[29]: Only time will tell...

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I slowly open up my eyes, then realised I was not in a familiar room. Ah, yes, I remembered, I passed out.

I looked to my side and saw Levi still asleep. I hope then injection hasn't done too much damage...

I looked around and realised we were in a hospital room. "Ah you're awake now, ___" A voice said beside me. Eren.

"Hey Eren!" Smiled he smiled back. "How long have I been out?" I asked. "A few hours. Me and everyone else, realised you must have taken a lot of damage after fighting Natsumi, so we immediately transferred you to the hospital." Eren explained.

I looked at the clock. 8:45pm.

"Don't worry about the time, your mum has been informed of your whereabouts." Eren said. I sighed in relief. I don't want her to think I've gone missing just like my dad.

"So where's Natsumi?" I asked. "She took a great deal of damage too, and now she's in the hospital with us. In the mental health ward."

That's where she belongs. "But don't you worry, she isn't going to escape. The doctors and nurses know all about her, so they won't let her go until they find out why she's like that, and how to help her."

I sighed again. "Oh you're awake ___!" A voice said, while entering our room. It was Miss Zoë. She had a plaster/ band aid on her face. Followed behind her, was Mr Smith, and he had a bandage wrapped around his arm.

"Are you alright?" I asked, concerned. "I should be asking you that!" Miss Zoë mused. "Oh and call me Hanji." She smiled. "And call me Erwin." Erwin smiled too.

"Oh okay"

I heard shuffling beside me, and looked and saw that Levi was waking up. When his eyes focused, he looked at me. "Where am I..." he muttered, tiredly. "The hospital" Hanji answered while grabbing a chair, and sat next to Eren, and Erwin did the same, next to Levi.


After the others were informed of us waking up, we were covered in hugs, and constant worries of my friends. "I'm really okay" I laughed, trying to calm then down. My mother came in too, alongside Kenny, and she hugged me, and fretted over me. Kenny hugged Levi, and Levi frowned. This time, I laughed.

When the commotion sides down, we were all seated, almost in a circle, and decided to tell the truths.


Erwin had revealed to us all, secrets and all. Starting from Natsumi.

She had a mother, named Rosalina Ashwood, who she was really close to. Her mother was killed in front of her, by her neck being cut. when she was only 8, and almost got kidnapped. Her father had saved her, just in time.

This had permanently scarred her. Natsumi went insane, and would be screaming, and clawing everyone in her household, all the time, and her father considered her, to get counselling. But one night it all stopped.

Natsumi was normal the next day, saying that she had a dream about her mother, and her mother was talking to her, in the dream, saying that everything is going to be all right. She also said that her mother had said, that when she found love, go for it, and take the chance.

I guess she never fully understood and took it the wrong way. And due to her corrupted childhood, she is still a sand child at heart, and never learnt how to really grow up with out that motherly source. And maybe because she didn't get counselling, when she was supposed to, so that's why she never fully got over the loss, and eventually hurt others, which turned out to be us.

But Levi protested against that. He said it made no sense, as his mother died in front of him, at the age of 8, he came up from the underground, and lived in an alleyway, on the verge of death, yet, he never harmed anyone.

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