "Arghh..." he suddenly grunted. He slumped down and I picked him up, just in time.

I moved him over to the lockers for support. He squinted in agony before saying, "That's my left leg gone..."

"Levi, come on, we have to get you going, your bleeding, your weak, and you're numb."

"But saving you was a choice with no regrets" he finished. For some reason that quite brought a chill up my spine.

"Oh there you are..." a voice said. Please no... it can't be... please no...

I slowly looked up and it was Natsumi. I quickly whispered on Levi's ear, "We need to run." I put his left arm around my shoulder and held him firmly. It's the best I can do.

Levi and I stood up gently. I stared at Natsumi dead in the eeye her yes we're red. By now I was fuming. "You heartless creature..." I shot back. "Heartless?" She mocked, "Says the one who took Levi away from his destined lover!" I clenched my teeth, and had to restrain myself from lunging at her and downright strangling her will she choked.

I ignored what else she had to say, and started running away with Levi. He was hopping on one side, since his leg was paralysed. "Thank you..." he muttered.

"Running away are we?" I heard Natsumi tease. I heard her footsteps quicken. So I quickly took off my shoe, and held it in my left hand.

Her footsteps were coming closer and closer, until, I turned around and threw my shoe really hard in her face.

She fell back onto the cold ground.

I sped up my pace quickly, and turned around a corner.  I then her snickering beside mme Levi was snickering. "Pfft, seems like for her, it's a bad face day!" I smirked at his cuss, and blushed a little. I saw an upcoming classroom, and quickly entered it. We went right to the back of the class, and hid under the table.

Well have to hide here until its safe, and we get help. Suddenly, Levi pulled me into a hug from my side. I blushed from the sudden contact, and he nuzzled his face into my neck. I took this as a one time thing, and held his hands.

"So we wait... until the coast is clear..." I muttered. Levi turned my face towards me, and smiled. "Thank you... for everything." He smiled. But what have I done?

I smiled back, and felt the heat rising up in my cheeks.

But our locket moment was ruined by the sound of a door opening. "Where are you~?" A cracked voice rang. It was Natsumi's.

"I'm very sure they came in here?" I heard her mutter. My eyes widened, but I felt Levi oat my arm in reassurance. Natsumi ever so slowly walked around the class she took a deep breath and laughed. "Found you~" she ain't sinisterly, and bent down so she was facing us. I almost jumped. I climbed out from under the table and faced Natsumi. There's point hiding away from her now.

"You think you could hide from me?" She smirked. "Yes, because your brains a size of a walnut, under that purple wig you wear!" I shot back. She gasped, then smirked. "Well at least I'm more attractive than you!" She argued. "But it's not about the looks!" I fired back.

"You're really getting on my nerves, you know, ___, I might as well kill you, here, for my sake, and Levi's!" She said, touching the knife.

I was frightened, but I wouldn't give up a fight. I looked to my side, and saw a chair. Perfect. "You just don't get it, do you, ___. Me and Levi were destined to be together. Fate made that happen." She remarked. I rolled my eyes.

"And people like you, are a waste of space. Thanks for becoming my friend, you helped me achieve my target. To find love" She continued.

I felt rage seeth through my veins. I was being used, like a puppet, this whole time?

I felt something snap inside of me. "Heh~ I'm surprised, you're white stupid, it took you long enough to realize that." Natsumi sneered.

"Nobody, Uses. Me. Friendships. Aren't to be messed with." I said throughout gritted teeth. The rage was building up through my chest.

"Well in this case, it has!" She laughed.

"Nobody does that!!" I said, my voice sounding like a monster; two voices at once.

I looked at the chair and quickly glanced at her shakened state. I picked up the chair, and it went flying at her. She fell back, hard, on the ground. I stared at her for a few seconds. She didn't get up.

I took this opportunity, and helped Levi up from under the table. "My right arm is gone." He squinted, and then glanced at Natsumi's unconscious body. "Man, you really hit her hard." He remarked.

We walked out, down corridors, trying to find more help. I heard sounds, so we must've been near people, because we heard sounds.

The classroom door opened up and it was Eren. He looked distraught. "___... Levi!!" He gasped. "Eren how come you're here?Did you get help?" I asked worriedly. His eyes widened, and he spoke, "I did, but Erwin got stabbed in his arm, and Hanji got scratched on her face. I sent them to the medical room, and sent out another search party. The main thing is I've seen you now." Eren explained.

"Oh okay." I sighed. "Aghhh!" Levi cried. He then fell to the ground. "Levi!!" Eren and I shouted. "Levi's now paralyzed, all over, we need get help now!!" I cried.

"Guys!!" Eren cried to the classroom. Some people came out, including, Mikasa, Armin, Sasha, Connie, Jean, Marco, Mike, and Nanaba.

When they saw Levi on the floor in agony, they immediately helped him. "We have to take him to the medical room right now. And he's bleeding!" Connie instructed. I looked at Levi hopelessly, and he slowly looked up at me. I felt like crying but I can't, I have to stay strong for Levi, for everyone else.

When Levi was supported by Connie and Nanaba, his head fell back, signalling he passed out. "Levi is unconscious now! We have to hurry!" Connie cried. Nanaba and Connie, ran off to the medical room straight away.

"Stay safe... Levi..." I muttered.

Mikasa rubbed my back, in attempt to calm me down. "It's alright dear, everything is going to be alright." She cooed.

Like usual, I couldn't help but feel uneasy.

Like how long will it be that Natsumi is knocked out for?

My question was answered when I heard heavy panting and footsteps.

I turned around slowly, and heard a few gasps. Natsumi looked like a zombie. Her hair, or shall I say, wig, was messed up, she had blood running down the side of her head, from chair-san, and her clothes looked quite dirty.

"You think I'm done with you?!" She screamed at me. "You haven't won Levi, and you never will!"

"Howdy guys!" We heard a jolly voice. Now who could be happy at this moment in time?! We turned around and saw Kenny Ackerman. He had weapons around his back.

"What's up?" He beamed. He looked up at Natsumi, and his smile disintegrated off from his face. "Looks like someone had a bad hair day..." he chucked. I would've laughed, but like I said, the situation I'm in, I don't feel up to it.

Natsumi ignored Kenny's snide joke, and continued her little speech.

"Like I said, Levi is mine, and always will be mine. We were destined to be together. Prepare to die!!!" She screamed, eyes red in fury, before running towards me with the knife. Again.

However, Kenny picked up, and lunged towards her, blocking her attack. He grabbed her, and pulled out a needle from his pocket, then jabbed her arm with it.

She screamed in agony, and with outstretched arms, "You'll be mine, Levi, all mine!!" Before passing out in Kenny's arms.

"Don't worry about her, I just injected her with a sleeping injection, so she'll wake up in a few hours time. It's a coincidence I had that needle, because I was going to go bird hunting, but I remembered that Levi left his coursework at home, so I came here to drop it in." Kenny explained while smiling.

"Oh my, what just happened..." Armin gasped. "A crazy girl who's madly increased over her lover who's just been stopped" I sighed.

Kenny was the only one to chuckle at that joke.

I felt, at last, content, knowing that Natsumi cannot harm anyone no more her crazy obsession is out.

I sighed and smiled at everyone, before my eyes felt heavy, and darkness overtook me.


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