[2] : Blushing and Introducing

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Ding! Dong! Ding! Dong! The school bell went.

Your pov:

I just made it in time. I sat down, and next to Levi. I looked at him, then he looked up, and I felt my cheeks heat up.

"You OK?" He interrupted me once again. "Y-yeah, I'm ok! What about you?" I hastily answered. "Good. Just concerned about you." There it was again. I felt that pang of guilt!

As soon as everyone settled down, the teacher, Mr Smith stood up, and he looked slightly happy. Natsumi walked in, with that stoic expression like Levi and stood by Mr Smith. "As you see" Mr Smith began, "We have a new student, and her name is Natsumi Ashwood."

 Everyone's eyes glistened, and I heard mumbling. I just stared at her with a blank expression, and Levi stared at her with emotionless eyes. Natsumi looked around at everyone, studying them while keeping a straight face.

"She comes all the way from Sina" I heard the 'oooh's' and 'wow's' from the students. 

Interesting. I've heard Sina is a rich place full of rich people, and a great place to go. Probably the reason why she has a straight face is because she's not used to this place. Tch. 

While blabbing on about facts about Natsumi, she scanned her eyes around the room, and they landed on me. She studied me like she was doing a survey in her head, and I stared at her. She had a glint in her eye. 

Well I wonder what terms we will be on?

She moved her eyes across to Levi. Something flickered in her eye. Levi seemed to notice that she was staring at him. She continued to stare at him for a few seconds and Levi broke the gaze. 

She was interrupted when Mr Smith said, "Natsumi, you may sit next to Levi" She walked calmly over to him, but when she passed me, I felt the hairs on my back raise. That's unusual. Levi looked at her, as she was sitting down and she looked back at him.

Mr Smith started to teach and I took notes.


Ding dong! Ding dong! The break time bell went.

Everybody stood up, ready for break time. I was hungry so I decided to go to the canteen. Mumbles and murmurs spread across the class.

"Shh, settle down everyone" Mr Smith said. Everyone murmurs died down. "Class dismissed." I walked out of class followed by Levi and everyone else. "I want to go canteen, I'm feeling peckish" I informed Levi.

He responded with a "Hmm", while staring at me. I found my eyes captured with his for a split second, His, steel grey orbs glistening and refusing to move. 

Oh, how the sun defined his face; his sharp face, A stoic expression that wasn't too threatening, and hid his pain from the past so well. He had smooth skin, and beautiful eyes. My stomach grumbled, breaking me away from this moment and I blushed and looked away. (What the heck did I even write here?!)

"So let's go now". However, I felt a pair of eyes on me. No, not Levi's but another pair.

I turned around to discover Natsumi staring at me, with here emotionless eyes. Well I'm guessing she just overheard our conversation, and saw what just happened to me. I blushed even harder.

"C'mon Levi, let's go!"

At the canteen:

I sat down and I had just bought a cookie, and Levi got a drink as well. He sat opposite of me. I started munching on my cookie and felt like I was in Heaven. Ohhh, this cookie is soooo good! I was swinging my legs under the table, because of that. 

"So then __" Levi interrupted, "You ok?" I froze for a second. Of course I'm not! Do you even realise I'm trying to manage the fact that I'm falling for you?! "Yes" I replied hastily. Chomp! I went into my cookie.

Levi then rested his face on his arm that was on the table. He looked up to me, and his eyes were glistening.

Oh, please don't do this! Not now! I found my self not eating my cookie anymore and just stared into his eyes. My face started to heat up, and the strangest thing happened next. I saw a tinge of pink grow on Levi's face which turned into a full on red blush. 

I only realised why when I felt a light pressure on my hand. Levi held my hand and I stared at him wide-eyed unable to respond. "I don't like the fact that you're hiding something from me__. I do... care about you... y'know...." and he looked away. 

I felt like exploding.

Someone else walked into the canteen which averted out attention, but it was Natsumi with that same distant expression followed by her 'fans'. I just don't understand how someone can be so popular yet they are new to the school. 

I quickly got up and said to Levi who was still blushing a little, "Well I'm done!" And walked off. I didn't even wait for Levi. I was too flustered to even think with him around. Especially after what just happened. I needed time to myself to sought my self out.

Just as I was about to exit the canteen, I walked past Natsumi again. Time seemed to slow down as our eyes locked. (Like the scene in the Aot no regrets ova where Levi walks past Erwin) Her eyes showed something odd- something I couldn't put my finger on.

I found her kind of scary. So I looked away, trying to process what happened and rushed to the girls' bathroom.

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