[27]: Danger Zone

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___'s pov:

I am pretty much lost for words... I am quite flustered... but that was sweet... the main thing Levi knows about the 'real' Natsumi. Levi is so understanding... how could I doubt him?! But I'm so happy... we almost... kissed... but my stomach just had to rumble at the wrong time! 😑

Even though mostly everything is sorted out, and no secrets left that are hidden... well except my love for Levi, I've decided I'm going to confess soon. No point holding back anymore, and now I know Levi doesn't hate me, and never will, and even if I did confess I'd know we'd still be friends.

But for some reason, I feel somewhat... unsettled... are we really safe, Levi and I... from the wrath of Natsumi?

As we made our way down the bottom of the staircase, I remembered I have to check my school planner, Mr Smith said there would be a room change for English. I forgot what room we'd be in instead.

Levi and I walked up to our locker together, and I went to open it, but when I did, another note fell out.


When I when to pick it up, Levi lunged for it too. This resulted in both of our hands touching. I blushed, and quickly snatched the note away from Levi's hands.

"What does it say" he asked. I scanned my eyes over the paper and my eyes widened. 'Stay away from Levi' it read. What the...

Levi snatched it away, as he saw that I was stuck in a total state of shock. His eyes widened and I heard him gasp. Who could threaten me... unless they had a crush on Levi... but that would mean... no way...

"Unless it was Natsumi..." he gasped, his voice barely audible. "She really is insane..." he muttered. "___... ___? Do you want to report it... This needs to stop...." Levi suggested. "Huh...? B-but the teachers may not believe us I-I mean..." I trailed off, but was interrupted by an all familiar voice.

"Hey... Levi~" the voice called. I turned to my right side, and saw Natsumi standing in the distant. Levi stared at her, with an unreadable expression on his face. And to add to my bad luck... The hallway became emptier.

"Oh..." Natsumi began, "I've seen you brought... ___ along with you..." She said, venom and jealousy clear in her voice. She really is a monster!

"How was your club then?" She asked him, slowly advancing us. I stiffened up, and slowly shuffled back a little. "Did you- were you the one that wrote that note...?" Levi asked, holding it up. Why now Levi... wrong timing... why now... not now...

"Levi... that's not important. How was your club? Did you even attend it?" She repeated. Liar, how could she...?!

"Did you... write that note?" Levi said, his voice an octave higher, and his voice more stern. Natsumi's eyes flashed, as she moved her hips to the side a little, "And so what if I did...?" She said slyly.

I heard Levi scrunch up the paper, and saw his body quiver. "How could you..." He muttered. She's such a psychopath...

I slowly looked up at Natsumi, and a sly smile appeared on her face. My eyes widened in disbelief. Her eyes then locked onto mine and I felt myself stiffen even further. Her smile seemed to widen, smugly.

Her gaze moved back onto Levi's... and he had stopped quivering. "Why...?" He seethed, rage evident in his voice.

"Why you ask? For you... my sweet Levi...!" She teased.

Levi threw the piece of paper down enraged and I could almost see steam radiating off from him. (Just like in burning Levi's cravat XD) I've never seen Levi like that, and truthfully, its scaring me.

"You're. A. Psychopath." He said between gritted teeth. Natsumi's eyes widened by a fraction, and then it went back to normal. By now she had a crazy look on her face.

"Now why do you say that dear? I'd even kill for you. I'm your one true love, fate has destined us to be together, and so we're meant to be. I'm fulfilling our fate. I love you. And you're mine~" Natsumi said with a sadistic look on her face.

Levis eyes had widened, and he looked very enraged.

And just to add even further to our bad luck, the lights switched off in the hallway. I heard Natsumi chuckle darkly.

I looked at Natsumi, intently, and her face looked even more scarier in the dark. And then the worst happened.

She pulled out a long knife from behind and held it, while giving us a murderous glare.

"Oh my Lord..." I barely whispered.

Levi outstretched his arms, as if he was shielding me. He turned around and gave me a glance, almost as if in reassurance. Please Levi... no...

Natsumi laughed crazily. She was not the Natsumi we knew. In fact, this was probably the real Natsumi.

"For You Levi... for us!" She screamed before running towards us, the sharp knife pointed out towards us.


Finished typing it up, and editing it, now it's 04:07 am. 😀😅 Goodnight, or shall I say good morning! 😊😴

See ya, CutieStar36 😁

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