[25]: Opportunity

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'Meet me on the rooftop at the start of lunch'

__'s pov:

Lunch has just begun. I've been thinking about this all morning, now what could this be about? I have to be pretty sneaky though, I need to avoid Natsumi. The cause of all this.


As I made my way up the stairs, I couldn't help but feel uneasy. I mean, for starters I'm scared of my own 'best friend' *ahem* should it be, 'ex best-friend' and she could be anywhere right now. What if she was the one who wrote that note...?!

My legs felt the need to give up, but I had to force myself to move them. If it's her, I'll accept it.

As I got to the top of the stairs, my heart rate began to increase. I slowly made my way A cross the roof, once I reached the top. I took a deep breath and advanced forward.

I saw a figure leaning against the rails, staring out into the horizon. It was a boy. Phew.

The boy turned around, and it revealed to be Levi. Levi...? I felt butterflies swirl up in my stomach and my breathing quicken. He probably is going to shout out me.

I slowly walked forward, ready embrace my fate. When I was closer to him, he spoke, "___... he muttered.

Third pov:

___ slowly looked up, at Levi, then looked into Levi's eyes. His eyes were filled with sadness and regret. He held her hands then slowly pulled her in an embrace.

Luckily no one else was on the rooftop, because his actions would've spread like wildfire. ___ stared into the horizon shocked.

"___, why do you keep doing this?" He whispered "Hiding from me? I thought we made up though, the other day?" ___ was stunned, and refused to hug back, because of how insecure she felt, Natsumi could be anywhere...

Levi pulled away, and stared ___ I'm the eye, as she looked away, but then stroked her face, causing her to look up at him. She blushed a little, and shuddered under his touch.

But there was one question that was making her feel unsafe. "Levi... h-how did you get rid of Natsumi?" ___ asked, trying not to sound too harsh. Levi sighed, and replied with, "I told her I had a club to go to." ___ a wave of relief wander over ___, but would Natsumi actually believe it?

Levi continued stroking ___'s concern written all over his. "Like I said," he began, and started blushing, "I-I really care about you. I mean, we've known each other for like forever, and it pains me to see you like this!" Levi explained. ___'s eyes widened in shock, 'so Levi doesn't hate me after all' She thought.

But ___ started chucking, "Hah hah!" She laughed. "W-what's so funny?" Levi stammered. "Y-you look so cute when you blush, and when you do... you stutter!" She said, catching her breath. This made Levi's cheeks go even redder, and he flicked her forehead.

Levi stared down at ___ and gave her one of his rare smiles, that made ___ melt, then added seriously, "But we have some explaining to do." That made ___ frown.


___ now knew about how much Levi cared for her, so she realised that she couldn't hide the actual reason why she's upset anymore, away from Levi. She decided to confess soon.

___ decided to let loose and explain what was bothering her; Natsumi and her attempts to get Levi. Levi silently listened the whole time, and to her surprise, agreed with her. Levi then began to explain how he'd noticed that Natsumi had been acting stranger and more closer to Levi, ever since ___ left them, for the first time.

Both Levi and ___ eventually came to a summary, that Natsumi needs to stop; she's not normal, and she's the reason why the relationship is breaking up. They both apologised for the pain that has caused between the two during this whole time. But what either of them didn't know, the real pain was that the fact they loved each other.

"Wow, I didn't even know it end up going that smooth" ___ sighed contently, "Yeah, we are practically childhood friends, so our bond is pretty strong." Levi sighed.

'How could I not trust Levi this whole time; He's really not like anyone else, he really does care for me, he really is trustworthy' ___ thought.

After another relaxing silence, Levi turned to ___, she did the same back, and they eventually hugged each other. When they pulled away, they stared at each other, almost lovingly, and Levi slowly leaned in. ___'s eyes widened a little, and she then leaned in. Closer and closer... until-

___'s stomach grumbled. ___'s eyes shot open, and she immediately pulled away. "Arghh... I guess I forgot about lunch..." She blushed profusely.

"Heh heh" Levi laughed. __ playfully slapped Levi's arm in embarrassment.

"Maybe you should head to lunch" Levi suggested. __ nodded her head but was slightly worried.

Levi had made a quick plan in his head, on how he's going to deal with the Natsumi incident without raising Natsumi's suspicions.

He told ___ quickly what he's going to do. This includes acting like Nothing is wrong around Natsumi yet he's secretly taking note of her strange behavior, yet when the time is right, he will tell her about it.

"Okay then, good luck" ___ supported. "You too" Levi said.

Some times you have to have at least a little hope~

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