[8]: Late night and Messaging

401 19 16

(Still Levi's pov)

Ding! Ding!

My eyes stirred and they eventually fluttered open. Ughh... what was that? I reached over to my bedside table and switched on my phone:

[☆1 New message]

Should've put my phone on silent... Who'd want to send me a message this time of the night? It's 3:00am! I'm trying to sleep, even though I have insomnia, but this ain't helping! I flicked up the screen and typed in my pin.


Natsumi A

->>Hey Levi, can we chat?

Ughh it's so late, why now Natsumi? Talk about wrong timing! We can talk in the day time, like we always do. I could reply, but I'm not bothered. I'm tired. I'm sorry Natsumi, I'll reply later. I exit the app, and switched off the screen.

"I'll talk... to you.. later..." I muttered before closing my eyes and drifting off.


A week later:

__'s pov:

Just another stressing, and time consuming school day, at Titan High. I'm just waiting for the teacher, just like everyone else, Mr Smith, he must be running a bit late. Another person walked through the door, and looked up to see it was Levi. "Hi!" I smiled. "Hello!" He replied with a glint in his eye.

I noticed that Levi looked kinda tired- well a little bit more tired, like he hadn't got much sleep. He does suffer from insomnia, so that may be the case. Levi came and sat down next to me and got out his stationary. Over the past few weeks and since I came to terms my feelings for Levi, I've also found it harder to interact with him, therefore our conversations became more awkward.

I've also realised something- that my feelings for Levi- my 'crush' on him has turned into something much more than that- I think I'm actually starting to fall in love with him. Well we have been friends since we were 8! I don't think Levi would return the feelings, but he probably thinks of me as a good friend. *Sigh* I'm hopelessly in love with Levi!

"__? __?" Levi called. "Huh?" I blurted. "__ to earth, earth to __!" He waved. "O-oh!! I'm sorry!"

I face palmed as I realised I had been thinking about Levi the whole time, while he was there. I looked around the class frantically, then locked onto Levi's steel orbs. He raised one eyebrow in question. Without notice, Levi pulled a strand of my hair out of my face. He leaned forward and said, "It was in your face" I only realised how close we were when our noses touched.

"Whoaaeee" (XD did anyone else make strange sounds in front of their crush or was it just me?) I blurted while moving far back. That was beyond embarrassing! My heart was beating very face, and glanced at Levi, he gave me a puzzling look.

"Um, so you want to talk about anything?" I hastily said. "Nothing much... Really..." He answered. I could still feel Levi's gaze on me and I coughed nervously. "Oh yeah, can you hold this for a second?" Levi pulled his phone out of his side bag. Levi has a Samsung Galaxy S7 mobile,It's very big compared to my (phone brand)!

"Sure!" I smiled. "Thanks" Levi patted my shoulder. Levi walked over to the front of the classroom. Wow... Such a shiny clean screen... My one is covered in finger prints! I glanced up at Levi he was pulling out his book. I must've accidentally pressed something because the screen flicked on... Oh yeah... His wallpaper... (It was a photo of you and Levi smiling) that day... Was an awesome day...

I looked up at Levi, he was pulling out his books. I looked back down at his phone screen. A sudden pang of curiosity struck me. I flicked up the screen and typed in a pin. (You know Levi's phone pin because he gave it to you when your phone broke down).

Why am I even doing this?! I feel so intrusive... I stared at the phone screen some more and see the Whatsapp app. Should I...? However my hands seemed to have their own instinct and tapped the app.



❋ (First name) (Last name)

❋ Natsumi Ashwood

❋ Kenny A.

Mrs (last name)


Natsumi Ashwood.

I need to stop!!!

-> Levi (0:01 am)

-> Can we chat? (6:45 am)

-> You available? (7:20 am)

-> Hello? (8:45 am)

What the- I know it isn't my business but isn't that kinda obsessive? How many times has Natsumi messaged Levi?! Maybe she needed him urgently for something but- I am weirded out! I looked up at Levi, he's still at the front. Phew! I closed the app, switched off the screen and leaned back in my chair.

Levi was now approaching me. I sent him a forced smile. I was shocked- I didn't want him to suspect anything!! I hope I don't look like I'm straining! "You alright?" Levi asked. "Yeah" I responded.

What where all those messages? Why does it bother me so much?

Levi X Jealous Reader: When Jealousy Strikes!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora