[6] : Cooking and chatting

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"Listen up class, I'll be putting you into pairs." Instructed Mr. Zacharius.


"Armin with Mikasa!" And Armin's cheeks went a light shade of pink while Mikasa shrugged. "Connie with Sasha." "Yay!" They replied and high-fived. "Marco with Jean" Marco blushed furiously as Jean slunk his arm around his shoulder. "Let's go!"

"Levi with Natsumi"

"And last but least, __ and Eren"


__'s pov:

I got paired up... with Eren? Well, there's nothing bad about being with Eren, he is my friend though, but I would've preferred Levi. Eren is fun, but I would have had twice as much fun or even triple as much with Levi. I am starting to think that our relationship has progressed even further after last Saturday. Levi hugged me and he was blushing. He even asked me to go out with him. Sqeee!! I still cannot believe that happened. Practically, we're gonna go out on a date-

"__, let's go get our food!" Interrupted Eren. I stared at him for a second. "Yeah Eren"


Mr Zacharius was giving us a tutorial on how to cook pizza. "Get out your ingredients: flour, butter, tomato puree, cheese, and other flavourings, such as mushroom, if you have any." I was standing next to Eren.

"Enough chit-chat why can't we just get on with making the food?" Sneered Eren. I snorted "True that, I still don't know why teachers give us tutorials even though we are old enough!" 

"We're not children!" Eren smirked. "Anything funny?" Mr. Zacharius questioned as he looked up at us. I felt my face go red, and I stiffened. I looked to my side and Eren was really stiff and his face went red. Everybody in the class was staring at us, and I felt like going invisible.

I looked to my right and saw Natsumi and Levi staring at us. Levi had a look of concern on his face. Natsumi looked kind of shocked. Mr Zacharius continued staring at us until he said, "Well then, keep quiet" and continued talking.

Both of us exhaled, as we were let off this time. Oh my gosh that was so embarrassing. Eren and I looked at each other and we exchanged nervous glances.


Eren was preparing the dough, while I was getting out the ingredients. "Ok Eren, you need to kneed it carefully, make sure there is no lumps in the base" I instructed. "I know I know, you're acting like Mikasa!" Eren frowned. I flicked his forehead. "Hey!" And he smirked at me. Eren ruffled my hair causing me to wince. "You better wash you hands after that!" Came a voice from behind.

We turned around to see Levi. "Hey there!" I cheered. "Hello" he replied.

"What brings you here?" Laughed Eren, "How unhygienic you are" Levi fired back, causing Eren to frown. I nudged him playfully in the ribs. "He's only joking Eren!" I cooed. "Aren't ya, Levi?"


Natsumi came over. "Hey!" She said. I smirked. "How're you getting on with Levi the shor-" Levi pulled. My ear, "Oww!! Stop!! Stop!!" I pleaded. He let go and I rubbed my tingling ear. Natsumi giggled. Levi smirked. "Serves you right!" Levi laughed.

"Guys, we gotta go back to work before Mr. Sniffer (Aka Mike Zacharius) sniffs us down" Eren warned. Levi looked traumatised for a second then Natsumi pulled him away. "*Phew*, that was close, Eren, thanks!" Eren washed his hands so he wouldn't get grilled by Clean-freak again.


Eren and I had now prepared the base, spread out the tomato puree, but now we needed to grate the cheese. Mm, smells tasty! I was grating the cheese, trying not to hog some of it.

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