[10] : Tennis Class

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After History class:

__'s pov:

Finally, geography's over. That was a drag, I really was close to falling asleep! I rubbed my eyes and looked up. Then I saw two familiar faces; Natsumi and Levi.

Natsumi's pov:

Oh hey there, __! "Hi!" I smiled. "Sup?" __ asked. "Nothing much, just the same as usual!" She looked at Levi and he shrugged. "I almost fell asleep- again- in Mr eyebrow's class." __ and Levi snickered. Seriously, the name calling though...

"Anyways, ready for some sport?" __ said loudly. "Tch no." Levi retorted. "Ugh... Shadis is gonna drain us dry... constantly yelling... he needs to take a chill pill!" __ moaned. "You can say that again!" Levi agreed. Sport? Now? I wonder what it's gonna be like...?

"Oh hey, Natsumi, this is your first time doing sport right? In this school?" __ asked. "Yes. Yes it is" I replied. "Lucky you, I still don't know how you escaped from the wrath of Shadis"

"We better get going before he hounds us!" Warned Levi. "Agreed." __ nodded. "By the way, the sport is mixed" as in mixed, what do you mean __? "Meaning we'll be with Levi!" __ smirked. Oh, so mixed girls and boys sport!

Yes, once again, I'm happy to be with Levi! :-)
And __, of course! I suddenly felt a tugging sensation at my sleeve. "C'mon Natsumi, stop fantasising, and let's a go!" (Mario reference XD)

Oh this is gonna be fun, playing sport with Levi... I smiled whimsically.


(I agree with the fact I've been dragging this out, it's time to get the action it!! ;^))

No-ones pov:

"C'mon Natsumi!!" Boomed and exited __. She practically yanked Natsumi's sleeve so hard, it could of ripped it off! When they arrived at the girls' changing rooms, __ slammed her bag down on the bench. This caused some of the girls changing to look at her in confusion. "Whoa whoa, calm down __!" Natsumi ushered. "Why so?" __ pondered. "Um... your making a scene..." Natsumi whispered at her nervously. "Huh...? Oh.... Anyways I'm exited your gonna play sport with us!! Another friend makes it awesome!!"

"He-he~ okay..." Natsumi smiled uncomfortably.


After changing, out on the sports fields:

Levi waited patiently for us friends, __ and Natsumi. In the mean time he was stretching his arms.

Levi's pov:

Ugh... I wonder what eagle has in store for us today, he treats us like we're in the military! I looked up and saw my friends emerging themselves. Prepare yourselves... my friends...



"Yes sir!" Everyone called.


"Levi, Natsumi, you'll be working at the far end, and Eren, and __, you'll be working here!" Shadis barked. All of them scurried off to their assigned places.


__'s pov:

"Okay, I'll serve!" Levi called, while me, Natsumi and Eren were getting into our positions. Ok... now... focus! I eyes Levi intently as he raised the ball and then dropped it. Bam! The ball went flying. I shot Eren a glance, and he knew what it meant, so he went to hit the ball back. Don't screw up now Eren...! The adrenaline was stirring up inside of me like lemonade.

Whack! The ball went over the net.Thanks Eren. Natsumi took control, and hit it back. Whoosh!

I ran forward and slapped the ball back. "Take that!!!" I yelled. After a while, I really felt I was working hard.

Once again, the ball was coming over from Levi. I went to go up to hit it... but... I suddenly felt myself loose balance... as I tripped on my laces. Oh nooo!! I screamed in my head as I was falling to the ground.

However, I felt strong arms wrap around me."You're all right now..." Eren cooed. I stared into his eyes for a second, then replied, "Thanks Eren!"

He smiled, but this moment was short-lived when Levi shouted, "Oi! No slacking off, we gotta continue!" I was sure I saw a glint in his eye.

"Yes, we don't want a detention do we?!" Natsumi called. Well duhh!!

I hoped back onto my feet and continued.


"Ok brats, now that your training session is over, Yes, you heard me correct, your training session, it's now onto the actual thing." Some people attempted to sigh, but didn't even bother when eagle shot them a death glare. "Go!!" He yelled.


"I serve this time!!" I yelled. Whoosh! Levi nodded at Natsumi quickly and she hit back. Unlucky for me, I missed. "Darn it!" I looked up, and I saw Levi and Natsumi high five. You won't be cheering for long...

Natsumi's pov:

Yes! We won!! Beat that, __ and Eren!! I felt a tingling sensation when my hand hit Levi's though... I looked up, and __ had a evil grin on her face. "This means war" she laughed. "Oh yeah?" I smirked. "Try me" she shot back. The both of you are going down. I grinned madly.

I saw Eren and __ exchange glances and they nodded their heads.
Eren threw the ball. I nodded my head at Levi and I went. "Ugh!" I grunted. __ threw back. I focused on the ball, and eyed it carefully.


"Over here!" Eren called. I looked away, but then heard Levi shout, "watch out Natsumi!" Huh...?

Bang! Ugh... what happened? I slowly opened my eyes... and...


He was on top of me, and his eyes stared into mine. My eyes widened. Our faces where just centimetres apart... His eyes widened, "oh! I'm sorry Natsumi!" He got off me, and held his hand out. I stared up at the sky, as I felt a heavy blush come creeping in my face.


"You gonna get up or what?" He pondered. I looked at him blankly, then reality hit me. "Oh yes!" I took his hand, but I guess I pulled a bit to hard, because I crashed into him. Huh?

Our lips where just centimetres apart! I saw a light blush sweep a cross his cheeks, and realisation hit me. I backed away, and my face turned crimson. "S-sorry" we both muttered at the same time. "GUYS!" __ yelled.


"Calm down, __" Eren warned. I saw __ clutch the racket tighter.

Calm yourself... why are you getting so vexed?! Something embarrassing just happened between me and Levi! Levi... oh gosh... I felt like my heart was gonna explode back then... Our faces where so close... we could have kissed!

I felt myself get light headed, but then I felt a tap on my shoulder. "Come on Natsumi, lets get back to work" Levi instructed.



Ahh my arms where aching after I wrote this... more signs of you getting jealous, and more LeNav moments... ( XD that's the ship name of Levi X Natsumi...)

Anyways, how'd you find it?

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